1/ 🚨🧵
RAPID AAD-Aortic Aneurysm and Dissection (tearing/rupture) is lethal.
Plasmid DNA is dsDNA.
dsDNA can enter cells from the body's own sources, or a contamination event (💉)
dsDNA is shown to cause AAD via the STING path.
A thread on a study, and adverse event cases.
3/ AAD is an extremely lethal cardiovascular event.
The STING pathway is implicated in tissue destruction and inflammation in numerous conditions and diseases.
The study done in vivo, saw the presence of dsDNA, and tracked STING activation in animal/human models in AAD.
4/ Specifically, cytosolic (outside of nucleus, but still in the cell) DNA and STING pathway activation occurred, in combination with macrophages.
The presence of cytosolic DNA in aortic tissues from patients with sporadic ascending thoracic AAD, showed immune system activation,
5/ as a response to dsDNA that should not be there. In patients w/ AAD, cytosolic dsDNA and STING pathway activation were detected in specific cell types, like smooth muscle cells in aortic tissues.
Smooth muscle cells impact the structural integrity of the aortic wall.
6/ Order of operations:
Presence of exogenous dsDNA in aortic tissues, from sources such as damaged nuclei, mitochondria (or 🧬💉contamination?) is recognized by cellular "sensors" called the STING pathway. The STING pathway then activates the immune system as a response to the
7/ presence of genetic material that should not be floating around in the cytoplasm. This can occur all over the body, but right now we are focusing on rapid onset lethal aortic dissection. Immune system activation leads to the presence of interferons and macrophages.
8/ because the STING pathway is activated, a rapid inflammatory response and condition occurs, and in this case, it is happening in the heart, in the aorta. Macrophages are "activated" and rush to the area.
This starts a cascade of really bad stuff. The smooth muscle cells
9/ inside the wall of the aorta in the heart, then release THEIR OWN dsDNA as a response to being inflamed. This is a direct result of inflammation and damage being done by the immune attack on the body's own aorta and heart.
Macrophages then "engulf" the dsDNA that is
10/ getting kicked out of the smooth muscle cells, which is different dsDNA than the dsDNA which kicked off this whole domino effect.
Then subsequent activation of STING pathway in macrophages contributes to downstream effects, including MMP-9 production and extracellular matrix
11/ (ECM) degradation.
Note: MMP-9 is an enzyme that plays a role in the degradation of extracellular matrix (ECM), which is a part of tissues that provides structural support.
The production of MMP-9 by macrophages contributes to the degradation of the ECM, thus remodeling and
12/ dissection of the aorta. This sequence drives AAD.
This includes smooth muscle cell (SMC) injury, inflammation, and ECM degradation--causing a lethal situation.
13/ just to be clear, the initial activation of STING before smooth muscle cell involvement with that area releasing it's OWN dsDNA are two separate parts of the domino of events, the cascade that kicks off this entire mechanisms. It can and does occur in people without
14/ an external dna contamination event.
However, exogenous dsDNA entering cells in the heart, should plausibly activate this same pathway.
In order for the heart, and the cardiomyocyte to be "transfected", a lipid nanoparticle would have to have a molar ratio of 10:1, that is
15/ 10:1 ratio of ionizable lipids to dsDNA plasmid contamination combined with modRNA to enter the area of that heart, especially the cardiomyocyte.
"Ionizable Lipid Nanoparticle-Mediated Delivery of Plasmid DNA in Cardiomyocytes"
16/ a concern would be, if this occurred after vaccination, and if an LNP was loaded with dsDNA and made its way to the heart, the cardiomyocyte, and namely, the aorta.
17/ An autopsy case report of aortic dissection after mRNA COVID-19 vaccination: correspondence
Leg Med (Tokyo). 2023 Feb; 60: 102169.
Published online 2022 Oct 26. doi: 10.1016/j.legalmed.2022.102169 ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/P…
18/ An autopsy case report of aortic dissection complicated with histiolymphocytic pericarditis and aortic inflammation after mRNA COVID-19 vaccination
DOI: 10.1016/j.legalmed.2022.102154
19/ Myopericarditis and Acute Aortic Dissection after Receiving mRNA Based COVID 19 Vaccine: Cases Report and Literature Reviewed - รายงานผู้ป่วยที่เกิดกล้ามเนื้อหัวใจอักเสบและ ผนังหลอดเลือดแดงใหญ่ปริภายหลังได้รับ mRNA based COVID-19 วัคซีน และการทบทวนวารสารฯ
22/ Could the spike expression be involved too? Sure
Got nucleocapsid?
