Dr Rae Duncan Profile picture
Dr Rae Duncan MBChB,BSc(HONS), MSc,MD,FRCP, SCMR3,BSE TTE/TOE Accr. Consultant Cardiologist & Long Covid Researcher. #TeamClots #LongCovidKids #WHN.Views my own
9 subscribers
Nov 25, 2024 11 tweets 3 min read
And I believe this is still only the tip of the iceberg.
I’m so upset. I’ve speaking out publicly about this for years trying to warn everyone of the CVS risks from SARS2. Trying to get PH to listen and act to reduce this risk by reducing Sars2 transmission & reinfections 1/2 2/ I’ve been accused of “fear-mongering”. I’ve been accused of trying to capitalise financially from warning people (tbc I have not been paid a SINGLE PENNY for by public advocacy work, and I work in socialised medicine so patients do not pay to come see me)- it seems some people
Oct 23, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
1/I can’t describe how angry I am reading this article(Tweet 2)⬇️
“Don’t worry about the kids” they said (based on no scientific evidence)
“There’s more chance of children being hit by a bus than catching Sars2”
Some even advocated mass infection in children for “herd immunity” 2/those of us worried about potential long term health risks in children, who advocated for the Precautionary Principle were ignored…
….And yet we now have more evidence of replication competent viral persistence in children…while we continue to allow our kids to be
Oct 15, 2024 13 tweets 3 min read
We predicted this & been shouting about this publicly trying to get Gov&PH to put in Public Health protections FOR YEARS to prevent this. And honestly, given that endothelial dysfunction & atherosclerosis are largely silent progressive diseases for several years - I think what 1/ Image
2/we are seeing now is still only the tip of the Iceberg of the cardiovascular disease to come. We know SARS2 reinfections increases the risk of Cardiovascular disease cumulatively yet We are allowing our citizens to get repeatedly reinfected with a vasculotropic virus! We are
Oct 14, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
@broadwaybabyto @drclairetaylor @DaliaHasanMD @PutrinoLab @MLS_Dave @DavidJoffe64 That’s easy
1) to protect myself
2) to protect others
3) because Covid isn’t over, isn’t a cold & is still disabling between 5-7% per infection
4) because it’s damaging our brains and blood vessels - even in some in the absence of symptoms or awareness
5) bc Covid is doubling 1/ @broadwaybabyto @drclairetaylor @DaliaHasanMD @PutrinoLab @MLS_Dave @DavidJoffe64 2/our risk of heart attacks and strokes for up to 3yrs after index infection
6) bc every reinfection cumulatively increases risk of long covid, heart attacks, strokes, other cvs disease, brain damage, neurological disorders including POTS/dysautonomia, risks of dementia &
Oct 11, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
Is this an actual Parody…? While sleeping, eating & drinking are generally good advice for health, & indeed fairly essential for life….NONE of these things are going to stop you catching a highly infectious airborne vasculotropic virus! 🤯1/2

express.co.uk/life-style/hea… 7 things that might *actually* stop you catching Covid XEC:
1) Use multi-layered protections
2) Avoid busy crowded poorly ventilated indoor spaces
3) Wear a well fitting FFP3/N99 respirator when can’t do 2)
4) Ensure adequate ventilation- CO2 monitors & open windows

Oct 5, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
1/witnessed a discussion where one person has told another they shouldn’t speak the truth about Covid bc they could cause real harm by confronting others denialism which may be trauma induced. This made me think. Pandemic induced trauma & MH AND Sars2 induced Chr diseases & LC … 2/BOTH exist and ignoring one to “manage” the other won’t make the existence or risks of either go away. This shouldn’t be & doesn’t need to be an either/or situation. We need to acknowledge and treat both.
Regarding risks of Long COVID we need:
1) better education & PH messaging
Oct 5, 2024 17 tweets 4 min read
@00SarahBear00 @CovidSolidarit1 Hi Sarah 👋. I run a long Covid medical clinic. Been seeing LC patients since mid 2020 before it had a name.The stories are absolutely heartbreaking. And generally have a common theme. So many young previously fit & healthy people who are severely disabled now, often bedridden 1/ @00SarahBear00 @CovidSolidarit1 2/some in almost permanent PEM, many in constant pain, all in a living hell. The vast majority had no real idea of the dangers they were putting themselves in because the lack of honest PH messaging & the volume of misinformation out there made them believe bc they were young 2/
Sep 19, 2024 13 tweets 3 min read
@BBCNews I’m sorry BBC but this reporting slant from the Covid Inquiry is completely disingenuous. If you’ve been watching it is very clear that the real scandal is IPC Guidance, which set the level of protection for health care workers (with knock on effects for patients & families) 1/ @BBCNews 2/was based on NO good scientific evidence and multiple experts raised alarms in 2020 that SARS2 was airborne and HCW were being left unprotected. The IPC dismissed these experts (who were correct), proceeded with fallacious guidance and thousands of health care workers died 2/
Sep 18, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
A - 'At the time and I would say even still we don't understand enough about #LongCovid to be able to give the right messaging'

JFC - if you don’t understand Long Covid then WHY DIDNT YOU ASK THOSE OF US THAT DO??? We’ve been trying to tell you for OVER TWO YEARS!! 1/ 2/ I gave a presentation summary of all the research (with Sammie McF) of what long covid was and is to the Deputy Director of DoH in June 2022 - we have >400,000 research publications! We explained all of it. We also very clearly warned if you remove all PH restrictions without
Sep 17, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
@PeteUK7 Honestly, the utter b****cks that we are having to witness from someone in a position of such power is utterly disgusting. I apologize for my language but I don’t think I can remember the last time I was this angry.

