@natecdrums @Joel7Richardson @ericmetaxas @ihopkc Abusers are consummate image makers. They can sound sincere. They can sound convincing. They can do this for decades. When they slip, we empathize with them because we think what they reveal when they slip is "out of character."
@natecdrums @Joel7Richardson @ericmetaxas @ihopkc Most of us never see beyond the performance, much of which is on stage.

They can say true & good things that we receive with a pure heart & that bless us.

They can play dress-up in the appearance of goodness.
@natecdrums @Joel7Richardson @ericmetaxas @ihopkc Consider Jean Vanier, who died at the age of 90 in 2019, beloved by people all over the world for his fifty year ministry as the founder of @larcheintl .

People spoke of him as a living saint.

@natecdrums @Joel7Richardson @ericmetaxas @ihopkc @larcheintl Vanier was not ordained, but he was a spiritual leader for thousands. Many came to faith or renewed their faith through the vision of ministry that he cast.

Many reordered their lives to move to L'Arche communities to live a life of service in community with disabled people.
@natecdrums @Joel7Richardson @ericmetaxas @ihopkc @larcheintl There is so much good that Jean Vanier did in the world because of the vision of ministry he painted in his books & articles & public speaking.

There is so much evil he did privately.

For 70 years, Jean Vanier sexually abused adult women using pseudo-Bridal Mysticism.
@natecdrums @Joel7Richardson @ericmetaxas @ihopkc @larcheintl The beloved public image of Vanier, which blessed so many, hid great evil.

Some women had tried to confront him before his death.

Some had sought help from leaders, but it went nowhere.

The public image of Vanier was unstained for decades.

@natecdrums @Joel7Richardson @ericmetaxas @ihopkc @larcheintl Unlike @IHOPKC, @LArche commissioned a competent, independent third-party investigation from a group that was not bound by attorney-client privilege to protect the interests of L'Arche as a client.

Survivors had good reasons to believe it was safe & seeking truth.
@natecdrums @Joel7Richardson @ericmetaxas @ihopkc @larcheintl @larche This investigation produced a nearly 900 page report.

It was world-shattering for people who loved Vanier & L'Arche.
@natecdrums @Joel7Richardson @ericmetaxas @ihopkc @larcheintl @larche Supporters & members of L'Arche all over the world- many who had dedicated their lives to this ministry- have had to reckon with how much goodness they experienced.

They have to reckon with how God could allow that blessing when so much evil is happening.
@natecdrums @Joel7Richardson @ericmetaxas @ihopkc @larcheintl @larche Thankfully, L'Arche's entire culture is built around honoring the image of God in those who are powerless, whom the culture sees as disposable & somehow less than fully human.
@natecdrums @Joel7Richardson @ericmetaxas @ihopkc @larcheintl @larche I think that's important because when we face betrayal by leaders & institutions who have had a profound influence in our lives & identities-- who may have influenced irrevocable choices that changed the trajectory of who we might become, who represented connection with Jesus...
@natecdrums @Joel7Richardson @ericmetaxas @ihopkc @larcheintl @larche ...we are likely to experience Betrayal Blindness. "If we can believe we aren’t being betrayed, we think we can stay safe."

We will be ever looking, but never seeing. Ever hearing, but never listening. Ever thinking, but never understanding.

@natecdrums @Joel7Richardson @ericmetaxas @ihopkc @larcheintl @larche I have been deeply impressed with how many people who love & trusted Mike Bickle & who ordered their lives around @IHOPKC have been willing to not throw away women whose testimonies, if recieved as faithful, shatter the false realities that felt so safe & good & true.
@natecdrums @Joel7Richardson @ericmetaxas @ihopkc @larcheintl @larche Because most people will throw those women out in a heartbeat rather than face the world-ending possibility that they have been betrayed by Mike & @IHOPKC leadership.

