.@IHOPKC folks-

Here are a couple of articles that come with a huge content warning of a common form of Clergy Sexual Abuse that uses the Roman Catholic Bridal Mysticism tradition to groom victims.
The first is about Jean Vanier, founder of L'Arche. Why not technically clergy, Vanier carried immense spiritual authority & was considered a living saint until he died at 90.

Shortly after, survivors of his abuse came forward:
Here is another case about a different abuse & different victims, also using Bridal Mysticism:

Why should @IHOPKC people pay attention these Roman Catholic case studies on abuse?

There is a stream of Bridal Mysticism that has been prominent in Protestant circles for centuries & is part of the core DNA of IHOPKC.
@ihopkc Not everyone who is interested in the Roman Catholic Mystics & Bridal Mysticism uses this tradition to abuse.

It would be the furthest thing from their minds.

But the content & imagery of these teachings makes it incredibly easy for predators to hijack them for grooming.
@ihopkc Certain streams of Protestantism that are in the ancestry of Pentecostal/Charismatic groups inherited Bridal Mysticism from the Roman Catholics from a group of seventeenth century Quietists, who were suppressed by the Roman Catholic Church.
@ihopkc Even apart from eroticized bridal mysticism, the Quietist emphasis on self-annihilation can easily become a way of spiritualizing trauma.

Abusers can easily use it to frame destructive actions of the abuser as being used by God for the purification of the victim's soul.
@ihopkc The most prominent names in the Quietest tradition to be inherited by Protestants are Madame Jeanne Guyon, François Fénelon, and Francis de Sales.

The condemnation of Quietism by the Roman Catholic church made these figures Saints to Protestants.
@ihopkc Lutherans, Moravians, Quakers, and other Protestant groups published translations of Guyon & Fénelon especially in the 18th & 19th centuries.

It is still common to find these authors in Christian book stores, especially those who serve a charismatic or evangelical clientele.
@ihopkc In the 19th century, many members of these Protestant streams joined in what is called the Keswick Movement or the Higher Life Movement.
@ihopkc Keswick is one of those common ancestors for everyone except the Reformed folks (who usuallyloathed the movement), but most of us have never heard the name even if it has shaped how we name our spiritual lives.
@ihopkc Billy Graham & Bill Bright are both heirs of the Keswick movement, but it was also deeply influential on Pentecostalism and the Holiness movement.
@ihopkc Earlier this year, I was studying the history of the Facts, Faith, Feelings Train featured in the back of the back of Bill Bright's The Four Spiritual Laws & traced its origins to Hannah Whitall Smith, a Quaker 19th c. Keswick Movement leader.

@ihopkc While I was reading about the life of Hannah Whitall Smith, I stumbled upon a late 19th c. case of a minister using Bridal Mysticism theology to groom a victim.

The minister in question was Robert Pearsall Smith, Hannah's husband.

Her room adjoining my own she came one afternoon . . . into my room and in confidence laid her head on my shoulder in a way for wh[ich] I blame myself greatly[;] yet with, I can say before God, intentions as free from the wish for adultery as were it my own child, I put my arm about her[. Q]uite as great freedom had been taken by one of her friends in her own father[’]s presence and similar ones often in presence of both parents, most excellent people connected with some of your nearest friends. It was carelessly as children do. I do not defend or extenuate these thoughtless things – I cond...
@ihopkc It's pretty clear from other surviving sources that Bridal Mysticism, which Robert Pearsall Smith would have encountered as a Quaker through Guyon & Fenelon, was his script of choice.
@ihopkc Decades later, Keswick produced another Clergy Sexual Abuser who seems to have used Bridal Mysticism as part of his abuse.

Despite FILMING his abuse of young women, Watchman Nee is still beloved by charismatics & his reputation is largely unstained.
During the same year, the Little Flock published the rst Chinese translation of Sweet Smelling Myrrh, the autobiography of Madame Guyon (Jeanne-Marie Bouvier de la Motte Guyon, 1648–1717). An enchanting French mystic and a proli c writer, who was once imprisoned in the Bastille for her role in the Quietist controversy, Guyon had long been popular among Pietists, Quakers, Methodists, and adherents of nineteenth-century revivalism in North America. She yearned for the destruction of the “vain, pompous edi ce [that] human art and power had erected.” The “horrible ruins” that resulted would ena...
@ihopkc One of Watchman Nee's colleagues had translated some of Madame Jeanne Guyon's works, heavily laden with Bridal Mysticism, into Mandarin early in their ministry, and they remain a classic among many Chinese Christians today.
@ihopkc Like many other latercharismatic leaders who abused their authority to sexually & financially exploit followers, Watchman Nee made a bid for restoration, including teachings on Spiritual Authority that treated leaders as divinely empowered & valorized the submission of followers. From Redeemed by Fire bi Xi Lian, pp. 194-196. The Little Flock during the Late Republican Period The Little Flock movement also throve during the war years as expected. In 1942, however, Watchman Nee su ered a second setback in his leadership of the sect he had founded: his sex scandal involving the two young female co-workers was exposed, as were his questionable business dealings. After 1938, he had increasingly involved himself in a pharmaceutical venture of his chemist brother and had used his English connections to help create the China Biological and Chemical Laboratories (Shenghua Y...
@ihopkc Decades later, another heir of the Keswick convention, Bill Gothard, would cite Watchman Nee's book, Spiritual Authority, in his Master's Thesis at Wheaton.

