H.L.Griffin- #ACNAtoo I NOPE because I hoped Profile picture
DukeDiv MTS '21, TMC '17. Philo, Paul & Romans. Critic of Sincerity Culture.💍 @literalgriffin #ACNAtoo #ActuallyAutistic She/her @hlgriffin 🧵🟦
8 subscribers
Feb 16 4 tweets 1 min read
@NathanBroo33288 @bethkiraly_ @ahailstone @morningstarmin Nathan, please exercise caution about this. ChatGPT does not assess source credibility reliably.

The section on Occult Freemasonry ties alone is based on the Taxil Hoax.

A mixture of true things mixed with insane lies is how these false prophets sucked people into NAR. @NathanBroo33288 @bethkiraly_ @ahailstone @morningstarmin Taxil Hoax myths have been vomited up repeatedly since the 1890's by some of the same organizations listed in this "analysis." Evangelicals, fundamentalists, and charismatics keep returning to that vomit.
Feb 4 18 tweets 3 min read
I just finished reading the @IHOPKC Firefly investigation report.

In any investigation, it's important to listen to participant feedback before we gauge its strengths & weaknesses.

Do they feel like their stories were faithfully represented? I'm planning on sharing more thoughts during the next few days as I have time to digest & listen to the people who risked so much to share their stories & want to share their feedback.
Jan 17 58 tweets 16 min read
I'd like to expound on this.

According to the Isler/Dare investigation report (beginning on pg 71), in 2007, a survivor close to TFCA rector John Yates disclosed to him that Jeff Taylor had sexually abused him when he was a member of the youth group.
tfcanglican.org/special-invest… x.com/MBurtwrites/st… After hearing the allegations, Yates met with his ExCom committee & called Taylor, then a youth minister at Christ Church Anglican in Atlanta, & arranged for him to fly up to TFCA.

Yates & the Senior Associate Rector then confronted Taylor, who denied the allegations. The Church also acted appropriately in reaching out fairly quickly to Taylor to confront him with the 2007 disclosure.  After meeting with the ExCom, Rev. Yates contacted Taylor and arranged for him to fly up to the area.  Rev. Yates and the Senior Associate Rector met with him in person and presented him with the allegations of the 2007 disclosure.    Although Taylor refused to acknowledge the truth of the allegations, both Rev. Yates and Staff 8, in their interviews, said they were convinced that Taylor was lying.
Dec 9, 2024 35 tweets 8 min read
I would like to talk about one of the many times @DrMichaelLBrown could have rethought his entire life when an abuser that he coddled & protected from the Angry Mob of Gossips was exposed.

Why wasn't the conscience of this Man of God horrified? As someone who had to develop research skills in order to achieve some level of subject matter expertise to get his PhD in a respectable program, why didn't he use his research skills to seek out experts a long time ago? Why didn't he take expertise seriously?
Nov 12, 2024 15 tweets 3 min read
This sets the appropriate example.

Until mishandling abuse is a career-ending move, the type of careerists who tend to seek & be promoted to powerful & prestigious positions are not going to tread carefully when they learn of abuse allegations. The biggest thing that goes wrong with leaders who are not willful bad actors when they hear abuse allegations is that they tend to see abuse mishandling as something that only Really Bad People do.
Sep 14, 2024 50 tweets 11 min read
This is part 2 of a 🧵 to help people get caught up on the backstory & the latest developments in the @IHOPKC abuse scandal, including the groundbreaking solution of a sister ministry overseeing an independent, crowd-funded investigation by Firefly. Today we're covering the unusual decision for a sister ministry, Takkun, to contract an independent, third party investigation with Firefly into sexual abuse & institutional response at IHOPKC.

We'll also look at the investigation's scope & Firefly's qualifications.
Sep 14, 2024 52 tweets 11 min read
This is a 🧵 to help people get caught up on the backstory & the latest developments in the @IHOPKC abuse scandal, including the innovative solution of a different ministry sponsoring an independent, crowd-funded investigation by relative newcomer Firefly. I hope that these creative solutions to securing an investigation when the primary organization stonewalls will prove successful & will be adopted by other ministry partners when we see ministries follow IHOPKC on the path of evading transparency & accountability in the future.
Sep 11, 2024 71 tweets 17 min read
Announcement by Tikkun Global of an investigation into @IHOPKC sexual abuse & mishandling allegations.

This is an interesting move & potentially very hopeful.

Analysis to follow.

Hoping to hear from @bozlawpa re: his take on the investigation
tikkunglobal.org/a-formal-inves… First of all, I am personally moved by this decision by Tikkun Global & by how @RonSCantor has called leaders in the charismatic movement to hold higher standards for responding to abuse allegations.

This move sets a high bar for accountability within the movement.
Jun 18, 2024 29 tweets 8 min read
In this video, @watchkeep reads from an article disclosing that Stephen Wilson, Prison Ministries Campus Pastor of @GatewayPeople, went to prison for attempted indecency with a child whom he knew through his position as a high school teacher & coach. If you want to read the article yourself, it is titled "The Church Inside: A New Movement in America’s Prisons," was written by @JonathanSprowl, & was published July 31, 2019 in @OutreachMag. ?outreachmagazine.com/features/disci…
Mar 11, 2024 22 tweets 4 min read
@CourtneySt89976 The Vow is probably the most helpful thing that I have watched because there are a lot of parallels to IHOPKC.

