Zooming out to the full pandemic shows the harm of the 8th U.S. Covid wave.
🔹More daily infections that 2/3 of the pandemic
🔹25x more actual than reported cases
🔹44,000 #LongCovid cases/day eventually resulting from these infections
🔹Winter peak similar to last year
Here's the full PMC Dashboard for Nov 27 to Dec 25.
You can read the full report here:
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We're entering the 8th pandemic wave, likely surging to >2% infectious (>1 million cases/day) in a month.
Today's numbers:
🔹 1.41% (1 in 71) are infectious
🔹 >670,000 C0VID cases/day
🔹>34,000 #LongCovid cases/day
Note that the different forecasting models show high convergence.
December 11 by the Numbers:
🔹 2.25% (1 in 44) likely to be infectious
🔹 >1 million anticipated C0VID cases/day
🔹>50,000 resulting #LongCovid cases/day
Zooming out to the full #pandemic, there is no debate we're in an 8th U.S. C0VID wave, likely entering a "surge" in my view. That's not a word I take lightly.
There's more transmission than during 54% of pandemic days.
#MaskUp #VaxUp 😷💉
Today's Numbers:
🔹 1.27% (1 in 78) are infectious
🔹 >600,000 C0VID cases/day
🔹>30,000 #LongCovid cases/day
We will pass the late-summer wave's peak in just over a month.
The different forecasting models reach a strikingly similar conclusion about where we'll be in a month: very bad.
November 27 by the Numbers:
🔹 1.76% (1 in 57) are infectious
🔹 >800,000 C0VID cases/day
🔹>40,000 #LongCovid cases/day
Forecasting nuance:
Alt Model #1 (turtle) thinks the current real-time numbers are an underestimate, and it ignores the most recent week's data. Alt Model #2 (cheetah) accounts for recent errors in the real-time numbers; with low error, it maps on very closely to the real-time (red) line. The black line shows the composite used for reporting estimates. Note, everything converges in 4 weeks.
Zooming out to the full pandemic, you can see that we are entering the 8th wave.
Today, there is more transmission than during 50.6% of pandemic days. It's a coin toss as to whether any particular day of the pandemic has had more or less transmission than today. 😷💉 3/
New #LongCOVID article out today in one of the top science journals, @Nature.
The most striking finding to me was that more frequent vaccination reduced the risk of yearlong LC from the 4.3-5.2% range (in their sample, which is low) to just 0.38%. That's a >10x reduction.
Their sample is at the low end of #LongCOVID estimates overall, so for a fairer comparison, I could imagine 20% of the under-vaccinated group with LC & about 2% in the more frequently vaxxed group.
We could quibble on the base rates, but the risk reduction is the key stat.
I always advocate for multilayered mitigation because a 0.4-2% chance of a new severe disability is considerable for individuals and populations. Effects are cumulative. Also, vaccines wane, and evading variants emerge unpredictably. Forward transmission is common. Etc.
PMC C0VID-19 Tracker, Oct 23, 2023
"As Good As It Gets"
U.S. #wastewater levels are higher than during 44% of the pandemic:
🔹 1.05% (1 in 95) are infectious
🔹 >500,000 C0VID cases/day
🔹>25,000 #LongCovid cases/day
Fall cases bottom out in 2 days or so. 1/
Zooming out from the 6-month view to the full pandemic, note that fall transmission is bottoming out at a high rate.
The U.S. 8th wave this winter will start to pick up soon, at a fast clip, and transmission will accelerate in December.
With 1.05% of the U.S. population actively infectious (Oct 23), larger group activities continue to be increasingly risky.
Expect similar numbers the next two weeks. Then, activities will get much more dangerous.