Lex Fridman is a fascinating case study - and a great litmus test of a person's judgment, in a sense..
On the surface, he's the most soft, kindly, unoffensive baby-faced fellow, with the most impressive list of guests, some of whom are legitimately fascinating and worthwhile listens.
But watch closely as to the net-effects of this 'can't we all just get along and love one another' attitude and approach, and how it manifests:
He called Epstein 'just some rich guy', completely denying any larger conspiracy, even the patently obvious m05sad connections.
He repeatedly (if indirectly) defends many of the worst people on earth, seemingly denying even the possibility of corruption, conspiracy, or any happenings that are readily visible at a superficial glance.
He did more effective damage control for big pharma than perhaps anyone else in the public sphere, bringing several of these execs on and allowing them to state their case in full, relatively unchallenged and uninterrupted.
I could go on citing enough examples like this to fill a novel..
Leaving aside his intelligence/Israeli connections for a moment, and his out-of-nowhere rise to extreme prominence (reminiscent of 'h3h3' and others) practically overnight - consider for a moment that the net-effect of his approach is to both provide a platform for some of the most shamelessly and brazenly corrupt individuals and institutions in the world, while disarming the audience, and then working to reorient their framework into one of oblivious and naive trust. "Let's just give everyone the benefit of the doubt - even if they've proven time and time again to not deserve it, and the costs of being wrong here are astronomical, lets just be kind!"
By kind, he seems to mean 'permissive', 'passive'.. 'unthinking' and 'uncritical'.
For the longest time I wanted to like the guy, the nice-guy routine is superficially convincing.. yet I'd suggest it's figures like this that most powerfully work to keep us from reacting in a healthy and natural way to men like Gates, Soros, jab manufacturers, Epstein/Maxwell.
It's almost like that's his very role.
Though, if true, this would be something of a conspiracy - and Lex makes it clear that these essentially don't exist.
If certain forces were to manufacture a pop culture figure who would most efficiently keep people from asking the most important questions - or arriving at the most reasonable suspicions based on the totality of our context picture - I suspect it'd be an exacting duplicate of Lex
important postscript...
Many of those most hoodwinked by his approach are genuinely good people, who deserve some patience (not mockery). A reminder that many innately trustworthy people can't help but become overly trusting, as resulting side-effect..
a strength, in healthy and well-oriented and relatively homogeneous environments in which corruption isn't rampant and all-pervasive.
a weakness, in environments like our own at the present.. in which they risk being thoroughly (often effortlessly) duped, at every turn.
They're also the type that once they understand, once they're able to make that turn or shift, make for sturdy, principled, invaluable allies.
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The IQ debate is an interesting one.. I started my own journey with a powerful fascination with the concept, but have come to reject both ‘extremes’:
Yes, IQ *does* (however imperfectly) help measure something real - we know this because it’s a reliable predictor of several
things, including a vast swathe of things we consider negative (criminality, out of wedlock births, etc), and an equally large handful of things we consider positive. It’s a better predictor than socio-economic status.. and any data point that so powerfully correlates with
such things is fruitful, informative, useful..
*yet*, it’s miles away from being some all-important standalone measure of competence or ability.. as clearly evidenced by the fact that certain supposedly high IQ populations have minimal historical accomplishment/achievement..
I see ‘Nazis’, ‘Project Paperclip’, ‘Waffen SS’, all trending.. many on the right feel this is the way to score cheap political points, following the lead of the left, and labeling everyone they don’t like a ‘Nazi’. It’s embarrassing. Trudeau is not far right - and in fact,
he’s *aggressively* anti-White, and seems to worship and serve the financial forces the National Socialists so despised.
A reminder that it might be fairly said that we don’t have a single genuinely ‘far right’ leader in the US, or perhaps anywhere in the western world,
with real power and influence.
The bought-press, with its very overt bolshevik/communist lineage, plays the gullible subset of the modern right like a fiddle. Every Jewish individual in power becomes a ‘Nazi’, every communist conspiracy becomes a Nazi conspiracy
The Swastika was an ancient symbol held near and dear by peoples as far back as our historical record stretches.
Using WW2 as an excuse to completely bury it - to obscure it's significance to our ancestors, it's authentic history - represents either a judgment error, or a lie.
No single symbol has been loaded with more negative energy, more baggage or misapprehension, in recent decades.
What does it mean for a people when such a key symbol is suddenly morphed into something representing pure evil - the polar opposite of it's original significance?
More importantly, WHY the lie?
Why go to such lengths to be so aggressively dishonest on this topic, when practically the whole of the archaeological record stares us in the face, telling us otherwise?
I'm seeing this 'thinking about ancient Rome' meme take flight, even amongst the Reddit-tier crowd.
Rome does deserve immense respect. Her greatest leaders were truly great men, her historical peaks were lofty, her staying power was essentially unrivalled in all of history.. (1)
but, I'd like to give some credit to those who casually waltzed in and obliterated her - numerous times - via Brennus and the early Celts, the Visigoths and Alaric, The Vandal Genseric, the Ostrogothic Totila - yet whose history has somehow fallen into a black hole, since. (2)
It should be recognized that one of Rome's greatest strengths - a reason she lasted so long - was in her practicing divide-and-conquer techniques against her immensely capable Celtic and Germanic opponents.. keeping these at one another's throats, wherever possible, to (3)
I can understand why many good people have been drawn to libertarianism, across recent decades.. if we look around us, in our crumbling and increasingly chaotic multicultural environments, we see that the traditional concept of a ‘nation’ has been
essentially obliterated.. That nations are no longer a group of kindred peoples with strong natural bonds, a people of similar culture and lineage, with a shared history, and a resulting social cohesion - nations are now essentially open air shopping malls, into which anyone
and everyone might freely stream at any time, and that exist for the purpose of powering an economic machine, to create windfall profits for its subset of hidden masters.
Recognizing this, the libertarian ethos of wanting to separate oneself and live independently
One of my biggest annoyances is watching the kosher conservative element speak of economic or political systems/structures as of these are the all-important determinant of a nations health or success..
I can’t speak to this point often enough:
Such systems/structures/frameworks are not only vastly less important, but also wholly *dependent upon*, a nations *people*.. the type and caliber of human being any given nation has to work with.
Making Haiti the absolute ideal capitalist democracy would not quickly or
significantly change her situation, lift her out of the hellish squalor.. just as making Iceland socialist (even *communist*) overnight wouldn’t destroy her, and turn her into something resembling Haiti... even after decades, she’d still be relatively healthy, safe, orderly..