Piotr Jakubowski Profile picture
Dec 13 9 tweets 5 min read Twitter logo Read on Twitter
This is how change happens.

Real change.

The world's 3rd largest democracy, Indonesia, is in the middle of presidential campaigning for the 2024 election.

And last night in the first Presidential debate, air pollution was a topic of discussion for the first time ever...

When we started @nafasidn in 2020, we had a simple mission - raise enough awareness that air pollution enters the 2024 election

Minimum: Air pollution is a campaign trail topic

Ideal Scenario: Air pollution is debated on live TV in front of millions of people
Last night, during the FIRST Presidential debate it became a hot topic between two candidates.


Congratulations to the THOUSANDS of people who spent years organizing and advocating around the air pollution issue.

At @nafasidn our contribution was clear - data...
To all supporters of @nafasidn - thank you. This is what change feels like, and you are a part of it.

To the team at @nafasidn - I am so, so, so proud of your belief in the issue and the dedication to it despite what everyone was saying.
For the last 4 years, @nafasidn has been posting about air pollution data on a daily basis, starting with 50 sensors in 2020 to more than 120 in Greater Jakarta, and 200 in all of Indonesia.

How it started How its going
JUST THIS YEAR, @nafasidn has published over 700 pages of insights as part of the "Nafas Buka Data" report, data that has since been shared thousands of time by citizens and media platforms like CNN, CNBC, BBC, Detik, Kompas, IDN Media, Folkative, USS Feeds and many others.

And @nafasidn has even collaborated with @halodoc to co-publish a whitepaper about the impact of PM2.5 on acute respiratory issues using ICD-10 coded telemedicine data.

You can download that whitepaper here: drive.google.com/file/d/1BSQo_Z…

And the crazy part about this, we've done this with EXTREMELY limited funding and support.

Something that @sciencerely and the @UChiEnergy / @UChiAir programs have highlighted in their recent study published about the PM2.5 data gaps around the world.

Well, in Indonesia, @nafasidn has shown that air quality data has the power to drive real change.

From an idea in 2019
To 200 sensors in 2023
All the way up to the stage of the Presidential Debate in the 3rd largest democracy in the world.

Want to collaborate? PM me.

• • •

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More from @piotrj

May 11
When making calculations of energy source for EV power, the key figure to use is for CO2 emissions is kg/kWh.

According to BATAN (National Nuclear Energy Agency of Indonesia, CFPP emissions for Banten, Indramayu, Rembang are about 1kg/kWh.

See numbers below for impact
(1/3) Image
Assuming a 1kg/KwH CO2 emissions from coal, here are comparisons of 3 vehicles.

Mercedes EQS vs S Class, MB EQE vs E Class, Motor Alva One vs Honda Beat.

Battery EQS is 108 KwH
Min Range is 770 km

1kg/KWH x 108 KwH / 770km = 140g/km

CO2 emissions of S class = 191 g/km

(2/3) Image
According to the Indonesia Climate Transparency Report, the actual mix of Indonesian energy produces CO2 emissions of around 800 g/KwH.

So actually, EVs are about 20% even more efficient than if we assumed they were using Coal.

Links below

Read 4 tweets
May 11
Thanks @ismailfahmi for the input

I’m also pro public transport, in fact I use a bicycle when I can.

The thread was never a question of public OR private, it was a question of realistic reduction of pollution via subsidies.

One key assumption was missing.

Let me explain
I'll respond in English, so there's no confusion.

The main point of my previous thread was to highlight that we need to consider absolute numbers of vehicles (buses vs cars vs motorcycles) when determining pollution reduction.

At @nafasidn we focus on the air pollution itself ImageImageImage
In the endless discussion between Public vs Private transport, there is one key point that is important to address:

What is “enough” public transport infrastructure for people to switch from private to public and do they really switch?
Read 19 tweets
May 9
Sebagai co-founder @nafasidn, satu-satunya startup di Indonesia yang berjalan di bidang polusi udara, mungkin saya bisa share opini saya juga.

