Christie Laura Grace Profile picture
Former Biotech/Scientist turned Clinician. Multidisciplinary. Musician. Artist. Nature Runner. Sifu: Kung Fu. Combat Pencak Silat Pertempuran. Views are my own
32 subscribers
Feb 24 29 tweets 9 min read
1/ 🚨💉🧬 Hot off the presses, March 2025, almost one year later, "next gen mRNA"

"CpG ODN-adjuvanted, alum-adsorbed, virus-like particle (VLP) vaccine displaying the hexaproline stabilized Spike (S) protein and the Nucleocapsid, Membrane, and Envelope proteins of SARS-CoV-2." Image 2/

(This requires access, so I will screen shot)…Image
Feb 23 35 tweets 26 min read
The material that has gone into humans is research grade at best. That means RG. Fit for animals but not humans.
I dare say it was even fit for animals.

I know because it was my job.

I know the difference between research grade, cGMP (which still has its issues, One just need to research any 483 form with the FDA, or having worked designing the stuff).

I designed recombinant proteins custom, fusion proteins with specialty RNA, lipids, custom work for those who have suffered from genetic disease and cancer.

Those are small batches for clinical trials that are highly filtered by expert teams with all eyes on every vial, clean as can be, with small cohorts of maybe a few dozen people, and a liter of material. And with all that, there is still side effects because that platform is flawed on multiple levels. I can cite study after study right now on the reasons why it that is, and to pull them all from my profile, and so could others.

Sludge was allowed to be injected into over 5 billion people.

Non-coding RNA can cause cancer. Fact.

Multiple studies including done by experts who out rank anyone here in the US or the UK over in Korea have done the tests stating that the modified RNA is breaking inside the LNP. This renders it non coding, which means it can't make anything and it's only function is going to be to interfere with other cellular mechanisms with the concern of causing cancer. It can cause transient concerns which can activate pathways regardless if it is degraded in the cells.

The lipids themselves have been used in multiple studies injected into animals and have been found to cause disease and cancer because of the disruption of the continual injection and what damage has occurred as a result of exhaustion of the mononuclear phagocyte system. That's something you are not familiar with and what I'm stating here is not known to most people reading this.

Positively charged lipids have an impact on cellular function and if they aggregate an areas they can do damage.

The modified RNA has been shown to have oncogenic properties.

This modified RNA also has been known to frame shift inside the ribosome causing junk proteins to be made which is irrelevant because....

Moderna did their own study with their own researchers only a couple of years ago which they paid for using special equipment and they found (packer et Al 2021) that the impurities in the positively charged lipids are covalently bonding to any nucleic acid they come in contact with including the modified RNA inside the lipid nanoparticle creating what is called an adduct and it is occurring in about 10 spots per piece of RNA in each of the particles which, will cause the same issue and cause the slippage in the ribosome causing non-coding issues which means we're back to the cancer possibility with the junk protein being made with aggregation and misfold of a spike protein that is already known to have amyloid properties related to neurodegenerative disease.

The lipid nanoparticle itself contains high levels of the original starter biotech plasmid which was housed in e coli and grown up to make the modified RNA. On this piece of plasmid which is circular which you can look up anywhere, It contains multiple parts and the one moderna used is slightly different than the one Pfizer used. There is a spot for the protein gene of interest. I can show you a video of you would like and you are a smart guy and it was done by a biotechnology student. There's also an antibiotic resistant gene, And a few other sections and on the Pfizer plasmid there is what is called the SV40 promoter which is minus the large T antigen However is still a very strong promoter. The CMv promoter also a strong promoter.

These are circular and they were not digested properly or removed from any of the batches and it all went into humans.

The scale of harm that could theoretically be on deck is unlike anything our civilization has ever seen when it comes to the potential harms.

I've heard people say they don't want to scare people.

The amount of cancer and autoimmune around myself and others is staggering. People in their 30s at my clinic have cancer. People in their twenties. 17-year-olds with brain tumors. A 9-year-old boy just got taken to the children's hospital here a couple months ago with myocarditis right after... Guess what?

That promoter can have transient expression in ways I'm not typing here because I'm writing a paper on it and when it's shown exactly what it is doing in cells aside from its other activity and how it can interfere with the proteome, in ways that people are not currently checking which will take time and sales turn over and the proteome is going to start replacing and making adjustments and fusion proteins are going to start to occur in some people (if they aren't already.... Fusion protein is often present in lymphoma, piers).