Let Mike Bickle be true, and every woman a liar... & an Accuser of the Brethren-- or a whore, or a Marxist.
@natecdrums @Joel7Richardson @ericmetaxas @ihopkc @larcheintl @larche Let Mike Bickle be true & Allen Hood & Jono Hall & Dwayne Roberts & other leaders whose world has also ended when they found out about Mike also be liars.

Let it be a grand conspiracy on such a scale that it only highlights the status of Mike as central to the Great Story.
@natecdrums @Joel7Richardson @ericmetaxas @ihopkc @larcheintl @larche Let emails be faked & a journalist be incapable of checking meta-data.

Shall they bring in forensic investigators to analyze the email? Every transaction, every IP address, every 0 & 1?

Shall those forensic investigators also be liars so Mike Bickle can be good?
@natecdrums @Joel7Richardson @ericmetaxas @ihopkc @larcheintl @larche Mike Bickle, performing thousands of hours for you on a stage, is not a man that you know, @natecdrums.

You know an image. You are attached to an image. You have given thousands of hours of your life to an image & would have to rethink your life if you were betrayed.
@natecdrums @Joel7Richardson @ericmetaxas @ihopkc @larcheintl @larche And you will sacrifice those women for that idolatrous image of Mike Bickle & for the image of what you thought your life was.

They are not real people to you in the way that an image in a recording has been to you.
@natecdrums @Joel7Richardson @ericmetaxas @ihopkc @larcheintl @larche I think that the woman who shared her testimony to protect others-- something she should have never had to do because @IHOPKC could have & should have commissioned an independent investigation-- is poor in spirit, as referenced in your bio, @natecdrums .
@natecdrums @Joel7Richardson @ericmetaxas @ihopkc @larcheintl @larche Imagine for a moment, @natecdrums , if she were a real person to you rather than a nameless, faceless Accuser whom you have not spent thousands of hours of your life listening to because she was not promoted to you as a great prophet.
@natecdrums @Joel7Richardson @ericmetaxas @ihopkc @larcheintl @larche Imagine that she was your wife or your daughter or your sister or a woman that might be more real to you and precious to you than Mike Bickle, a man whose polished image you have been consuming for over twenty years for thousands of hours.
@natecdrums @Joel7Richardson @ericmetaxas @ihopkc @larcheintl @larche Imagine what a woman whom you love & who is a real person to you would feel if she shared something that had been a heavy secret for her- say something that had consumed twenty years & thousands of hours- something that she thought for years was her fault b/c she was brainwashed.
@natecdrums @Joel7Richardson @ericmetaxas @ihopkc @larcheintl @larche Imagine standing next to a woman who is a real person to you, whom you love more than Mike Bickle, who is an image in a recording that you have watched for thousands over hours for twenty years.

Imagine she shared her story to protect others.
@natecdrums @Joel7Richardson @ericmetaxas @ihopkc @larcheintl @larche Imagine that you are standing behind this woman as she looks at a computer screen while the most soul-crushing, shame-inducing experiences of her life are shared publicly to save other people.

Imagine her reading comments like yours.
@natecdrums @Joel7Richardson @ericmetaxas @ihopkc @larcheintl @larche Or imagine her reading worse, @natecdrums, because honestly I've seen much worse than the elaborate gymnastics that you are executing so Mike Bickle can be the man that has existed on stage in your imagination for twenty years & thousands of hours.
@natecdrums @Joel7Richardson @ericmetaxas @ihopkc @larcheintl @larche I can have compassion on what it is like to be betrayed by a leader whom you believed was godly, sincere, & trustworthy.

I believed that about a leader who claimed to be helping my former denomination seek justice for abuse survivors.
@natecdrums @Joel7Richardson @ericmetaxas @ihopkc @larcheintl @larche I didn't even have 20 years invested in him, & it still just about killed me because he represented my last thread of hope that the churches that had taught me who Jesus was could be faithful.
@natecdrums @Joel7Richardson @ericmetaxas @ihopkc @larcheintl @larche I trusted him because people I trusted also trusted him. He seemed good & kind & patient & wise.

When he seemed irritated or was making foolish decisions, I explained it away as a result of the stress he was undergoing.

