CDC website, Nov 2023: "evidence strongly suggests that even asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 patients might have neuropathologic changes in their brains, which could develop into severe neurologic disorders later in life." 1/x…
Don't you think that the CDC should be warning the public loud and clear about this?
Please let them know how you feel!
Longer extract in thread below
"our study has value as translational research to predict neuropathologic changes in the early phase of asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection in humans because we have observed the kinetic pathologic changes in the brains of dogs that did not show any neurologic signs"
"Compared with other animal models, dogs are genetically similar to humans and their brain structures are similar to those of humans, making our extrapolation more reliable."
"According to our results, the brains of dogs infected with SARS-CoV-2 demonstrate severe BBB disruptions and consequent SVD-like pathologic signs, including axonopathy, glial activation, and potential neurodegenerative changes even without neurologic signs"
"That evidence strongly suggests that even asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 patients might have neuropathologic changes in their brains, which could develop into severe neurologic disorders later in life."
This is real. This is now.
We already know that "All subtypes of dementia, irrespective of patients’ previous dementia types, behaved like rapidly progressive dementia following COVID-19, according to the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease Reports"
Another example of rapidly progressing parkinsonism post COVID
Thank you @Rpshahmemorial1
@LisaSingerUBC "People who had COVID-19 were 55% more likely to develop epilepsy or seizures over the next six months than people who had influenza. The rate of new cases of epilepsy or seizures was 0.94% in the people who had COVID-19, compared to 0.60% in those who had influenza."
@LisaSingerUBC "In the following sections, we discuss the five possible mechanisms of epilepsy induced by COVID-19..."
"Seizures in hospitalised paediatric patients with SARS-CoV-2 and comparison of severity with seizures in hospitalised paediatric patients with other respiratory viruses during the COVID-19 pandemic: a population-based cohort study"
SARS-COV-2 and cancer: So, what's the evidence, can SARS-COV-2 itself cause cancer, & separately can it increase risk & rapidity of death from existing cancers, & reactivate dormant cancers?
The new variants are going to keep arising because we keep allowing ourselves (as a population at least, we know the smart ones are avoiding it) to be regularly infected
So if you keep getting reinfected, how do you see your future?
Each (re)infection, is accompanied by an additional round of COVID risks.
Have you understood what they are yet?
No, it's not "just a cold"
SARS-COV-2 infection is systemic & can affect any or every part of your body, which leads to many different problems in different people
@RageSheen I think to an extent this is a somewhat privileged take, for those removed from the day to day struggle for existence, for those who need little and want little from society, or community, & who have the agency to cut themselves off from it (to a greater degree).
@RageSheen I also think it's a somewhat narcissistic & introvert take, arguably putting introversion on a pedestal, expressing schadenfreude at the harms befalling those who are more extrovert
@RageSheen There's also a fair bit of truth in it however, for those with wealth & agency, we can sit back, sit apart, and let the world burn. Whether that's with disinterest, delight, or grudging acceptance that try as we might we can't materially change its course as individuals
I thought it useful to share this response from ChatGPT to the query:
"What proportion of people infected with SARS-COV-2 may remain anti-N negative & why?"
Hopefully people find it a useful counterargument to the suggestion that some may "avoid infection altogether" 1/x 🧵
The proportion of people infected with SARS-CoV-2 who may remain anti-N (antibody to nucleocapsid protein) negative can vary based on several factors, including the timing of the antibody test relative to infection, the individual’s immune response, & the specific test used
Estimates of Anti-N Negativity
Studies suggest that a significant number of individuals may remain anti-N negative after SARS-CoV-2 infection. For instance, research indicates that around 30-40% of infected individuals may not produce detectable anti-N antibodies, ...
A permademic of a virus with no durable immunity that makes everyone (or at least most) more susceptible to infections is bad news for public health & economies
At a time of war it becomes a potential enabler & amplifier of bioterrorism attacks, as well as a cover for them 🤔😬
Let's hope governments are smart, and think about moving towards a clean air infrastructure, requiring / recommending HEPA filtration in workplaces & schools & on public transport, putting in place the regulations & production capacity to implement this quickly
This will increase our societies' resilience against both existing airborne infections, novel pathogens of pandemic potential, and bioterrorism & biological warfare agents
It's kind of an existential threat, and in our economic and national security interests to fix this quickly