Pete 😷 #COVIDisAirborne Profile picture
Chemistry. ChemEng. Advocate for shared air mitigations. FFP3/N95 masks, ventilation, Far UV. An extremist (apparently) as I want Public Health back #Spaceshost
14 subscribers
Mar 9 7 tweets 2 min read
2.8M people with long term sickness.
"the do nothing trajectory is that it's set to rise to 4M; we have to act on this"
Well @patmcfaddenmp your party have expertise in doing nothing. You're creating more long term ill health by doing nothing to reduce Covid transmissions.
1/🧵 Perhaps instead of punishing people who have become ill through poor infection control everywhere but especially in schools as well as all health and social care settings, you could actually do something.
You know how to reduce infections.
Your party was very vocal about it.
Mar 6 9 tweets 3 min read
There was a webinar on school air quality yesterday.
It was attended by the teachers unions and had some excellent presentations.
There was one presentation I must mention though.
Herts council were suggesting using the machines they bought should be a blueprint for others.
1/🧵 Whilst it's great that they invested in air filters, the choice of machine baffles me quite frankly.
It's costly, noisy, has default auto mode, power hungry and unnecessary tech like UV (which has no utility at all in this set up) and an ioniser that cannot be disabled.
Mar 6 14 tweets 4 min read
In Jan there was a conference:
Breathing achievement into every classroom
This conference was designed to probe the link between Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) in educational buildings and the health, wellbeing, and educational outcomes of students.
UKHSA presented & IAQ experts.
1/🧵Image This was something of a surprise to me.
I'm faced with a presentation from @UKHSA and some of their Key Recommendations are:
• Use of air cleaners in naturally ventilated buildings.
• Ensuring provision of adequate classroom ventilation
This seems like quite a breakthrough.
Feb 16 13 tweets 3 min read
I don't normally spend time arguing on here but I have lately. I'm so fed up with misinfo. Thought I'd challenge some of it.
It's amazing how strong opinions are formed from such little knowledge or insight.
Often people are fooled by credentials; cos they must know, right?
1/🧵 However, when you consider how we ended up here, we have had no end of highly credentialed people who are just flat out wrong, 'helping' to direct policies.
Qualifications are all well and good but it doesn't = right.
But folk who don't know are guided by folk they think do.
Feb 9 6 tweets 2 min read
Health minister @GwynneMP got sacked today.
He was useless on Covid anyway.
Some say he has been badly advised by 'experts'.
I think those experts were selected because they tenaciously defend flawed science.
Govs hide behind these 'experts' to limit costs & liability.
1/🧵 It isn't just in the UK.
In Canada for example, people like John Conly are doing the same thing as Lisa Ritchie in UK.
They are demonstrably wrong.
For @UKLabour to have any credibility, they need a clear out.
If I'd been elected, my first job would have been a sacking spree.
Feb 3 10 tweets 3 min read
Thoughts on recent UCL study of ventilation & air cleaners.
I've seen a lot of negativity towards it and I think that's mainly due to the headline used, saying it can increase risk.
The study also found it can decrease risk.
It complex to study fluid dynamics in a hospital.
1/🧵 Image The authors are urging caution to ensure that HVAC/PAC give the desired result by using predictive fluid dynamics models.
That's hardly a bad thing.
There's almost no point trying to measure anything experimentally if people write off the findings because they don't like them.
Jan 22 4 tweets 1 min read
Relly: You're Aunt is very ill
Me: What with?
R: A very bad cold.
M: Has she tested to see what it is?
R: No, no point.
M: It makes a difference as to what steps you could take.
R: She's taking Lemsip. She caught it from her son who caught it at work.
R: He's been extremely ill but is slowly recovering.
M: Does he take any precautions to protect her when he's out at work? She's only just getting over cancer.
R: Oh yes - he eats his lunch in his car.
M: But what does he do in the workplace to mitigate risk?
R: I don't know.
Jan 22 6 tweets 2 min read
When I discovered that UK Gov had a page on their website saying that airborne transmission is 'the main route', they ref'd a 2021 paper:
"Breathing, speaking, coughing or sneezing: What drives transmission of SARS-CoV-2?"
Linked in the next post but here's an excerpt:
1/🧵 A preponderance of evidence supports our conclusion that airborne transmission of SARS-CoV-2 is not only the dominant pathway for transmitting COVID-19, but unmasked speech in confined spaces represents the activity that poses the greatest risk to others. Since eating and drinking often take place indoors and typically involve loud speaking, it should come as no surprise that bars and restaurants have become the epicentre of multiple recent superspreading events [123]. Next to vaccination, mitigation strategies should emphasize the use of face masks when speaking and ensuring adequate venti... 2/
Here's a link to that paper:…
Jan 19 12 tweets 4 min read
I've been looking at the evidence statement submitted to @covidinquiryuk by Prof. Cath Noakes.
I'd highly recommend @GwynneMP does the same.
However, it would make it very clear how disingenuous you have been in the letter written to @timfarron.
Let's look at some examples;
1/🧵 It was clear in 2020 that airborne transmission was important: Image
Jan 9 13 tweets 3 min read
I had reason to visit urgent care recently. Let me tell you my experience @AmandaPritchard.
First up, I was greeted with an eye roll from the receptionist when she saw my 3M FFP3 Aura 🙄.
I was the only one masked.
But listen to what happened next in my thread below:
1/🧵 Doc: You may have Covid.
Me: I do not. I have been isolated.
Doc: You can catch it just walking past someone in the street.
Me: I am very knowledgeable about Covid and how it is transmitted.
Doc: What qualifications do you have?
Me: I have been studying it for 4 years.
Nov 11, 2024 10 tweets 2 min read
I wonder why we aren't hearing more from employers about sick & unproductive staff as a result of Covid on their workforce?
