Pastures can convert sunlight, animal waste, and CO2 into grass which is fuel for self propelled protein generating machinery we call cattle.
The protein this system generates is imminently digestible by humans with no post-processing other than cutting and optional cooking. 1/5
Grass and cattle can regenerate and reinforce each other indefinitely in harmony with nature and with almost no human input, as evidenced by existence of this cycle with tens of millions of bison on the plains of North America before our intervention. 2/5
Be wary of those who tell you this natural arrangement is inferior to a system using seed planters, sprayers, harvesting combines, diesel, pesticides, inorganic fertilizers, GMO crops, subsidies, sterile fields, and centralized multinational FACTORIES to produce FAKE meat. 3/5
Disclosure: although grain-finished beef operations do rely on grass-fed cattle as inputs, they are distinct from grass-finished beef operations in that they do require significant use of fertilizer, fuel, infrastructure, and machinery to augment production of real beef. 4/5
Instead of resigning ourselves to eating fake meat made in foreign factories, we should re-examine US government actions that have made smaller otherwise-sustainable farms unprofitable.
Pass the PRIME Act to allow American farmers to more easily sell healthy food locally. 5/5
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*pass HR-2, the Republican border security bill (sans e-verify)
*establish a debt commission.
I voted for it, but that bill failed because 21 republicans and every democrat voted against it.
The senate began moving a bill to fund the government at 100% for 45 days and send billions to Ukraine.
Some representatives in the House were ready to vote for that bill. In fact, GOP leadership (McConnell) in the Senate endorsed that bill. It was advancing as the likely option
With no other viable options, the Speaker quickly advanced a bill to fund at 100% for 45 days, without Ukraine $, so we could work on the other 8 approps bills.
Brave GOP senators overrode the decision of their leadership and the Senate GOP decided to delay the Senate bill.
(1/4) Did you know the only way to buy beef or pork or lamb from your local farmer and have it processed by a trusted local non-USDA facility is to buy the whole animal while it’s alive and pay to have it butchered yourself?!
(2/4) Most folks aren’t able to buy a whole animal or share a whole animal with other families, much less keep all of that meat in a freezer for months!
So they’re forced to buy from a supermarket & farmers are forced to sell their animals to multinational monopolies.
(3/4) The PRIME Act fixes this with one simple change to the law.
The PRIME Act lets farmers sell portions of the processed animal (like steaks, or pork loin, or lamb chops) instead of the whole animal, and allows them to use existing local non-USDA processors to butcher it.
When our Constitution is amended, everything in the Constitution that precedes the amendment is subject to the amendment.
The base text does not overrule the amendment; the amendment overrules the base text.
Art 1, Sec 5, Clause 2 of the Constitution states:
“Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings, punish its Members for disorderly Behaviour, and, with the Concurrence of two thirds, expel a Member.”
If the Constitution were amended to say,
“No member can be fined an excessive amount as punishment.”
“Salary reductions to enforce fines, can’t be enacted without an intervening election.”
These amendments would limit what could be done according to Art 1, Sec 5, Clause 2.
There are at least 5 things Congress calls “spending.”
1. Budgets from budget committee.
2. Authorizations to spend money from various committees.
3. Appropriations from approps committee.
4. Entitlements/nondiscretionary spending by law.
5. Debt limit.
It’s an aspirational guideline that typically covers 10 years. It’s reported from the House Budget committee. Years 2 thru 10 are routinely ignored. It considers discretionary and non-discretionary spending. Ironically it’s not very relevant to Congressional spending.
An example would be the Science committee authorizes $5 billion per year for 6 years to be spent at NASA. This makes it legal for Congress to spend UP TO that amount of money.
Surprisingly many government departments are not authorized, and operate on waivers.
I’m taking a hard pass on artificial meat, whether it’s grown from animal cells that have attributes of tumors, or manufactured from plants (eg veggie burgers).
Both require an industrialized production system in which food will be made in giant factories, not on farms.
Let’s review the Federal Reserve Bank’s many roles, & how each of them enabled the SVB failure/malfeasance:
(1) Santa Claus.
By keeping interest rates artificially low, FED stimulated the economy, & nudged those with capital into the VC space creating demand for a bank like SVB.
(2) Arsonist.
FED created $5 trillion out of thin air so Congress could inject this money into the economy. There weren’t 5 trillion dollars to borrow during COVID, and certainly not at the low rates imposed by FED. Inflation was off to the races thanks to dilution.
(3) Firefighter.
After setting the blaze, FED came to the rescue to fight inflation by rapidly increasing interest rates. As a result, net VC startup deposits into SVB slowed, while assets held by SVB (long-term low-interest government debt) became less valuable.