BREAKING: Late tonight, the Texas Supreme Court temporarily halted a lower court ruling that would have allowed Kate Cox, our plaintiff with severe pregnancy complications, to have an abortion to protect her health and future fertility.
The Court said they will weigh in on the matter and stayed the lower court ruling until they have more time to consider the case.
“While we still hope that the Court ultimately rejects the state’s request and does so quickly, in this case we fear that justice delayed will be justice denied.” -Molly Duane, senior staff attorney at the Center for Reproductive Rights
“We are talking about urgent medical care. Kate is already 20 weeks pregnant. This is why people should not need to beg for healthcare in a court of law.” -Molly Duane, senior staff attorney at the Center for Reproductive Rights
Yesterday, a state court ruled in Kate's favor, but within hours, TX AG Ken Paxton asked the TX Supreme Court to block the order & stop Kate from having an abortion. Paxton also issued a letter threatening to prosecute any doctor who gave Kate an abortion, despite the court order
Last week, Kate received confirmation that her fetus has a lethal condition—Trisomy 18—and has no chance of survival. Due to Kate’s medical history, her OB-GYNs warned her that continuing to carry the pregnancy could jeopardize her health and future fertility.
Despite her doctors' warnings, Kate has been unable to get an abortion in Texas due to the state’s extreme abortion bans.
No one should have to beg a court for permission to receive the medical care their doctors recommend.
A pharma sciences professor has proven what we already knew: the study cited in Texas Judge Kascmaryk's radical attempt to remove #mifepristone from the market is “grossly misleading” and “dishonest”. The publishing journal has opened an investigation.…
Here are a couple hints that Kascmaryk’s favorite junk study wasn't on the level:
➡️All but 1 of the study's 8 authors are associated with the Charlotte Lozier Institute, the research arm of the Susan B Anthony Pro-Life America group which works to elect anti-abortion extremists.
➡️The lead author of the study is employed by an anti-abortion think tank and is a paid expert witness that defends extreme anti-abortion laws in federal court.
The judge in our Zurawski v. Texas case has ruled IN FAVOR of our plaintiffs, BLOCKING Texas' abortion bans as they apply to dangerous pregnancy complications including fatal fetal diagnoses.
Today’s ruling alleviates months of confusion around what conditions qualify as medical emergencies under Texas’ abortion bans, giving doctors permission to use their own medical judgment in determining when abortion care is needed.
The judge also ruled Texas's SB8, a reprehensible vigilante law which empowers individual citizens to report others' abortions for pay, UNCONSTITUTIONAL.
🔔WE ARE IN TEXAS STATE COURT RIGHT NOW representing 13 Texan women denied abortions despite serious pregnancy complications.
👉Follow this thread as we share live updates from Zurawski v. State of Texas, a lawsuit filed by the Center for Reproductive Rights.
The court will decide whether to grant the plaintiffs’ request to temporarily block Texas’s abortion bans. The court will also hear arguments on the state’s shameful request to dismiss the case without having the witnesses give their testimony in court.
Women from across Texas traveled to Austin to give testimony at the hearing and be present for the proceedings for the next two days.
We are so incredibly proud to be representing Amanda Zurawski, Anna Zargarian, Lauren Hall, and Lauren Miller in our case, Zurawski v. State of Texas. Our lawsuit makes a common sense request: let Texas doctors practice medicine and keep their pregnant patients safe. 🧵
Texas's extreme ban is creating chaos for patients and doctors. Texas lawmakers claim the ban has a medical exception, but our plaintiffs were denied medically necessary abortions. It's clear: Texans in obstetrical emergencies can't access the care they need to save their lives.
We're asking the court to create a binding interpretation of the medical exception. Doctors must be allowed to use good-faith judgment in determining the right care for pregnant patients without fear a prosecutor, jury or disciplinary board might undermine their medical judgment.
#BREAKING: Today, Polish human rights defender Justyna Wydrzyńska was convicted by a district court in Warsaw for providing abortion medication to a domestic violence survivor in 2020. She has been sentenced to 8 months of community service. #JakJustyna
Poland bans abortion under almost all circumstances, making it one of the hardest places to access abortion in Europe. Anyone who provides abortion care or helps someone to obtain an abortion can be prosecuted under Polish law.
Wydrzyńska’s conviction sets a dangerous precedent for the targeting of human rights defenders in Poland who are working to advance reproductive rights and challenge Poland’s de facto ban on abortion.
On National Black Midwives Day, and every day, we join @black_midwives in recognizing the critical role Black midwives play in our communities and in our movement. 🧵
Unlike other wealthy nations, where midwives provide maternal health care for most people giving birth, the U.S. has marginalized midwifery care, particularly Black practitioners.
Campaigns rooted in racism and competition have resulted in states imposing a patchwork of medically unnecessary legal and financial barriers on midwives. In many states, Black midwives with a record of respectful, safe health care face punishment if they continue practicing.