So according to IPC You can’t put an FFP3 on a patient which 1/ @PeteUK7 2/will 1)protect them from a getting sick or dying from contracting a BSL2/3 airborne biohazard & 2) will protect others because they *might exhale virus through a valve* even though most recommended FFP3 DONT HAVE VALVES! So let’s not let them have a protective mask… this is 2/
Sep 13, 2024 15 tweets 3 min read
The IPC cell knowingly denied the science & lied about it to EVERYONE. And thousands died & 199,000 HCW in UK were permanently disabled with lives destroyed. And worse still….we STILL have NO AIRBORNE IPC in hospitals & HCWs & patients are STILL becoming disabled by lack of 1/ 2/effective mitigations in hospitals, where our most vulnerable in society must attend when sick, still being disabled by a virus that is causing LC and organ damage in around 1 in 20 infections! @wesstreeting @GwynneMP I realise you’ve both inherited a huge mess to sort, but 2/
Sep 7, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
@Jean__Fisch 1/Umm, there’s an est upto 400 million people suffering long covid, there’s also been data from ONSstudy dated March 2023 showing 69% NOT recovered in 1yr & 41% NOT recovered in 2yrs with recent ONS data suggesting LC may have ⬆️by upto ~300,000 in 12mths &DOUBLED in kids in Uk @Jean__Fisch 2/in addition to that uk economic modelling from LOCOMOTION suggests LC costing UK economy billions & Cambridge econometrics suggest if LC rates continue to rise by ~300,000 pa then by 2030 LC may be costing uk economy upto £9.3 BILLION & upto 311,000 job losses due to chronic 2/
Sep 2, 2024 32 tweets 9 min read
@Headteacherchat Yes. Please invite myself & my colleagues at Long Covid Expert Advisory team as well as Hazards campaign to come & speak to Educational Leaders about the scientific truths & myths of COVID damage in kids, role of school in transmission & IPC in schools 🙏 @Headteacherchat Especially since the statistics clearly show the high absenteeism is due to pupil sickness 2/3 Image
Aug 26, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
So as we’ve been trying to tell everyone for several years now….the kids are NOT ok….@westreeting @GwynneMP @bphillipsonMP We understand the huge amount of work you’ve inherited from the last Government, but if you could spare us some time can we please share our clinical & 1/2 2/research experience in long Covid with you please? And why it is urgent this growing health crisis (and economic implications of such) is addressed to protect our children & future generations please? 🙏 myself, @BinitaKane @drclairetaylor and several others have spent all 2/
Aug 22, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
It’s finished!! Enclosing the PrePrint ahead of publication of our new manuscript.Delighted to have been part of the team overseeing this modified DELPHI Global consensus document on Long Covid: International consensus from 179 experts across 28 countries
Aug 6, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
1/.@GwynneMP Current biggest Covid wave since 2022.WHO advice: Currently U.K. is not following it. Most citizens cannot access vaccines. Vaccines need to be constantly improved to keep up w/circulating variants which exhibit immune escape. No clean air. No masks in health care 2/no masks (FFP2/3 & KN95 not ineffective cloth or baggy blues) on public transport. No routine testing, no accurate tracking, no support to WFH when infectious. No mitigations in schools. Limited access to antivirals, decentralisation of long covid clinic funding to ICBs with
Jul 21, 2024 10 tweets 2 min read
@GwynneMP These are the things Dr Taylor and I see repeatedly in our clinics. We have a first hand “in the trenches” view of what’s really happening. For most (but certainly not all) people it’s not the index infection we are primarily worried about, it’s everything that comes 1/ 2/after……there is a juggernaut of chronic diseases triggered, caused or exacerbated by Covid barrelling down the Highway towards us, and we are doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to prevent any of it. “Normal” highways have prevention guidelines ie “The Highway Code”-rules of the road,
Jul 9, 2024 16 tweets 5 min read
@BBCMorningLive @xandvt @xandvt I’m really sorry to publicly disagree with another medical professional, but although the acute index infection from Covid may now feel milder for some, there is still a significant risk of post-acute diseases being triggered or worsened by repeat Covid infections….1/ @BBCMorningLive @xandvt 2/research you might like to read:
1. ZAlAly paper - repeat Covid infections cumulative increase risk of long covid, cardiovascular disease, neurological disease, endocrine disease - so “not a cold”

May 24, 2024 11 tweets 2 min read
Read this and get angry and demand change ⬇️
Some of us working in Covid/Long Covid have been calling out the science &potential risks to children & their families for several years, both publicly, internationally & privately - raising concerns repeatedly- thinking naively once the science was out there our PH, Gov & DoE would take action to protect our children. But we’ve been repeatedly ignored. & now we know why…b/c they ALREADY KNEW THE RISKS. And chose to do nothing. And are still chosing to do nothing. & LC rates in kids have now DOUBLED 2/
May 19, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
1/Today I had the most bizarre interaction I’ve ever encountered in an airport. I was travelling back from Spain this afternoon. I was travelling with some companions & I stopped by the “Disabilities Assistance” desk to ask one of the staff a question. I was wearing an FFP3 ..1/ 2/ respirator mask as I always do when travelling through a high risk area. When I approached the disabilities desk the employee jumped out of her seat, backed away & said “Don’t come near me, I don’t want anyone in a mask near me”. I was completely shocked, but assumed she
Apr 29, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
100% This ⬇️. What Gov Policy is doing to our children and their parents is unacceptable, unethical and unforgivable.

Our children cannot advocate for themselves. If those with a legal Duty of Care to protect our children’s health are failing to enact that Duty of Care, as…1/ Parents we all have two choices…we can sit back and do nothing and watch our kids become progressively sicker more frequently with some ending up disabled with an illness that currently as no known cure, or we can unit collectively and demand change - & hold those responsible 2/