Laura Miers Profile picture
Pro-Kindness/Compassion/Love. Wealth inequality will destroy us. Ex-Texan, Global citizen. Law, Medicine, Sustainability, Languages. LongCovid since 2020.
33 subscribers
Mar 2 8 tweets 4 min read
I’m seeing a lot of LongCovid “recovery” talk again. For me (& countless others), LongCovid is a constellation of permanent medical conditions affecting multiple organs that I will have for the rest of my life. These diagnoses are almost certain to shorten my life expectancy, particularly since I acquired them in my 30s, & because they’re afflicting essential organs like my heart & brain. While I can function more normally after five years of serious illness & three years in bed, I will never be “recovered.”

Since people aren’t being routinely monitored, a lot of these serious complications aren’t being caught by doctors in time, & that’s why so many people are dropping dead. LongCovid isn’t a feeling that goes away, it’s often life-altering multi-organ damage & permanent or multiple catastrophic chronic illnesses. And then there’s all the people who are acquiring various diseases & organ damage months & years after COVID infections, but they don’t classify themselves as having “LongCovid” because they so often don’t even realize COVID triggered all their new medical problems. There’s a reason the educational COVID coverage ended in 2022, & the Back to Normal minimizing coverage began. SO MANY PEOPLE are sick, & no one wants to pay for it. Having ANY training in medicine or nursing delivers a death blow to Everything is Fineism because I know EXACTLY what having arrhythmia & unstable hypertension means for my future. I know EXACTLY what neurodegenerative processes are. I know the immune dysfunction is bad long term. I know the mystery masses in multiple organs that aren’t being monitored will end poorly. But convincing medicine of this after they were instructed to check right out & ignore it all is another thing entirely. I’ve never seen denial like this before. I’ve never seen people ignore all their training & pretend people aren’t sick because it’s politically convenient. It’s pathological, & it is causing immense harm.
Mar 1 8 tweets 3 min read
Everything is going according to plan. Mainstream media hasn’t printed a single article about the RECORD DEATH. The DailyKos article I reposted below was the only place I ever saw the DRAMATIC record deaths data reported. In 2023, a single USA Today article announced 34% more Americans ages 35-44 died than expected. We were told it’s not Covid though. 🥴🥴News Nation: Social Security given $205 billion boost due to COVID deaths: report  The figure was offset by survivor benefits and lost tax revenue More than one million Americans died from COVID Some may use their Social Security benefits earlier due to COVID They were able to say “and it’s not Covid” because we had just gotten rid of ALL our testing and data. We haven’t had Covid data FOR YEARS.
Feb 27 8 tweets 2 min read
I’m so fascinated by the way all of society still has no idea Covid does this. Everyone is obsessed with longevity, AND YET, our only plan is endless mass reinfection with the novel pathogen that accelerates biological aging.

Perhaps billionaires & corporations will discover the secret to longevity from all the data they collect at our expense. All of this is occurring right in front of our faces.
Feb 26 8 tweets 3 min read
There is 3x more Covid circulating than there was at this time in 2021, & much higher Covid transmission than this time in 2022. The pandemic has been “over” for 3 years.

Most of the almost 4M weekly cases won’t be reported on paper. When Covid complications ultimately disable/kill you, society will say, “What Covid? Sounds like a YOU problem.” 3x the transmission of February 2021
Feb 23 7 tweets 3 min read
Every time I post about the 5 years of RECORD PREMATURE DEATH the U.S. has been ignoring, including the largest increase in pediatric mortality in over 50 years (quietly reported during the Biden admin), I am never prepared for the reams of replies going, “But why?! Why are so many young Americans dying?” I die a little more inside, resign myself to the fact that young people WILL continue dying to maintain the record corporate profits & we will LIKE IT, & I carry on. What a colossal waste of humanity. 2017, 2022, 2023, & 2024 Bloomberg: Americans Are Dying Younger, Saving Corporations Billions  Life expectancy gains have stalled. The grim silver lining? Lower pension cost
Daily Kos January 5, 2022 “Death rates up 40% setting new 200 year high life insurance company CEO says” by Walter Einekel
Business Insider: US millennial women are now more likely to die in their late 20s and early 30s than any generation since the World War II era: report Matthew Loh Dec 11, 2023, 10:57 PM EST
Bloomberg UK: “Deaths are up post Covid and so are funeral stock: Prognosis
Feb 22 12 tweets 5 min read
THERE IS A REASON THE ENTIRE WORLD WAS PROGRAMMED TO FOCUS EXCLUSIVELY ON COVID VACCINES, INSTEAD OF THE VIRUS. There is a reason people were programmed to believe they could simply get vaccines & then check out—even though it was never, ever true.

