I was randomly thinking about viral defenses, and wanted to talk for a minute about filtration (e.g., HEPA, CR-Box, Clean Air Kit, etc.).
I see a LOT of folks asking, “What’s a good HEPA to buy?”
That’s the wrong initial question to ask. 🧵>>
Your FIRST question should be, “What clean air delivery rate (CADR) do I need to achieve at least 6 air changes per hour (ACH) in >each< space that needs filtration?”
You can have the nicest, coolest HEPA ever made, but it won’t do what you need if it’s not scaled to the space.
There are online calculators like this one to sort this out.
Enter the room’s area (length x width), height, and 6 for ACH, and it will show you the needed CADR (in cubic feet/min or CFM).
So, for example, if you have a 15 x 15 room (225 sq ft) that’s 8 feet high, 6 ACH would require a total CADR of 180 CFM; 12 ACH (WAY better!) would be 360 CFM.
So you’d need one or more units whose total output = 180 (to achieve 6 ACH) or 360 (12 ACH).
Granted, if you have central HVAC and a MERV13 filter, that can also contribute to your overall ACH. But for the sake of this exercise, we’re just looking at what the in-room filters need to provide.
The “one or more” units is a key point: you don’t need one massive filter for a big room - you can use two or more smaller ones (which may well be cheaper!) whose combined CADR hits your requirement. They’ll also filter the air more evenly across the space.
Do this for each room/space that needs its air cleaned.
THEN it’s time to go filter shopping, whether it’s for a HEPA, CR-Box (don’t forget the newer 12V fan designs, which are much quieter!), Clean Air Kits, etc.
But as you shop, check to make sure which fan setting (typically high/med/low) provides which CADR. Product blurbs often just provide the CADR for the high setting, so MAKE SURE you take that into account, especially since high = louder.
Finally, do NOT trust the “filters X area” claims unless the info specifies the CADR and ACH. I’ve seen a lot of these where it winds up being something like 1 or 2 ACH for the claimed space, which obviously is no bueno. /end/
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Ah, the joys of White Evangelical Christendom! PRAISE BE!
(And no, that isn’t a parody account.)
But wait, let’s take a closer look! >>
Shouldn’t they be joyously holding open copies of the Holy Bible, not the Boby Magoly? (Yes, I’m assuming they’re White American Evangelical Christians)
It’s clear all of them are blessed with some sort of long COVID symptom that presents as red patches on the face. Guys, try wearing N95 or better masks in public, okay? And get some HEPAs running in there for crying out loud!
It’s time for another round of #COVIDSnarkWeek! This time for the @WHO_Europe Indoor Clean Air Conference held in Bern in September.
We’ll start off with the keynote speaker, Kim Prather, wisely taking a pass, “given the current situation with COVID.” 🧵 >>
But hey, Kim’s not going to spoil THEIR fun! They still had a bunch of experts , including Cath Noakes, willing to brave the viral storm to attend the conference. Because we MUST have an indoor air quality conference INDOORS, right? Kim was just being a wet blanket.
I’m sure they had great CO2 readings in the room. Or did they? WHO knows (see what I did there)?
But YOU know that even good CO2 readings in a crowded space doesn’t equal “safe” or even “low risk,” right? Please tell me you know that. Please.
I wanted to comment on Joey Fox’s statements after people called out Prof Hamilton for posting this dinner photo. I’m doing this not to dump on Joey so much as to comment on experts in general who’ve taken the stance that Joey did in these tweets. 🧵>>
Experts, as well as political and PH officials, are *absolutely* fair game. Why? They teach others, serve as role models for lay people, and help formulate policy.
And “we” collectively are literally the only ones holding ANYONE accountable for dangerous behavior anymore.
But we shouldn’t call them out, right? Really?
How about these bozos from #IDWeek2022 - infectious disease “experts” raw-dogging the air in a restaurant/bar, then saying, “Hey, you shouldn’t hold us to higher standards than lay people outside of clinical settings.”
Folks, I’m NOT dumping on Jonathan here, but I wanted to highlight this for others: if you believe Novavax will prevent “any infection” and is “sterilizing,” you’re leaving yourselves open for a huge surprise.
I have and remain a VERY staunch advocate for Novavax, BUT… 🧵>>
…the assertion that it’s fully sterilizing and will protect you from infection (and thus onward transmission) is NOT TRUE. My wife and I are examples of that: we got our Nova doses late last Oct & Nov. In March we were infected by lingering aerosols in a hotel room.
I have every reason to believe that Nova helped us avoid an even worse bout of COVID than we had, but we felt like shit for 2 weeks, coughing didn’t largely end until end of wk 4, and I couldn’t haul myself up a flight of steps without resting for 15 minutes for 8 wks.
Using passive voice or other indirect modes of speech basically remove any sense of responsibility:
“My child WAS INFECTED and is in the hospital.”
“My wife died of/with/from COVID.”
“I got COVID and now I have long COVID.”
“I was infected and gave COVID to my entire family.”
In these constructs, there’s no sense of WHO THE HELL DID THIS TO US. There’s no responsibility. There’s no culpability. It’s like we were stricken with COVID by the Fates.
The below thread I wrote earlier on Dr. Shira Doron just crystallized what I think is at the heart of the insane behaviors we’re seeing across the med community, particularly in the ID field. Let me tell you my hypothesis… <short thread> (FYI @meetjess)
It all boils down to what Doron told WaPo: “Transmission is inevitable” and “we’re all going to get it [COVID] again and again in our lifetime.”
Here’s their thought process: “I’m going to get COVID. It’s inevitable. You’re going to get COVID. It’s inevitable. And we’re all going to get it multiple times in our lifetimes - it’s inevitable.”