Heidi Bachram 🎗️ Profile picture
My husband @adammaanit’s relatives were murdered and taken hostage by Hamas terrorists. Support my work on Substack https://t.co/IxSe6yQFbj
XYZ Contagion Profile picture Rebecca Green⭐⭐⭐ Profile picture 2 subscribed
Sep 10 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
“I will see you and your kind ended” says the perfectly innocent comedian.

This is scary actually. Image Archived.
Jul 13 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
Looks innocent right? Just embroidery. It’s even hosted in the main library in Brighton. A veneer of legitimacy. The map is a clue. Seems the woman behind it has posted a Hamas video, said “Zionists killed the Jews in Germany” and talked about the “lie of the Holocaust”. Grim. /1 Image “The lie of the Holocaust, which was created by Zionism.” The lies dripping from every pore of this post are exactly how antizionism is antisemitism. Distorting the Holocaust beyond reality to blame the survivors of that horror for it is despicable. /2 Image
Jun 20 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
The pro-Pal squatters from @Columbia today calling for the release of the “Holy Land Foundation 5” prisoners. These were men who filtered $12 million to Hamas from the US. These idiotic kids are literal terrorist supporters. Gen Z terrorist fangirls thirsting after medieval misogynists. Hamas wannabes with delusions of theocratic Rambo. If they weren’t so deeply sinister I would laugh. Image
Jun 19 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
I cannot think of another time when a British politician would try to get elected in Britain using the colours of the flag of another would-be nation. This is INSANE. Image What is happening in this country?
May 5 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
You know that @TheGreenParty councillor who got elected? Well Mothin Ali was one of those who targeted a rabbi. Bizarrely Ali said the rabbi might “kill students here” after *legally* required reserve duty. The rabbi was forced into hiding and the Greens did nothing. Shameful. Mothin Ali deleted the hateful video where he calls the rabbi a “creep” and calls for his sacking. His glorification and justification for 7/10 is not the only abhorrent behaviour he has done and he should be nowhere near power. archive.is/fPmvI#selectio…
Mar 29 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
Last night in New York pro-Pals harassed attendees to a Biden fundraiser. One man stalked a young woman screaming:

“F*cking murderous k*ke.”
“F*cking die.”
“Keep it moving b*tch.”

These are antisemitic, misogynist thugs and they’ve had free rein for too long. Biden supporters were forced to run the pro-Pal gauntlet to get to the event. One activist tried to aggressively grab a Biden poster out of the hands of a man. While the police looked on seemingly frozen in place. Grim.
Mar 27 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
This person is a beekeeper and sells raw honey to nice liberal people. He has an allotment and nurtures plants into life. He also sends violent threats and uses far right language like “Zio” and supports a proscribed terrorist organisation. These ppl are a moral mess. Image This is brutal killer and Hamas spokesperson Abu Obeida. Beekeeper man thinks he’s the “resistance”. Image
Feb 20 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
So a local councillor called Jews “evil”.

A Home Office employee scratched out Israel on the birth certificate of a baby.

And the Star of David necklace of Amy Winehouse’s statue was covered with a pro-Pal sticker.

Jews are being attacked on so many fronts. What next? It’s just hit after hit. Sometimes it’s out in the open and sometimes hidden. This Liberal Democrat councillor Pat Marsh who called Jews “evil” was the leader of her party in a Northern English council. She’s now suspended and been arrested. thestrayferret.co.uk/police-arrest-…
Jan 7 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
These four teen girls are still held by Hamas. A released hostage saw some of them: “Some of the girls were badly wounded.. they said they can cope with the disability but not with the manner they were constantly violated.”

*Constantly violated*. Hamas are evil rapist monsters. Image This is Karina Ariev aged 19. Her mother said: “Imagine if it was your daughter, your little girl in their hands. What would you imagine?” The horror is unfathomable. Unthinkable. Image
Jan 1 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
After being thwarted by security at JFK airport the pro-Pal protestors are headed to the El Al Israeli airline offices in Wall Street. No police to be seen. I dread what they’ll do when they get there. Seems the pro-Palestinian protestors have the run of New York streets. Grim.
Dec 23, 2023 • 11 tweets • 4 min read
The pro-Palestinian protestors are currently blocking the busiest shopping street in London the day before Christmas Eve. I can’t imagine this endearing anyone to their cause. But that’s the not the point. It’s not outreach. It’s bullying. The map of “Palestine” the organisers of the Oxford street protest are using is instructive. They think all of Israel is Palestine. Nasty, controlling bullies. Image
Dec 18, 2023 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
Pro-Palestinian protestors just broke into Penn train station in New York and are occupying it. They’ve got a banner saying “Support Palestinian Resistance”. Not hiding it anymore. I wonder what “Palestinian resistance” they could be referring to. Image
Dec 5, 2023 • 11 tweets • 4 min read
Now journalists have been invited to bear witness to crimes of sexual violence by Hamas. Videos, photos, witnesses, medical opinions, first responders. Because no one would believe. Are you satisfied now or will nothing short of a voyeur’s fetish satiate. bbc.co.uk/news/world-mid… Footage of a woman without underwear burned and splayed should have been enough. An eyewitness describing a victim’s breasts cut off while being raped should have been enough. Broken pelvises, bloodied pants, knives in vaginas should have been enough.