Covid is causing immunodeficiency, & we have known since 2020, but no one wanted to hear it. “You Do You” public health was a scam designed SPECIFICALLY to maintain those RECORD profits & those RECORD prices while everyone gets sicker & sicker & sicker, before dying prematurely in public. THESE LYING LIARS HAVE KNOWN ALL ALONG. Government, media, employers, medicine—they all knew. Sadly, the public was misled to believe they were permanently Marked Safe. This was never, ever true. This is going to collapse society.
Feb 13 9 tweets 3 min read
Everyone is freaking out because the CDC has stopped reporting flu surveillance data to the WHO, & I just think it’s highly amusing people think we have had accurate data. We haven’t had accurate ILI data since 2021-2022, when we decided to coexist with Covid & group it with flu. See, some of us understand public health’s collapse began years ago, & we moved through all of the stages of grief while y’all were brunching & celebrating the pretend end to the pandemic—it was all fantasy, friends. NOW people are horrified. Join the club. We’ve been waiting for you.
Feb 12 10 tweets 4 min read
I fear the next big thing is going to be mono. Since 2021, when RSV + Covid coinfections kicked off, series of problematic pathogens have surged simultaneously in Let It Rip western countries. In 2022, the RECORD strep began, & Covid + strep coinfections were causing record brain infections. Then came the mycoplasma. In 2023, HMPV began surging in the U.S. 2024 brought influenza A.

My family has so often been a canary in the coal mine. My kid had influenza A over Spring Break last year. Now he has mono. I’ve been hearing mono is hospitalizing young people en masse, & people are getting VERY ILL—like something has changed (could it be THE HOSTS?!) Since 2020, we have known SARS-CoV-2 causes immunodeficiency & deletes CD8s, which confer immunity to intracellular pathogens. As these intracellular pathogens surge at RECORD LEVELS around the world, we STILL aren’t connecting it to Covid. There are SWARMS of pathogens. Something is wrong, & I keep seeing all these overlapping disease patterns I struggle to articulate. It’s so unsettling… I don’t like it.

“Amber tested positive for Covid about a month ago, but she just died unexpectedly from complications on Wednesday.

After she came down with COVID, Byron said his daughter never fully recovered & battled strep throat & mono.”

The patterns make my stomach hurt.…WVTM 13: “Father prepares to lay his daughter to rest after Covid complications a month after testing positive.” August 30, 2024
Feb 11 25 tweets 7 min read
My brain has changed so much since Covid ate it, & I’m mourning it like a death. When Covid hit, I was reading EVERYTHING I could get my hands on. For years. I combed through ALL the science & news articles, & researched far & wide. Friends, I can’t read anything anymore. My attention span is too short, comprehension is difficult, & the best I can do is skim. It’s like someone else’s brain was dumped into my skull. I’m a different person now. Other accounts have taken over my old job, & I just kind of watch, but I can’t keep up. I can confidently say the effects on the brain are ABSOLUTELY degenerative, & the people who think they were spared simply can’t see what’s happening to them. This will contribute to humanity’s rapid downfall. I wonder when we’re going to quit infecting & reinfecting all the babies & kids? We can only blame lockdowns or “learning loss” for so long. And we all know it, too. Friendly reminder: This is also happening to our politicians, surgeons, pilots, attorneys, judges, & to every other important person in society. There is no plan, & we don’t talk about it.
Feb 9 20 tweets 7 min read
I must say, watching everyone suddenly wake up & begin caring about the MASSIVE tuberculosis outbreaks we have been studiously ignoring in the U.S. for the last 3 years now makes me gag a little bit. People don’t understand what they missed. They think it’s all brand new. How in the hell are we supposed to change course when the general public isn’t allowed to hear about all these outbreaks until it’s politically convenient? Oh well. We had a good run.
Feb 7 5 tweets 2 min read
Three years after NYS shut down live bird markets & then promptly reopened them, two years after all 12 species at a Brooklyn bird market tested positive for H5N1, & one year after H5N1 was detected in NYC parks & green spaces, they’re shutting down live bird markets again. CNN: “New York temporarily shuts down live bird markets in several countries after bird flu detected in poultry.” February 7, 2025 Carma Hassan July 2023: “All 12 species at the market, including guineas, Muscovy ducks, silkies and red fowl, tested positive for avian influenza.”…Lancaster farming. “avian influenza found in Brooklyn bird market” Philip gruber July 26, 2023
Feb 3 4 tweets 2 min read
In 2021, a report warned the system would collapse if even a few million Americans were disabled by Covid & filed for benefits.

