How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App biggest thing that goes wrong with leaders who are not willful bad actors when they hear abuse allegations is that they tend to see abuse mishandling as something that only Really Bad People do. we're covering the unusual decision for a sister ministry, Takkun, to contract an independent, third party investigation with Firefly into sexual abuse & institutional response at IHOPKC. you want to read the article yourself, it is titled "The Church Inside: A New Movement in America’s Prisons," was written by @JonathanSprowl, & was published July 31, 2019 in @OutreachMag. ?… reason I'm asking, @IHOPKC folk, is that, in addition to boasting about how great Lathrop's investigations are for protecting religious institutions, the trophies in the case are mostly Roman Catholic abuse cases, which means @SNAPNetwork would have likely been involved. @ihopkc Because it has been embedded in so many sectors of white Christianity for over 40 years, Boomers & Gen X have been so formed by it that they treat it as an obviously "Biblical Process" that is plainly evident in scripture. is, alas, no surviving fanfic encompassing the Jesus/Philo crossover universes.