Saya siapkan beberapa poin:

1. Apa berkontribusi ke polusi udara?
2. Apakah statement Anies benar?
3. Apa solusinya?

Kami membangun @nafasidn beberapa tahun yang lalu karena akses kepada data polusi udara yang luas itu susah.

Nafas Today:
Real-time Data
180+ Sensors Jabodetabek, Bandung, Surabaya, Yogyakarta, Bali dan lain2

Bisa download disini: link.nafas.co.id/82pW/downloadp…
Salah satu tipe polusi udara yang paling berbahaya di Indonesia adalah Particulate Matter 2.5, atau PM2.5.

PM2.5 berbahaya karena ukuran "debunya" kecil banget sampai bisa masuk kepada paru2 kita.

Sayangnya, paru2 manusia nggak seperti filter - gak bisa "dicuci" atau diganti ImageImageImage
Read 18 tweets
Apr 26
Banyak yang nggak percaya dgn data polusi lebaran yang saya share

"Adminnya libur lebaran"

"Datanya salah"

"Sensornya gak dikalibrasi"

Sudah dari awal @nafasidn berjaga validitas data - karena kita berjuang untuk negara yang sehat

Coba aku jelaskan (dengan data)
👇👇 ImageImage
Dalam thread ini aku menjelaskan tiga hal tentang data @nafasidn

1️⃣ Apakah admin data libur

2️⃣ Gimana cara pastikan data polusi udara tidak salah

3️⃣ Sedetail apa sensor dikalibrasi

Untuk yang belum tahu tentang Nafas, sedikit PSA dulu ya:
Kami membangun @nafasidn beberapa tahun yang lalu karena akses kepada data polusi udara yang luas itu susah.

Nafas Today:
Real-time Data
180+ Sensors Jabodetabek, Bandung, Surabaya, Yogyakarta, Semarang, Bali dan lain2

Bisa download disini: link.nafas.co.id/82pW/downloadp…
Read 13 tweets
Nov 27, 2022
Salah satu asumsi terbesar tentang polusi udara adalah:

"Saya tinggal di daerah ber-pohon2 jadi aman dari dampaknya" 🌲🌲🌲


"Pohon membersihkan udara kita"

Itu salah. Yuk, aku jelaskan dengan memakai data dari pagi ini



Kami membangun @nafasidn beberapa tahun yang lalu karena akses kepada data polusi udara yang luas itu susah.

Nafas Today:
Real-time Data
180+ Sensors
Jabodetabek, Bandung, Surabaya, Yogyakarta, Bali, Semarang, Malang dan lain2

Bisa download disini:
Pada September 2021, WHO merevisi pedoman PM2.5 mereka sebagai berikut:

Pedoman PM2.5 Rata-rata Tahunan - 5 ug/m3

Artinya rata-rata tahunan PM2.5 yang harus kita hirup adalah 5.

Saat belajar tentang polusi hari ini, ingatlah angka ajaib itu. Image
Read 27 tweets
Aug 1, 2022
Polusi TangSel 20% lebih tinggi dari DKI Jakarta?

Tangerang Selatan adalah daerah yang residential, berpohon, dan jadi tempat tinggal untuk keluarga muda.

Apakah polusi di TangSel parah dimana2?

Lokasi mana di TangSel paling buruk?

Ayo, aku bongkar datanya
Kami membangun @nafasidn beberapa tahun yang lalu karena akses kepada data polusi udara yang luas itu susah.

Nafas Today:
Real-time Data
160+ Sensors
Jabodetabek, Bandung, Surabaya, Yogyakarta, Bali, Malang, Semarang dan lain2

Bisa download disini:
Hari ini kita akan melihat polusi PM2.5 di Tangerang Selatan.

Particulate Matter 2.5 (PM2.5) adalah polutan kecil yang oleh @who disorot sebagai sangat berbahaya bagi kesehatan kita.

Ini karena sangat kecil sehingga bisa masuk jauh ke dalam paru-paru kita.
Read 23 tweets

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