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Disease, covid, ecology, empire, other stuff. I write about these things at the link below. Email me tips:
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Jun 17 9 tweets 2 min read
People often keep their ill-health a secret because in capitalist societies with supremacist foundations ill health is considered a personal failing and a sign of weakness. Becoming 'unproductive' is treated like a crime unto the system This mindset is embedded into institutions, from governmental to medical and is why people with chronic illness are so often dismissed by doctors and told to get back to work by the state. To support you in your ill health would be considered rewarding of weakness
Jun 6 8 tweets 2 min read
In late May Argentina's far-right leader Javier Milei toured Silicon Valley, meeting the billionaire tech elite. Earlier in May he'd hosted Peter Thiel, boss of spy tech company Palantir, a key US, NATO and Israel contractor, at Argentina's presidential mansion. What's going on? The short answer is that Milei is attempting to destroy the foundations of the regulated welfare state in Argentina. And this is good for the tech elite who crave blank, country-sized canvases onto which they can project their dreams of a trans-human future
May 28 4 tweets 1 min read
One fact almost universally misunderstood about the covid pandemic is that after 2020, excess mortality was higher for adults under 55 than over 55. That trend persists to this day Table showing excess mortality 2021and 2022 through age groups including and excluding covid These tables are by the US Society of Actuaries. In the first 6 months of 2023 excess mortality actually came in negative (anything under 100% is lower than expected) for most age groups over 55 and was highest in 35-44 year olds Image
May 3 21 tweets 4 min read
Scientists have found what they call 'the master regulator' of the immune system in the human brain. If it holds up it's a stunning discovery that could transform treatments for autoimmune disease and post-viral illnesses. What did they find, and how?🧵 They found that neurons in a part of the brain known as the caudal Nucleus of the Solitary Tract (cNST) fire, or misfire, to produce a balanced or dysregulated immune and inflammatory response. They found, in their own words, “a new brain circuit.”
May 2 5 tweets 2 min read
This is big. Scientists have identified the cells in the brainstem that sense immune cues from the body and act as "master regulators" of the body’s inflammatory response. "The discovery is akin to a black-swan event. It's a whole layer of biology we haven’t even anticipated” Found: the dial in the brain that controls the immune system Scientists identify the brain cells that regulate inflammation, and pinpoint how they keep tabs on the immune response. "Finding ways to control this newly discovered body–brain network would offer an approach to fixing broken immune responses in various conditions such as autoimmune diseases and even long COVID, Jin says." h/t @oldfshndanne…
May 2 4 tweets 2 min read
Chimps in Uganda have started eating bat faeces after their regular food source, the rafia palm, was wiped out by tobacco farming. When scientists tested the bat guano they detected 27 novel viruses, including a previously unknown coronavirus… Despite what you might have heard, global demand for tobacco is rising, not falling, leading to more area being cleared for tobacco farming. By 2030 tobacco sales will top a record $1trn…
Apr 6 4 tweets 1 min read
Apparently dairy farms in Texas have been refusing access to avian flu H5N1 researchers because it 'might damage their business.' Capitalism can't stop pandemics. Oh, and the researchers think that it's probably airborne Q: What have you learned from your study that is looking for infections in farmers and their cattle? A: We’ve been funded now for about 8 months. Initially, we thought we would be able to work with many farms in Texas, because they’re concerned about keeping their animals free from disease. But there’s been a real resistance to collaborating with us. There’s concern that we might find something that would damage their business. Well, now they have something that’s damaging to their business. And we’re standing by ready to assist in a way that would help us identify the transmission pathway.... Also seems researchers have been doing good vibes only strategy on H5N1, spit-balling the idea that cows are probably 'sort of immune' to H5N1 disease and transmission Image
Apr 5 4 tweets 1 min read
Dystopian pandemic movie script: A new virus emerges, the ruling dynasty disappears it with propaganda, infections continue, a collective amnesia takes hold, sufferers are forced to illegally source antivirals, others crowdfund their own deaths as the disease debilitates them It would be a really harrowing watch. Even doctors and experts would push propaganda about the virus, many would deny that it can even cause a disease. Sufferers would visit doctors and be told they have anxiety
Mar 26 5 tweets 1 min read
'Health reasons.' He LITERALLY SAID it was long covid. This PBS article doesn't mention it at all PBS article headline UN humanitarian chief Martin Griffiths is stepping down for health reasons If he said it was because of HIV or malaria do you think they would have omitted it? Going to be interesting to see how other mass media report it
Mar 12 4 tweets 1 min read
