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Mar 4 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
"But how will they learn to socialize with other kids?"
This is the number 1 objection to homeschooling that always comes up.
Let's talk about what government school "socialization" ACTUALLY looks like vs. reality. 🧵
Government school socialization:
- Sit silently with same-age peers for 6+ hours
- Ask permission to use the bathroom
- Speak only when allowed
- Endure highest statistical chance of physical violence
- Get in trouble for talking to others
That counts as "social" for prison.
Mar 3 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
Boys and girls thrive in different educational environments. Homeschooling is ideal for your daughters—potentially through high school.
But your sons? Eventually, they might need something else. Maybe even the battles that come naturally with public school...
For daughters, homeschooling creates a nurturing, domestic environment. They can flourish under maternal guidance, developing at their own pace, protected from the indoctrination machine of public education that seeks to corrupt them.
Feb 27 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
Patriarchy was never the problem. The rejection of "father rule" is why we're drowning in laws, surveillance, and state control.
A healthy, robust, accountable patriarchy protected our freedoms more than it restricted them. It protected women more than it oppressed them. 👇
When fathers are removed from their role as protectors and the authority that comes with that responsibility, people don't become "free."
They become wards of the state.
And the state doesn't love you. It only knows how to punish.
Feb 26 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
Here is the terrifying truth about homeschooling:
You are 100% responsible. No scapegoats. No luxury of blaming other teachers for not doing their jobs.
Zero excuses. Just you.
And there's more bad news.
Parents who choose homeschooling aren't escaping educational problems. They're trading them for a mirror that reflects their own flaws.
Your kids' biggest educational obstacle might be staring back at you in the bathroom mirror each morning
Dec 30, 2024 • 22 tweets • 4 min read
Taking responsibility in an effeminate age like ours is a superpower.
Some people don't know what "taking responsibility" means, however, because they never had a father or anyone else who loved them enough to teach them.
So here is how to take responsibility. 🧵 1. Remember that you are not a helpless, incompetent person.
Things don’t just happen to you while you stare blank-eyed with your mouth open, using all of your brain power to remember how to breathe.
You have agency.
Dec 29, 2024 • 11 tweets • 3 min read
Daniel Everett is a celebrated linguist who started off as a missionary but eventually abandoned his Christian faith.
He realized that the Gospel would ruin the cultures he ministered to, leading to his growing doubt about Christianity.
But what culture would it ruin? 🧵
Everett was afraid his work would ruin the Pirahã's concept of truth and how it affected their language.
This same tribe forced alcohol down an infant's throat to kill it, an infant that Everett and his wife were attempting to nurse back to health. That was the Pirahã’s truth.
Dec 16, 2024 • 28 tweets • 7 min read
What happens when a man gives another man a hug, tears in his eyes? Often, someone points and snickers and says, "What are you, gay?"
Open homosexuality has killed male friendship. It has tainted all signs of true affection with something sexual and sinister.
How so?
We have re-contextualized all affection between men, past and present, in the context of our own lusts.
Because Shakespeare wrote passionate sonnets to a young man, he must have been gay, despite no evidence.
Because Lincoln shared a bed with his friend Joshua Speed and wrote personal letters to him that sound like love letters, Lincoln must have been gay.
Never mind that this was normal for both men and women in the past. In writing, they also used strong language when addressing each other.
Dec 12, 2024 • 13 tweets • 3 min read
A woman trying to be more like a man is only a danger to herself and those she loves.
But there is a type of feminine strength that is fearsome to behold.
11 ways to raise dangerous daughters.
1. Tell your daughters they are beautiful.
If your daughters don’t think they are beautiful, it’s your fault. They should hear this truth from their father often.
Too many girls are crippled by insecurity, and an insecure girl will not grow up to be a dangerous woman.
Dec 10, 2024 • 13 tweets • 3 min read
Boys are knights in training.
A boy who is not becoming more dangerous will be unable to protect anything. Here are 11 ways to raise dangerous sons.
1. Don’t tell your sons to be careful. Tell them to pay attention.
Expect your boys to be wild and get hurt.
Show them how to pay attention to others and to their surroundings. Don’t undercut their zeal. Hone it.
You should be more concerned if a son does *not* get himself into dangerous situations from time to time. Survival is important, but it is not the most important virtue.
Dec 3, 2024 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
Napoleon said the only way to become a great captain was to read and reread the campaigns of Alexander, Hannibal, Caesar, Adolphus, Turenne, Eugene, and Frederick.
But he left off one name. A general you've probably never heard of. A general greater than Napoleon himself.
Scipio Africanus was the Roman general who defeated Hannibal and set the stage for Rome's supremacy across the Mediterranean.
And he did it without being a dictator. He was always encumbered by the political machinery of a republic.
Nov 24, 2024 • 16 tweets • 5 min read
Oxford anthropologist J.D. Unwin studied 86 societies and civilizations to see why some collapse and others don't.
