...twice the number of Stugna ATGM Ukraine's military can give her two launchers per month.
And Ukraine builds Stugna for $20,000. That is 1/5th that of a US Javelin missile doing the same job.
The Stugna Launcher can be remote fired, but her crew still has to recover it. 2/
Taking insane risks from Russian return fire because there are no replacement launchers.
FPV drones don't require launchers.
They don't require exposing yourself to enemy direct fire to use them.
This makes FPV drones logistically superior to Stugna's per unit weight and volume of lethality because the munition is disintermediated from anything carrying or firing it.
Precision guided firepower detached from launch platform is new in warfare.
Even if the guidance tech
...for the FPV drones is over 50 years old.
Television guidance was used in combat in 1969 on the GBU-8 HOBOS bombs to drop N. Vietnamese bridges.
Eighty years of electronic advancement under the Moore's Law curve - which isn't slowing down - means FPV's becoming equipped with low light level cameras or even cheap thermal sensors are a battlefield reality in numbers already.
Baba Yaga was the wicked witch used to scare children.
And that seems to be what is happening with the Russians as, if Baba Yaga has Starlink, then it does not need other data channels.
And jamming Starlink is hell.
Anything that uses a pencil beam with very low sidelobes forces you to put the jammer inside the beam mainlobe.
Starlink's cheap active electronically scanned array (AESA) antenna on both ends do exactly that with a sky filled with dozens of AESA satellites to an AESA...
...receiver. I have been trying to explain that technological fact of life for years on Twitter/X & the wall of stupid about it still stands.
This is literally Electronic Warfare 101 level knowledge.🙄
And techies have published teardowns of the Starlink AESA antennas...
...on Youtube, so there are no excuses.
The link below is the result of my typing in "starlink antenna teardown" on the Youtube search engine.
Ukraine's General Staff is now publishing weekly data on it's mostly FPV drone kills.
On the week ending Nov 13, 2023, "...among the destroyed equipment units are 39 tanks, 57 artillery systems, 51 trucks, 34 armored fighting vehicles, & many other
units that have been successfully turned into scrap," said the deputy prime minister.
The Reporting from Ukraine channel has an outstanding report on how mostly FPV plus the Baba Yaga drones are dominating the battlespace at Avdiivka [Not Stugna's]. 14/
In fact, the conclusion we can draw right now from Ukraine's General Staff Army of drone numbers & OSINT counts is that drones are not only the leading cause of RuAF vehicle kills.
They are at or more than all other direct fire arms combined.😱🤯
Rodra Hascaryo on over on the Quora social media platform posted this on why the direct fire 16-inch guns of the USS Iowa (Black circle) are obsolete versus missiles and the F-18 (Green circle) going over the horizon.
FPV's have that F-18 advantage over Stugna's & T-64's. 16/
Each FPV drone is a PGM - with guidance modelled on the GBU-8/GBU-15 concept with TV/IIR seeker, but powered.
Yes this is revolutionary battlefield effect, but also evolutionary in that the underlying technologies have been there for decades, evolving for the moment.
Awaiting the moment of a chaotic mix of a existential total war, for a civil society with a large enough computer literate middle class, using a conscript-cadre military, with rampant shortages of traditional artillery shells to make the FPV drone a survival need.
We are in the midst of a Drone "Revolution in Military Affairs" the likes of which only August Cole and P. W. Singer have barely touched upon in the opening Okinawa raid in their their book "Ghost Fleet: A Novel of the Next World War"
The major problem that I have in _disbelieving_ that opening paragraph are the (in)actions of the Biden Administration with retaliating against Iranian proxy militias.
A Trump vs Wagner mercs in Syria sized curb stomping of Iranian proxies is required. 2/
Instead, the Biden Administration is doing things like asking China for help in getting Iran to stop being on a 1979 and counting mission from G-d against the 'Great Satan' (Mullahese for the USA).🙄
I reported another video of this AFU strike, but this one tells us a great deal about RuAF logistical operational patterns.
1. The RuAF tactical trucks were escorted by armored mobility vehicles through Ukraine from Crimea to protect it from Ukrainian partisans/Special Forces 1/
This report from @CovertShores is an extraordinarily important one for what it tells us about Ukraine's expanding anti-access area denial (A2AD) bubble it is building against RuAF logistics to occupied Eastern Kherson.
The Ondatra & Serna-class landing craft are roughly the equivalent of a WW2 era US Navy LCM.
Gen. MacArthur's Engineer Special Brigades use them to move troops 100's of km. in the S. Philippines campaign shore to shore in the Victor & King operations 2/
This graphic from @HamWa07 of an actual S-300 missile sites' radar coverage (left) near the Kerch Straits compared to the claimed S-400 system performance (right), based on drawing circles of missile range and claimed detection range, shows why the human factor matters.
It takes trained human skills to get the best out of any weapons system.
Surface to air missile battery performance is heavily dependent on the staff work in properly placing the radars and telecommunications relaying radar data to missile launchers.
This is always a game
...of compromise with available defenses, terrain, and existing civilian infrastructure that may affect the placement of your SAM battery.
@HamWa07 map shows the S-300 can only cover the east to south east well.
And we are seeing that right now with Russian complaints at #Krynky .
This is because observed artillery fire with precision guided artillery projectiles have in part replaced crewed airpower in retail close air support and battlefield interdiction
There are so few crewed strike jets now compared to WW2, with too many levels of command claiming "Higher Priorities" for a highly expensive & scarce asset, that Field artillery & attack helicopters have taken up the roles.
The simultaneous Ukraine fielding new jammers of Russian FPV drones (below) and new longer ranged, cheap, EW hardened FPV's with a ~30 km range operating in the same electromagnetic battlespace over #Krynky to cover ferry operations is a demonstration of its E.W. mastery.
The map (H/T @secretsqrl123) and the quoted post below will give you the idea of the area of effect Ukraines simultaneous deployment of FPV Drone Jammers and new generation longer range & electronic warfare hardened FPV's to interdict RuAF vehicles.