As it now understands YouTube videos, it’s the best learning tool.
I've been using it all the time for a few days so here's how to do it: 🧵
Start by finding videos on the topic you want to learn.
Prompt (e.g.): “Show me YouTube videos for building an app without coding using AppSheet. Find at least 3 videos: one for beginner, another for intermediate level and one for advanced level.”
Personalized learning:
You can then create a personalized course easily.
Prompt (e.g.): “Knowing that I already master [topic] but not yet [other topic], summarizes the things I need to master in this first video. Uses bullet points and details the technical steps.”
Microsoft Copilot can create your PowerPoint for free.
You can even design your slides with a single click.
I'll show you how with just one prompt:
1. Generate content with Copilot
Using the prompt below, Copilot will :
- Search for information on your topic
- Write the content of your slides
- Generate a ready-to-use PowerPoint macro
Get free access to Copilot here:
copilot .microsoft .com
Here's the prompt template to use:
"Act as an expert in VBA macro creation for PowerPoint. Think step by step. Research information about [TOPIC]. Then create a PowerPoint macro that creates [XX] slides with a title and short text for each. Your answer need only be the macro's VBA code with ALL the information inside."
In the video example:
- [TOPIC] = "the history of Silicon Valley"
- [XX] = "10" (for 10 slides)
2. Create the slideshow using the macro
Access PowerPoint's Developer tab.
If you don't have it, right-click on the ribbon → Customize the Ribbon → Check Developer.
Click on Macros, enter a name and click on Create.
In the window, copy and paste the VBA code given by Copilot.
Check that the macro does not contain pptApp.Quit or pptPres.Close.