Coverage of NXIVM by the media when the story broke was very much of a lurid sex cult with beautiful Hollywood starlets. @CourtneySt89976 Peoples' experiences of sexual abuse while under years of coercive control & brainwashing were being treated as juicy gossip & lurid voyeurism for a titillated public, many members of which were also asking such helpful questions as "How could these people be so dumb?"
Mar 9, 2024 81 tweets 21 min read
Who in the @IHOPKC has #MoravianFever & is willing to spend an hour helping me fact-check a claim? I would need about 12 volunteers, stalwart & true, who are willing to read 10 pages of Rimius' "A Candid Narrative" to help me find the source of a salacious rumor. Those of you who have been sharing the Deception Bytes blog post on Zinzendorf & thinking he was definitely a pedo might recall this other claim: Image
Mar 9, 2024 19 tweets 5 min read
Good morning, @IHOPKC folks who are rethinking your lives. I continue on my autism history dive into the Moravian mythology promoted by IHOPKC as people reckon with Zinzendorf's own problematic erotic mysticism & ask if this was an influence or source for Mike. I continue to think that Mike probably didn't know much at all about Zinzendorf's teachings & will continue to hold this opinion until there is evidence that he was reading & drawing from Zinzendorf's erotic mysticism in the early days of Metro & IHOPKC.
Mar 8, 2024 50 tweets 11 min read
Y'all, the 18th century equivalent of spicy Church Accountability Twitter was lit.

In the 1750's, there was an anti-Moravian pamphlet campaign in England.

This is an excerpt from Rimius' 1755 A Supplement to the Candid Narrative of the Rise and Progress of the Herrnhuters"  https://www.google.com/books/edition/A_Supplement_to_the_Candid_Narrative_of/RYoUAAAAQAAJ?hl=en&gbpv=1&pg=RA1-PA20&printsec=20 We even get a little Ye Olde @WadeMullen Style Image Management Analysis here, & the style is *devastatingly* elegant.

18th @DrMichaelLBrown would most definitely have been scolding people not to write pamphlets & to let him do the thinking here.

Feb 3, 2024 20 tweets 4 min read
.@IHOPKC folks- As you are processing the slapdash "independent" investigation by Rosalee McNamara of Lathrop Group, a powerful law-firm known for its representation of giant corporations & Roman Catholic institutions embroiled in sexual abuse scandals... ...know that the practice of hiring law-firms that conduct opaque investigations on behalf of embattled clients (invariably declared "independent," sometimes with an equally vague & unexplained claim to be "trauma-informed") is common not just in churches...
Jan 19, 2024 11 tweets 5 min read
Hey, @IHOPKC folks- I'm seeing some references to "Stockholm Syndrome" get thrown around. It isn't a real thing & has a problematic, misogynistic history. independent.co.uk/news/world/ame… When we use language like "due process," "Stocholm Syndrome," "cult," "trafficking," etc., we need to always ask: "Does this language bring clarity, or does it obscure?"

Vague, memey, bucket terms like Stockholm Syndrome tend to keep us from asking deeper questions.
Dec 20, 2023 17 tweets 3 min read
Something that there is no easy way to talk about in advocacy work is the way that wicked ministry leaders will often use "Good Survivors" (meaning victims that they still have some level of control over) as human shields or pawns to discredit "Bad Survivors." Bad Survivors are a threat to the ministry's image. Leaders who either directly abused or enabled abuse of survivors unsurprisingly have no problem reabusing them again when they threaten the idolatrous self-images of leaders and communities.
Dec 19, 2023 22 tweets 7 min read
.@SNAPNetwork , we see mostly Roman Catholic abuse cases in the trophy case on Lathrop Group's investigations page.

Do y'all have any thoughts for the @IHOPKC people who are being asked to trust @EricVolz that this is a trauma-informed investigation?

The reason I'm asking, @IHOPKC folk, is that, in addition to boasting about how great Lathrop's investigations are for protecting religious institutions, the trophies in the case are mostly Roman Catholic abuse cases, which means @SNAPNetwork would have likely been involved.
Dec 13, 2023 44 tweets 10 min read
Yesterday, after Mike Bickle of @IHOPKC released his tortured fauxpology/concession, the next phase of a smear-campaign began to unfold on a Twitter account with the handle of @lucabrasi_ & the name of Mike Brown began to release old emails from Jane Doe to Mike Bickle. The @Lucabrasi_ account also partially released the real name of Jane Doe before taking down both the screenshots of the emails & the name, but he did set up a classy little quiz as to whether her name should be released, also since taken down. Image
Dec 3, 2023 56 tweets 11 min read
@MatthewHartke @ihopkc This is great, @MatthewHartke . I put together some resources on the history of the twisting of Matt 18 by abusive leaders to evade accountability. The form that evangelicals, fundamentalists, & charismatics use was developed & spread by Bill Gothard.

@MatthewHartke @ihopkc Because it has been embedded in so many sectors of white Christianity for over 40 years, Boomers & Gen X have been so formed by it that they treat it as an obviously "Biblical Process" that is plainly evident in scripture.
Dec 3, 2023 19 tweets 6 min read






THIS. There is, alas, no surviving fanfic encompassing the Jesus/Philo crossover universes.

But y'all, there was some early Christian fanfic with Philo.
Dec 2, 2023 54 tweets 11 min read
@natecdrums @Joel7Richardson @ericmetaxas @ihopkc Abusers are consummate image makers. They can sound sincere. They can sound convincing. They can do this for decades. When they slip, we empathize with them because we think what they reveal when they slip is "out of character." @natecdrums @Joel7Richardson @ericmetaxas @ihopkc Most of us never see beyond the performance, much of which is on stage.

They can say true & good things that we receive with a pure heart & that bless us.

They can play dress-up in the appearance of goodness.