Unlike flu, covid is not seasonal. Unlike measles, it is not one-and-done vaccine preventable. Unlike cold-causing rhinoviruses, it is not mild. Covid challenged governments to create new protocols for a virus that couldn't be plugged into existing frameworks. They utterly failed For this reason, Sarscov2 is a bellwether virus, revealing the rotten underbelly of stagnating institutions unable to adapt to the rapidly changing circumstances thrown up by global industrial civilization. It bodes ill for our future
Feb 15 11 tweets 3 min read
Here’s a fact not many know: Israel’s prime minister from 1983 to 1992 was the leader of a terrorist group that massacred a Palestinian village, assassinated UN mediators, carried out bomb attacks in Europe and sought an alliance with the Nazis to expel Jews from Germany 🧵 Yitzhak Shamir was Israel’s seventh prime minister and a leader of the Zionist terror group Lehi. Founded in 1940, Lehi’s avowed aim was ‘a new totalitarian Hebrew republic’ and the mass expulsion of Arabs from Palestine. Lehi writings regularly depicted Arabs as the slave race
Feb 13 4 tweets 2 min read
CDC changing covid isolation guidelines because 'most people' have immunity. This will be a surprise to the near 10,000 people who died of covid in January and the tens of thousands more that will die in the coming months. Nothing more than eugenics for capitalism Clip from Washington post story about CDC changing 5 day isolation guidelines for covid with the justification that 'most people' have developed a level of immunity de-paywalled story
Jan 16 14 tweets 4 min read
The professor who said yesterday the JN.1 strain of covid is 'the mildest yet' in a New Scientist article has been instrumental in engineering the covid as cold narrative. One quote of his in particular is a case study in hegemonic covid propaganda 🧵 On 28th December, 2021 Paul Hunter, a microbiologist at the University of East Anglia in the UK appeared on the BBC's popular live breakfast TV show and said: ‘Ultimately, we’re going to have to let people who are positive with Covid go about their normal lives as they...
Jan 11 4 tweets 2 min read
From yesterday. TWO AND A HALF YEARS after the end of all pandemic control measures in the UK Independent headline: Lack of virus exposure due to covid may be driving never ending colds Actually haven't seen an immunity debt grifter in the wild for some time now. Here we have two. Jeremy Brown at university college London and GP Alisha Esmail Brown says ' this is not covid impairing immunity but lack of exposure to viruses weakening immunity'
Jan 5 4 tweets 1 min read
The instinctive anti-China mindset of the western media and political class meant that when China kept locking down after reaching covid vaccination targets, it was presented as evil Chinese authoritarians just doing what they do. In reality, China had a plan. And that plan... was to delay opening up until the approval of a group of anti-virals that would treat Sars2 and covid like the immune system harming virus and disease it is. As this thread explains, China is 'recalibrating the human immune system’s response to covid.'

Jan 2 4 tweets 2 min read
In September 2021, well into the covid vaccine era, when asked when the pandemic would be under control, Anthony Fauci said 'you've got be under 10,000 infections a day to feel comfortable.' Next week infections in the US will peak at 2 million per day Source:…
Dec 31, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
Four years ago today a doctor in Wuhan reported a mystery pneumonia, whose origin was an unknown virus. Today, transmission of that virus is as high as it has ever been since that point. Millions of people a day. This is total, utter and astounding failure That virus has killed about 25 million people in four years, and disabled millions more. It is now the leading cause of infectious disease death, in adults and children. It is the biggest mass death event in US history
Dec 29, 2023 17 tweets 4 min read
In 2015 a vaccine was approved to prevent meningitis B, a leading cause of infectious disease death in children. We were told it was a breakthrough, the first ever to fight the disease. It was a lie 🧵 Meningitis B is incredibly dangerous to babies and children. It sickens tens of thousands, and kills 10% of those it infects. Survivors are often left with brain damage, epilepsy, hearing loss, or the loss of limbs after undergoing amputation to stem the infection
Dec 14, 2023 25 tweets 6 min read
Researchers recently ran 150,000 simulations and found a near 30% chance of another pandemic happening within just nine years. The global economy is a pandemic factory. And the conditions for an outbreak only become ever-more favourable 🧵 The researchers identified air travel, intensive agriculture, deforestation and climate change as key reasons. But a bigger truth must be noted: these risk factors do not emerge organically. They are products of an economic system designed primarily to satisfy ruling class greed
Dec 6, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
New study shows nearly 50% of people in Africa have long covid. Disastrous. Mass covid infection, like climate breakdown, is an issue of north-south equity and justice. Too many people still don't get this. The researchers analysed 25 papers out of thousands, covering 29,200 participants from march 2020 to February 2023…
Nov 27, 2023 21 tweets 4 min read
A couple of weeks ago I shared the crowdfunder for a young British woman and mum of four who is raising £10,000 to be euthanised in Switzerland after being left bedbound and disabled by covid. Last week we exchanged messages. This is her story 🧵 Kelly Louise Smith-May was a healthy, active mum of four young children when, in late December 2021, she was infected by SarsCov2, the virus that causes covid. By this point, omicron was dominant. Kelly lives in Yate, just outside the city of Bristol in the UK