I had empathy for him.
@natecdrums @Joel7Richardson @ericmetaxas @ihopkc @larcheintl @larche Everything that I knew about how to gauge who was a trustworthy & decent person told me that this was a good man in a bad situation, & I reasoned about everything that happened from that first principle.
@natecdrums @Joel7Richardson @ericmetaxas @ihopkc @larcheintl @larche And when he started to unravel, I still held onto his humanity. I still saw him as a basically good & decent person who was overwhelmed by a terrible situation & who was in a distorted mental space because he was facing betrayal by other leaders whom he loved.
@natecdrums @Joel7Richardson @ericmetaxas @ihopkc @larcheintl @larche It took realizing that he lied to my face to cover from his own mistakes & shield himself from accountability for his mishandling of a national abuse response for me to accept that this was not a decent, but broken person in a tough situation.

This was a wicked man who lied.
@natecdrums @Joel7Richardson @ericmetaxas @ihopkc @larcheintl @larche And part of what makes him so depraved is that he knows what goodness should look like. If people tell me that they've known him for decades & listened to his (admittedly much less interesting) teachings for thousands of ours & that they only saw goodness, I would believe them.
@natecdrums @Joel7Richardson @ericmetaxas @ihopkc @larcheintl @larche I don't think I would have ever caught it unless I had been in a high-stakes situation & had enough access to multiple sides to be able to catch him, eventually, in a lie.

But the thing is, I could have caught it earlier, @Natecdrums.

I just explained it all away.
@natecdrums @Joel7Richardson @ericmetaxas @ihopkc @larcheintl @larche I believed that God wanted to do something different in my denomination than what had happened in others that had faced a reckoning for abuse & mishandling abuse.

I believed our people loved Jesus enough to do better.
@natecdrums @Joel7Richardson @ericmetaxas @ihopkc @larcheintl @larche I believed that God put me in a diocese with a Bishop in charge of the national abuse response so that I could be a bridge between survivors & people in the church who wanted to do well, even if they didn't know what they were doing.
@natecdrums @Joel7Richardson @ericmetaxas @ihopkc @larcheintl @larche And that really is what it felt like at first. I believed that God was moving. I couldn't let myself see how much I had at stake-- that if this didn't go well, I would lose so much of my hope for the church. The more we have at stake, the more we are likely to suppress reality.
@natecdrums @Joel7Richardson @ericmetaxas @ihopkc @larcheintl @larche And once the goodness & providence of God is attached to a leader or a ministry, the goodness of God & our sense of safety & trust in God can be threatened if that leader or ministry betrays us.

We feel betrayed by God, even if we "know" theologically that God does not betray.
@natecdrums @Joel7Richardson @ericmetaxas @ihopkc @larcheintl @larche When someone you love & trust betrays you, especially if they represent safety & hope & belonging in the church, you don't just lose your trust in that person.

You lose trust in your ability to trust wisely.

You wonder who else in your life who seemed good was a predator.
@natecdrums @Joel7Richardson @ericmetaxas @ihopkc @larcheintl @larche I felt stupid.

I felt like my autism made me vulnerable to being deceived by a manipulator.

I felt like I would never, ever be able to trust my judgement again.
@natecdrums @Joel7Richardson @ericmetaxas @ihopkc @larcheintl @larche For about a year and a half, I didn't want to live anymore.

I wondered what else in my life was an elaborate illusion built so men like my spiritually abusive Bishop could LARP around as the Main Character for decades, being adored for their goodness & sincerity.
@natecdrums @Joel7Richardson @ericmetaxas @ihopkc @larcheintl @larche My safety with God is still not rebuilt. I am still in the rubble, trying to find what can be salvaged.