Then we have the issue with biodistribution and they lied about the whole thing including studies that prove more than once with full data to back peer-reviewed that the particle itself has a different biodistribution in pregnant animals compared to non-pregnant animals that it goes to the lymph nodes 8 times more and that means everything is going to the lymph nodes eight times more including eight times the spike protein eight times the RNA 8 times the positively charged lipids eight times the DNA plasmid contamination and any other god-awful contamination that exists that we know about which is occurring often like bacteria and other plasmids and cross-contamination from other projects because it is a well-known fact that this occurs and any 483 will show you this in every other plant on the planet.

This thing was never going to save anyone.

This needs to be taken very seriously. @piersmorgan PS

I ranted that all from my phone using voice to text. I apologize for any grammatical errors
Jan 25 19 tweets 5 min read
1/ Digital Twins and Cancer.
This has already begun.
There's talk about how this translates into the human, physical world. This has already begun with the use of what are called organoids, which Harvard was and others were investigating, before it gained traction. Image 2/ you can read here about the use of a digital twin and cancer.

Dec 31, 2024 26 tweets 6 min read
1/ 🚨"35-year-old woman contracted Lou Gehrig's disease after her first Pfizer dose."
These "products" like adenovirus and RNA/DNA can be DORMANT (see linked thread) and then become ACTIVE. Not just cancer :(
READ👇 Image 2/ Charcot's disease is amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

'Charcot's Disease' is a progressive and fatal

progressive death of motor neurons…
Dec 31, 2024 33 tweets 13 min read
"REACTIVATION" potential of ADENOVIRUS VECTORS used for "gene therapy", including the use of DNA PLASMID with LATENT and REACTIVATED STATES for BOTH and why this is important for SHEDDING and DISEASE.

🚨DATE of ISSUE: JANUARY 2020. COINCIDENCE? Image 2/ Pierre Kory and others have talked a lot about shedding--they are correct. The studies are on viral vectors--these are viral vectors. There are studies I have and so do others on this, but to drive it home--right here:…Image
Dec 29, 2024 9 tweets 6 min read
💉i have a guess!!! Part of my time on my educational path, I was spending in the clinic in Neuro opthalmology. We had a lot of patients that had age-related macular degeneration or diabetes related. They would go for the eye injections of things like alflibercept. I'm not a neurophthalmologist however I worked with them and I learned things.

Im just typing on my phone so you're going to have to bear with me.

"significantly increases the risk of developing a condition called non-arteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy, or NAION, more than doubling the likelihood.

NAION is a rare condition that causes a lack of blood flow to part of the optic nerve, which connects the eye to the brain. Without blood flow, the affected areas swell up, stop working correctly and start to die, resulting in severe vision loss or blindness, according to the Cleveland Clinic. "

All right. Ozempic mimics naturally occurring hormone called glucagon-like peptide-1 . That's GLP-1. It signals to the brain that you are full, suppressing appetite and reducing food intake.

But this is acting like a ligand. And a ligand attaches itself to a receptor. It's like a lock and key.

GLP-1 (glucagon-like peptide-1) is a ligand, specifically acting as the natural ligand for the glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor (GLP-1R). The ligand matches the lock and then it signals the body to do things and in this case it signals not to be hungry.

And the ligand can have different shapes but also have charge. And some of these receptors also respond to a charge. We're talking about positive and negative charges.

And below chief nerd is being awesome and posting that there's an eye condition occurring as a result of ozempic.

Well, one might have the thought that the ligand that is made synthetically for ozempic has a chance of connecting with other receptors in the human body.

And the eye, has receptors, and one receptor is called Endothelin-1 (ET-1)
ET-1 is a ligand that binds to endothelin receptors (EDNRA and EDNRB) to cause vasoconstriction, which can cause decreased blood flow to the retina and optic nerve head.

And this condition might be treated by endothelin receptor antagonist. That means it increases blood flow by interacting with that receptor and it gives it a different signal.

But here's the thing: this has already been studied.

"Glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonist liraglutide inhibits endothelin-1 in endothelial cell by repressing nuclear factor-kappa B activation".

So they already knew. Because this research happened over 10 years ago.

