COVID Dissident - Vanishing on 4 July Profile picture
Time to get on down the road…
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Jun 3, 2024 13 tweets 4 min read
Herewith some initial impressions of the AirFanta 4Lite by @Engineer_Wong. This is a portable filter unit for PERSONAL PROTECTION with an H11 HEPA filter that is a big step up in capability from other portables like the QT3 (which I also have).

🧵>>… Our situation is going to require some air travel in the near future, and the 4Lite looks like a great risk reducer for when we have to eat (it’s a long flight - eating/drinking is unavoidable).

Note: I’ll also most likely be taking our UVPro222-B1 far-UVC device.
May 29, 2024 19 tweets 5 min read
Herewith a very brief look at the AirFanta 3Pro air purifier by @Engineer_Wong . 😎

The 3Pro has 4 12x12” HEPA H11 filters and four 12V fans that form a 13x13” cube and can easily be broken down for travel. It has a VERY impressive CADR of 488 cfm & a variable speed controller. Image I’m not going to go into unpacking, putting it together, etc. - Adam has a video that shows how easy it is to do all that. You basically slide in the filter sections into the bottom, put the top on, plug it in, and go.
May 11, 2024 21 tweets 4 min read
My dad (88) was upset at his sister last night after she told him she couldn’t vote for Trump, but couldn’t vote for Biden, either.

“I just don’t understand why she won’t vote for Biden!” he told me.

“I’m not voting for Biden - or Trump - either,” I said.

“😳 Wut?”
🧵>> I told him that I didn’t vote for Biden in the primary, and I ONLY voted for him in the general to 1) bring us safely out of the pandemic, and 2) bring Trump and his coterie of criminals to justice.

“Instead,” I told Dad, “Biden’s COVID policies have killed a million people…
May 9, 2024 15 tweets 3 min read
I know a lot of folks don’t want to hear this, but THERE IS NO STOPPING THE COMING SYSTEMIC COLLAPSE. There just isn’t.

Before you jump in my shit for saying this, consider a few things… First, our political landscape in the U.S. (and this applies to a number of other countries, too) is NOT going to improve. The oligarchs run the show, and we’re not going to vote our way out of the mess we’re in. At a minimum we’d need a huge general strike…
May 5, 2024 15 tweets 3 min read
I didn’t expect the below thread to get so much traction, but I wanted to add a rather painful personal anecdote in hopes of convincing other men to STEP UP. 🧵>> This is really hard for me to write, because I’m fucking ashamed of it. But it’s the kind of thing that happens all the time to women where men need to step up.

One day I was in line at the register at a truck stop. It was busy, maybe 10+ other men & some women in line.
May 5, 2024 21 tweets 4 min read
So, @PeyerFran invited me to one of her spaces last night. This was really the first space I’ve spent much time in for various reasons. It was a really good discussion (until I had to punch out for dinner), and I have some observations to share as food for thought.🧵>> Various folks spoke about things that need to be done/should be done vs. SARS2 and other diseases confronting us, from masking to cleaning the air at scale.

Everything made total sense. We’ve known about the key mitigations since early 2020, so nothing really new.
May 4, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
For the guys out there: WE ARE THE FUCKING PROBLEM. Not the women, not women AND men. It’s US. The males of the species.

Like it or not, every one of us owns a goddamn piece of the shit women are subjected to, like what this fucking douche did to his wife.

🧵>> Why is it all on us? Because so many men are either predators or fucking assholes, or because - like in my case, I shamefully admit - we don’t speak up like we should and police ourselves.

Silence is complicity.

“Not all men do it” is complicity.
May 4, 2024 11 tweets 4 min read
Since we had med & dental appts early this week, I decided it was time to unbox & try out the #PlusLife test unit that I bought from Altruan. Note that @virus_sucks_ has done TONS of amazing work with this thing and has lots of info on a FAQ at

Brief 🧵>>
Image My understanding is that this is a German-designed unit, and as you can see on the box, it’s produced in Guangzhou, China. The test device, stand for the test sample, power cord & Euro adapter, and a USB-USB-C cord & instructions are in the box.

Apr 23, 2024 10 tweets 3 min read
For those interested in the #PlusLife test device, here are the tests you can use with it that are listed on the Altruan retail site (link a couple tweets down) with current prices in USD for 10 test cards:

- SARS-CoV-2 ($70.75)
- SARS-CoV-2/Influenza A/B combo ($129.53)
🧵>>> - Influenza A/B/RSV combo ($107.76)
- Step A ($65.31)
- MTBC (Tuberculosis) ($81.64)
- HPV types 16/18/45 ($140.42)
- Monkeypox ($30.56)
Mar 20, 2024 11 tweets 3 min read
I put together a “master list” of my ramblings about #FarUVC in this thread and will add to it as things come up (so presumably newer stuff will appear at the end). I didn’t put every tweet in here, just the main threads.

First, four posts I’ve written on the topic… This is from one of our major annual biz events, where we got COVID in 2023 (prior to when we had any UVC devices and didn’t set up the HEPAs before we unmasked in the room).
Mar 17, 2024 24 tweets 5 min read
I’m going to render an opinion on 222 nm #FarUVC devices that’s going to be unpopular: just because a device(s) is “affordable” doesn’t mean it’ll do you much good.