Most of the people whom I trusted in church- who I was sure would do the right thing-- looked away, even when they knew their Bishop was a liar & a manipulator.
@natecdrums @Joel7Richardson @ericmetaxas @ihopkc @larcheintl @larche I know that I will never be believed over the man who spent a year & twenty hours on the phone & multiple Zoom calls & hundreds of texts convincing me that he was trying to help while he was manipulating me & smear-campaigning abuse survivors.
@natecdrums @Joel7Richardson @ericmetaxas @ihopkc @larcheintl @larche I know exactly what people will say about me as they rush to protect & caretake him because of how hard it is for him to be Accused by Those Women.

I know how he will explain in his best Compassionate Man voice that I am crazy-- he broke my mind, so that's plausible.
@natecdrums @Joel7Richardson @ericmetaxas @ihopkc @larcheintl @larche I know that I am not a real person to them, and they think the Image of the man they have known for years is a real person whom they can trust, because this man radiates Trustiness and exhudes Sincerity & Goodness.

I am disposable to them.
@natecdrums @Joel7Richardson @ericmetaxas @ihopkc @larcheintl @larche I know that I will not have an @allenshood or a Jono Hall or a Dwayne Roberts to stand with me.

I know that the men who believe me also want it to not be their problem to stand with me, because they don't want to face the consequences or for this to pull them away from ministry
@natecdrums @Joel7Richardson @ericmetaxas @ihopkc @larcheintl @larche @allenshood I know what men like you would say about me, @natecdrums , if the image of their leader was more precious to them than the humanity of a woman they don't know.

At least the abuse wasn't sexual.

At least I won't be called an Adulteress while I watch King David be Restored.
@natecdrums @Joel7Richardson @ericmetaxas @ihopkc @larcheintl @larche @allenshood But Jane Doe probably will watch that happen.

She will watch as @IHOPKC leaders pivot to a tearful story of how Mike has Confessed Adultery.

She will watch them talk about How Hard This Is For Them, but how God still has Great Things for them.
@natecdrums @Joel7Richardson @ericmetaxas @ihopkc @larcheintl @larche @allenshood She will watch as Stuart Greaves & Marci Sorge & Dave Sliker give updates on how sad Mike is- how he is spending time away as an intercessor, like David away with his flock writing psalms, how Mike is weeping over Psalm 51 & writing his own Psalms (to be sung Harp & Bowl style).
@natecdrums @Joel7Richardson @ericmetaxas @ihopkc @larcheintl @larche @allenshood She will watch as he is welcomed back-- probably a year or so later (because six months is just so SBC & tacky) as Mike is restored like King David.

@DrMichaelLBrown will be there with Rick Joyner & possibly Bill Johnson, all declaring that Mike is Truly Sorry & Fully Restored.
@natecdrums @Joel7Richardson @ericmetaxas @ihopkc @larcheintl @larche @allenshood @DrMichaelLBrown She will know that there will be no restoration for her.

People will say "She needs to own her part. She should have gone about this differently. This Clergy Sexual Abuse brainwashing nonsense sounds Woke & Marxist."
@natecdrums @Joel7Richardson @ericmetaxas @ihopkc @larcheintl @larche @allenshood @DrMichaelLBrown Everyone in the audience who who watches from home, still believing that this was all just a temporary lapse in the judgement of an otherwise good man, will cry when Mike Bickle is restored.
@natecdrums @Joel7Richardson @ericmetaxas @ihopkc @larcheintl @larche @allenshood @DrMichaelLBrown He will inherit the kingdom of heaven again as long as his performance of being poor in spirit is convincing, and you will be reminded of that verse in your bio, @Natecdrums, but will not think it applies to Jane Doe or the people who are risking everything to stand with her.
@natecdrums @Joel7Richardson @ericmetaxas @ihopkc @larcheintl @larche Many of *whom,* rather.

I also didn't lift my pinky while I was sipping tea as I was typing this, which is probably why I messed up "whom."

"Whom" is such a fancy little word.
@natecdrums @Joel7Richardson @ericmetaxas @ihopkc @larcheintl @larche @allenshood @DrMichaelLBrown @threadreaderapp unroll

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More from @hlgriffin

Dec 3
@MatthewHartke @ihopkc This is great, @MatthewHartke . I put together some resources on the history of the twisting of Matt 18 by abusive leaders to evade accountability. The form that evangelicals, fundamentalists, & charismatics use was developed & spread by Bill Gothard.