23/ **** note: "Plasmid DNA is dsDNA" refers to the DNA contamination event that everyone is currently speaking to right now. This is speaking to the biotech plasmid that contains the SV40 promoter, the antibiotic resistance, the gene encoding for spike, etc.
Chain reaction
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1/ 🚨💉🧬 Hot off the presses, March 2025, almost one year later, "next gen mRNA"
"CpG ODN-adjuvanted, alum-adsorbed, virus-like particle (VLP) vaccine displaying the hexaproline stabilized Spike (S) protein and the Nucleocapsid, Membrane, and Envelope proteins of SARS-CoV-2."
3/ The sentence reads like a nightmare to me: " CpG ODN-adjuvanted, alum-adsorbed, virus-like particle (VLP) vaccine displaying the hexaproline stabilized Spike (S) protein and the Nucleocapsid, Membrane, and Envelope proteins of SARS-CoV-2."
The material that has gone into humans is research grade at best. That means RG. Fit for animals but not humans.
I dare say it was even fit for animals.
I know because it was my job.
I know the difference between research grade, cGMP (which still has its issues, One just need to research any 483 form with the FDA, or having worked designing the stuff).
I designed recombinant proteins custom, fusion proteins with specialty RNA, lipids, custom work for those who have suffered from genetic disease and cancer.
Those are small batches for clinical trials that are highly filtered by expert teams with all eyes on every vial, clean as can be, with small cohorts of maybe a few dozen people, and a liter of material. And with all that, there is still side effects because that platform is flawed on multiple levels. I can cite study after study right now on the reasons why it that is, and to pull them all from my profile, and so could others.
Sludge was allowed to be injected into over 5 billion people.
Non-coding RNA can cause cancer. Fact.
Multiple studies including done by experts who out rank anyone here in the US or the UK over in Korea have done the tests stating that the modified RNA is breaking inside the LNP. This renders it non coding, which means it can't make anything and it's only function is going to be to interfere with other cellular mechanisms with the concern of causing cancer. It can cause transient concerns which can activate pathways regardless if it is degraded in the cells.
The lipids themselves have been used in multiple studies injected into animals and have been found to cause disease and cancer because of the disruption of the continual injection and what damage has occurred as a result of exhaustion of the mononuclear phagocyte system. That's something you are not familiar with and what I'm stating here is not known to most people reading this.
Positively charged lipids have an impact on cellular function and if they aggregate an areas they can do damage.
The modified RNA has been shown to have oncogenic properties.
This modified RNA also has been known to frame shift inside the ribosome causing junk proteins to be made which is irrelevant because....
Moderna did their own study with their own researchers only a couple of years ago which they paid for using special equipment and they found (packer et Al 2021) that the impurities in the positively charged lipids are covalently bonding to any nucleic acid they come in contact with including the modified RNA inside the lipid nanoparticle creating what is called an adduct and it is occurring in about 10 spots per piece of RNA in each of the particles which, will cause the same issue and cause the slippage in the ribosome causing non-coding issues which means we're back to the cancer possibility with the junk protein being made with aggregation and misfold of a spike protein that is already known to have amyloid properties related to neurodegenerative disease.
The lipid nanoparticle itself contains high levels of the original starter biotech plasmid which was housed in e coli and grown up to make the modified RNA. On this piece of plasmid which is circular which you can look up anywhere, It contains multiple parts and the one moderna used is slightly different than the one Pfizer used. There is a spot for the protein gene of interest. I can show you a video of you would like and you are a smart guy and it was done by a biotechnology student. There's also an antibiotic resistant gene, And a few other sections and on the Pfizer plasmid there is what is called the SV40 promoter which is minus the large T antigen However is still a very strong promoter. The CMv promoter also a strong promoter.
These are circular and they were not digested properly or removed from any of the batches and it all went into humans.
The scale of harm that could theoretically be on deck is unlike anything our civilization has ever seen when it comes to the potential harms.
I've heard people say they don't want to scare people.
The amount of cancer and autoimmune around myself and others is staggering. People in their 30s at my clinic have cancer. People in their twenties. 17-year-olds with brain tumors. A 9-year-old boy just got taken to the children's hospital here a couple months ago with myocarditis right after... Guess what?
That promoter can have transient expression in ways I'm not typing here because I'm writing a paper on it and when it's shown exactly what it is doing in cells aside from its other activity and how it can interfere with the proteome, in ways that people are not currently checking which will take time and sales turn over and the proteome is going to start replacing and making adjustments and fusion proteins are going to start to occur in some people (if they aren't already.... Fusion protein is often present in lymphoma, piers).