They already knew it there was a link.

I don't have the full mechanism figured out and it's a Saturday night at 9:00 p.m. and this lady should be doing something else but here we are.Image 2/ .…Image
Dec 28, 2024 5 tweets 3 min read
1/ 🦠🧬 New publication on cGAS STING and IRF7. Might want to investigate spike protein and plasmid DNA contamination with neurodegenerative disease like Parkinson's, Epstein Barr Virus, autoimmune, and cancer. Just dropping the articles for anyone to read in this thread. Image 2/…… Image
Dec 26, 2024 53 tweets 19 min read
1/ 🚨💉Lipid Impurities in mRNA! This is a MAJOR concern for the RNA and LIPID NANOPARTICLE platform! It is not being addressed!
08/2023: I presented this and more at the COVID Conference and below.
Please read all of the implications--it is for ALL RNA, not just spike and Ψ. Image 2/ This is an interview and an article done with A recent interview with Dr. Adam Crowe, analytical development manager at Precision NanoSystems Inc.

I have quoted this group many times. They have a very informative YouTube…
Dec 19, 2024 30 tweets 8 min read
1/ 🚨 IS it possible for plasmid DNA (💉🧬) to be transferred to another person by bodily fluids (like saliva, Kissing?) 💉🧬?"

READ STUDY: DNA Plasmid getting inside the NATURAL BACTERIA in our SALIVA (transformation of microbiome) and how long it survives (in vitro):🤯 Image 2/ Looking at this study : "Fate of free DNA and transformation of the oral bacterium Streptococcus gordonii DL1 by plasmid DNA in human saliva"…Image
Dec 19, 2024 20 tweets 5 min read
1/🚨 Are YOU taking ZINC? Are you vaccine injured?Zinc might be great for some viruses, but ZINC has been found to:
INCREASE retention of plasmid DNA in cells.
INCREASE gene expression of certain aspect of SV40
INCREASE transfection efficiency of plasmid DNA!
READ for INFO🤯 Image 2/🚨 It's true. We are limited on what we have, but to see how plasmid DNA influences promoters on biotech plasmids and plasmid DNA itself is worth paying attention to. Did you tell someone to take zinc who has vaccine injury with suspected DNA plasmid contamination?
Dec 17, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
🧬💉I wrote this preprint with basic information on how one set of researchers found that "expressing" Heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) can inhibit the activity of the SV40 promoter in tumor cells, including colon carcinoma cells. That means, SLOW DOWN SV40 or TURN OFF SV40.

Even if there are differences, I wondered if overexpression of Heme oxygenase-1 might have an impact on the SV40 promoter that is in the biotech plasmid that has been found in vials all around the world of COVID PFIZER jabs, even if there are differences in the SV40 used in that colon cancer research and the SV40 that is present as contamination that is present in vials of Pfizer that went into people

It is well known there have been injuries, and the main thing talked about every morning, noon, night, in all the time zones, and that all the concern seems to be at this time by people going on podcasts, and lawyers and others, is the part of the DNA plasmid that contains SV40 promoter that landed in some people.

I thought maybe there might be a similar impact and help people who have injuries, and if people have labs that show they have DNA plasmid from those jabs in their tissues, that this might be a starting point for researchers to target HO-1, to help some people.
SV40 is on everyone's podcasts right now SV40 SV40 SV40 SV40.

So I looked this up, I read about it, I read about how a certain drug called DMF that is used in MS patients also drives HO-1 expression, but it has MANY side effects. I then looked at supplements and dosing schedules.

This preprint I wrote explains that.

I have pushed back on supplements and vitamins, and if anyone reads anything I have typed, I have not been a fan of them when told that they will cure people with serious injuries--that is upsetting to me.

However, this was a study that was done and it worked--even though in cells.

I placed this in a preprint with some basic info to start to hopefully get the ball rolling for researchers or someone if they think this looks like it is worth investigating, so it was not just sitting here on one of my endless X threads.

The SV40 was inhibited in cells, true and there are other things that are not known, but if we cannot get SV40 out of people, then we MUST go to the SV40, and this, is a start.

Additionally, for those who talk about mice not being humans, the antibody response of COVID RNA jabs of eight mice were used to satisfy the FDA approval of COVID RNA injection in babies, so that argument does not hold.

