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Nov 28, 2023 71 tweets 32 min read Read on X
The Ultimate Jimmy Savile Thread 🚨
Did you know that the now King Charles had a pedophile, murderer, necrophiliac as a trusted and admired advisor?
Buckle your seat belts for a deep dive on one of the most heinous people I've ever had the displeasure of digging on.
If you want to red pill a friend or family member on the royal family then I suggest you have them read this article.
The proof is all there.
Many of the old guard elites are far worse than you can imagine.
When people tell you that elite pedophiles involved in Pizzagate are a conspiracy theory: Show them this.

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@Nevstv @TheStormRedux @LizCrokin @RPPharmacist @RedPill78 @realjusthuman @truestormyjoe @prayingmedic @TruePatriotAU
There are few people I’ve studied that have a darker and provable history than Jimmy Saville. I hadn’t researched much about him until I noticed his deep connection with the now King Charles and thought I’d look around. And boy, is there a lot to uncover. This is a man who lived under constant media scrutiny. His fans followed him around showering him with adoration and praise. He was regaled as a man of the people. His public persona was that of a man who loved the people, who gave back through public service and foundations, who made the people smile and laugh, but behind the scenes laid a myriad of dark secrets so perverse that it makes one shudder just to think about. Jimmy Saville is a prime example of how the corrupt freemason Luciferians love to deceive the people and give hints publicly about who they really are. Getting off on the thrill of getting away with it. We are talking about a spree of mass pedophilia, murder, and necrophilia. And the worse part is that the mainstream media knew all about it, the cops knew, then adored Royal family knew, and no one did a thing.

They were all complicit.

If you ever want to red pill a friend or family member, Jimmy Saville is an excellent and disturbing place to start. There is no mistaking the evil emanating from this man and by the end of this this thread you will have a hard time looking at elites or the royal family the same way again.

For the seasoned anon/truther: This is just par for the course.

But I will tell you, Jimmy is one of the worst I’ve ever seen.

Jimmy was raised in a Catholic family by his mother who, herself, claimed she did not beat him enough.
Perhaps Savile found some kind of pleasure out of physical beating because it was in the wrestling ring where first gained notoriety.
Where he first gained true fame, though, was when he became the DJ for the BBC’s hit show Top of the Pops.
Which featured many of the days rising musical stars and talents. Teens and children naturally flocked to the show to watch and celebrate their favorite celebrities.

The nation took a liking to Jimmy’s eccentricates.
The crowds flocked but behind the scenes, as he ruminated in his power, his crime spree began to peak. It was said that even as early back as before he was famous he was lurking around committing horrific acts against children. But with this newfound power, he became defiant and the victims multiplied tremendously. Few had any idea of the scope.

Little did they know they were head over heels for one of the most prolific pedophiles we’ve ever seen.
Fame, Fortune, and celebrity status came with his successful show.
Most understood he had an exterior mask he showed people. He rarely showed anyone what was happening inside or showed true emotion.
He was not limited to just children on his show, which he did abuse, and some in broad daylight, as he prowled around psych wards and hospitals for children to rape. I wish I was making this up.
The facade was he providing and donating out of the goodness of his heart. He was caring for people and loving them. What a great guy he was, the masses thought!…
Reminiscent of one of the world’s most famous pedophiles isn’t it? The foundation is an easy way to launder money, to improve your standing with sheep, and perhaps there is other purposes unknown. Image
“What an amazing person she is.” - Sheep

They gave the keys of the castle to a predator of the highest order.
Do you see how he uses this scheme to improve his standing.

It’s optics and this is what the elite do. They want you to think how giving and humanitarian they are but inwardly they are monsters.
It wasn’t just psych wards and hospitals either. It was literally mortuaries.

Jimmy Savile 'Wore Huge Rings Made From Glass Eyes Of Dead Bodies' He Claimed
Jimmy Savile 'seen having sex with bodies and wheeling body of four-year-old in pram into hospital mortuary'

And I just want to point out that Jimmy went and spent an inordinate amount of time alone with his dead mother's carcass.

When I first came across that, I thought it strange, but didn't dwell much on it.

