This is the part where I say, “I told you so”.
There’s bacterial involvement from human gut micro biome that amplifies SARS mitochondrial dysfunction causing increased ER stress and production of prions.
Well, I'm really happy you asked because I was going to tell you edumacate your silly self by reading a few Wikipedias on the expansive scientific knowledge we have on bacteriophages anyway:…
Bacteriophage (bacteria-infecting viruses) might sound scary to common muggles but this is the boring asexual science instructed to 1st year medical students concerning plant pathogenic bacteria and mollicutes that reproduce by fission.…
Wait did you say mollicutes?
- Yes.
Aren't #mycoplasma and #spyroplasma mollicutes?
- Yes.
Is that just a coincidence?
- No.…
Transformation among gram-positive bacteria has been studied in medically important species such as Streptococcus pneumoniae, Streptococcus mutans, Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus sanguinis and in gram-positive soil bacterium Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus cereus.
These bacteria reside asymptomatically in healthy carriers colonizing the respiratory tract and nasal cavity. However, in "vulnerable" individuals with weaker immune systems, this bacterium becomes pathogenic and spreads to other locations to cause sepsis and disease.
We have decades of medical knowledge these benign bacteria intermittently negatively impact the immunocompromised, elderly and young children, but we have never been able to scientifically evidence bacteriophage causation.
I know I was stunned - like someone had kicked me in the face - the first time a medical professional argued SARS is not a bacteriophage despite being known to reproduce in the cytoplasm and SARS hijacking mitochondria to reproduce.
The good news is you were probably stunned because you were suffering from "traumatic brain injury debt" and you can build up "hybrid concussion immunity" by just talking to a wall and then banging your head up against the wall.
"Bacillota (synonym Firmicutes) are a phylum of bacteria. The renaming of phyla such as Firmicutes in 2021 remains controversial among microbiologists, many of whom continue to use the earlier names of long standing in the literature"
Why controversial?
Controversial because this is challenging accepted norms and these theories remain theories because the human gut biome remains as uncharted as the ocea ... remains as uncharted as the galax ... remains as uncharted as our own immune systems.
Our knowledge of prions is very new.
We don't have a scientific causation of prions.
We have only theories as to how prions form, transmit and/or reproduce.
Not all theories are conspiracy theories.
If you want to understand the evolutionary process of scientific knowledge and #MycoplasmaPneumonia listen to this rant by Ray Bradbury and read this thread as to the controversy of #Spiroplasma in #ZombieDeer
"Classification of the Mollicutes has always been difficult."
Basic identification of organic material to determine if it's 'live' or 'dead' depends on stains to highlight the cell wall. Mollicutes are bacteria distinguished by the absence of a cell wall.
I will confirm the classification of mollicutes, belonging to the bacillota family are all bacteria but don't be surprised if influential virologists continue to speak beyond their area of expertise and say things like: "SARS-CoV is not a bacteriophage".
Meanwhile, we will continue to blame kids getting White-Lung Syndrome & Ground Glass Opacity (GGO) on a "mysterious bacteria from China" instead of the bacteria being unleashed because children have become immuno-compromised.
Bacteriophage is a difficult concept to grasp and accept so let me provide a real-world example of how little we know about the multitude of gram-negative bacteria we have "learned to live with" such as those causing Lyme disease.
TL:DR - The presence of co-infection with Borrelia burgdorferi sensu stricto and Borrelia garinii in this Lyme Disease (LD) patient’s brain was confirmed by PCR.…
Borrelia is characterized as having a flexible cell wall, however, the outer membrane lacks lipopolysaccharide which classifies them as Gram-negative & therefore is not easily visualized using Gram Staining.…
Thank you Paul for reminding me to remind you that our growing knowledge of microbial translocation and microbiome dysbiosis stems from research related to HIV-associated immunodeficiency activation.
Stay tuned for next week, when we discuss the next series of autoimmune diseases which make their totally mysterious and spontaneous appearance in the general world population, all at once everywhere.
This is interesting therapeutic research into inhibiting the translation to combat phage infections. Structurally re-inforcing the ribosome, potentially prevents SARS ribosome frameshift abilities.
Someone rightfully challenged me that the presence of a cell wall distinguishes #mycoplasma from mycobacterium. Please note that I'm discussing Cell-Wall-Deficient Bacteria (CWDB) #mycoplasma & #spiroplasma interaction with bacteriophage viruses (SARS).…
"We then discuss the ability of several bacteria to shed their cell wall under influence of stressors and the consequences of a cell wall-deficient (CWDB) lifestyle."
