What does Geert Wilders actually want, in policy terms? A 🧵.
A complete end to all asylum for refugees
Criminals to be stripped of Dutch nationality and deported
An end to free movement of labour in the EU, with working visas introduced for some
A ban on all Islamic schools, korans and mosques, and on headscarves in government buildings
A ban on dual nationality
Lower taxes on just about everything
10,000 more police, “zero tolerance for street scum” and preventive detention for people suspected of supporting terrorism
14 year olds to be treated as adults by criminal courts
Covid is real - and the shortage of ICU beds is a problem to be fixed
An end to nitrogen reduction laws, keep coal and gas power stations open, more North Sea gas extraction and more nuclear power. Stop trying to cut CO2 and withdraw from climate accords. No wind turbines, no solar panels
Stricter sentences for animal
abuse and a National Animal
Ambulance service
Abolish the Senate
Withdraw previous apologies for slavery. Stop providing government literature in Arabic and Turkish.
Stop all art and culture subsidies. End “left wing hate of our historical heroes”. Completely stop funding public broadcaster NPO
A strong reduction in the number of foreign students
Bring back Zwarte Piet
End military support for Ukraine. Kick Turkey out of NATO.
Cut fuel taxes and raise motorway speed limits to 140km/h
A complete end to all foreign aid
A Nexit referendum, and until then cut EU funding
“In this way we can rebuild the Netherlands and put the Dutch back at number one!”
He’s not a Dutch Boris Johnson or Nigel Farage - he’s a Dutch Marine Le Pen, to the right of Trump.
And a quarter of Dutch people voted for this.
I wrote an article about Wilders’ policies, and the chances of him seizing power, for @NewStatesman 👇
At the risk of repeating myself, here’s a quick summary all in one place of some of the upstanding geniuses in the new Dutch cabinet:
Immigration minister, Gidi Markuszower: was arrested for carrying a gun in Amsterdam. Labeled a security risk by the Dutch security services. Also a dual national - in a government where one of the flagship policies of his new department is banning dual nationality.
Economy minister, Dirk Beljaarts:
former hotel manager who campaigned strongly against Covid lockdowns. Currently works for the Hungarian consulate in Amsterdam, and was in Budapest recently. Orban will be pleased.
I’ll save detailed analysis for another time but a few quick points on all this:
The EU is in for a rough ride, especially when it comes to asylum and free movement. This is like Nigel Farage becoming PM of a leading member state
Putin will be pleased further EU expansion is out
The asylum policy will please PVV voters terrified of asylum centres opening in their towns, but won’t actually solve the problem. If you ban spreading new arrivals then you simply guarantee that overcrowding at Ter Apel will be worse, and do nothing to actually slow the influx.
Cuts to other forms of migration, including work visas and student visas, are daft. There are already serious labour shortages and big employers like ASML are threatening to relocate; cutting work visas will make these problems much worse
So, Geert Wilders finally has a government of his own. But what does it actually plan to do?
A summary of what we know so far - some of it predictable and some more shocking:
There will be a temporary Asylum Crisis Act lasting up to two years. During that period, the processing of asylum applications will be suspended and the reception of people who apply for asylum here will be 'greatly reduced'.
The Netherlands will ask Brussels for an opt-out from the existing asylum rules, so the country can set its own independent migration policy
What’s happening with Geert Wilders’ efforts to put together a new Dutch government?
An update 🧵 for people who don’t speak Dutch or haven’t been following closely:
To recap, on 22 November everyone’s favourite fascist wig model scored a remarkable victory, increasing his party’s parliamentary seats by about fifty percent and crushing every other party. An unprecedented result.
Since then, Wilders’ PVV has been locked in negotiations with 3 parties:
- Mark Rutte’s VVD, now led by Dilan Yesilgoz
- Pieter Omtzigt’s NSC, a new mildly populist centre-right party
- Caroline van der Plas’s BBB, the new(ish) dumb populist farmers’ party
-> results confirmed today
-> today all party leaders meet with parliament chair
-> select an “verkenner” - a wise elder who will “scout” possible coalition options
-> Wilders’ PVV, as election winners, gets to recommend who this verkenner is
-> 5 December commission says whether or not election was free and fair
-> 6 December new MPs start work
-> 7 December MPs debate election results
-> “informateur” appointed to meet with party leaders one by one, discussing coalition options
-> eventually, the informateur recommends the best coalition combination
Wilders, as election winner, has a decisive say in this process and is technically front runner to be PM - but other parties may well block that
English-language coverage of #Rotterdam shootings seems a bit patchy and unreliable, so here goes:
A man in a bulletproof vest shot two of his neighbours at their home on Heiman Dullaertplein. A 39-year-old woman was shot dead and her 14-year-old daughter was seriously injured. The man then set their house on fire.
The gunman then went to the nearby Erasmus MC, a large teaching hospital. At Erasmus he shot dead a 46 year old male teacher, then set the hospital on fire.