To that end, There is another study that myself and others have talked about for over a year of the DNA plasmid persisting in the noses of scientists, which I have attached below too.Image 2/…
Dec 16, 2024 26 tweets 17 min read
I should have explained this study better, a mechanism for these clots. No DNA 🧬plasmid is needed to do this. This study, AND data, might explain why you would test positive for Thioflavin T, phosphorus present +other markers.
✨SIZE +CHARGE (LNP)Image 2/ I went on a podcast two years ago talking about these things and Matt was very gracious and let me talk for over two hours on so many things lipid nanoparticles non stop, it was not even enough time to go over all of this this. Richard and I have talked too about this stuff. Image
Dec 14, 2024 17 tweets 6 min read
1/ 💉🦠🧬CANCER of Liver, Bile Duct, and COLON HAS GONE UP?
Lipid nanoparticles (LNP) travel ALL over. Myself & others had Japanese leaked biodistribution data Sept of 21--several shared it and were ignored--even Twitter files (receipts) ignored it in 2022.
2/ Lipid nanoparticle containing RNA,(and DNA contamination in the RNA kind of jabs), lipids, and other KNOWN (yes I said it) and unknown contaminants go all over the body--head to toe. Some cells are more difficult for LNP to get in, like a cardiomyocyte❤️,but they still get in Image
Dec 8, 2024 4 tweets 4 min read
💉Just some thoughts on ASD,VACCINES, the immune system, cGAS STING, L-type voltage-sensitive calcium channels, transcriptions factors, etc. This could be better written. I am going for a jog first out in nature.

This is going to bounce around like Pulp Fiction and will be better organized later.
I am going to wrap into some of my existing substacks. Maybe a paper.
You probably want people who worked in industry on this .

There are components in vaccines which can contribute to the activation of the cGAS-STING that may trigger PKR activation, which inhibits general translation via eIF2α phosphorylation.

Even though childhood vaccines are attenuated, they contain RNA and DNA. This can interact with cGAS STING.

MMR vaccine contains live attenuated viruses.

It also contains other things, charged particles, and contaminants.

Those who are anonymous writing substacks about zeta potential are missing the boat in huge ways on it. They are well meaning, but way off the mark. Zeta potential is charge. It is more than that.

Anyways. cGAS (cyclic GMP-AMP synthase) protein recognizes cytosolic DNA.
DNA from the live attenuated viruses may be detected by cGAS, which catalyzes the production of cyclic GMP-AMP (cGAMP).

This activates the STING (stimulator of interferon genes) pathway, triggering a cascade of immune responses, including the production of type I interferons and other cytokines.

But the ALUMINUM and the other charged components are going to be involved TOO! AL is +3. We know that.
Also, DNA has a negative charge! DNA molecules can impact pathways and drive interaction with cGAS.

The negative charge on the viral DNA can enhance the ability of cGAS to recognize and bind the DNA, thereby increasing the likelihood of cGAS-STING pathway activation. (in covid vaccines: although cGAS is primarily involved in recognizing DNA, certain RNA species, particularly double-stranded RNA (dsRNA), can also activate innate immune responses, often via a related pathway involving RIG-I-like receptors (RLRs)--this is it's own animal we need to attack.

Back to adjuvants.

MMR may contains adjuvants to enhance the immune response. Some adjuvants mimic pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs), which can activate the cGAS-STING pathway indirectly by stimulating the immune system.

So then we go back to aluminum salts for a moment: Aluminum salts, are charged particles that can drive the immune system into action, and sometimes it does not have to go into hyperdrive state for damage. Manganese is already shown to interact with cGAS STING not just based on charge, but its shape and interaction.

Manganese is +2 charge. Al is +3 which is a bit different in confirmation.
But, there still might be some interactions there. The Aluminum is directly involved in the activation of other receptors like toll-like receptors (TLRs). If such charged particles are internalized by cells, they could facilitate the detection of any foreign DNA or RNA by cGAS, indirectly activating the pathway. These are part of one big multipathway AXIS.

The Ras/ERK and PI3K/mTOR pathways are activated by calcium influx through L-type voltage-sensitive calcium channels (L-VSCCs) and these activate transcription factors in the nucleus, which control the expression of genes involved in synaptic plasticity and learning. Mutations in L-VSCC or other proteins involved in transcription (such as MeCP2 in Rett syndrome or UBE3A in Angelman syndrome. This can hit brain function and development.