But then I read this:

Now that we know he was a necrophiliac, the picture becomes clear...

The five days he spent with his mother’s dead body were some of the happiest of his life.

Was he was violating his dead mother's corpse? I can't prove this, of course, but I believe that may have been the case. Why else was he hanging around her body for so long? It is not normal. NOTHING coming from this man is normal.

He gets off on deceiving people, sheep in public.
They consider it fun to flaunt their privilege and evil in our faces. Why else do they display all the symbolism in their pictures?
And by the way, I wasn't able to 100% prove he was a freemason, but I got pretty damn close. His funeral... Freemasons gathered around. We have the pictures. It isn't conjecture. It's open source.
He wanted to be buried at a 45-degree angle, which I did not, nor still have not, understood the meaning behind.
One of the most chilling situations occurred when Jimmy was on this show and went on with a fellow freemason (they were doing the hand shake in the proceeding picture with a fellow murderer who I will get to) and Phil Collins wished them a fun after party with the girls and winked in the creepiest way possible.

"What a lot of people don't know is the fantastic work you do for charity and particularly with the Prince's trust. So on behalf of me and my fellow trustees and everybody at the Prince's Trust and also the kids whose lives you touched...Just through being there and showing that you care about them.."
But get this, Phill Collins is a freemason too! They aren’t even hiding it!
It's all a club and we aren't in it.
These people are beyond sick!

Now check this out. Jimmy was a murderer. It was not totally proven but I will make the bold claim that this pedophile Satanist was, in fact, a murderer and here is why: This psychopath who killed at least 13 girls literally buried a body in none other than JIMMY'S backyard.

Yes, you heard me right..

Think about it. Jimmy is a necrophiliac. He has buried the bodies of murdered children in his backyard supplied by another freemason, mind you, and now you begin to get the picture. WTF.

The reason I began to dig into Jimmy in the first place was because of his ties to the royal family. And boy are they potent. He was literally sought after as an unofficial chief royal advisor. Not just one family member but many of them. They saw him as their royal court jester. Don't you think they knew how sick this man was? Of course they did! Because they themselves are in the same club.

Some postulate that he was actually the head of a pedophile ring. Here he is bragging about how he dropped off a young girl to Prince Phillip in front of an adoring crowd. You can’t make this stuff up.
This same Frank Bruno doing was married by a pedophile priest. No, I’m not kidding. It is a small pedophile world for the elite. All interconnected seemingly.

Don't believe me? Here's the Queen at a freemason club and giving the handshake.

Guess who this is giving the Queen a freemason handshake? Rolf Harris. Another pedophile freemason deeply connected to Jimmy Savile.…

“I did notice you kissed his ring when you got in here.”
A sign of a hierarchy between two pedophiles?
Another freemason pedophile…

Prince Charles, the now king, loved this man. He is one of the most prolific pedophiles I've ever seen. AND HE LOVED HIM. This so-called king, really an imposter and criminal, promoted this pedophile at every turn.
Best buds

Where do you go for help when they control the system?
Diana must have found something out later and sought to escape from the cult.
Remember that they operate in secrecy. I doubt they tell everyone their schemes and deeds right off the bat but rather slowly pull someone in through tests. If there was a pedophile test, he passed everything with flying colors. The letters are all there.
Prince Andrew sought him.

Prince Phillip loved him.

And the now king thought he was the best thing since toasted bread.

Don't believe me? Look at the letters for yourself. The proof is all there.…
And you want to talk about sickness.

Sickening testimony of a poor girl being raped in church by Jimmy.
Back to the psych wards because it cannot be glossed over.

This man was literally hanging around mentally disturbed children in psych ward/care homes and preying on the weak and vulnerable.
He was molesting paralyzed children in small private rooms. Image
Some even painted pictures showing that the bad man was Savile in a cry for help and no one listened or intervened.

This is stuff out of a horror movie, folks.
He turned up and would grab children and bring them off to wherever he wanted.

They allowed it all.

The children were drugged.
Even seasoned anons, who dig into these people on the daily, find Jimmy to be repulsive in every single way.
My tolerance for digging into Satanists was tested here. Remember that the sheep, the masses, incessantly praised this man. This abomination who raped AT LEAST over 400 children.

