How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App weirdly run down and super exhausted both otherwise normal? TEST FOR COVID. did briefly remove it for a nebulizer treatment because it was extremely necessary, but my nurse was insisting I remove it entirely while there - despite the person who had been next to me in the hall gurneys before a bed opened up being told their Covid test came back +.) #2 of 3: video is quick, super simple, and easy to understand, and explains why the whole “viruses are too small for masks to trap” thing is NOT actually how n95s and other respirator masks work. point is that while YOU are being told it’s fine to send Covid positive kids to school now or go to work with Covid, the White House still has known cases isolate from others until they are fully recovered. wrote an entire OpEd parroting literal Nazi propaganda about "life unworthy of life," graphically spelling out why living w/ diminished capacity is life not worth living & a burden on families & care systems... medicine talks of building your immune system, it’s talking about microbes and certain prevalent bacteria. related to the criminal neglect in early childhood (compounded then by adoption) led to an inescapable core fear of being abandoned/rejected. Because that abandonment was tied to very real physical harm, my brain automatically connects fear of rejection to physical danger off, folks would take the very successful “ “lockdowns’ & school closures turned out to be an unnecessary overreaction that caused deep & lasting harm” rhetoric & use it as the basis to REFUSE any similar measures for H5N1 - and the CDC would go along with that. they said "ppl have the tools to make their own risk assessments now, that's why we can drop mandates", they deliberately altered & hid the data b/c it was still causing too many people to continue precautions. They literally deceived you into making the choice they wanted. cannot turn that part of my brain off and “compartmentalize” the way so many of neurotypical peers can. Like I cannot just enjoy things without considering the connections to the bigger realities of our world, which often taints what others find fun.