So then we have the cGAS STING activation and then that, leads to eIF2α phosphorylation and translation inhibition, which could impair the synthesis of proteins in calcium signaling and transcriptional regulation.

This could potentially impair the translation of proteins involved in critical pathways such as Ras/ERK, PI3K/mTOR, and synaptic plasticity. In children, this could interfere with normal brain development, cognition, and neuroplasticity, potentially contributing to neurodevelopmental disorders such as ASD, especially in cases where genes involved in translation or transcription regulation (PTEN, FMRP) are already compromised.

SO then we have immune system responding (vaccination) for some, really hitting cGAS-STING pathway and PKR/eIF2α inhibition, this could contribute to neuroinflammation, causing ASD.

You have some genetic markers at play too (I will go into that as well--but others have already been knocking those out of the park, that work exists).
ALSO if the mother was vaccinated during pregnancy versus child at birth, as there is more plasticity in the womb, but babies are also compromised as the vascular areas in their body are more susceptible to issues. When we talk about RNA with DNA and lipid nanoparticles, that is another whole frightening area to discuss.

So then you wrap in the genetic markers and components like eIF2α phosphorylation. and pull in the SNP, and tie it all together.

These are just some thoughts about it on X. Need more discussion with other real scientists. In proper spaces.Image………
Nov 24, 2024 8 tweets 4 min read
This article states plausible reasons for an increase in lung cancer in non-smoking females under the age of 50. One possible reason it lists, is radon.
Then we look at the radon map of the US, and then look up by state by specific cancer, by female, by age, all ethnicity, and: Image 2/ What we would assume if radon was a factor, while not the sole factor, might be an increase in lung cancer occurrence in females under the age of 50 who reside in states with higher levels of radon.…
Sep 20, 2024 13 tweets 4 min read
1/ 🚨🚨 Varma is Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer at SIGA TECH
🚨Detected/Suspected Collaborations w/ Evidence of SIGA TECH:
1. Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA)
2. U.S. Department of Defense
3. CDC, WHO, NIAID, and academic institutions.

Details (receipts with archives in posts below in the thread):

🚨Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA)
Approximate dates:
Contracts initiated in 2014, w/ subsequent modifications through 2024 and continuing:
Development and procurement of TPOXX (tecovirimat) for public health preparedness against smallpox and other orthopoxvirus.

🚨U.S. Department of Defense (DoD)
Collaborations began around 2014 and continue to the present. Research and development initiatives focusing on antiviral efficacy against biological agents, "enhancing national security".

🚨Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Ongoing partnerships since at least 2014. Purpose: Public health initiatives aimed at preparedness and response strategies for infectious disease outbreaks, including public awareness regarding antiviral treatments.

World Health Organization (WHO)
🚨Discussions and potential collaborations initiated in 2020.
Addressing global health threats and improving access to antiviral therapies, especially in low-resource settings.

🚨National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)
Collaborative research started around 2016 and is ongoing. Purpose: Joint research projects to develop therapeutics for viral infections and evaluate antiviral compounds.

Academic Institutions (specific collaborations may vary)

(see attached posts for details. these might need editing/updating with more information or corrections) 2./ Jay Kumar Varma
Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer at SIGA TECHNOLOGIES, INC.
Net worth: 156 201 $ as of 2024-08-30

Sep 15, 2024 5 tweets 4 min read
1/ 👀🚨⚕️⚕️Happy Sunday! How I sped up the healing of my torn hip that I was told I needed surgical intervention on (I have not had any surgery on it!!!):

I was told I needed medical intervention on my hip after imaging showed tear of the anterosuperior labrum from 12:00 to 3:00, an additional partial tear of the distal left gluteus medius tendon, and suspected occult fracture of the femur.

I do some pretty serious trail running and I jump over downed trees and I go very quickly. I make tracks fast. However I'm getting older and I have EDS confirmed by an actual EDS doctor so I am prone to these injuries. I work out anyways because it is the best protection for someone with EDS. Lift weights and workout. Joint tears are a thing for me--I am no stranger to them, and I HAVE had several joint reconstructions because of sports injuries, but not this time.

