🧵Claims that Israel is "indiscriminately" bombing or causing disproportionate civilian deaths in Gaza can be easily proven false based on actions & statistics. Here are SEVEN items of evidence that debunk claims of war crimes, genocide, unprecedented civilian deaths, etc. 1/
ONE: Casualty ratios. Israel states 5,000-7,000 Hamas killed. Civilian combatant ratio is ~2:1. Battle of Mosul against ISIS was >3:1. Former Commander of UK forces in Afghanistan says ratio there 3:1-5:1. Israel is doing better than Western armies. 2/
TWO: Gaza has ~2.3mm people vs ~10,000 Civilians killed after 60+ days of what is described as massive bombing. If so incredibly massive & random (this is what indiscriminate means) in dense area how can it be only ~0.005 killed? Not even 1% after 2 months of random bombing? 3/
THREE: Israel acted to evacuate north Gaza for several weeks before full ground invasion. During this time Sinwar reportedly moved south, Shifa was emptied. Israel lost the element of surprise to say the least. Why do that if indifferent to civilian deaths? 4/
FOUR: Israeli troops are on the streets going door-to-door. 100+ IDF soldiers killed, 2000 wounded. Russia & Syria would just bomb Jabaliya off the map. Why won’t Israel carpet bomb saving many troops? Why risk IDF lives? Because Israel is in fact adhering to laws of war. 5/
FIVE: Further evacuations in south with detailed sector system. Israel is literally telling Hamas in advance where it will attack, which no army in history has ever done. Solely for the purpose of trying not to kill civilians. The warning system is considered unprecedented. 6/
SIX: Israel has allowed in food & humanitarian aid at ~86% of pre-war levels. Pre-war ~84 trucks of food & medicine entered Gaza; For the last seven weeks it’s close to same level (3,499/48=72). There is no intention to “starve” or “collectively punish” as a war aim. 7/
SEVEN: Hamas rigged Gaza as a military base with schools, mosques & hospitals foremost. Tunnel system under cities is incredible and coalition did not face this in Mosul. Hamas all dress as civilians. Civilian combatant ratio is actually remarkable given all these challenges. 8/
Some version of this question is often asked of Israeli officials: "how many civilian deaths is enough?" The answer is zero. Every civilian death is already too much & tragic. But it's all Hamas' fault for launching 10/7, refusal to surrender & hiding among civilians. END
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🧵Article in Haaretz by Professors Daniel Blatman & Amos Goldberg claiming Israel is committing genocide in Gaza relies on lies, fake analysis and several fabricated quotes. Difficult to understand why these academics would be so intellectually dishonest. Detailed analysis: 1/
On intent to genocide, authors claim it exists from Netanyahu, Herzog & Gallant. But their entire paragraph is fake, with 3 invented quotes. Nothing authors write on intent is accurate, invalidating article. Inability to tell the simple truth on the quotes is shocking. 2/
Authors put in quotes “There are no innocents in Gaza” but no Israeli leader said this. It’s a fake quote, not sure where they got this, why lie? Perhaps they associate with Herzog, but he never said this or anything genocidal as this thread proves. 3/
🧵Hamas' murder & kidnapping of Thai workers on 10/7 was closely planned; contrary to Hamas apologists it wasn't “inadvertent.” Silence by fake NGOs @hrw @amnesty is deliberate & disgusting—but since Hamas fights Israel they don't care and won't call for release of last Thai. 1/
Here is an example of how the fake “human rights NGOs” is 100% silent about Thais held hostage by Hamas, but tweets regularly critical of Thailand for detentions. If you get caught up with Israel, assume your human rights don’t count to these "NGOs." 2/
Despite Hamas brutality resulting in tragic and significant losses, the Thailand government seeks to expand the worker agreement with Israel up from 30,000. Thai workers earn about $2,300/month in Israel, many multiples of what is possible back home. 3/ asia.nikkei.com/Politics/Middl…
🧵BOMBSHELL FINDING: Hamas inadvertently admits in new data release that far more men died than shown on “identified” list of fatalities, corroborating IDF claim of 20,000 combatants killed. Hamas reports 7x more fathers killed than mothers during war! Sources & analysis: 1/
See Hamas MoH report below. 32,152 children lost father and 4,417 lost mother. This 7.3x ratio is far higher than 2.2x adult men to woman listed on Hamas fatality list from Oct 2024. It can only mean many men killed missing from Hamas fatality list. 2/
Ratio of females age 18+ listed killed to “children who lost mothers” is almost 2:1, but for males it is 0.6:1. A staggering difference of almost 28,000 more “children who lost fathers” than a mother; this can only mean far more male fatalities not counted by Hamas. 3/
51,600 total deaths broken down as follows:
22,600 civilians
20,000 combatants
7,000 natural deaths
2,000 deaths caused by Hamas
Civilian/combatant ratio: ~1:1
See detailed analysis after 15 months of close review:
Here is estimate of children & women killed in war, using Hamas’ data, but adjusting for teen combatants, infant mortality and natural deaths. Combined ~37% of total fatalities (it was never 70% or even 50%) and ~72% of civilian fatalities (this is where the 70% came from). 2/
Key change to Hamas Jan 2025 total fatality numbers is adding in ~7,000 combatants to the 46,600 number that are not on any Hamas list or total count. It has been verified that Hamas by design limits reporting on combatant deaths. See combatant analysis below: 3/
🧵Lancet article claiming 64,000+ deaths in Gaza has many flaws, but one item in authors' final data output destroys validity of their analysis. Authors claim 52% of deaths age 45-59 are female; but Hamas' identified list of 40,700 deaths from Oct 2024 shows only 35% female. 1/
In Oct 2024 Hamas issued an updated “identified” fatality with age & sex detail. For age 45-59 it was 2,861 men & 1,557 women. So according to Lancet article that says overall Gaza deaths are 41% more than Hamas says, for this age range the undercount is 100% women, 0% males. 2/
Lancet analysis results don't make sense. It’s undisputed that more men than women die in wars, and in Gaza in all age ranges, especially within fighting age men. Claiming 1,481 missing female deaths but zero males in this age range is inane. Authors don't address or explain. 3/
🧵Arafat rejected the Clinton Parameters exactly 24 years ago in January 2001, rejecting statehood that would have ended the conflict. Every life lost since is due to Arafat saying no. Recent statements by Clinton affirms this history. Full details of offer and rejection: 1/
Overview: Following failed Camp David summit in Summer of 2000 and Arafat’s launch of 2nd Intifada, Clinton dictated a final set of peace terms in Dec 2000 (very brief summary below), well beyond offer at Camp David, and asked each side to say yes “within the Parameters.” 2/
Israeli PM Ehud Barak and his team accepted the terms “within the Parameters.” Revisionists claim this is not true, but Clinton, Saudi Prince Bandar & key American negotiators and released documents have corroborated Israel’s acceptance. See from Clinton & Dennis Ross below: 3/