Imagine the victims who weren't reported. Imagine what the royal family may have done behind the scenes that is shrouded in the night. No one hears from them but God does. And they won't get away with it.

The royal family knighted this man.

Can it get any more obvious?

The elite praise and promote their own who remain loyal to the club.
Remember that he bragged about dropping a young girl off to Prince Phillip. Perhaps he was actually running an operation. Doubtful he was a lone pedophile. If that was the case, why do some of these people bow to him and kiss his ring? I'd like to know what those rings represented but couldn't find much on them. Are they showing respect here just because he is a celebrity or is it more than that? I believe the latter.

But Jimmy believed and knew he would and could because of his connections to the cult.

Margaret Thatcher was key in advancing Jimmy Savile’s prestige
Here’s a STILL undeleted tweet from today’s current current Prime Minister. For those who have dug into Podesta’s emails, you will find that she is speaking in code here and it is not good.
Check for yourself. The tweet still remains. No shame.



Not only that, but his disturbing partnership with the police. There wasn't a single report from any victim in all the years before he was caught. No one could find one single lead.


The police were in on it. They aided and abetted serial pedophilia and necrophilia.
Letters were sent for help. No one answered the cry.
He had every single avenue available to him to stay protected and that included the BBC. They knew he was a pedophile and they actively worked to keep the story silent.…
Some heat began to percolate later in his life. Rumors were swirling about his crimes and even his ties to the royal family couldn’t entirely sweep it under the rug. He was brought in for questioning but he threatened them and essentially reminded them that he owned the police in his own way.
The police did not inform the women about the other victims. They allowed them to feel alone and nothing was done.
The fox controls the henhouse.

There is a reason why anons say that the mainstream media is the enemy of the people.
Save the children.
But why would the Mockingbird media choose to go after Jimmy?
They wouldn’t. The old media will not protect the children.

But anons, the new media, work tirelessly to do so.
He molested a girl on live television and no one did a single thing. The arrogance is appalling.

Think about the level of proverbial and perhaps real spellcasting that he had to dabble in to fool people like that.
All out in the open. No hiding it.
He just says I'm a pedophile and people feel strange, but they say nothing.
That was his power. This man had a power behind him, make no mistake about it.

"Kidnapping local ladies... We also kidnap ladies and sell them."
He is telling everyone who he is.
"My game was to have a thousand wives. My case comes up next Thursday. I am often tempted..."
When asked about his god.

He said and I quote, I made a god in my own image. Look at his drab here.
"There are many sorts of gods. There is my own god. Who is a god possibly molded to my own image. My god is for me."
He looks like a wizard of sorts, dancing around and rejoicing in his debauchery.

This man's life was astonishing in its depravity. And it's the royal family who thought his advice was so crucial to their success. It's because, in my opinion, he was a high-level Satanist. They must have found the way he openly deceives people to be so impressive. To do it with such recklessness was impressive, albeit horrifying.

Not only this, but Jimmy wasn't praised by adults as much as he was by children. A classic wolf in sheep's clothing if I've ever seen it. He was off granting children's wishes on his show, "Jim Will Fix It" in one moment while raping them in the next moment.

Children adored what he would do to make their dreams come true. Sickening!
This is the template, not the exception. As difficult it is to research some of this, it is important. This is the kind of information that can jolt a normie awake. Once you see pure evil for what it is, you cannot go back. Our musicians, artists, those with great talent, the politically savvy.. the freemasons, the elite cabal, work to snatch them up into their control. They do this through blackmail (think Epstein Island) and the harm of a child.
No sane person will stand for the abuse of the most vulnerable people in our society and that's a big reason why they use them. Jimmy truly gave into deep dark forces.

The rules don’t apply to me. Absolute freedom….
VERY similar to what Satanist Abramovic said about her star pupil, Lady Gaga.
She was willing to push beyond her boundaries into what they think is absolute freedom.
The harm of a child means nothing to them. They see it as a constraint to not take power or explore.