Then we have the issue with biodistribution and they lied about the whole thing including studies that prove more than once with full data to back peer-reviewed that the particle itself has a different biodistribution in pregnant animals compared to non-pregnant animals that it goes to the lymph nodes 8 times more and that means everything is going to the lymph nodes eight times more including eight times the spike protein eight times the RNA 8 times the positively charged lipids eight times the DNA plasmid contamination and any other god-awful contamination that exists that we know about which is occurring often like bacteria and other plasmids and cross-contamination from other projects because it is a well-known fact that this occurs and any 483 will show you this in every other plant on the planet.
This thing was never going to save anyone.
This needs to be taken very seriously.
@piersmorgan PS
I ranted that all from my phone using voice to text. I apologize for any grammatical errors
1/ plasmid dna can be taken up by a lymphocytes when injected into the muscle.
That's the biotech plasmid.
In pregnant females this happens at eight times the volume regarding lipid nanoparticles going into their lymph nodes while they are experiencing changes in their immune system but it also goes to the placenta.
1/ Digital Twins and Cancer.
This has already begun.
There's talk about how this translates into the human, physical world. This has already begun with the use of what are called organoids, which Harvard was and others were investigating, before it gained traction.
2/ you can read here about the use of a digital twin and cancer.
3/ the use of organoids for customized, personalized cancer treatment is already happening, privately. You're just not hearing about it. In 2017, HARVARD researchers started using organoids.
1/ 🚨"35-year-old woman contracted Lou Gehrig's disease after her first Pfizer dose."
These "products" like adenovirus and RNA/DNA can be DORMANT (see linked thread) and then become ACTIVE. Not just cancer :(
"REACTIVATION" potential of ADENOVIRUS VECTORS used for "gene therapy", including the use of DNA PLASMID with LATENT and REACTIVATED STATES for BOTH and why this is important for SHEDDING and DISEASE.
2/ Pierre Kory and others have talked a lot about shedding--they are correct. The studies are on viral vectors--these are viral vectors. There are studies I have and so do others on this, but to drive it home--right here:
3/ back to the first document: this was released 01/2020, right before the world was about to go into forced measures against the people, demanding they get injected with something that needs FIFTEEN YEARS of testing. The US had the gene sequence form CHINA in this moment.
💉i have a guess!!! Part of my time on my educational path, I was spending in the clinic in Neuro opthalmology. We had a lot of patients that had age-related macular degeneration or diabetes related. They would go for the eye injections of things like alflibercept. I'm not a neurophthalmologist however I worked with them and I learned things.
Im just typing on my phone so you're going to have to bear with me.
"significantly increases the risk of developing a condition called non-arteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy, or NAION, more than doubling the likelihood.
NAION is a rare condition that causes a lack of blood flow to part of the optic nerve, which connects the eye to the brain. Without blood flow, the affected areas swell up, stop working correctly and start to die, resulting in severe vision loss or blindness, according to the Cleveland Clinic. "
All right. Ozempic mimics naturally occurring hormone called glucagon-like peptide-1 . That's GLP-1. It signals to the brain that you are full, suppressing appetite and reducing food intake.
But this is acting like a ligand. And a ligand attaches itself to a receptor. It's like a lock and key.
GLP-1 (glucagon-like peptide-1) is a ligand, specifically acting as the natural ligand for the glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor (GLP-1R). The ligand matches the lock and then it signals the body to do things and in this case it signals not to be hungry.
And the ligand can have different shapes but also have charge. And some of these receptors also respond to a charge. We're talking about positive and negative charges.
And below chief nerd is being awesome and posting that there's an eye condition occurring as a result of ozempic.
Well, one might have the thought that the ligand that is made synthetically for ozempic has a chance of connecting with other receptors in the human body.
And the eye, has receptors, and one receptor is called Endothelin-1 (ET-1)
ET-1 is a ligand that binds to endothelin receptors (EDNRA and EDNRB) to cause vasoconstriction, which can cause decreased blood flow to the retina and optic nerve head.
And this condition might be treated by endothelin receptor antagonist. That means it increases blood flow by interacting with that receptor and it gives it a different signal.
But here's the thing: this has already been studied.
"Glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonist liraglutide inhibits endothelin-1 in endothelial cell by repressing nuclear factor-kappa B activation".
So they already knew. Because this research happened over 10 years ago.
They already knew it there was a link.
I don't have the full mechanism figured out and it's a Saturday night at 9:00 p.m. and this lady should be doing something else but here we are.