@MatthewHartke @ihopkc Because it has been embedded in so many sectors of white Christianity for over 40 years, Boomers & Gen X have been so formed by it that they treat it as an obviously "Biblical Process" that is plainly evident in scripture.
@MatthewHartke @ihopkc The fact that such different streams all use the same reading (how many Boomer & Gen X charismatics originally came from some form of fundamentalism or evangelicalism?) only reenforces the sense that this reading of Matthew 18 is Obviously Biblical.
Read 56 tweets
Dec 3






There is, alas, no surviving fanfic encompassing the Jesus/Philo crossover universes.

But y'all, there was some early Christian fanfic with Philo.
Eusebius in the 4th century tells us that Philo and Peter met in Rome and became BESTIES.  IT is well known that Eusebius mistakenly took Philo's treatise De Vita Contemplativa to be a description of the primitive Christian community in Alexandria.1 It is also clear from the context that Eusebius arrived at this conclusion on the basis of a report that Philo and Peter had become friends in Rome: And it is a matter of record that during the reign of Claudius he came into con tact with Peter in Rome while (Peter) was preaching to those living there.? The formula that Eusebius uses here to introduce this story indicates that he has taken it from some written source,3 a source which...
Read 19 tweets
Nov 28
.@DrMichaelLBrown is a name I hadn't heard for a long time until I started paying attention to how charismatic leaders were responding to the @MikeBickle8 abuse allegations & @ihopkc 's appalling response.
I was in @ChiAlphaUSA in college in the late 90's & 00's, was around Assembly of God folks for a most of my 20's...
@ChiAlphaUSA ...was a charismatic Anglican from age 19 until the conspiracy theories that infected so many streams of charismatic culture & abuse mishandling pushed me of @The_ACNA & other charismatic spaces...
Read 69 tweets
Nov 26
.@IHOPKC folks-

Here are a couple of articles that come with a huge content warning of a common form of Clergy Sexual Abuse that uses the Roman Catholic Bridal Mysticism tradition to groom victims.
The first is about Jean Vanier, founder of L'Arche. Why not technically clergy, Vanier carried immense spiritual authority & was considered a living saint until he died at 90.

Shortly after, survivors of his abuse came forward:
Here is another case about a different abuse & different victims, also using Bridal Mysticism:

Read 58 tweets
Nov 21
Hey, @IHOPKC folks- Reposting this 2021 article by @scotmcknight from the @ACNAtoo blog called "Spinning Matthew 18."

A predator-enabling reading of Matt 18 were spun out in evangelicalism/ fundamentalism/ charismatic movement by Bill Gothard of IBLP.

Because of the influence of Gothard going back decades, this reading of Matthew 18 is so deeply embedded in contemporary evangelicalism & charismatic culture that we don't notice it as a lens through which we interpret scripture.

This reading just seems "plain" & "obvious."
The folks at Recovering Grace, a long established site that serves people coming out of Gothard/IBLP, has been educating us about Gothard's misuse of Matt 18 for over 10 years.

Read 11 tweets
Nov 13
@IHOPKC folks- as things about the Mike Bickle Clergy Sexual Abuse allegations come to light, it is important that you tread carefully if you come to believe that someone with whom he had a "sexual relationship" may be complicit in a cover-up.

Clergy Sexual Abuse is not "an affair" or "a moral failing" by an otherwise upstanding man of God who was tempted by a bunch of Bathsheba Jezebels who were Drawn To His Anointing & Sent by the Accuser to Become Accusers of the Brethren.
If you are still hoping that the Mick Bickle allegations are going to turn out to be an elaborate Attack of the Accuser to Distract Us From Israel, it will not harm your soul in the slightest to educate yourself about Clergy Sexual Abuse. clergysexualmisconduct.com/what-is-csm%3F
Read 70 tweets

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