Quick thread on portable air cleaners.
It's important to use the right type & number of devices.
It can be complicated but using air filters that are too small or that use ineffective tech doesn't provide the best protection that air filtration can offer.
It isn't a question of buying just any air filter & thinking it has solved the issue.
Often I see products used that are undersized for the space, too noisy to operate or that use unnecessary gadgets that likely have no impact.
It's important to research & understand first.
It's made more complicated due to insufficient info about products being easily available.
Many products exaggerate true performance imo.
For example, ideally we'd know CADR, noise & power usage for each speed. It's rarely listed aside from a few suppliers like @SmartairUk.
Instead, we often only see the headlines which are CADR at highest speed & noise on lowest speed. Sometimes, even that isn't provided and instead a m2 coverage value is given. This is unreliable and not calculated at high enough filtration rate to be used as a C19 mitigation.
Many things to consider but some basics are:
Volume of air space.
ACH target (consider occupancy & any existing ventilation levels too).
Acceptable noise level.
Power usage.
Maintenance & availability of replacement filters.
Device size/space available/power sockets.
Then look at performance & specifics of products to match those requirements.
There are many good resources available.
One of the best is @CleanAirStars.
They've created an extremely valuable tool to help people decide which devices are appropriate for their application.
Here is the CleanAirStars air filter selection tool.
The info here is extremely well researched and reliable.
It allows you to input various parameters (like some of those mentioned earlier) and it provides suitable candidate devices. 7/ cleanairstars.com/filters
There are many helpful & knowledgeable people around on here who can assist too.
So don't feel overwhelmed & make a bad product selection. Have a look at the tool, ask around, seek out resources & people to help.
Getting it right is critical to getting the best outcome.
I provided a more detailed look at this some time ago with some other considerations noted too. Thread below.
Good luck with your endeavours to get cleaner indoor air.
Also check out @CleanAirClassrm & @mishwoz for extremely reliable info & advice.
"I just don't want to know"
It doesn't matter how many facts or studies are presented.
Seems to be a theme with a lot of people.
Acknowledgement of the harms of SARS as well as acknowledging that simple measures could prevent infection means acceptance of a failure to act.
Folk think it only happens to other people...except they know it might happen to them or their family.
They just can't allow that thought.
So they shut out the info.
They react badly to masks for example; it reminds them of their failure, knowing they could've done something. 2/
It's quite a mind trick because people will claim they just didn't know if they end up with LC or some other serious complication of infection; or their loved one does.
This is reinforced daily by total ignorance from Gov & media as well as misinfo from Public Health & WHO. 3/
I hope people are keeping notes about those who've lied & helped deny protections for people against C19.
Like those:
- in positions of influence who do & say nothing.
- who obfuscate health messages.
- who choose career over truth.
- who block progress & every juncture.
Those who:
- pull up pitiful studies as (frail) evidence that protections don't work.
- ridicule others who are trying all that's possible to prevent a catastrophe.
- double-down on their flawed ideas because they'd lose too much face otherwise.
- are quietly complicit.
Those who:
- overlook genuine scientific studies & prepare hideous counter-statements for the media. Same old faces.
- are in the media who didn't report the truth.
- are in academia who stay in a clique with others in academia instead of being vocal when their pals are wrong.
In UK we have schools in danger of collapse.
Not safe for kids or teachers. At outcry from the public, Gov under pressure.
We also have SARS-CoV-2 biohazard in every classroom. Not safe for kids or teachers. No push-back from public. Gov ignoring it.
I have questions:
Where are the folk demanding we must do an RCT on all proposed remedial work or new building materials before we can possibly consider using them to make schools safer?
Where's the acceptance that this process will take YEARS & you'll still no have answers; just carry on.
Where are the 'UsForThem' types telling us that no kids have been injured by collapsing classrooms?
Or telling us that this will only affect kids with a predisposition to harm from structural collapse?
Or telling us that they must attend despite the risks for their MH?
🟪 Hand washing alone is not working
🟪 Vaccine-only strategies aren't working
🟪 Reducing testing, wastewater measuring & sequencing are leaving us in more danger
🟪 N95s are critical, esp in healthcare
🟪 SARS-CoV-2 is airborne
🟪 Transmission is massively driven by schools
🟪 Public transport is a significant driver too
🟪 No amount of prior infections will get us to herd immunity
🟪 Infection weakens your immune system
🟪 A weaker immune system leaves you susceptible to infections of all types
🟪 That we have to sort the air quality in schools, healthcare & public transport as a priority
🟪 That many effective improvements are quick, easy & inexpensive
🟪 That allowing people who test positive to work & socialize is crazy
🟪 That they've gotten it all wrong so far
Dear Businesses,
You probably don't realise that there are still lots of people who avoid stores, restaurants, coffee shops etc because C19 is still a problem.
It's a problem for folk who wish to avoid it for whatever reason but especially if vulnerable or immunosuppressed.
You're missing out on some customers because of a failure to adapt.
If your indoor air quality was being taken care of; though improved ventilation, filtration or upper room UV-C for example, it would be safer for all.
It's a BIG potential selling point & will help your staff.
If other accommodations were made too - like times when all staff & customers had to mask, this would also entice people back to stores more frequently or to spend longer there.
You don't see us.
We are here.
There are hundreds of thousands of us who are disinclined to visit.
A lot of folk think like Lynne.
Weighing up the "potential risks of Covid" = low.
Most folk are not good at making risk assessments - especially so when the true outcome of the hazard may be hard to determine.
So how you define the risk makes a lot of difference here.
When doing a Risk Assessment, one would identify the hazard, then decide who may be harmed & how they may be harmed. Then either remove the hazard or mitigate the risk.
Folk have decided that a BSL3 biohazard can't be removed, isn't enough of a threat = no point mitigating.
So are people looking at the risk:
- of infection/reinfection
- of serious disease or death in acute phase
- to other people in general
- to others known to be vulnerable
- of Long Covid
- of diabetes
- of stroke
- of heart problems
- of dementia
- of brain damage
- etc?