Let’s look at devices great and small and chat for a minute. 🧵>> Image To kill pathogens quickly enough to significantly reduce risk, you need sufficient OUTPUT power. Low power devices (X-One, Nukit, MVP, etc.) are like using tiny jewelry hammers to drive a 10 penny nail into a 2x4. Even with 2, 3, or 4, it’s gonna take a LONG time.
Feb 14, 2024 22 tweets 5 min read
We were in a grocery store yesterday. A big sign above the tobacco stuff behind the customer service counter read something like, “Warning: Tobacco products contain nicotine, which is known to be highly addictive (etc.).”

This got me thinking about COVID. <a rambling 🧵> We’ve known the dangers of tobacco for a LONG time, of course. The tobacco companies knew of the horrible health impacts of tobacco decades before enough outrage at least banned it from most public places.
Feb 5, 2024 6 tweets 1 min read
Wife related some convos she had at the biz event this weekend with some folks there. 🧵>>

Convo 1:

- Woman: “Why are you wearing a mask?”
- Wife: “Because of COVID.”
- Woman: “YOU HAVE COVID?”
- Wife: “No, I’m masking to avoid getting it again.”

Woman wasn’t masking. Convo 2:

Another woman said her son had DIED from (note: not “with,” but “from”) COVID.

She wasn’t masking.
Jan 23, 2024 19 tweets 5 min read
TO FANS WHO FEAR THEIR FAVE PERFORMERS/ARTISTS ARE IN DANGER OF (ANOTHER?) SARS2 INFECTION, please consider forwarding this thread to them in hopes they might read it. Because, as you likely know, there’s a LOT they can do to protect themselves and their fans. 🧵>> The tally of performers who have publicly said they’ve had COVID *keeps growing*. @Adele, who said in Sept 2023 that her immune system was “in the gutter,” had this to say:
Jan 20, 2024 14 tweets 2 min read
I’ve had enough of the latest round of apologists for Biden’s disastrous handling of the SARS2 pandemic.

“He’s done a great job…He’s done better than Trump…What do you expect him to do…The Republicans won’t fund anything…etc.”


Biden could: 🧵>> ⁃ be a role model for masking, provide clear science-based messaging on “cleaning the air we breathe” (which has MANY benefits!), and order HHS and CDC to actually act like we’re still in a pandemic, vs. Biden claiming “the pandemic is over.”
Dec 10, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
Ah, the joys of White Evangelical Christendom! PRAISE BE!

(And no, that isn’t a parody account.)

But wait, let’s take a closer look! >> Image Shouldn’t they be joyously holding open copies of the Holy Bible, not the Boby Magoly? (Yes, I’m assuming they’re White American Evangelical Christians) Image
Dec 9, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
I was randomly thinking about viral defenses, and wanted to talk for a minute about filtration (e.g., HEPA, CR-Box, Clean Air Kit, etc.).

I see a LOT of folks asking, “What’s a good HEPA to buy?”

That’s the wrong initial question to ask. 🧵>> Your FIRST question should be, “What clean air delivery rate (CADR) do I need to achieve at least 6 air changes per hour (ACH) in >each< space that needs filtration?”

You can have the nicest, coolest HEPA ever made, but it won’t do what you need if it’s not scaled to the space.
Dec 5, 2023 14 tweets 5 min read
It’s time for another round of #COVIDSnarkWeek! This time for the @WHO_Europe Indoor Clean Air Conference held in Bern in September.

We’ll start off with the keynote speaker, Kim Prather, wisely taking a pass, “given the current situation with COVID.” 🧵 >> Image But hey, Kim’s not going to spoil THEIR fun! They still had a bunch of experts , including Cath Noakes, willing to brave the viral storm to attend the conference. Because we MUST have an indoor air quality conference INDOORS, right? Kim was just being a wet blanket.
Nov 19, 2023 21 tweets 7 min read
I wanted to comment on Joey Fox’s statements after people called out Prof Hamilton for posting this dinner photo. I’m doing this not to dump on Joey so much as to comment on experts in general who’ve taken the stance that Joey did in these tweets. 🧵>>

Experts, as well as political and PH officials, are *absolutely* fair game. Why? They teach others, serve as role models for lay people, and help formulate policy.

And “we” collectively are literally the only ones holding ANYONE accountable for dangerous behavior anymore.
Nov 8, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
Folks, I’m NOT dumping on Jonathan here, but I wanted to highlight this for others: if you believe Novavax will prevent “any infection” and is “sterilizing,” you’re leaving yourselves open for a huge surprise.

I have and remain a VERY staunch advocate for Novavax, BUT… 🧵>> …the assertion that it’s fully sterilizing and will protect you from infection (and thus onward transmission) is NOT TRUE. My wife and I are examples of that: we got our Nova doses late last Oct & Nov. In March we were infected by lingering aerosols in a hotel room.
Nov 3, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
I’m not - by far - the first person to say this, but we MUST change how we speak about COVID infections & the horrid aftermath.

NO: “A friend’s father died of COVID in a long-term care home.”

YES: “Someone infected a friend’s father with COVID and KILLED HIM.”

🧵>> Using passive voice or other indirect modes of speech basically remove any sense of responsibility:

“My child WAS INFECTED and is in the hospital.”

“My wife died of/with/from COVID.”

“I got COVID and now I have long COVID.”

“I was infected and gave COVID to my entire family.”