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AI and tech Educator – Build better and faster using AI and No-Code – founder
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May 21 6 tweets 2 min read
OpenAI has deployed interactive charts and tables in ChatGPT.

You can now interact with your data and process it with GPT-4o.

Here's how it works and what you can do with it: 1. Upload your data

Make sure you select GPT-4o as the template.

Then upload the file with your data (xlsx, csv, ...).

ChatGPT analyzes the columns - all you have to do is enlarge the table.
May 16 6 tweets 2 min read
This is huge.

Gemini can now analyze up to 1500 pages.

Google has integrated Gemini 1.5 Pro which handles up to 1M tokens.

It allows you do great things you can't do on other AI chatbots 🧵 Image 1. Document Analysis

Analyze large documents for quick summaries, key insights, or comparisons.


You can upload files from your computer or from your Google Drive.
May 8 5 tweets 2 min read
Microsoft has made Copilot GPTs even better

You can now write instructions up to 8000 characters long (2k before).

This opens up possibilities that didn't exist before 🧵 Image 1. Create a GPT Copilot


- Create a Copilot GPT by clicking on "See all Copilot GPTs" on the right

- Then "Create a new Copilot GPT"

You need a Copilot Pro account to create Copilot GPTs, but anyone can use a GPT even with a free account.

Apr 30 6 tweets 2 min read
Meanwhile Google has updated Gemini

Everyone can now use YouTube, Maps, etc. extensions.

You can chat with YT videos, plan trips, manage email and more.

This was only available to a few countries before.

Details below: Image To activate extensions:

- Go to settings
- Click on "Extensions

All you have to do is check the ones you want. Image
Apr 27 6 tweets 2 min read
Paradigm shift.

Copilot in Windows now performs actions for you.

Tasks that used to take several minutes can now be done with a prompt.

Rename dozens of PDFs, create a ready-to-use Excel file, and so on.

Some examples and how to enable it below: Image 1. Enable Power Automate

Open Copilot in Windows and go to Plugins.

In the list, enable Power Automate.

Roll-out is gradual (I personally use the Windows Dev channel).

You can change channel or wait if it's not yet available on your system.
Apr 23 5 tweets 2 min read
Absolutely stunning.

Llama-3 8B was the most powerful small AI model a few hours ago.

Microsoft has just released Phi-3 Mini which is better in almost every benchmark.

You can use it locally for free as it's open-source (details below): Image 1. Download LM Studio - it's free, open-source software that lets you run any open-source AI model.

Go to , then download and install the one for your OS.
Apr 21 7 tweets 3 min read
Microsoft is turning Windows laptops into AI PCs with Copilot.

I've been using the new feature that reads any file for a few days.

It's the most powerful update deployed so far.

3 quick examples to understand why: Image Analyze uploaded documents

Copilot in Windows can now process and understand various file types.

It allows it to:

- Extract relevant information
- Summarize key points of the document
- Understand the structure and content
Apr 18 6 tweets 2 min read
Mistral AI has released the most performant open model

Uncensored, fluent in several languages, strong in math and coding, ...

It's free to use by anyone without a login or account.

More details and how to access it below 🧵 Image 1. Mixtral 8x22B features

- Fluent in English, French, Italian, German, and Spanish

- Strong mathematics and coding capabilities

- 64K tokens context window Image
Apr 14 11 tweets 4 min read
I've just received access to Meta AI.

Its reasoning, web search and image generation capabilities are surprisingly good.

I wasn't expecting anything, but I'm going to keep using it.

Here are a few examples and how to access it 🧵 Image 1. Writing and summarization

Meta AI can write content and summarize texts just like any other AI chatbot.

But I was surprised to see that it even accepts very long prompts:
Apr 10 7 tweets 3 min read
Gemini is just amazing for creating charts.

You can search for reliable data and visualize it easily.

Here's how to generate and even modify charts using Gemini (even with the free version) 🧵 Image 1. Search and find data

- Open Gemini (free version or Advanced if you have it):
gemini .google. com

- Enter the prompt below to find and structure data

As Gemini is connected in real time to the Internet, it will give you up-to-date data and links to access it.
Apr 9 6 tweets 3 min read
I use Copilot AI to train myself every day.

You can turn it into a tutor to learn how to code.

Here's how you can use it to learn Python as a complete beginner (ChatGPT compatible) 🧵 Image 1. Select the right mode

- Go to Copilot (works with the free version):
copilot .microsoft .com

- Select creative mode to use GPT-4 Turbo
Apr 7 9 tweets 4 min read
AI integration in Gmail saves me hours of work

It allows you to summarize conversations, write or reply very quickly.