Warning this video is disturbing

I would postulate that the cabal finds those who have a propensity for child abuse and find ways to promote them because they know they will  continue to delve deeper into their dark arts as time goes on.

Please tell me you don't see someone who literally worships satanic forces because that is what I see.
One reporter finally had the gall to possibly bring him down.
But right as he was ready to finally let the world know the truth, Jimmy Savile died.
He never saw justice in this life.
He went scorched earth and only after he had died did a brave reporter find a way to bring the truth out.
A reverend flashing devil horns at the funeral of Savile. What are the chances? Image
His grave was desecrated and finally brought down. 
The people were shocked and the world lost their so called beacon of comedy.
Jimmy is a prime examples of the old guard.
Their crimes are not as uncommon as the masses would like to believe. When stories like these come out, they find themselves initially shocked and then brush it off and take their nice little blue pill that comforts them into complacency. They do not realize how far reaching the cults really go. They do not understand the spiritual nature of this war or the evil that wages against us. The pharaohs of our time see themselves as our superiors in every single way. People like Jimmy flaunted it for all to see.
Do you actually believe the royal family was just innocent bystanders in all this? Video footage in this article shows that Jimmy bragged about bringing a child to Prince Phillip. He was promoted by freemasons and loved. The royal family must have had intelligence on all kinds of players in the game. Don’t you believe that they had the reach and finances to find out all about who they were close with?
It is no accident that the family that had Prince Andrew become fast friends with Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein nor a coincidence that the same family that Princess Diana openly wrote was planning to kill them also had one of the most heinous pedophile, necrophiliac, murderers as a cherished advisor.
Has your opinion changed on the royal family and the elite in general? Even just a little?

I hope so because these people truly and unmistakably are sick.
Here is the good news:

A day is coming where the old guard will truly fall.

The pharaohs of our time will not escape the judgment coming. And God will replace them with a Godly counterparts that truly care and love the people.

May that day come swiftly.
If you appreciate my work considering following me @ultrafrog17 and check out another one of my threads here.
Many more to come. Stay tuned!

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Jul 26
The Occult Symbolism Displayed at the 2012 Olympics Ceremony 🧵

Remember when we were undergoing the greatest mass delusion event in human history when they got millions of sheep to sit in their homes fearful of a virus that had an over 99% survival rate and a cure?

Well, do you recall when the nurses started doing inexplicable dance routines because the “full” hospitals were relatively vacant and they were bored?

You thought 2020 had dancing nurses yet 2012 actually did it first.

After this display, a newborn baby emerges from the ground.

Given what we now understand about predictive programming, the 2012 Olympic ceremony was nothing short of eery and disconcerting. After analyzing all the footage, I suspect this was speaking into the Covid pandemic that was to come. Why do I feel this way? Look at the ceremony for yourself and really think about what you are watching.

Dancing nurses gather around what can only be described as a Babylon-esque ziggurat fashioned like a grassy hill as the theme from The Exorcist plays out. The masses cheer as hospital beds are laid out.
Note the striking images projected to the masses.

Pyramids surround the world as they bring the flag to what some would consider to be a naturalistic-looking ziggurat. It looks exactly like the tower of Babylon, if you ask me, with a tree placed right at the top.

What is the purpose of the pyramids? How did no one think this was bizarre and question it even a little?

But this is where it gets even more eery. Eight years before coronavirus fundamentally changed our planet, the London Olympics were highlighting dancing nurses and doctors as a spirit of death appeared out of the woodwork.

You might think this is a coincidence, but the stadium looks like a cell of Covid.

This is what many of your conspiracy theorist friends would call Predictive Programming.

Out of the ashes of this event comes a phoenix bursting forth. This is what they wanted. A whole new world in the aftermath of their pandemic event.