This became the basis for Gothard's now infamous teaching of Umbrella of Protection. Illustration of Gothard's Umbrella of Protection, featuring three improbably interelated umbrellas clearly drawn by someone who had grasp of how umbrellas actually work. The top umbrella is labeled "Christ." A smaller umbrella underneath this is labeled "Husband." a still smaller umbrella under this is labeled "Wife," which shelters the label of "children/managers of the home"   Despite the smaller umbrellas being covered by the larger umbrellas, water still falls from the sides of the smaller umbrellas.  Physics was never a strength of the IBLP curri...
@ihopkc Gothard's influence in fundamentalism, evangelicalism, & the charismatic movement was insidiuous & pervasive. The resonance with Watchman Nee & his teachings on spiritual authority found a pre-made landing pad in the abusive charismatic Discipleship/Shepherding Movement. Screenshot of page 86 of David Moore's 2004 monograph, "The Shepherding Movement: Controversy and Charismatic Ecclesiology." The first paragraph reads "Ecclesiological renewal was converging with concepts of spiritual authority and family life as well. The early 1970s saw Bill Gothard's Institute of Basic Youth Conflicts impact tens of thousands of Christians around the United States. Gothard stressed the importance of a believer's submission to God's 'chain of command' in the family, church, workplace, and civil society. Charismatic Larry Christenson's 1970 book 'The Christi...
In 1980, Bill Gothard & his brother were under scrutiny by their ministry board for sexual misconduct against women & girls.

Like Nee before him, Gothard instituted a series of teachings to protect his authority.

In the early 1980's, Gothard developed a reading of Matthew 18 as a procedure for confronting sin in relationships that became so pervasive for Boomer & Gen X fundamentalists, evangelicals, & fundamentalists that they cannot see that passage without a Gothard lens.
Survivors of Gothard's abuse & teachings have been warning us about this reading of Matthew 18 for years, but it's still serving abusers & silencing victims because so many church leaders think that this reading is Clearly Biblical.

A related set of Gothard abuse-enabling teachings took root in charismatic culture at this time, even as the Shepherding Movement was beginning to implode.

Most importantly, the teachings on Offense.

The Taking Up Offense Teaching of Gothard was taken up by charismatic teachers like Francis Frangipane & John Bevere, who may have had no idea how the teaching was constructed to silence victims of abuse.
The Gothard Teaching of Not Listening to An Evil Report has also transmuted into charismatic teachings on it being a Very Holy Thing to not listen to Accusations Against A Leader. recoveringgrace.org/2014/02/silenc…
Charismatics have remixed these teachings and added their own spin, especially in classics that have trained the faithful to automatically treat any woman who says something they don't like as possessed by the Jezebel Spirit.
But going back to Bridal Mysticism teaching & the charismatic movement:

We know that Kansas City Prophet & Clergy Sexual Abuser Bob Jones used spiritual concepts to groom his abuse victims.
Because charismatics insist on doing internal investigations, sometimes with Trusted Leaders In the Charismatic Movement when they want to show they Take Abuse Very Seriously, accounts of Jones' grooming are vague.
Like Gothard and Vanier, Bob Jones was not technically an ordained minister, but still falls into the category of Clergy Sexual Abuse because he held tremendous spiritual authority that he used to groom his victims.
Bob Jones' spiritualized grooming techniques included encouraging women to undress in his office “so they could stand ‘naked before the Lord’ in order to receive a ‘word.’”

This isn't clearly using Bridal Mysticism, but it's the kind of behavior that is compatible with it.
The use of Bridal Mysticism for sexual grooming will usually start with referring to the Song of Solomon or other biblical texts that contain erotic imagery & have been interpreted to point to a higher meaning of the soul's spiritual union with God.
The Song of Solomon teachings are, of course, often referenced alongside teachings about the church being the Bride of Christ & the mysterious union & communion of Christ & the Church.
The spiritual leader then typically initiates the victim into increasing spiritual & emotional intimacy that will escalate into touching.

