How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App asylum policy will please PVV voters terrified of asylum centres opening in their towns, but won’t actually solve the problem. If you ban spreading new arrivals then you simply guarantee that overcrowding at Ter Apel will be worse, and do nothing to actually slow the influx. be clear, this wasn’t just online rumors, but a series of official announcements, telling people to go along. Yet multiple staff on site didn’t say “we’ve run out” - they said “we saw the announcement too, but have no idea what it means”. What an unbelievable mess.’s often striking to me how benign Dutch people’s attitudes seem. The pandemic is a good example: NL has been battered badly, yet Rutte’s polling at record highs. Even when things go badly, the prevailing attitude seems to be: “give them a break, they’re doing their best!” no, it’s not just about the EMA. It’s about still being at the “huh, I guess we should probably start arranging things soon?” phase of planning roll-out.