Remember when everyone thought it was absolutely idiotic that our nurses had the time to create viral TikTok dances when the media told us the hospitals were full to the brim? Well eight years before this display of idiocy, the UK was putting this into the public subconscious.Image
Take all this with a grain of salt, of course, but knowing what we know about the elites at the top... you don't think they would have planned this years in advance? I do. In fact, we know they created COVID-19 vaccines years before the pandemic was even a known entity. Anthony Fauci himself “predicted” that Trump would receive an “unexpected pandemic” and low and behold a virus was created and released in a lab in China. Or so they say. There are theories about the Ukrainian biolabs that cannot be forgotten considering Hunter Biden was using Metabiota to fund these ominous labs in Ukraine, one of the most corrupt countries in the world. When confronted about the labs, America told us they weren’t there and then backtracked when they were caught red-handed. Many believe a second pandemic was avoided in the following months. I am one of them. But regardless, China was losing a tremendous amount of wealth from Donald Trump’s Presidency. They stood to gain from Trump’s loss. We know that Biden campaigned from his basement, his rallies contained crowds of three, and voter fraud allegations arose during the election like never seen before. Covid brought with it the excuse to use mail-in ballots which provided the ability to commit mass voter fraud in plain sight. Anyone who pointed this out on social media was subsequently banned.

I suspect that an economic Great Reset was in the works for many years. But when Trump got into power, this caused them a headache they could not help but resist. They framed him for treason with the FBI and now we know that someone wanted him dead as the Secret Service opened the red carpet for a “lone shooter.”

What would a reset actually accomplish for this mysterious cabal? I think they wanted America to collapse. They want a world without borders, a one world utopia of their own making. This is a dream of theirs as old as the days of Noah. If you don’t believe they want that in our age, then I suggest you go read what George Soros’ Open Society Foundation is pushing for in its mission statement.

America when controlled by a shadow cabal is a powerful force for evil. But when the right people fight back and use her power for good, she is capable of incredible feats of righteousness and good.
Read 9 tweets
Jul 17
How the CIA creates Lone Gunmen through the MK Ultra Program to silence Opposition. 🧵 Image
The CIA is capable of creating lone gunman in three to six weeks with a trained therapist and hypnotherapy.

Dr. Milton V. Kline, former consultant to the CIA's supersecret behavior-modification project Bluebird, is currently cam- paigning for strict legal constraints on hypnosis said exactly this in a now declassified document:

“He was outspoken in his belief that one of the central goals of these ex- periments-to create a hypnotized, remote-control assassin-was entire- ly possible, though he denies knowl- edge of any "terminal experiments" that would have tested his theories. The fictional Manchurian can- didate, presented in Richard Con- don's thriller and later in a movie starring Frank Sinatra, is, in Kline's mind, still a frighteningly real specter. "It cannot be done by everyone," he argues. "It cannot be done consistently, but it can be done." Kline claims that given the proper subject and circumstances, by using hypnosis he could produce such a killer in three to six weeks.”

Under hypnosis, Sirhan Sirhan remembers a woman who gave him coffee and lead him to a dark place. He was lying on a table and then the next thing he remembers is being restrained after shooting at RFK. He literally can't remember anything in between. A dark place and a coffee? Was he drugged?

Was he under hypnosis when the event happened? Did you know that Sirhan joined the mystical order of the Rosa Crucians and took to self-hypnotism.

This means he was a perfect person to act as the patsy, someone who was easily programmable.
Read 12 tweets
Jun 12
Are you hearing this? Kevin Spacey just said that Bill Clinton went to South Africa with young girls during Clinton Foundation humanitarian trips while on Epstein's plane. How is this not the biggest story in the media right now? 🧵
Spacey says that he started seeing reports online, by the anons who exposed all of this, that he had flown to Jeffrey Epstein's Lolita Express and abused young girls. He says he didn't know anything about Epstein. Does he really think people will buy this? Kevin Spacey was seen sitting on a British throne with Epstein's handler, Ghislaine Maxwell way back in 2002. Make no mistake, Spacey knew and was complicit in all of this.
He says he was flying Epstein's plane without knowing it and then claims he was with the Clinton Foundation people.. This is not the alibi he should be wanting. The Clinton Foundation is responsible for crimes against humanity in Haiti and many other countries.
Kevin Spacey is attempting to reform his public image after the awakening has occurred about Epstein Island and Pedowood. We cannot let this happen.…
On December 24th, 2019 Kevin Spacey uploaded a video to his Youtube channel after multiple sexual abuse accusers "committed suicide" where he says:
"I'm DEAD serious. And it's not that hard trust me. The next time someone does something you don't like, you can go on the attack. But you can also hold your fire and do the unexpected. You can KILL them with kindness."

