Everyone already knows you have won. Gloating turns defeated opponents into lifelong enemies. Being gracious in victory creates lifelong friends.
Point out something they did well, and ask how they did it.
2. Do not whine in defeat.
You will gradually get fewer and fewer invites, and you will never get better at the thing you just lost at.
Every loss is a moment to learn, but if you are a sore loser, no one will want to teach you.
3. Focus on skills, not outcomes.
Skills will compound together, and eventually, the outcomes will take care of themselves. Learn to enjoy the journey. Demand excellence from yourself.
Remember, anything worth doing is worth doing badly.
4. No one owes you a job.
There is no shame in seeking employment, but no one owes you anything.
When people moved West, there were no jobs. But there was plenty of work.
If you are willing to do the work, you get to a point where you can give other people jobs.
5. Do not be afraid to want something.
And then go after it with passion and drive.
Do not listen to people who pretend not to care or remain detached from everything. That is a habit of the mediocre. They are afraid to fail.
This world needs men with holy ambition.
6. You can always come home.
Never think that you will be unwelcome. No matter what you have done, no matter where you have been, you can always come home.
There might be consequences to face or changes that need to be made.
But we can face those challenges together.
7. When you make a principled stand, people will try to sabotage you.
Be prepared. Use it as an opportunity to prove that you meant what you said.
This is where the true test of courage lies. True leaders will be able to withstand this sabotage and affect real change.
8. If you borrow something, give it back in better condition (if possible).
If you borrow a lawn mower or a car, return it clean and topped off with gas.
If you borrow a book, don't bend the spine or the page corners.
Treat borrowed things better than your own property.
9. You are not meant to live alone.
A man who finds a good wife has found an excellent thing, something more valuable than jewels and gold.
You probably don't have the gift of chastity. Most men don't.
Expect to get married and plan to take care of the children that come.
10. Attempt hard things.
Life is not meant to be easy. You were meant to be a man who carries heavy things. You were meant to try, fail, and try again. Keep leveling up.
Reject mediocrity. Take the road less traveled.
It's less crowded anyway.
11. Envy rots the bones.
You should be as happy for your friend's successes as they are. Do not resent those who are celebrated at work. Use it as inspiration instead.
And look for friends that don't tear you down when you have your own success.
Envy will cripple you. Kill it.
12. Empathy is a poison.
Today, empathy is used as a power tool in the hands of the weak and immature to get their way. Those calling for empathy demand support for alleged victims, no matter what, regardless of the truth.
Have compassion instead. Reserve your right to disagree
13. Don't worry about what strangers think. They aren't thinking about you at all.
Everyone is busy thinking about themselves. Except maybe your parents and grandparents.
Which is why you should call them often. **Wink wink**
14. A reputation is hard to build, easy to destroy.
It takes years to build a good name, years for people to assume you are trustworthy and competent.
It can all be burned down in a single moment. One bad decision can erase years of goodwill.
Get wisdom and good friends.
15. If you bristle at criticism, that's your insecurities talking.
You can learn something from almost anyone.
A lot of that learning will come in the form of criticism, even criticism that isn't meant to be constructive.
But you control how you react.
16. When someone gives you a compliment, say “thank you."
This is surprisingly hard to do. You will be tempted to put on a faux humility, to shrug your shoulders or shake your head or say, "it was nothing."
But a compliment is a gift, and you should just say thanks.
17. Men and women are different.
In everything, down to their DNA.
A 120-pound woman will never beat up a 220-pound man.
Because you are a man, you have responsibilities that would not fall, and *should not* fall, on a woman.
Embrace the differences. Lean into them.
18. Porn will wreck your home, your life, and your soul.
Avoid porn at all costs. Flee from it. It will sap your strength and cripple your progress in almost every other discipline. It will destroy future intimacy with your wife.
Better to poke out your eyes.
19. Never apologize...unless you have done something wrong.
Especially to your girlfriend and wife. Apologizing when you have done nothing wrong is deceptive and manipulative. Have greater respect for them.
And never apologize to a mob, real or conjured up on social media.
20. Honor your mother.
She sacrificed more for you than you will ever know. She literally gave of her life, breath, and blood to mend you inside the womb.
"... forsake not your mother’s teaching, for they are a graceful garland for your head and pendants for your neck."
21. Choose your friends wisely.
Show me your friends, and I'll show you your future. You will be the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with. You want that average to be high.
"Bad company corrupts good morals."
But the opposite is also true.
22. Every time you lose your temper, you lose some of your gravitas.
Your temper should be a long, slow-burning fuse.
Slights and offenses bounce off you harmlessly.
23. If you can learn to sell one thing, you can learn to sell anything
You are a salesperson, whether you want to be or not. You are always selling something, whether it's a product or your skills as an employee.