If the victim feels uncomfortable, he can always tell her that this is a higher, more mystical teaching that others would not understand.
All of this is easily escalated with charismatic emphasis on emotional connection with Jesus, ecstatic worship, & spiritual gifts.

Texts like the writings of Jeanne Guyon & the Cathoilc Mystics can easily be deployed for grooming.
The sexual abuse is often depicted by the abuser as an enactment of the mystical union of Christ with the church and/or with the soul of the believer.

Any distress of the victim can be spiritualized with Quietism as purifying suffering.
Even apart from Bridal Mysticism, clergy sexual abusers will often make reference to polygamy in the Old Testament if the victim is distressed that they may be committing adultery.
The pastor sees himself as a Great Man of God like King David who had many wives, as did Moses & the Patriarchs.

Polygamy is treated as a Biblical teaching that Otheer People Just Wouldn't Understand, so it has to be a secret, as so many other things, between the abuser & victim
Many victims of clergy sexual abuse do not think they are victims. Some may blame themselves as having committed adultery. They don't understand the brainwashing & think its their fault that this happened. It's easy for abusers to manipulate the victims into destroying evidence.
But other victims of clergy sexual abuse, especially if Bridal Mysticism or polygamy teachings are in play, don't see themselves as victims because they believe that they are Spiritually Married to their abuser, whom they see as their husband in a God-sanctioned polygamy.
Abusers isolate their victims. The mind control & brainwashing is almost always worse than the sexual abuse in terms of long-term damage. Victims may experience the abuse as emotionally intimate & caring & helpful for their spiritual sanctification.
Because they may believe they are in a special, God-ordained relationship with their abuser, victims of Clergy Sexual Abuse who are still under coercive control may feel extremely protective of their abuser & identify with him, especially if they seem themselves as married to him
The abusers usually tell their victims that Other People Won't Understand, so their special, God Ordained Relationship (add prophecy if the abuser is a charismatic) has to remain a secret.
The abusers are correct that most people wouldn't understand. Most Christians don't bother to educate themselves about Clergy Sexual Abuse & are more than ready to condemn the woman as an adulteress who was able to freely consent to the relationship.
Victims of this kind of abuse usually do have some understanding of how people will see things if their "relationship" with the abuser is exposed.

If they somehow break free from the abuser, they usually think of themselves as having had an affair that was mostly their own fault
If they do eventually realize how badly they were manipulated or brainwashed, they still risk everything if they come forward, especially in charismatic culture.
They will be called Accusers, Jezebels, Harlots who tempted the Great Man of God.

They will usually see their abuser hastily restored & lauded as a King David figure.

The women know that everyone will rush to caretake the man, while they will never be seen as Restored.
We don't know what has happened yet with IHOPKC & Mike Bickle, but we do know that this is a community that has been deeply steeped in Bickle's teachings on Guyon & the Roman Catholic Mystics & Song of Songs.
Even if by some incredibly unlikely outcome, the allegations against Bickle by multiple women spanning decades prove to be, as some of his followers insist, Wacky Accusers out to destroy his Calling, @IHOPKC should know about this form of Clergy Sexual Abuse.
@ihopkc We have seen from the leaked @netgrace_org report & the testimonies of survivors of still unacknowledged & uninvestigated abuse mishandling at @IHOPKC that abuse is not handled with any sort of competence in this ministry, despite protestations of Taking Abuse Very Seriously.
@ihopkc @netgrace_org Predators love to prey on people who love to pray, especially when the victims are not protected by leaders who have bothered to do basic due diligence to help their people understand abuse & grooming behaviors, let alone hold alleged abusers accountable.
@ihopkc @netgrace_org Predators will use anything that gives them power to manipulate & groom victims, especially spiritual authority, scripture, & respected teachings like the mystical tradition.

If the shepherds do not protect the flock, the wolves in sheeps' clothing will prey freely.
@ihopkc @netgrace_org In addition to finally doing perhaps the bare minimum on becoming aware of how sexual predators operate in churches & how to respond to allegations, charismatics need to be aware of how easily Bridal Mysticism teachings can be deployed by sexual predators. clergysexualmisconduct.com
@ihopkc @netgrace_org Every church, every movement thinks that their trusted leaders Would Never abuse anyone. They also think that if they were ever called upon to respond to abuse allegations, their sweet sincerity, good intentions, & biblically trained mind would insure they would respond well.
@ihopkc @netgrace_org Most leaders who respond to abuse are so in love with their own judgment that they won't even bother to Google "How to respond to abuse allegations without destroying the lives & faith of vulnerable people under my care."