I do not drink or do drugs and I have not been one to do those things--I am not in recovery. I have eaten a primary whole food diet since I was a baby. We grew up with gardens and I have continued that. I am a long time martial artist, I have played in sports in school, and I am a distance runner cross-country ultra runner and I am 49 years old. I have to believe this is why I don't have any wrinkles at age 49 even though I only use soap on my face, and why I heal faster even though I can get injured a bit easier.

I've been doing some research on the injection injuries and those with lingering viral symptoms. I've been looking at macrophages and I know our friend doorless carp has too.

Macrophages exist on a spectrum. They are part of your immune system and the cleanup process. There are macrophages called m1 and M2. You have an inflammatory type and an anti-inflammatory type but there are subtypes and they are very adjustable and they are known to have what is called plasticity.

It's not like an on/off switch and I think that's where a lot of people even doctors and scientists will get confused thinking you can just flip things. They can actually exist in both states at the same time and you do not want to have just an entire mess of your macrophages to be in an anti-inflammatory state because you need the ones that attack not just heal. M1 macrophages are pro-inflammatory and M2 are anti-inflammatory.

Knowing that I don't drink soda or juice and I also primarily just drink water, green tea, and black coffee with whole foods mostly I started a couple of supplements that are known to shift macrophages from the pro-inflammatory type that are activated by cytokines to the m 2 type which are anti-inflammatory.

When I went for my initial MRI of my hip I was placed on a stronger MRI machine compared to the regular one people usually go on which is 15 times stronger than a regular MRI. I noticed the next day my hip felt a little better and I wondered why and I thought holy smokes did the strong magnets of the MRI just flip my macrophages (I've been doing other writing on a different paper involving macrophages I also plan to submit to publication).

So I searched journals and I found a study really quickly that shows when mice were subjected to different strengths of MRI they had a strong correlation in their macrophages flipping from the inflammatory type to the anti-inflammatory type and the stronger the MRI the stronger that response was. The researchers also found that the mitochondria shifted in the cells and a few other things happened.

I'm not suggesting anyone do this. This is not medical advice. Always check with your doctor.
So I thought I should do what any smart person would do because the MRI is targeting the area--find a way to get them to do it again!!!!
So I hopped up on that stronger version of the Tesla 3 MRI to get my hip scanned again.

I know that I'm not completely healed but I am now walking faster about 3 to 5 mi a day out hiking now and I know that I'm going to jog very soon.

I'm taking it easy so I don't accidentally re-injure myself.

My doctors are baffled.

I sent them this study in the second tweet.Image 2/ "The Effect of Magnetic Field Gradient and Gadolinium-Based MRI Contrast Agent Dotarem on Mouse Macrophages"…
Sep 13, 2024 26 tweets 4 min read
1/ Study: Ivermectin Promotes Peripheral Nerve Regeneration during Wound Healing.
I am uncertain if anyone has spoken about nerve healing with Ivermectin
I wondered if people w/ burning pain were getting better w/ ivermectin because it was healing nerves, not spike related. Image 2/ here is the study and my substack reviewing the study:……
Sep 6, 2024 10 tweets 2 min read
1/ 🚨 👀 This is very concerning and it requires additional posting.

"Right now in the US, Lockheed Martin is close to completing a prototype that will analyze media to “detect and defeat disinformation.”

And by media, those commissioning the tool – called the Semantic Forensics (SemaFor) program – mean everything: news, the internet, and even entertainment media. Text, audio, images, and video that are part of what’s considered “large-scale automated disinformation attacks” are supposed to be detected and labeled as false by the tool."

"The development process is almost over, and the prototype is used by the US Defense Department’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)."

Maybe some of you can chime in on the implications of this, if they aren't obvious enough.Image 2/…
Sep 2, 2024 5 tweets 6 min read
Timeframe for possible cancer risk (growth formula included at end). We will use calculations AND LOVE CANAL CHEMICAL EXPOSURE example (something I wrote about in undergrad). These are just my concerns. Cancer is not a mathematical calculation, it is exponential when it comes to onset and exposure of populations to a genotoxin.

The cancer experts who have been interviewed SHOULD have told you that. Maybe a cancer expert can chime in (and do not give the "bad luck" hypothesis):

The obvious scenario is a known genotoxic/mutagenic substance was injected into billions of people on the planet, some of them, more than once, and there is serious concern that this known harm can cause genetic instability and worse.