A friend of mine is very frustrated about an important staff member that's had symptomatic covid 3X in the last year & has just signed off sick again.
1/🧵 This time with chest, ear and eye infection after a cold (their second cold leading to a chest infection in last year too). They've totally lost their voice. This person has had 6 weeks off sick this year already and will need at least another week with this chest infection.
Oct 22, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
UK Gov Statement:
"children will very likely be exposed to COVID-19 during their childhood and future generations are likely to become progressively more protected by the combination of vaccination and infection"
Does this look like being "protected by infection" to you?
1/🧵 Some of the so-called experts actually think this is required.
"Healthy kids have to be exposed to the virus, ideally earlier than later" says Prof Bollox.
Is exposure and subsequent hospitalisation of babies early enough for you Prof Bollox?
Oct 19, 2024 11 tweets 2 min read
It seems that most people infected with Covid don't really consider they may have been harmed.
Warnings of hidden damage & increased risks don't seem to be hitting home.
I wonder how many have worse health but don't perceive it or just don't attribute it to having had Covid?
1/🧵 We're not good at perceiving things that happen gradually.
It's surprising how quickly feeling less healthy than you were becomes normal and you can no longer quite recall what your baseline health was like.
I know this from personal experience; just not with covid.
Sep 29, 2024 14 tweets 3 min read
We demand clear air in school, hospitals and other public spaces.
But what exactly could be done?
First of all, the foundation of any change like this has to come from Gov. It starts with being truthful about the risk of infection and why it's essential to try to control it.
We must move away from the idea that it should be down to teachers to take care of indoor air quality in classrooms. This notion is unworkable & about as daft as saying a nurse should be responsible for the air quality inside a hospital.
Let me lay out what I think is needed.
Sep 22, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
I have made some sound measurements of the Air Fanta 3 Pro as people have requested.
Note: I have a home set-up and so these numbers will be approximate. Soft furnishings, hard surfaces, rebounding sounds etc all affect results.
But it will provide some idea.
1/🧵 Notes:
The sound is slightly rhythmic from the unit. Measurements bounce a bit. Averaged and rounded to the nearest dB.
NB: Considerable changes to pitch are noticeable even when sound pressure measurements are similar. So acceptance depends on personal sound perception.
Sep 21, 2024 9 tweets 3 min read
I am now the proud owner of one of @Engineer_Wong's Air Fanta 3Pro air filters.
I Purchased from Amazon UK (link below).
A quick honest overview of first impressions follows in my thread of notes, thoughts and images.
1/🧵 It was well packaged and goods well protected.
It's very lightweight.
The components are high quality, well designed & aesthetically pleasing.
It took about 2 minutes to assemble.
Takes a few moments to adjust the filters into position and seat them all correctly.
2/ Air Fanta 3 Pro air filter assembled and with power unit on display in front of it.
Jun 21, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
I'm trying to think why the different public & also public health reaction to an E. coli outbreak in shop bought foods versus the ongoing Covid pandemic.
The number of people affected is way smaller and yet it hits the headlines like below.
Most people would avoid this food.
1/🧵 "E. coli outbreak put at least 86 people in hospital." Obviously, I'd avoid it too.
I'd imagine if people were offered to these sandwiches, most would refuse to eat them.
That's because they don't want to put a dangerous pathogen into their body.
I wish they would apply the same logic to covid.
Try to avoid it entering the body.
Jun 15, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
I'm sure many have seen mask bans in parts of USA.
My view is that as long as people stay silent & keep accepting high disease spread as normal, the more likely those in power will take more & more of your rights away.
Even if you feel unaffected, you must see this is wrong.
1/🧵 Think about it. Even now we have seen the most basic protections against airborne diseases removed from most healthcare settings.
Those who are clinically vulnerable etc have been left to fend for themselves.
Again, even if you feel unaffected, you must see this is wrong.
Jun 11, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
I love the simplicity of adding ceiling fans to classrooms (for example) as one measure.
The fans disrupt plumes, knocking aerosols down creating a safer near field environment.
They'd also help with air mixing & ventilation, complimenting open windows & in-room air filters.
1/🧵 They are easy to install, easily available immediately, low cost, low power and low maintenance.
They are safe & unobtrusive & so all the daft objections we have towards in-room air filters cannot be applied so readily to ceiling fans.
Low ceilings could be one possible issue.
Jun 8, 2024 15 tweets 4 min read
A note on masking.
I've seen quite a few folk posting that they got caught with infection despite masking. When I look back at their prior posts, I see the type of masks being used with an element of despair.
I want to try to help because it's an easy trap to get caught in.
1/🧵 So most often what I see are ear loop style masks.
People know that FFP2, FFP3, N95s are all protective standards and they are for sure...but only if they fit & seal properly.
It is rare for most ear loop style masks to fit anyone well enough that they get a good seal.
Jun 1, 2024 10 tweets 2 min read
If respirators were used in all healthcare settings (as they should be) - there are very few downsides and plenty of benefits.

It would unquestionably be safer for staff & patients; reducing all airborne illnesses.

So what are the real reasons & obstacles?

A thread 🧵1/: Is it that they just can't admit it's airborne still; deploy the required PPE?
A big part of it for sure. The IPC folks still can't seem to get their heads around transmission and are fixated on droplets...but dropping the need for surgical masks too means it's not 100% this.