The core principles of persuasion remain the same.
24. If you listen and ask questions, people will talk.
Being a good conversationalist is easier than you think. Just be curious and say far less than the other person.
The more one-sided the conversation in the other person's favor, the better they'll think of you.
25. There is always someone better. But who cares?
You can still be exceptional, and it doesn't take much to be in the top 20% of the world. It takes even less to be in the top 20% of your community.
Don't be obsessed with being on top, but work as if you're in the running.
26. Get some sun every day.
So many people are depressed and never give themselves a fighting chance. Natural sunlight is your best weapon.
Get 20 minutes of sunlight every single day, even when it's freezing outside.
27. Let your "yes" be "yes," and your "no" be "no."
Say what you mean and mean what you say.
Keep your promises, even if it hurts. If you put forth your best effort and can't fulfill a promise, own up to it.
Then try to offer something as good or better.
28. Life really is about who you know.
Build relationships.
Help others achieve their goals.
Being the best at something is great. Having strong relationships is even better.
If you have both, you have unlocked one of the great, open secrets of life.
29. Shame can be a good thing.
Shame is the language of your conscience. You ignore it at your peril.
And the more you ignore it, the more quiet your conscience will get.
But it can be faulty, so do not treat it as an arbiter of truth, but rather as a trusted counselor.
30. You are like your father.
The cliche is true: the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
You probably have some of the same strengths and weaknesses.
You tend toward the same virtues and faults.
31. Sometimes, a losing battle is worth fighting because it's the right thing to do.
Courage is its own reward, and virtue is never a waste of time.
Avoid pure pragmatism, and never use it as an excuse for inaction or cowardice.
32. You were designed and created by God.
The world will make a lot more sense once you accept this truth.
That sense of right or wrong that you feel after you do something? That comes from outside yourself.
With the image of God comes privileges, but also obligations.
33. Read the right kinds of stories.
Anything you put in your mind will be there forever, and it will train your affections for good or for ill.
What you find attractive, what you find good, what you see as evil...all of this is informed by the stories you consume.
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You'll love the Foundation Father newsletter. Practical tips sent out every week on fatherhood, homeschooling, and masculinity.
62 common sense truths to teach your kids before they move out of the house.
Some might seem obvious, but wisdom can be forgotten within a generation.
1. Don't put metal in the microwave. 2. Disconnect your hoses from the outdoor spigots before the temperature drops below freezing. 3. Change the filter for your furnace regularly and set a reminder in whatever calendar you use. 4. Don't clean your cast iron bakeware with soap.
5. Don't mess with wasps or hornets. Get the spray that shoots 50 feet. 6. If your shoes have been sitting unworn for a while, check inside them before putting them on. 7. Always tip at least 10%, even if the service was terrible. 8. Try to find excuses to tip at least 20%.
Most modern entertainment treats homosexuality as a sanctifying trait, sometimes in absurd ways.
It is, literally, fake and gay.
Let's take Netflix's Castlevania series as an example.
In Castlevania's universe, vampires are evil and need to be killed. So far, so good.
Unless a vampire is also gay.
If a vampire is gay, he's not as bad and shouldn't be killed. You're supposed to root for him. The show makes this obvious.
In Castlevania: Nocturne, the gay vampire gives the heroes vital information to help defeat their enemies, and then he's treated as some tragic figure despite the fact that he killed the hero's mother.
We're supposed to sympathize, though, because she killed his lover first.
A boy who is not becoming more dangerous will not be able to protect anything. He will not be able to ascend to any sort of manhood.
Here are 11 ways to raise dangerous sons. 🧵
1. Don’t tell your sons to be careful. Tell them to pay attention.
Expect your boys to be wild and get hurt. This is the glory of being a young boy. Skinned knees are an honor. Broken bones are a garland.
You should want to temper this wildness with wisdom.
Show them how to pay attention to others and to their surroundings. Don’t undercut their zeal. Hone it.
You should be more concerned if a son does not get himself into dangerous situations from time to time. Survival is important, but it is not the most important virtue.
These are the TV shows I've enjoyed watching with my children.
They have not only provided great entertainment but have also helped start great conversations and inside jokes that we still laugh about.
Here are 7, though you've probably never heard of the first one.
1. Future Boy Conan
This was Hayao Myazaki's directorial debut and you can see the seeds of his future style.
Post-apocalyptic adventure story. It understands how boys become friends. It has some interesting gender dynamics. The female protagonist makes the hero sandwiches.
2. Superman: The Animated Series
For me, this is the definitive version of Superman, with a quiet but confident Clark Kent. Some great Superman stories, including the multipart movie World's Finest, where he teams up with Batman.