Mycobacterium sheds its cell wall into #mycoplasma Cell Wall-Deficient Bacteria (CWDB).…
Remember: the significance of "cell wall" is they will show up in a stain. If you're a physician and you want to know if the patient is infected with a bacteria (for applying antibiotics) then you rely on the "stain".
Diarrhea is the main symptom of HIV infection during the acute phase. Technically, physicians treating diarrhea where the stain comes back negative should be conducting a lymphocyte panel (t-cell depletion).
Since we correctly prognosticated Trump would win and our epidemiological estimates correctly predicted the SARS-CoV Quasi Species swarm of 2024 - many have asked us for our prognostications for 2025. 1/
#MuzzledScientists #DontLookUP
Whilst we don't know exactly what POTUS47 will do in office, it seems inevitable that he will pull the US out of all international Public Health agreements and massively interfere with, and stop all US, UK & EU support of @WHO financing/research. #OneHealth 2/
@WHO Based on #Project2025 and those POTUS47 has surrounded himself with, it seems evident the US WH/regime will continue to wage the war POTUS45 initiated against the scientific community and Public Health. This will bleed over into the global community. 3/
That’s the word the medical community wants to ignore, because established dogma has always stated the BBB protects the CNS from viruses.
"Common Cold" is a minimizing term to dismiss those who suffer #MECFS
Seasonal HCoV-OC43 is a beta-HCoV with neuroinvasive properties which have been minimized and dismissed by the medical community for decades.
#LongCOVID is #AirborneAIDS so #WearN95…
All of these brain immunity functions operate outside of the CNS, except microglia. Microglia work great against bacteria and cancer. Microglia are incapable of phagocytosis against viruses.
@CDCgov CDC is downplaying the infections could be from the same source except the source remains completely unknown. Those infected weren't around livestock or drinking raw milk. These HCWs were infected well after the initial source of infection.
@CDCFlu isn't counting the household contact Missouri case in its nationwide case count!
For the same reasons these HCWs were neither tested using PCR or antibody.
Zero testing = Zero Cases = Zero Reporting.
Poultry feces fed to dairy cows.
Raw milk fed to poultry.
That's why these #H5N1 sequences are all the same.
"wild birds" spreading #TexasMooFlu is a wild conspiracy theory. Only America allows this bull manure recipe for Mad Cow to end up at McDonalds.
What do you get when Corporate Fast Food sues the Corporate Cattle, Corporate Poultry & Corporate Meat conglomerates that own the Egg & Dairy Industry over price gauging? Greedflation.
Corporate America has decimated Public Health. #DontLookUP…
If "wild birds" are such a vector for #H5N1 in dairy cows?
Why are Mexico & Canada #TexasMooFlu free?
@US_FDA has approved #H5N1 contaminated milk produced by dairy cows that were fed bird feces and other garbage swept from the floor in poultry farms. @USDA removed the mad cow rules that would have prevented #TexasMooFlu
#DontLookUP #BirdFlu
@US_FDA @USDA 150 years ago, we eradicated a wide swath of bovine pathogens using pasteurization combined with increased farm health and safety measures.
@USDA eliminated safety laws of feeding feces to cows.
@US_FDA reduced the pasteurization efficiency.…
@US_FDA @USDA The fallacy is: any #H5N1 viral protein in milk can be considered safe. Pasteurization is great for neutralizing bacteria, not viruses. This insanity of tolerating feeding poultry feces to dairy cattle bleeds over into tolerating any #TexasMooFlu in milk.
Human-to-human (H2H) transmission of #BirdFlu has not been scientifically eliminated as the cause of the 3 human infections in Missouri. @CDCFlu has done nothing to eliminate the probability that #H5N1 receptor binding mutation has occurred. #TexasMooFlu
@CDCFlu Was it a failure of the pasteurization process?
There's zero effort from the @US_FDA to evidence this initial patient and close contact wasn't infected from poor pasteurization because the @USDA isn't capable of reporting the infected dairy herds.
@CDCFlu @US_FDA @USDA @USDA_APHIS are doing absolutely NOTHING to eliminate #H5N1 from cattle! There's ZERO implementation of their own Farm Animal Disease (FAD) Red Books to prevent the utter and complete spread of #TexasMooFlu to all American herds! #ZeroH5N1