When the first researchers started to propose that Covid would cause AIDS like immune dysfunction, one of the main pushbacks was that since Covid had infected most of the population, we should be seeing surges of opportunistic infections & bacterial pneumoniae if that was true.
If I had the energy I would post a whole thread of tweets from big name minimizers that all repeatedly said,“Where’s the surges of previously well controlled illnesses? Where’s the fungal infections? Where’s the bacterial pneumoniae?”
Now we’ve seen ALL THREE
in the last year.
So when people downplay the pneumonia epidemic happening in China (and two other countries so far that we know of) by pointing to the fact they AREN’T seeing any new pathogens here but evidence suggests it’s “just” bacterial pneumoniae?
They aren’t understanding how that’s potentially *WORSE* news.
Because population wide damage is Covid as already happened. We can’t put that cat in the bag. (Whereas if this was a novel pathogen we’d have at least the possibility to try to contain the spread.)
The beginning of AIDS epidemic was marked by the same thing: strange increases in cases of common infections hitting people WAY harder than is normal (and in populations that were young and should otherwise be fairly healthy,) and an unexplained surge in bacterial pneumoniae.
In reality, the AIDS epidemic had begun much earlier though, with the initial infections with HIV.
But the only symptoms at the time of infection were normal cold or flu like symptoms.
By the time you had AIDS you’d have no reason to think it was connected to that past flu.
In March, an NIH study came out saying “findings suggest that SARS-CoV-2 infection damages the CD8+ T cell response, an effect akin to that observed in earlier studies showing long-term damage to the immune system after infection with viruses such as hepatitis C or HIV.”
Yet most folks are under the impression that the only folks linking Covid to the possibility of AIDS like illness in the future are fringe Twitter accounts who are making wild conjectures with no basis in reality.
Even though that NIH study came out almost a year ago.
So no, hearing that these surges in serious cases of pneumoniae in populations we don’t usually expect this from is likely NOT a new pathogen but appears to be “just” bacterial pneumoniae is not actually good news in the least.
It’s EXTREMELY concerning, if not outright alarming
It’s the very thing even the most ardent of minimizers was saying would be EXACTLY what you would see if the Covid/HIV similarity actually existed.
It’s long past time for us to get serious about what Covid infections - esp repeat infections - mean for us on a population level.
I’m gonna add some relevant tweets to the end of this thread from an account that pulled together a bunch of new stories on the surges in opportunistic infections in the US (esp in kids) since we opted to just “let it rip” w/Covid. Evidence this isn’t just an isolated thing:
But media stories are presenting each “strange” outbreak as a separate thing, and the way there is SO much news happening SO quickly these days means it’s hard for our brains to remember all these as time progresses & we move on to something else.
So remember how I spent almost a year on a waitlist after being referred to a neuropsych? After the long wait & literally months of assessments, she confirmed my C-PTSD, anxiety, & ADHD, but also added 2 new pieces of the puzzle. I’ve had some time to process & am ready to share.
Turns out there is a very likely culprit for why treatments for my other diagnoses have been so ineffective, as well as playing a possible role in some of my neurological problems (the seizures, the tremors, the balance issues) and severely worsening my chronic fatigue.
It turns out I have type 2 bipolar.
Type 2 gets missed a lot more than type 1 because you never meet the criteria for true bouts of mania, just hypomania (which is much less severe.) So it just doesn’t look like the stereotypes people expect when they hear bipolar.
The person who infected me with Covid had a *negative* home Covid test when they infected me.
They justified not wearing a mask around me and other highly vulnerable folks, despite having a very sick Covid + spouse at home, because they had that negative test + no symptoms.
Over a month later and my resting heart rate is still between 120-130.
I still have air hunger and recurring off/on GI symptoms.
I still have crippling vertigo that has resulted in my husband repeatedly having to peel me off the floor after finding me passed out.
But hey, this person had a negative home test, so they were SURE they didn’t have Covid, or at bare minimum were not contagious yet.
Except they were wrong.
A negative home test does NOT mean you can’t give someone Covid.
When “progressive” orgs say “we’re just following CDC/public health” as an excuse for why they won’t take Covid precautions, yet loudly preach the need to fight against laws/societal norms for OTHER forms of marginalization?
They’re stating their values on who is expendable.
When organizations that loudly preach the importance of centering marginalized voices and working against the violence of the systems we are a part of say “be reasonable” to people asking for Covid precautions?
They say w/ their whole chest, “YOUR existence asks too much of us”
When orgs that preach 0 tolerance for misogyny, racism, queerphobia, etc say “we need to respect ppl have varying opinions on what risks they’re comfortable with” to excuse minimal/non-exist Covid precautions, they’re saying “YOUR rights are debatable though, a matter of opinion”
You don’t need cognitive impairment to explain this, b/c we are wired neurobiologically to try to protect our minds from trauma - often to the point of cognitive dissonance. Drs were/are exposed so much that it makes sense they’d subconsciously NEED to downplay the seriousness…
…of Covid to reassure their psyche against the scary info coming out more and more about what those repeat infections really mean. It’s a way (not saying it’s a HEALTHY way) to cope with having to continue to be exposed at a high risk job again and again without feeling…
…overwhelmed to the point of shutting down. Seeing all these other maskless people and the government saying everything is fine provides the brain an option that would make it all ok, and cognitive dissonance kicks in to allow them a way to latch on to it despite knowing better.
I keep trying to tell y’all that there are many hidden layers to creating the ILLUSION that our leaders “moved on” from Covid, in order to convince people it’s over. They still protect themselves, they just hide it so YOU won’t know you need to as well.
After repeatedly criticizing Trump for abandoning ppl & refusing to deal with the crisis, they knew they couldn’t be seen doing the same thing.
But they were even MORE concerned about getting ppl “back to normal” before the pandemic had a chance to become a catalyst for change.
So the only way to avoid looking like they were doing the same shit Trump did, WITHOUT having to actually institute the sorts of policies they didn’t want ppl believing were possible, was to throw everything they could at convincing people the crisis isn’t actually happening.
It’s been a rough time, so wanted to update y’all.
So not only did I get doxxed by an Oathkeeper (can’t discuss more right now due to ongoing investigation,) but soon after there was a 911 call and ambulance ride with what looked to be a heart attack.
The good news? It wasn’t a heart attack.
The bad news? I had an unknown infection causing serious inflammation in my lungs (which in turn was causing the strain on my heart.)
Negative for Covid, Flu, and RSV.
Unfortunately things got worse though…
On top of the nebulizer treatments, they gave me a steroid injection to deal with the inflammation.
…and unfortunately I had a rare adverse reaction to the med which was equally scary, serious, and unfun. So we had to deal with that next.