If we do not even look at pseudouridine content in the modified RNA or spike protein, from what I have read and my knowledge working in industry and education is the following:

If we introduced just the linearized DNA plasmid pieces alone inside of a lipid nanoparticle and injected them into people, this will vary depending on how many exposures have occurred--each exposure meaning a single injection (discount RNA or anything else in there--this is just hypothetical for DNA):
Time frames (we are working off March 2021 as that as when general population was getting the first of the "series"):

1. First Window of Time for Cancer Risk: 0-2 Years out from initial exposure
0-2 years out will see the LOWEST number of cancers. We would see acute reactions--the immediate toxicity or inflammation.
Cancer rates should be the lowest during the first two years (that is the time we are now exiting, we are entering the next window of time), but aggressive hematological cancers ( acute leukemias, lymphomas) are the ones that are showing up with pancreatic. However, there are other genetic and environmental factors. We add in spike and pseudouridine, so these timelines might be speeding up. This timeline is just DNA plasmid pieces.
Existing polyps with mutations might show accelerated growth or progression to dysplastic lesions or early-stage cancer during the first two years out. The immediate effects of plasmid-induced genomic instability or inflammation could speed up the malignant transformation. We are primarily speaking to colon polyps, although there are endometrial polyps, etc and those are less likely to turn with a lower incidence.

2. Second window of time is 2. 2 to 5 Years after initial exposure.
DNA plasmids have either caused significant genomic instability through cGAS STING, or other mechanisms, or integration, causing increase in cancer. Chronic hematological cancers and early solid tumors should be appearing. This window would show a peak in cancer development if the genotoxic effects are significant but not immediate, meaning, it took time.

Polyps with pre-existing mutations, if changed by DNA plasmids inside of an LNP, might progress to more advanced stages of cancer, FASTER. We would see progression from polyps to cancerous tumors.

3. Third window of time should be the highest we see, which is within 3. 5 to 10 Years since initial exposure

The largest number of cancers SHOULD be seen during this window of time. Solid tumors in the liver, pancreas, or lungs, and hematological cancers should be exploding now in the rates that will be seen The delayed nature of these cancers reflects the cumulative impact of long-term genomic instability, inflammation, and mutagenesis induced by the DNA plasmids and LNPs.

This is also should be the peak time for poylps now showing cancer progression if exposure to DNA plasmids inside of an LNP were correlated. The largest number of cancers related to mutated polyps might be detected during this period.
Dr. Harvey Risch I believe to be one of the more respectable people who has spoken out, and he has stated at the three year mark is when we should start seeing more. However, that is just the beginning, because we go exponential, not mathematical.

Numbers game/probability:
Cancer numbers should be exponential cancer risk by time frame/windows after first exposure of injection because in biological systems, cancer incidence often shows exponential growth, not linear, due to accumulation of genetic mutations and interactions of multiple factors contributing to tumor progression.

Arbitrary numbers (I am just throwing numbers in here for math's sake so you can see scales of progression) might look like:
If we were to model this mathematically:

Linear increase model using arbitrary numbers:
If we observed 5 cancers in the first 3 years, and the incidence rate increases linearly, we might expect an additional 5 cancers in the next 3.5 to 10 years, resulting in a total of 10 cancers.

Cancer rates go exponential:
If the increase is exponential, the number of cancers should grow faster.

Let's take the starting point of five cancers as example. Of COURSE there are other factors like total number of mutations already present, environment, predisposition, female versus male, lifestyle, age, etc, but if cancers double every year, starting from 5 cancers, you could expect a significantly larger number of cancers in the later period.

For example, if the rate of increase is such that the number of cancers doubles every 2 years, then by 7 years (from the initial 3), you could see approximately 40 cancers (based on doubling).

Real Math:
Exponential Growth Formula:

The general formula for exponential growth is:
N9t)=N0​×e(rt)--that is N nought times e and then (rt) is an exponent.

