Climate scientists just said the failure to tackle global warming is because democracy is rigged by capitalists. You didn't hear about it🧵
A new study by James Hansen, known as the father of global warming, and other scientists says climate change might be worse than most projections. The media, from CNN to the Guardian to the New York Times, reported this
Hansen and colleagues also said something else. They said democracy is rigged. "One person/one vote has been replaced by one dollar/one vote. Special financial interests...are allowed to buy politicians. It is no wonder climate is running out of control." This went unreported
They're right. The fossil fuel industry spends tens of millions of dollars making sure politicians dig for more fossil fuels and build more pipelines. Chemical companies spent $54 million on US senators before a big update on a chemicals law…
Big meat and dairy companies have spent $2.5 billion in the last twenty years in the US lobbying for weaker rules on pollution, chemicals and greenhouse gases…
In the EU, agribusinesses hosted virtual wine tastings and other events to water down new EU climate regulation…
His comments about democracy were in the press release. No one used them. The mass media rarely platform those whose prescriptions for ecological disaster involve fundamentally turning away from a growth capitalist consumer economy and making something new
The world’s largest degrowth conference happened earlier this year. Lots of journalists attended but there were no stories. A leading degrowth academic said that journalists told her “my editor refuses to print any story critical of economic growth.”
Climate scientists want us to look at the fundamental failings inherent within corporate-controlled democracies. To hear about that, you’ll have to go beyond the mainstream press. Sources and to read more:
In 2020, scientists who specialise in the 1918 flu pandemic warned clearly and explicitly: "Covid is setting us up for one hundred years of problems." Our leaders were warned what mass covid infection would do. They ignored those warnings🧵
In the 20th century the world experienced a coronary heart disease epidemic which peaked in the 60s and tailed off in the 90s. No definitive cause has ever been agreed. Many argued for smoking, but the data didn't always fit well. In 2004 researchers pointed to the 1918 flu
In particular, they said flu *reinfections* may have been to blame for the epidemic. “Immune responses elicited at each new encounter with flu virus may reactivate inflammatory pathways to coronary heart disease originally established by a first encounter with the virus.”
For years little progress has been made treating diseases like myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome. Why? Because establishment doctors collaborated with governments to classify chronic illnesses as psychosomatic to restrict state benefit payments🧵
This is a story about knights. Two of them. Sir Simon Wessely and Sir Mansel Aylward, two one of the most powerful figures in the British medical establishment. Men who for years told people, and advised governments, that chronic illness, in particular ME/CFS, was all in the mind
Wessely, a psychiatrist, is a solid British establishment man. A fellow of the academy of medical science and the royal society, regius professor of psychiatry at King's College, director of the King's centre for military health research, an advisor to the British army and more
It turns out the British government gave more than 2.3 million vulnerable and older people a covid vaccine that isn’t matched to the currently dominant covid strains. And they did it to use up old stock and save money🧵
The UK's covid booster roll-out began on September 11th. Only on October 2nd in England and Wales was stock switched to the updated XBB vaccine. But by September 29th the British government reported 2.35 million people had been boosted with the old vaccine…
They did it to use up old stock and save money. The UK government website spells it out in the language of cost-effectiveness and pre-procurement. They used people’s bodies as asset dumps for old, less effective medical stock.…
From 2020 to 2021 every marker of poverty plummeted in the richest countries. A return to pre-pandemic normal was therefore contingent on erasing covid - and covid era policies - from the collective consciousness. A🧵
In 2021, US poverty fell to a record low, as did child poverty, which was almost halved, an achievement without precedent in modern US history…
In the UK, homelessness, which had increased 141 percent in a decade, was effectively ended. A homeless man provided with housing in London said
"corona was the best thing to ever happen to us."
The other day a story about long covid risk being exaggerated appeared across mainstream media outlets, garnering millions of views. It revealed a major problem with how news originates, particularly through news agencies such as PA Media, Associated Press, Reuters 🧵
The story in question began life as an opinion piece by 3 medical academics renowned for downplaying covid and taking an activist stance to ensure society takes no covid safety measures. It was coordinated by Vinay Prasad, a professor at the University of California
It was published in the BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine, a low impact journal. As the covid and long covid experts at the Putrino Lab said, the lack of scientific rigour behind it meant it "may as well have been a blog piece."
The last few weeks have seen record breaking heat for many parts of the world, yet how many of these events have you seen in the news? Extreme heat is becoming normalised on an overheating planet 🧵
The 'longest heatwave in world climatic history' is ongoing in Japan. Have you read about this?
The heat in Japan has been incredible for months. July and August were the hottest July and August ever in Japan. September will be the hottest September ever.