December 25th, 2019, one day after Spacey's strange video release: Ari Behn, Norweigen royalty who claimed Kevin Spacey had groped him, dies of "suicide."

September 2019:
An anonymous massage therapist claimed that Spacey had groped him at a house in Malibu, California. He sues for sexual battery and assault. But this case could not go to court for one reason: The massage therapist ended up dead and the case was dismissed. How convenient for Mr. Spacey. What are the chances that two of the people who could have brought him to court end up dead within the span of four months? If you have been paying attention to just how corrupt our society is, you have to question this sort of thing and you cannot just simply chalk it up to mere coincidence.…
Listen to Kevin Spacey's Christmas message, one day before his accuser commits suicide and tell me that this isn't suspicious as hell knowing the kind of people Kevin Spacey chose to surround himself with (Ghislaine Maxwell, the Clinton Foundation, flying on Epstein's plane).
"I'm DEAD serious. And it's not that hard trust me. The next time someone does something you don't like, you can go on the attack. But you can also hold your fire and do the unexpected. You can KILL them with kindness."
One day later, the man accusing him commits suicide.
Is this a coincidence?
Read 8 tweets
Apr 29
Trump and his team of Patriots changed the world and what they set in motion will have ripple effects for generations to come. 🧵

Perhaps you are witnessing an unstoppable avalanche, a cascade of events that no one can stop.

On May 20th, 2017 Trump visits Saudi Arabia as they roll out the red carpet for him and treat him like a king.

This was his very first stop on his world trip and not by chance but very purposeful.

"They are rolling out the red carpet because they are so honored that he has picked Saudi Arabia as the first stop on his first foreign trip (as President). The past five Presidents have picked countries like the UK or Canada to go to. President Trump coming here right to the heart of the middle east.

What we are seeing now is so symbolic. The level of pomp and circumstance really show how important this relationship is. It's really powerful imagery..."
In retrospect, this turned out to be one of the most significant moments in Trump's tenure as President and set into motion something that no one can stop in my opinion. A change of the guard was coming and this would enrage the globalists into a fit of fury never seen in modern history.Image
May 21st, 2017 in Saudi Arabia Trump gives a speech getting to the heart of what anons had been preaching about all these years:

"This is not a battle between different faiths, different sects, or different civilizations, this is a battle between barbaric criminals to seek to obliterate human life and decent people all in the name of religion. This is a battle between good and evil."

Now you have to ask yourself this simple question:

How is it that Trump was able to eliminate ISIS as quickly as he did and the previous administration could not seem to do a thing to slow them down? It's because they didn't want to stop them. They were complicit and, in fact, the deep state funded and trained ISIS themselves.
Read 17 tweets
Apr 23
The Franklin Scandal Deep Dive

The Nebraska cover-up contains within it the quintessential playbook the deep state uses to contaminate our society with corruption, pedophilia, blackmail, and unhinged greed.

This is Epstein Island before Epstein Island. The Diddy blackmail operations before you knew this was their playbook.

Suspicious plane crashes, the predators in charge of the media, the mysterious deaths of the whistleblowers, and lawfare implemented to silence the victims.

There is no length to which they will not go to prevent the truth from coming out. Yet, everything that is hidden will come into the light.

Share this with people needing to wake up. This is a potent red pill that I spent hours researching. Thank you to everyone for your support!
@Nevstv @ItsJuliansRum @ThreeSe7ens
This is their playbook. Everything that happens in Nebraska is brought forth in this country and the world on an even grander stage, at times.

Once this reality sinks in, you can see it happening all around you. Sexual blackmail is their preferred currency. Once they get you, you are theirs for life. They can control you, and bend you to their will, and if you do not, you are canceled immediately and there is nothing anyone can do about it.