N(t) is the number of cancers at time t
N (0)​ is the initial number of cancers
e is the base of the natural logarithm (approximately 2.71828).
r is the growth rate
t is the time period

Ok, let's go back to the initial which we are saying is five cancers, that is it.

this is the calculation for growth rate, which we do not have at the moment:
Estimate Growth Rate (r): Calculate the growth rate r using:

If we started with five cancers and this is just all arbitrary, we had a growth rate of 0.2 (we do not know what this is!) then we say time is after ten years, we do the math and we land at 37.
N(10)=5×e(0.2×10) N(10)=5×e2N(10) = 5 \times e^{2}N(10)=5×e2 N(10)=5×7.389N(10) = 5 \times 7.389N(10)=5×7.389 (since e2≈7.389e^2 \approx 7.389e2≈7.389) N(10)≈36.945N(10) \approx 36.945N(10)≈36.945

Either way, we do not know the growth rate but we know cancer is exponential process.

Love Canal was a disturbing thing that happened years ago. Love Canal was a neighborhood in Niagara Falls, New York. The Hooker chemical company (this is all off the top of my head) had been dumping chemicals into the ground, buried chemical waste in an abandoned canal. This site was later used for residential development, and they sold the land for a dollar and this land was used to build houses on for families. A woman who was not a scientist by the name of Lois Gibbs did her OWN epidemiological investigation into the miscarriages and cancers that started to pop up in her community that would lead to a government investigation. It was terrible.

In the 1970s, residents reported high rates of cancer, birth defects, and other health problems, which were linked to the buried chemicals leaching into the environment.

In the Love Canal case, exposure to toxic chemicals did not immediately result in a large increase in cancer rates. The effects were observed over several years.

Epidemiological studies found elevated rates of cancer and other health issues among the residents, particularly in the years following their exposure.

In the lipid nanoparticles with the existence of DNA plasmids, where exposure to carcinogens is high and widespread, cancer incidence can increase exponentially. This was injected into billions of people.

Thinking back to those who have given their speeches, I am kind of horrified you did not mention this as cancer experts.

I am kind of alarmed.

I have no idea what the outcomes are going to be but if cancer increases exponentially and if a large portion of the population of the planet was subjected to genotoxic material SIMULTANEOUSLY within similar time frames starting in March of 2021, I cannot say what will happen, but we are now at September 1st of 2024, and I hope this is all incorrect and the people speaking out saying it is nothing or rare are correct.
Aug 28, 2024 4 tweets 3 min read
🚨💉 For those not aware, if you go to Moderna's website that lists their clinical trials, you'll see they are in process of redevelopment of traditional vaccines and changing to RNA based with lipid nanoparticle. It is imperative to place political motivations and others to the side right now and focus on global public health and the ramifications.
Spike protein and DNA plasmid do not have to be present for this platform to cause harm. Those are just additional things which cause harm, and yes they are concerning beyond belief.
You do not need pseudoephedrine despite what anyone says anywhere with any credential to have a frame shift, junk proteins made, or misfolding resulting in aberrant protein creation by the human body by injecting RNA with a lipid. If you look in my highlighted tweets you will see a thread with over 100,000 views which details out a study that was done by Moderna scientists which was paid for by Moderna where they showed the positively charged lipids are binding through a covalent bond to any nucleic acid which they come in contact with.
Inside the lipid nanoparticle that is going to happen with the RNA and it's going to create what is called an adduct.

The fact that no podcaster ever mentioned this besides the ones I have been on despite the fact that I have tagged them all is alarming. Instead politicians and podcasters only focused on the pseudoeuridine, unless I went on that podcast and we had a talk otherwise it has been ignored and I'm pissed and you should be pissed too.
Another conversation to be had is why this is being ignored.

This is alarming. This is alarming on multiple fronts.

The positively charged lipids can also bind with other nucleic acids that have a negative charge. They will form what is called a covalent bond.

This will cause slippage in what is called the ribosome.

It does not matter if it is the spike protein or not. It does not matter if pseudoeuridine is present or not.

Molecular mimicry will also occur. To think this will not happen is outrageous.

Take the number of people who have died, those who have survived who have lasting harms, take the number of pregnant women who suffered, the miscarriages, all of it, and there is the very real potential of taking that number and multiplying it exponentially if all of these come to fruition.

This is not to discount anyone who has already been harmed or died.

The potential for harms are unimaginable.

We also know that the biodistribution impacts pregnant women differently.

We know that 8 times the amount of the lipid nanoparticle goes to the lymphatic system of pregnant women compared to women who are not pregnant who get these injections.

This isn't a mathematical calculation when we speak to risk. This isn't an addition. This isn't a plus or minus numbers game. This is exponential harms. 2/