In January 2023, the epidemiologist & former Medical Director for Global Projects at Exxon Mobil turned VP Covid Collaborative wrote an article calling for a societal paradigm shift to “accept exposure.”
He published this today, calling for a LongCovid “paradigm shift.”
January 2023: The Covid Pandemic Will Be Over When Americans Think It Is
“New courageous ‘accept exposure’ policies, public education and behavior change strategies are needed to capture the benefits of the new paradigm.”…
These articles target policymakers and experts, and this strategy works BEAUTIFULLY.
We keep consulting the same eugenicists who have been leading us down the primrose path to premature death, as we continue to die for ideology. Public health is dead, & public opinion and behavior are tightly controlled.
On the left, a snippet from Stephen Phillips’ January Time article. On the right, the Time article Stephen Phillips published today.
All these “paradigm shifts” he lovingly refers to benefit business at the expense of humanity. Profits over people, until we collectively drop.
I keep seeing people calling out this article but not THE AUTHOR—the former Medical Director for Global Projects at Exxon Mobil, now VP of Science & Strategy for the Covid Collaborative, & man who called for a paradigm shift to “accept exposure” back in January.
The US partnered with the worst people on the planet from the very beginning of the pandemic, and the Biden administration has expanded those partnerships under the tutelage of pandemic profiteer Jeff Zients, who was initially our Covid Czar & is now Biden’s Chief Staff. Thread
There is no testing or data left. For example, hospital-acquired Covid isn’t reported to the CDC, many states aren’t reporting data at all, NYS will no longer report positivity or Covid patients in the ICU. They are free to cull us because the carnage is no longer reported.
This was announced ahead of the brutal incoming winter wave. I don’t think people understand what is happening.
At the same time we learned “an unusual number of children” are dying in Buffalo, NYS announced they will no longer report positivity or Covid patients in ICU.
The powers-that-be are advocating for a “paradigm shift” that will lessen the burden on business but ramp up the mass disease/disability/death & public suffering because they know they can get away with it. Their nefarious plans are WELL underway. We should have shut this down in 2021, but we did not. Sadly, we never had a chance because our corporate overlords, working closely with governments & media, funded all-encompassing propaganda campaigns. They sprang into action & programmed the public to reject public health & pandemic measures. This will affect the humans who survive for decades to come, & we did it all for corporate profits & billionaires—billionaires who have seen their assets double since 2020. What a *colossal* waste.
Everything is going according to plan. Mainstream media hasn’t printed a single article about the RECORD DEATH. The DailyKos article I reposted below was the only place I ever saw the DRAMATIC record deaths data reported. In 2023, a single USA Today article announced 34% more Americans ages 35-44 died than expected. We were told it’s not Covid though. 🥴🥴
They were able to say “and it’s not Covid” because we had just gotten rid of ALL our testing and data. We haven’t had Covid data FOR YEARS.
I’m so fascinated by the way all of society still has no idea Covid does this. Everyone is obsessed with longevity, AND YET, our only plan is endless mass reinfection with the novel pathogen that accelerates biological aging.
Perhaps billionaires & corporations will discover the secret to longevity from all the data they collect at our expense.
All of this is occurring right in front of our faces.
PS: The 2021 science that found SARS-CoV-2 shortens telomeres and accelerates biological aging VERY CLEARLY does not say “In LongCovid patients,” it says “In COVID survivors.” We acknowledged EVERYONE will be affected right up until the Great Unmasking, when they started lying & saying only those mysterious LongCovid bodies are affected. Oh my sweet summer children, the truth is so bleak…
There is 3x more Covid circulating than there was at this time in 2021, & much higher Covid transmission than this time in 2022. The pandemic has been “over” for 3 years.
Most of the almost 4M weekly cases won’t be reported on paper. When Covid complications ultimately disable/kill you, society will say, “What Covid? Sounds like a YOU problem.”
Every time I post about the 5 years of RECORD PREMATURE DEATH the U.S. has been ignoring, including the largest increase in pediatric mortality in over 50 years (quietly reported during the Biden admin), I am never prepared for the reams of replies going, “But why?! Why are so many young Americans dying?” I die a little more inside, resign myself to the fact that young people WILL continue dying to maintain the record corporate profits & we will LIKE IT, & I carry on. What a colossal waste of humanity.
2017, 2022, 2023, & 2024
Thread…I’ve posted this article like 10,759 times since it was published in January 2022, as it was the ONLY time I ever saw this data reported.
THERE IS A REASON THE ENTIRE WORLD WAS PROGRAMMED TO FOCUS EXCLUSIVELY ON COVID VACCINES, INSTEAD OF THE VIRUS. There is a reason people were programmed to believe they could simply get vaccines & then check out—even though it was never, ever true.
Covid is causing immunodeficiency, & we have known since 2020, but no one wanted to hear it. “You Do You” public health was a scam designed SPECIFICALLY to maintain those RECORD profits & those RECORD prices while everyone gets sicker & sicker & sicker, before dying prematurely in public.
THESE LYING LIARS HAVE KNOWN ALL ALONG. Government, media, employers, medicine—they all knew. Sadly, the public was misled to believe they were permanently Marked Safe. This was never, ever true. This is going to collapse society.
Everyone is freaking out because the CDC has stopped reporting flu surveillance data to the WHO, & I just think it’s highly amusing people think we have had accurate data. We haven’t had accurate ILI data since 2021-2022, when we decided to coexist with Covid & group it with flu.
See, some of us understand public health’s collapse began years ago, & we moved through all of the stages of grief while y’all were brunching & celebrating the pretend end to the pandemic—it was all fantasy, friends. NOW people are horrified. Join the club. We’ve been waiting for you.
This is the thread I made when the CDC really began to embrace the data manipulation. Next, they changed the metrics & the data presentation—multiple times.