An Israeli official say Hamas aren’t releasing any more women hostages because of the stories they will tell. I assume this means sexual violence. The image of Naama Levy in bloodied sweatpants leaps unbidden to mind. Tomorrow thousands march but not for them. Never for them.
There are so many images to haunt us. Seeing Noa Argamani stolen on a moped and pleading “Don’t kill me” is another. She is still a hostage.
There are 13 women still hostages by my count. 13 vulnerable women that Hamas don’t want their stories told. Naama and Noa are etched into our minds as the terrorists proudly filmed their capture. Less documented was Doron Steinbrecher who texted “they’ve arrived. They have me.”
Arbel Yahud is still a hostage. She was taken from kibbutz Nir Oz along with her boyfriend and brother.
Daniela Gilboa was an observation soldier at Nahal Oz where my husband’s cousin was taken from. It’s not confirmed she’s a hostage yet but her parents identified her in footage of a truck. She texted them to tell them to pray for her.
Agam Berger is a soldier stationed at Nahal Oz and she is still a hostage. She was seen in a truck in her pyjamas. It was her first weekend at the kibbutz.
Liri Elbag just 18 years old is still a hostage. She was identified bundled into a truck with other hostages. There’s been no news about her since mid-October. Unbearable for her parents.
Eden Zecharya is still a hostage. She was at the music festival and told her mother “they’re shooting at us, take care of the dog”. Her boyfriend was killed protecting her and she was taken.
Eden Yerushalmi hid in a car next to the bodies of her dead friends and stayed on the phone with her sister for hours. The last thing she said was “they’ve caught me” and the line disconnected. She is still a hostage.
Inbar Heiman was at the music festival and witnesses say she was surrounded by two men with knives and taken away on a motorbike. A video later showed her unconscious being dragged by arms and legs. She is still a hostage.
Romi Lesham Gonen hid for hours from Hamas while on the phone to her mother. Her last words were “mummy, I’m not going to make it, I’m going to die”. Her friends were killed and Romi presumed to have been taken.
Amit Buskila was at the Nova rave when terrorists attacked. She hid behind cars and the last thing her uncle heard her say was “no, no, no, no” as she was taken. She is still a hostage.
Carmel Gat was taken from kibbutz Be’eri with her mother who was later found murdered. She is still a hostage.
Hamas are rapists and murderers.
Bring them home.
This is where I gathered the information on female hostages still captive.…
We had to protest *against* the feminists in Brighton to even get them to mention Israel and antisemitism in their statement. That is an obscene place to be.
A doctor commenting “F**k off Nazi” to me because I praised ppl for putting up yellow ribbons for the hostages. One of whom is my husband’s cousin. Heartless, pointless cruelty.
The doctor who called me a Nazi has had his account suspended. Good.
His banner ‘hostage’ is a woman who planned a suicide attack and stabbed a female soldier in the neck. That’s a fact.
Radicalisation rots the brain and empties the soul.
Pro-Palestinians do a huge disservice to them by distorting reality. There will be no lasting peace while advocates behave this way. Hamas took hostages. Israel has prisoners. Deal in facts even if it screws up your binary.
It’s curious that Owen Jones accuses his critics of not answering the facts when he hasn’t responded to this one.
The horrible President of Ireland was invited to give a speech at Holocaust Memorial Day and couldn’t help but sneak Gaza into it. Jewish ppl protested and were dragged out. That’s the disgusting place we’re in.
I wonder why Jewish ppl would be upset about bringing up ONLY Israel to criticise at a Holocaust Memorial Day event. What is happening in Gaza is not genocide. It is war. The Holocaust has nothing to do with it except Hamas are trying to kill Jews everywhere. Make that point.
This is of course the President who wrote a fawning sycophantic letter of congratulations to the Islamic Republic of Iran regime. Then blamed it on Israel that it got leaked when it was Iran who did it. He seems to be fine with misogynistic funders of terrorism. Hypocrite.
Owen Jones supports the man who shared a video of my husband’s family being tortured by Hamas on October 7 and branded them “settlers”. As though they deserved it. I never hated anyone before. I do now.
That video recently arrested Ali Abunimah shared on 7/10 is my husband’s family just after 18 year old Ma’ayan was shot in the head. After hours of holding them and live-streaming Hamas kidnapped her father Tsachi to Gaza where he is still languishing. Yet so many support Abunimah.
Here’s Ali Abunimah calling the massacre of Jews on 7/10 an “anti-colonial operation”. The video is thousands of terrorists invading a sovereign State on their way to rape, maim and murder.
Every time we went out onto the streets to campaign for the hostages, the public were so surprised to find out there was a British citizen held by Hamas. Thankfully Emily is home. Yet there was 94 left in the darkness and 8 that have British family. We should know their names. /1
Tsachi Idan is my husband’s cousin. He’s father to four children and husband to Gali. His eldest Ma’ayan was murdered on October 7 and died in his arms. He was kidnapped to Gaza covered in her blood.
He’s on the humanitarian list and we must make sure he comes home. /2
Shay Levinson has a Great Aunt in the UK. He was one of the first to be killed when terrorists invaded on October 7. Shay was blasted from his tank near the border and his body kidnapped to Gaza.
He is not on the first list and his family needs him home to properly grieve. /3
This person threatened to come down from London and cut down the ribbons for hostages I just put up in Brighton. It’s not the only threat he’s made. Is this enough for some action @metpoliceuk or the wrong kind of violent hatred?
He also threatens Jews with violence directly. @mishtal @metpoliceuk
He has threatened “rough justice” against people he doesn’t agree with politically. Anything? @metpoliceuk