Many of today’s politicians have been branded by this evil. When a politician in the swamp does something you do not expect that aids the corruption rather than fighting it, you can assume they are being bought and paid for or something much worse is occurring. The playbook has been used and they are being puppeteered by blackmail of the worse kind.
Breaking down the Franklin Scandal is no easy feat. I read an entire book, watched hours of interviews, and dug with other anons into the subject fervently. What follows is an alarming rabbit hole that seems to have no end.
Sexual blackmail is the playbook for governments and intelligence agencies. It is not scarce in its appearance, it is the norm. But what makes this so much worse is that these operations use and abuse children, society’s most precious innocent ones.
Four days before Bush was elected, the Franklin Credit Union Scandal had reached the public eye. Larry King, a rising politicial star in the Bush era, was in trouble for embezzling finances. But a closer look tells the full story. This was a cover-up in action. King was merely a loose end that needed to be silenced. Bush was himself involved and connected to the heinous evil being committed in Nebraska so the FBI brought down the hammer on him. But not for his actual crimes against children. No, just for financial sins. This is akin to Epstein facing prison and "suicide" while his clients remain protected and unnamed to public consciousness. I don't think it's a coincidence that King was arrested four days before Bush's ascendancy to the highest office in the land. It reminds me of when all of Obama's "alleged" gay lovers in Chicago suddenly were killed before Barrack began to make a serious jockeying for the White House. For those who have eyes to see: Coordinated assassinations whether political or very real bodily harm.

The Washington Times initially reported alongside the embezzlement bust that:

"A homosexual prostitution ring is under investigation by federal and District authorities and includes among its clients key officials of the Reagan and Bush administrations, military officers, congressional aides and US and foreign businessmen with close social ties to Washington's political elite. Reporters for this newspaper examined hundreds of credit-card vouchers, drawn on both corporate and personal cards and made payable to the escort service operated by the homosexual ring."
-- Washington Times article on the Franklin Affair, 6/29/1989

The Washington Times distinctly leaves out the children aspect of this. Once the victims had come forward asking for help, a man named John DeCamp, a Nebraska State Senator stepped up to the plate in a way that seldom few heroes do.
Once DeCamp realized how legitimate their testimonies were he was alarmed down to his core.Image
Read 21 tweets
Apr 3
You're not going to believe this. Diddy went onto Nickelodeon's All That show in 2002 and the sexual jokes were blatant and disturbing.

The red pills are merging together into one devastating awakening pill and nothing can stop it.

Dan Schneider last month: “All these jokes. Every one of those jokes was written for a kid audience because kids thought they were funny and only funny.”

Diddy on Schneider’s All That show: *Tells kid to put helicopter down his pants while he has white cream spread all over him*

Dan Schneider told us that all the jokes were made for kids and the kids thought they were funny. How could this be? He wouldn't lie to us would he?

Thread Incoming:
This is weird as hell. Another skit on this same episode shows a giant Diddy peaking through a child's window and the terror of the kid in the early morning. You can hear Diddy saying: "Quiet or your mom will hear you." Um... What?

So the kid is waking up to an enormous Diddy in complete terror? Is this like when Drake had to wake up to the man who was pen pals with a serial killer clown? Who is writing these jokes? I was told these jokes were just for children.

This is especially strange when you consider the other facts about Diddy that have recently emerged. Such as his odd relationship with Justin Bieber and Usher when they were just children. It's as if he was a handler of some sort and now we know, allegedly, that he was a federal informant while running his gay blackmail operation. What did Dan Schneider know about Diddy? Why were there so many pedophiles on the set of Nickelodeon?
The red pills are simultaneously merging together. The Quiet on Set documentary specifically had one of the young actors confess that he was extremely uncomfortable with a specific skit that he was asked to do. But what we didn't know was that this skit was written for the DIDDY episode.

What are the chances of this? The two biggest red pills in the last month or so: Diddy and Nickelodeon have merged together into one.

It almost all feels scripted. WTF?

The actor was asked to perform in a skin-tight suit as "Young Fetus" the rapper.

Young Fetus.. this is just strange on an episode already filled with really weird innuendo, especially knowing we know now about Diddy and his blackmail operation.

Remember: This is the same Nickelodeon set that had a myriad of pedophiles now proven to be working in the midst of all these children.
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