What did he find?
That sexual debauchery leads to the collapse of a civilization within 3 generations. (thread) 🧵
Unwin defined four categories of cultures. Each is differentiated in its pursuit of art, engineering, literature, agriculture, etc.
1. Dead - these cultures are only focused on the day-to-day needs of life. They don't care about higher questions and so do not progress.
2. Superstitious - these cultures develop beliefs that help them explain the natural world. This can be represented in the special treatment of the dead.
3. Deistic - characterized by belief in gods or a god. This requires more imagination and higher-order thinking
4. Rationalistic - characterized by rational thinking. This was the category with the most human flourishing.
Next, Unwin defined sexual ethics and restraint into two categories.
Nov 3, 2024 • 30 tweets • 5 min read
Edwin H. Friedman was a rabbi and family therapist. He wrote three books.
One was a book of fables.
One dealt with family processes and anxiety, extending the insight to congregations.
And his final book was about how to save Western Civilization from itself.
The book is titled "A Failure of Nerve: Leadership in the Age of the Quick Fix," and it's a must-read for every father and leader.
It will change the way you think about leadership. You'll think twice before adapting too quickly to immaturity and weakness.
Here are 12 lessons:
Oct 31, 2024 • 12 tweets • 2 min read
23 truths about homeschooling.
1. It shouldn't take 6+ hours a day of your time. 2-3 hours max.
2. You don't have to know everything yourself to teach your kids. You certainly don't need a PhD to teach 3rd-grade math.
3. Homeschooling shouldn't be a public school classroom transplanted into the home. If it does, you're doing it wrong.
4. Flexibility is king. Take your kids to the Zoo and count it as a school day. Drive to the grandparents and let them do their schoolwork in the car.
Oct 22, 2024 • 14 tweets • 3 min read
The temptation of every mother is to treat their boys like defective girls, which is why single mothers lead to broken, insecure men.
A single mother often tries to repress her son's strength, to smother his masculinity. Either she doesn't understand what her future man will be capable of, or she understands perfectly and is afraid.
Oct 18, 2024 • 11 tweets • 2 min read
Since empathy is being talked about a lot, let's go over why empathy is a poison.
Empathy sounds like a noble goal, but calls for empathy are often.
- a disguise for anxiety
- a rationalization for failure to define a position
- a power tool in the hands of the immature and overly sensitive.
Empathy is used by those who feel powerless.
Oct 3, 2024 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
"I'm afraid I'm going to mess up my kids."
Of course you're going to mess up your kids.
The alternative, abdication, means that your children will be at the mercy of others who desire to mess them up in different ways.
You will need to ask for your children's forgiveness. Multiple times. Daily.
You will mess up. So get over yourself. Be ready ready to make mistakes and then do better the next time.
Sep 24, 2024 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
King Alfred is the only English king known as "the Great," and for good reason.
He was a warrior poet, a scholar who translated the first 50 Psalms into the Saxon language, a reformer, and a builder.
But what was his greatest accomplishment after repeling the Viking invaders?
Alfred created a network of fortified towns called "burhs," each about one day's march from one another, covering all of Wessex, the last Anglo-Saxon kingdom.
He also created a new standing army. Each administrative area had to keep half of their men battle-ready at all times.
Sep 23, 2024 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Masculine men are competitive.
Effeminate men pretend they don't care, but only when it's clear they are going to lose.
Everyone's interacted with the guy who pretends he is above it all and spouts off nonsense like "there are more important things in life than winning."
It happens in sports.
It happens in dating.
It happens at work.
"Meh, I didn't care anyway. Wasn't really trying." But you know they care. It's just sour grapes.
Don't be like this.
Sep 18, 2024 • 13 tweets • 2 min read
25 more sentences that may just change your life.
1. Read old books and you'll be more informed about current events than people who watch the latest news.
2. Weak men accuse good men and are useful stooges for bad men.
3. People are desperate to trust experts so they don't have to take responsibility for their own decisions.
4. Marriage is not choosing your wife, but choosing your wife every day.
Sep 16, 2024 • 13 tweets • 2 min read
25 sentences that may just change your life.
1. All healthy marriages have a man who initiates and a woman who responds.
2. Twenty years from now, you'll realize 90% of the news you watched was false and that the other 10% never mattered.
3. Eventually, something is going to kill you, so you might as well be courageous on your way out.
4. Most men fail to be courageous because they have failed to build anything worth protecting.
Sep 15, 2024 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
Plutarch, a Greek philosopher and essayist living in the first century AD, is known for his biographies of famous Greeks and Romans.
In one of his writings, Plutarch muses on the God of the Jews, and he attempts to draw comparisons with one of the Greek gods.
But which one?
Many Christians today, if forced to make a choice, might see similarities with Apollo, a representation of reason and order.
And yet Plutarch draws a connection from the God of the Jews to Dionysus, the opposite of Apollo. What were his reasons?