No funding was allocated.

The U.S. has reported RECORD disability for several years now. The U.S. reported a stunning 43% increase in cognitive disabilities since 2019. Tens of millions of Americans are newly disabled. August 2021: “If only 10% of the (then) 34 million Americans that were affected by Covid-19 get long-haul symptoms and try to apply for these services, our system that is already overwhelmed & underfunded is going to collapse.”…Bloomberg: “‘If only 10% of the 34 million Americans that were affected by Covid-19 get long haul symptoms and try to apply for these services, our system that is already overwhelmed and underfunded is going to collapse,’ Megan Buckles senior policy analyst at the Center for American Progress’ disability Justice initiative said at a panel ahead of the report’s release. “Health disparities were here long before Covid-19, and if we have this huge push to go back to normal, that will be deadly, and that will be deadly for the most marginalized communities — Black, brown, indigenous people of c...
Feb 3 9 tweets 4 min read
The public has no concept of what happened in 2021.

Transplant patients, cancer patients, & the immunocompromised were openly sacrificed. We knew they were still dying of COVID despite vaccines, but it was buried because The Great Unmasking promised record profits.

Now we know Covid is oncogenic, & it causes immunodeficiency along with multi-organ damage, so we’re all going to be sacrificed. Oops.NYT May 27, 2021 “The Great Unmasking” David Brooks Opinion October 2021, like 5 months into The Great Unmasking. We decided to sacrifice cancer patients anyway.
Feb 3 5 tweets 3 min read
Take a trip down memory lane with me, to January 2023, when the former Medical Director for Global Projects at Exxon & current VP of Science & Strategy for the Covid Collaborative kicked off the “ACCEPT EXPOSURE” era amid record disease, disability, & death.

The article was titled “The Covid Pandemic Will Be Over When Americans Think It Is,” & it was written by an epidemiologist.

(Read the whole 🧵)Time: The U.S. is now at a major pandemic crossroad. “Follow the science” has been a central policy guidepost in the pandemic. Science and public health knowledge and expertise is the conduit to both sound policy and public education through media channels. New courageous “accept exposure” policies, public education and behavior change strategies are needed to capture the benefits of the new paradigm. This could be a major step in bridging our national COVID divide. He told us which segments of society should be targeted to “catalyze and speed up a frame-shift.”