Here's how to use and access it if you also use Gmail on a daily basis: Image 1. Access Gemini and summarize

- Open Gmail and click on the "Ask Gemini" icon in the top right-hand corner

- You can access it at any time - either in your mail list or in a conversation

(If you don't see it, take a look at the end of this thread to find out how to activate it).

- Click on a suggestion or write a prompt to ask Gemini to summarize your conversationImage
Apr 5 7 tweets 3 min read
Copilot can write new content in YOUR style from any web page.

Simply find a page and enter the optimized prompt to generate your content.

This works with GPT-4 in the free version of Copilot in Microsoft Edge.

Here's how to reproduce this workflow: Image 1. Web page and Copilot

→ Open Microsoft Edge on Windows (or download it for free on macOS, iOS, Android)

→ From any web page whose information interests you, open Copilot at the top right on laptop and at the bottom on mobile

→ Select "Creative" mode to use GPT-4
Apr 4 5 tweets 2 min read
Google has added AI to its most popular note-taking app, Keep

You can now quickly generate lists for any task or project.

I'll show you how it works and how to access it: Image 1. Create a Google Keep note

Let's start with the demo (take a look below to find out how to activate the feature).

→ Open the Google Keep app

→ Create a new note by clicking in the bottom right-hand corner
Apr 3 6 tweets 3 min read
OpenAI has just added image editing to Dall-E 3

This means you can add or modify anything on the image you generate.

I'll show you where this feature is and how to use it directly in ChatGPT: Image 1. Generate your image

Start by generating your image as usual.

→ Make sure you select ChatGPT 4 as a model
→ Type in your prompt, e.g.:
"Create an image of an ultra-realistic portrait of a woman wearing a beret in the middle of a Paris street."

→ Then click on your image to access the second interface
Apr 2 7 tweets 3 min read
Google's new AI tool allows you to have an ultra-productive second brain

You no longer need to organize, format or search for your notes with NotebookLM.

Here's how to use it and how you can benefit from it 🧵 Image 1. Getting started with NotebookLM

Begin by signing in using your Google account.

→ Visit notebooklm. google

→ Create an account or sign in with a Gmail account


Currently, sign up is limited to users in the US. I'd advise you to use a VPN like me if you want to use it from a different region.
Mar 29 7 tweets 3 min read
Copilot in OneNote allows you to find endless new ideas

You'll never have a blank page and will be able to generate with AI as you write.

Here's how to do it in OneNote for any subject: Image The goal is to create several different categories of ideas.

Then, from these different categories, generate the ideas themselves, which you can then use to create the first draft.

In this way, you'll be able to produce hundreds of different types of content from a single base!
Mar 26 5 tweets 2 min read
Google has released a DJ mode to its AI for creating music

You can add the sounds and moods you want with a prompt.

This tool is available to everyone for free.

Here's how it works and how to access it: 1. Go to Google Labs

→ Go to labs. google

→ Select "Try it now" in the MUSICFX section.

You may have to wait a little before accessing it.

If Labs is not available in your region, simply use a VPN.
Mar 25 5 tweets 2 min read
I've created a custom Copilot that generates mindmaps.

Because I learn much better with diagrams than with long text.

So here's how to use it and the link to access it if you're like me: Image 1. Enter the topic of your mindmap

→ Tell the Copilot GPT what the topic is

→ You can add as many details as you like

Prompt example:

"a mindmap on how to learn data analysis as a beginner"

"a mindmap to create a new drone B2B company"
Mar 23 6 tweets 2 min read
Copilot in Excel allows anyone do data analysis

It gives you suggestions on your data and processes it for you.

Here's how to use it, even if you don't know anything about spreadsheets: Image 1. Prepare your file

→ Activate the auto-save at the top left of Excel

→ Click on "Format as a Table" and choose the appearance of your table


- These 2 elements are necessary for Copilot to access your data

- This tutorial works with Copilot Pro (or Copilot for M365) in Excel web and desktop.
Mar 21 8 tweets 3 min read
I figured out how to create a PowerPoint presentation from any web page or PDF

You can do this using the free version of Copilot and a handy PPT feature.

It works with all types of content and uses GPT-4 Turbo: Image 1. Create slide content

→ Open Microsoft Edge and access the content you want to turn into a presentation

(This works with a YT video, a web page, a PDF opened with Edge, etc.).

→ Click on the Copilot icon in the top right-hand corner

→ Activate "Precise" mode to use GPT-4 Turbo for free

→ Enter the prompt below

Copilot will then write the content of your slides based on your content.