Now enough is enough.
Dec 5, 2023 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
My husband’s family weren’t the only ones to have their torture live-streamed by Hamas. Another Nahal Oz family were filmed as the father Noam was bleeding. Hamas forced the oldest kid Tomer to lure out neighbours while his mum begged “spare my son”. They killed her and Tomer. /1 Image Hamas told Tomer nothing would happen to the neighbours they forced him to trick into coming out. They murdered 12 civilians that day including Tomer and his mother Dikla. Terrorists were shouting “Allahu Akbar” and “massacre the Jews” as they looted and killed. /2 Image
Dec 3, 2023 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
For the sexual violence of Hamas not to be true requires eye-witnesses from the Nova massacre to be liars. For first responders who saw bodies bound and naked to be liars. For medical ppl who report broken pelvises and bloody underwear to be liars. I believe them. Why don’t you? Forensic evidence of sexual violence was difficult to collect because 7/10 was a mass casualty event. Most of the victims were killed or are still hostages. There are first hand accounts to prove sexual violence occurred. Hamas prisoners also confirm it. timesofisrael.com/amid-war-and-u…
Dec 1, 2023 • 17 tweets • 6 min read
An Israeli official say Hamas aren’t releasing any more women hostages because of the stories they will tell. I assume this means sexual violence. The image of Naama Levy in bloodied sweatpants leaps unbidden to mind. Tomorrow thousands march but not for them. Never for them. Image There are so many images to haunt us. Seeing Noa Argamani stolen on a moped and pleading “Don’t kill me” is another. She is still a hostage. Image
Nov 15, 2023 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
In Brighton & Hove tonight notorious antisemite and cofounder of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign Tony Greenstein called the Hamas massacre a “breakout” from prison. He denied Hamas killed babies and committed rapes and glorified 7/10 as “colonial resistance”. This is hate. Greenstein only just escaped jail after being convicted of plotting to attack a drone factory. So I’m wondering if glorifying Hamas and giving “context” to terror is going to go down well.

“Brighton activist dodges prison over drone factory plot”

Nov 4, 2023 • 6 tweets • 1 min read
They abused a child in London for eating at McDonalds because the branches in Israel have discounted food to soldiers. What did that child do other than a perfectly ordinary thing on a Saturday afternoon. This is hate. A child.
Oct 8, 2023 • 8 tweets • 3 min read
On the streets of Brighton today this woman said that the murderous mayhem of Hamas terrorists in Israel was “beautiful” and a “success”.

They killed 600 Israelis in one day which she said “we need to celebrate”.

In Britain. In 2023. Absolutely despicable. This event where support for a proscribed terrorist organisation was cheered and hooted was put together by the Brighton branch of Palestinian Solidarity Campaign.

Labour and many unions are affiliated to this group. That should end now.
Jun 24, 2023 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
The Big Lie defenders yell:

“It’s not antisemitic!”

Well it is. This is why.

The key premise is that antisemitism is “the smear that stuck”. Hence the title. A smear is a false accusation so the only conclusion is that all the Jewish victims lied.

*That’s* antisemitic. /1 The sheer volume of antisemitic ppl in The Big Lie is overwhelming.

David Miller claims that antisemitism has been “redefined” so *any* criticism of Israel is antisemitic. A lie. But saying things like Jewish students are “assets” of Israel - as Miller has - is antisemitism. /2
Jun 23, 2023 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
The sheer volume of antisemitic ppl in The Big Lie is overwhelming.

David Miller claims that antisemitism has been “redefined” so *any* criticism of Israel is antisemitic. A lie. But saying things like Jewish students are “assets” of Israel - as Miller has - is antisemitism. /2 The Big Lie whitewashes antisemitism from Ken Livingstone using another antisemitic person: Chris Williamson.

Livingstone said that Hitler supported Zionism “before he went mad”. Williamson calls that “historical fact”. A grim distortion of a desperate effort to save Jews. /3