They know God will bless their judgement.
@ihopkc @netgrace_org For charismatics, you get the added level of sentimental hubris where they are positive that God would give them a prophetic word if someone they trust were actually a predator.

Since that word doesn't come, the allegations must be Accusations from the Accuser of the Brethren.
@ihopkc @netgrace_org The good old days of internal investigations and letting powerful buddies whitewash leaders who have a Moral Failure before being Restored like King David are over, charismatics.

It's time to learn more. It's time to do better.

God is not mocked.

Ezekiel 34.
@ihopkc @netgrace_org @threadreaderapp unroll

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Nov 21
Hey, @IHOPKC folks- Reposting this 2021 article by @scotmcknight from the @ACNAtoo blog called "Spinning Matthew 18."

A predator-enabling reading of Matt 18 were spun out in evangelicalism/ fundamentalism/ charismatic movement by Bill Gothard of IBLP.

Because of the influence of Gothard going back decades, this reading of Matthew 18 is so deeply embedded in contemporary evangelicalism & charismatic culture that we don't notice it as a lens through which we interpret scripture.

This reading just seems "plain" & "obvious."
The folks at Recovering Grace, a long established site that serves people coming out of Gothard/IBLP, has been educating us about Gothard's misuse of Matt 18 for over 10 years.

Read 11 tweets
Nov 13
@IHOPKC folks- as things about the Mike Bickle Clergy Sexual Abuse allegations come to light, it is important that you tread carefully if you come to believe that someone with whom he had a "sexual relationship" may be complicit in a cover-up.

Clergy Sexual Abuse is not "an affair" or "a moral failing" by an otherwise upstanding man of God who was tempted by a bunch of Bathsheba Jezebels who were Drawn To His Anointing & Sent by the Accuser to Become Accusers of the Brethren.
If you are still hoping that the Mick Bickle allegations are going to turn out to be an elaborate Attack of the Accuser to Distract Us From Israel, it will not harm your soul in the slightest to educate yourself about Clergy Sexual Abuse. clergysexualmisconduct.com/what-is-csm%3F
Read 70 tweets
Nov 11
If you are a survivor of abuse in @IHOPKC or other communities & are thinking of talking to a journalist, please make sure that you ask them if they have training in trauma-informed journalism.

Make sure you are protecting yourself & others whose story intersects with your own.
Here are some resources recommended by a trauma-informed journalist whom I trust to work with survivors of abuse.

Ask journalists if they have been trained by The Dart Center for Journalism & Trauma (@DartCenter ).
Here are some specific resources from @DartCenter that can help you gauge whether a journalist is safe:

Read 13 tweets
Nov 11
Well, y'all- @IHOPKC is now not using regional law firm @StinsonLLP to conduct an investigation into Clergy Sexual Abuse allegations against @MikeBickle8 .

Instead, they are using a "local law firm," which they somehow forgot to name.

How is this better? Image
Here is the link to the announcement on
@IHOPKC's Instagram page : instagram.com/p/CzfVs4zCbgf/…
@ihopkc Well, where do we start? We are left, once again, with an unnamed law firm. Once again, we know nothing of their qualifications, of their methods, track record, scope of investigation, competence in Clergy Sexual Abuse cases, forensic interviewing credentials, etc.
Read 41 tweets
Nov 10
I am in a Plato reading group led by the @CatherineProj & we just finished The Sophist, which is about how to recognize teachers who present themselves as possessing the truth but who are actually image-makers who create false pictures of reality with words, but seem real.
I'm in this group because I need to understand Plato to understand Philo to understand what Paul is responding to in Romans, but the entire time, I have been thinking about the work of @WadeMullen & @chuckdegroat on image-management & narcissism in the church.
@wademullen @chuckdegroat The Sophists of Soctrates' time (at least according to Plato's image of them) are of people who impress & deceive with words. A lot of the language & imagery we get from why idolatry is wrong comes from Philo's reading of these dialogues in conversation with Torah.
Read 26 tweets
Nov 9
Current & former members of the @IHOPKC community are pushing back against leadership's decision to hire @StinsonLLP, a powerful Midwestern law firm, to investigate allegations of Clergy Sexual abuse against IHOPKC founder, Mike Bickle. julieroys.com/ihop-kc-indepe…
Members of the wider church accountability/survivor community have been trying to get the word out to the wider @IHOPKC community about WHY a third-party investigation by a law firm is a sign that IHOPKC is not acting in good faith.
And the extended @IHOPKC community is sharing these resources & educating themselves, which needs to happen as their leaders have made no effort to educate them & indeed benefit from their followers remaining trusting & as ignorant as possible.
Read 17 tweets

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