🚨 Steve Kirsch PROVES the Covid vaccines aren't killing people!
Last night at MIT @stkirsch gave a presentation using illegally acquired "record level data" from New Zealand.
While Steve claimed the data "proves" the vaccines are "killing" at high rates in reality the data is reassuring & strong evidence the vaccines are NOT causing mortality.
Let's break it down!
We'll start by comparing highly vaccinated Sweden to highly vaccinated New Zealand.
In 2020 Sweden had ~7% excess mortality largely driven by Covid.
In 2020 New Zealand had ~ 7% NEGATIVE excess mortality largely driven by keeping all infectious diseases out of the country, including Covid.
In 2021 Sweden vaccinated 86% of their 18+ population & had no excess mortality.
In fact, their younger ages (20-44) have had negative excess in every year since 2021.
In 2021 New Zealand vaccinated over 90% of their 12+ population & continued to have negative excess mortality.
Vaccination did not lead to increased mortality in either country.
Steve's record level data confirms what we already knew.
Vaccines do not correlate to increased mortality in the weeks after vaccination.
Steve's own data shows death rates lower than baseline death rates in the weeks following vaccination.
Thanks, Steve!
How about months after for younger ages?
After everyone under the age of 60 received an average of 1 vaccine dose in New Zealand the death rate didn't move in every year since, even during COVID waves.
Steve's own data shows any "increase" months after vaccination is only seen in older age-groups. As @jsm2334 notes he hides this by only presenting charts of older ages and all ages combined.
Steve claims the vaccines are killing at rates of 1 person per 1,000 doses.
Highly vaccinated younger age-groups in New Zealand don't even have a mortality rate of 1/1000 for ALL CAUSES COMBINED, meaning his claim is mathematically impossible for those ages.
How about months after for older ages?
With New Zealand having historic negative excess mortality in 2020-2021 when they opened the borders & Covid along with other infectious diseases returned mortality was always going to return to baseline. This was inevitable regardless of whether they vaccinated a single person.
The vaccinated stay BELOW baseline when the first doses are given which implies a strong & long HVE effect, despite Steve claiming otherwise.
But according to the central value theorem if there is a time period below baseline, then later times must be above baseline in order for that baseline to hold over time.
Which means any increased mortality is not "excess mortality" or "vaccine deaths" but simply a return to baseline.
Steve exploits this inevitable "rise" to trick his followers into believing this proves the vaccines are "killing."
Again, Steve assumes, without any evidence, that any increase after 30 days are "vaccine deaths" but he completely ignores the fact that even after 30 days the death rate for the vaccinated is still FAR below the population baseline rate!
In 2017 the death rate for 70-79 year-olds in the New Zealand population was just over 20 per 1000 person-years, which shows that they are FAR below baseline for the first 3-4 months & don't reach baseline until about 6 months. Once again, this rise is NOT "vaccine deaths" but a return to baseline.
What does the mortality rise in 2022 correlate to?
The periods of increased mortality in 2022 correspond directly to the two Covid waves New Zealand experienced.
For example in the 80 year-old group the median time of the 1st dose was August 10, 2021.
Looking at his data you see spikes of 2 dose and to a smaller degree 1 dose between Week 30 & 35, and again between week 50 & 55.
This corresponds directly to March and April 2022 in the first wave of Covid deaths, and then July to August 2022 in the second wave of Covid deaths.
Steve completely neglected to mention COVID in his presentation. I wonder why?
What about comparing to unvaccinated?
The biggest limitation in Steve's data is that he doesn't have an unvaccinated control group to compare to.
Which means he can't prove any rise 4-6 months after vaccination is higher in vaccinated vs unvaccinated.
Of course actual studies using record level data have shown the unvaccinated dying at higher rates!
What about comparing death rates pre-covid to post-vaccination?
@Thoughtfulnz has compiled great data on this.
Every age group in New Zealand has lower death rates post-vaccination (Feb 21 - Sep 23) compared to pre-Covid. (Feb 17 - Sep 19.)
Every. Single. One.
Age: Post-Vax | Pre-Covid
Under 60s: 23.1 | 23.6
60-79: 262.8 | 269.0
80 and over 1850.7 | 1933.9
If vaccines were killing people at significant rates this would not be possible.
In conclusion as @Thoughtfulnz shows below using the proper age-standardized death rate you'll see while New Zealand has seen an increase in raw deaths this is simply because there are a lot more older people.
Deaths are up but death RATES are down.
And vaccination didn't lead to any increase.
Those who claim otherwise are ignoring the historic drop in 2020 in mortality and the older population rise.
Following a significant drop in 2020 & 2021 in New Zealand mortality simply returned to baseline.
Sorry guys my phone went crazy and I think the space crashed so that will end the space for tonight!
I want to thank @FormerAntivax & @HeatherBSimpson for joining us tonight for an amazing discussion on how they went from anti-vax to pro-vax! Please come back anytime.