AND IT WORKED. Time: There are three segments of society—policymakers, experts (scientists, biomedical and public health practitioners), and the media—that form an ecosystem that has played a major interactive role in shaping our current pandemic paradigm. This ecosystem is also the one that could help catalyze and speed a frame-shift.
Feb 2 12 tweets 4 min read
So this is extremely chilling… Blue states have been busily bringing back forced institutionalization after it was banned in the 60s, so they can help private equity bank on our suffering by tossing the people who don’t qualify for incarceration into for-profit institutions.
Jan 30 7 tweets 3 min read
Who remembers 2023, when the Pentagon blew off widespread Covid in military pilots; & then in 2024, the U.S. reported a 43% increase in cognitive disabilities since 2019? Military Pilots Reported 1,700% More Medical Incidents During the Pandemic. The Pentagon Says They Just Had COVID They said it was “just Covid.”…Military dot com; The number of medical events that triggered official reporting requirements among U.S. military pilots rose more than 1,700% from 2019 to 2022, an increase the Pentagon says was the result of COVID-19.
Jan 29 7 tweets 3 min read
Story time: In early 2020, Covid paralyzed my entire GI tract, top to bottom. I rapidly lost 60 lbs & I believed I was terminally ill. I went to male GI doctor after male GI doctor, & I walked away with an assortment of anxiety diagnoses. I couldn’t eat, all my food sat in my chest, & I had to drink 2 cups of Milk of Magnesia to “clean out” once a week. That shit is ABHORRENT. It makes me gag just thinking about it. I was miserable for FIVE YEARS—5 years!—until I saw a female PA four months ago. As it turns out, I have been on the wrong GI drug for gastroparesis/achalasia for the last few years because my male doctors absolutely would not listen to me, & they refused to acknowledge COVID causes GI complications. They were certain I was full of shit (both literally & figuratively, I guess) & so they put me on a pointless drug with a black box warning for sudden death, presumably for a placebo effect. It did nothing, but I dutifully took it, certain the miracle was going to happen any moment. Instead, I languished in misery FOR YEARS, expecting to die. I’ve been on the new drug 4 months now, & I’ve gained 9 lbs. I have an appetite for the first time in 5 years. My quality of life has improved. I had a GI recheck today, & it was the FIRST TIME I’ve been able to report success since 2020. The PA teared up a bit when I profusely thanked her & credited her for the abrupt improvement in my quality of life. Doctors, please listen to patients. Suffering patients, don’t give up. There are compassionate & helpful providers out there waiting for you, but finding them is a full-time job. PS: All of medicine still has no idea this is occurring.
Jan 27 5 tweets 2 min read
Since this app hides all my consumption threads, I’m going to try writing it in code. In 2022, consumption increased 26% in U.S. kids under age 5. In 2023, consumption increased in all ages, with the largest increase reported in U.S. kids ages 5-14. Consumption is RAMPANT among students & teachers in our unsafe schools. There is a distinct lack of public awareness. In 2020, we were warned SARS2 reactivates latent consumption, & we needed to be vigilant. We were not. There was a consumption CLUSTER reported in a PA children’s hospital last year. There have been TWO consumption outbreaks linked to bone grafts since 2021. Multi drug resistant consumption has been popping up too. This medieval pathogen is poised to consume us whole, & no one seems to care. People don’t even know what it is anymore. WOW, IT WORKED. More than 100 eyes finally saw this information in under 24 hours. I wish I had tried speaking in code years earlier. Whatever you do, don’t say the T word.
Jan 24 7 tweets 3 min read
Everyone is talking about the HPV vaccine, but NO ONE is talking about this. 2024 Rapid progression of CD8 and CD4 T cells to cellular exhaustion and senescence during SARS-CoV2 infection Get access  Arrow Rodrigo Balsinha Pedroso,   Lícia Torres, Lucas Araújo Ventura,   Giovanna Caliman Camatta, Catarina Mota,   Ana Catarina Mendes,   Filipa Ribeiro, Henrique Cerqueira Guimarães,   Rafael Calvão Barbuto, Felipe Caixeta  ... Show more Journal of Leukocyte Biology, Volume 116, Issue 6, December 2024, Pages 1385–1397, Published: 19 September 2024  Article history
Jan 22 9 tweets 4 min read
I’m laughing at all the people who said NOTHING—absolutely NOTHING—when the previous administration got rid of all our Covid data & ended the public health emergency amid record Covid, & they didn’t say a thing when Americans died prematurely in record numbers for 4 years, & they ignored it all when H5N1 started infecting American humans & pets TWO YEARS AGO, & they didn’t say a thing when US kids ages 5-14 reported the largest increases in TUBERCULOSIS, & they said nothing as C. auris infected infants in a cardiac unit of a US children’s hospital, & they said NOTHING as the U.S. reported record syphilis & congenital syphilis, and they stayed ENTIRELY SILENT through 4 years of RECORD disease & disability, as the US government systematically removed our remote work options amid record low productivity & “chronic absenteeism,” but now they’re like “The Trump administration is ending public health comms, the sky is falling.” Public health comms ended in 2021, y’all. Please keep up. The moral of the story is Both Sides are working together to defund & destroy public health in order to benefit business at humanity’s expense. Those who pretend otherwise tuned out in 2021, & they are only just now tuning back in after ignoring FOUR YEARS of carnage. Neither side can be trusted to do the right thing.
Jan 18 4 tweets 2 min read
Today I spoke to someone who lost two young adult children unexpectedly in 2022, & it took them 3 years to realize Covid may have contributed. Our governments & corporate overlords force us to ignore the ongoing RECORD PREMATURE DEATH, but they also destroy people’s MEMORIES. Individuals & their lifestyles are blamed for their premature deaths, despite the YEARS & YEARS of conclusive evidence proving COVID is absolutely, unequivocally the culprit. It’s utterly sickening, & these deaths are only going to accelerate as time passes & people collect infections & reinfections like Pokémon. The public has NO IDEA the record death is even occurring, because the same people who hijacked public health & government have also hijacked media.

“The record death isn’t a result of 5 years of unmitigated Covid meets for-profit healthcare, it’s the screens/lockdowns/diet/age/weight/preexisting conditions/sexual preference. It’s your fault.”

And since the entire blame falls on individuals, no changes will ever be necessary. When you realize exactly the same thing is occurring in all Let It Rip countries simultaneously, complete with exactly the same “Anything but Covid” gaslighting, one begins to wonder if it’s a coordinated culling.