Last week's European Council shows that Hungary-EU relations are likely broken beyond repair & ultimately heading towards breaking point. It is wrong to draw any comfort whatsoever from @PM_ViktorOrban decision to enable Ukraine's EU membership talks to begin 1/
Orban's decision to walk out of the room means he does not support Ukraine's EU aspirations. That is an immovable constraint in a process that is *totally* dependant upon unanimity at every single stage 2/
1/ Adoption of negotiating framework for Ukraine/EU talks 2/ Opening & closing of 35 chapters Kyiv must complete to enter EU (look at Turkey) 3/ Final accession treaty which also requires national ratification
But the EU's Hungary problem is much, much bigger than Ukraine. Just over the horizon, there is an (arguably) unresolvable and hence existential fight looming, of which Ukraine is only a small part 4/
To understand what @PM_ViktorOrban is up to, we need to clearly understand his goal(s). What are they? Put simply: regime survival. *Whether in or outside the EU*. The problem for him is that the survival of his regime may now be incompatible with EU membership over long term 5/
Why? Because of EU instruments - eg Rule of Law Mechanism & Recovery & Resilience Facility - that EU designed after Covid pandemic which now require domestic reforms to basically protect against corruption & intro greater transparency for €bn to be released to Hungary 6/
This is a major problem for Orban. Put simply: if he fully implements the reforms the EU is seeking, it will be much harder for him to misappropriate €bn from Bxl to grease the patronage network upon which his power relies 7/
If he doesn't implement reforms, he's unlikely to see € from Bxl key to his kleptocratic regime. Orban thus needs Bxl to release money to his Govt without him properly implementing reforms EU is seeking. That is equilibrium he's trying to achieve by use of vetoes & blackmail 8/
Hence walkout over Ukraine's EU decision & multiple vetoes he will likely use in future. Or billboard campaign against @vonderleyen Orban is running in Hungary - to have leverage over her reconfirmation as @EU_Commission President for 2nd term after EU elections on 6-9 June 9/
Critics argue EU is soft & Orban is winning argument. But that's unfair. More interesting is that EU is holding line quite well. Despite extensive negotiations, only €10bn has been released to Budapest so far. EU also still sitting on €22bn some of which Orban may never see 10/
This partly explains why Orban is trying to help likeminded allies in EU win or retain power - to build a coalition in European Council. Remember his €10,6mn loan to @MLP_officiel? 11/
Or more recently, Orban's financial assistance for far-right PiS in Poland, including campaign communications support & advisers in Sept – Oct 2023 (exact amounts weren't reported). See reports below, for example 13/
Orban is arguably the biggest sponsor of the far right in EU. He will surely be looking closely at elections in Austria and Govt formation talks in the Netherlands over the coming months as well 14/
But Orban is surely also preparing for the worst: a situation where long term survival of his regime is ultimately incompatible with new strictures of EU membership - either because he has to implement reforms Bxl wants, or doesn't, in which case he doesn't get €bn he needs 15/
Many senior EU officials & opposition Hungarian officials think this largely explains alliances Orban is building with Russia, China & Trump in US. One day, over longer term, his regime may be more dependant for its survival on these regimes than EU membership 16/
Ukraine also plays an imp role here - as it joining EU would accelerate Hungary's transition from net recipient from EU budget to a contributor towards it, further diluting benefits of membership. That's why senior EU officials are skeptical Orban will ever let Ukraine join 17/
Senior opposition Hungarian voices are convinced Orban is trying to build a political majority in Hungary against EU he can leverage if he ever needs to leave - one day. What Orban doesn't have an answer for is how economy could survive outside Customs Union or Single Market 18/
But that is what Hungarian officials are keen to explore. For eg, when @EmmanuelMacron first conceived of European Political Community, senior Hungarian officials lobbied @Elysee to try & get bits of Single Market attached to it. So p'haps this hypothesis isn't so far fetched 19/
Put differently @PM_ViktorOrban has the contours of a strategy, but not a timeline. The question he is trying to solve for is “Can my system be sustained in the EU?” This suggests a strongly negative trajectory for Hungary-EU relations going forward 20/
Orban is a structural problem for EU. The survival of his regime within EU is going to require ever more maverick & extreme behaviour by him in future - on Ukraine & more. As well as preparation for the day his survival & EU membership are fundamentally no longer compatible
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.@EmmanuelMacron meets @PM_ViktorOrban for dinner at @Elysee this evening. What the hell is the French President thinking - given its highly, highly unlikely Orban will move? Quick thread after chats with senior French officials on Macron's thinking 1/
First: No one serious in the French system is under any illusions that Orban will move tonight. That's not the point of the meeting. Rather it is to clearly demonstrate that they both agree that they completely disagree 2/
Put differently, it is to show clearly, and to the world, that “there are 26 other EU partners that are without doubt on the side of Ukraine and that Orban is complete isolated.” 3/
Guess who’s coming to dinner. President @EmmanuelMacron has invited the turbulent, pro-Russian Hungarian PM @PM_ViktorOrban to the @Elysee tomorrow evening to try to dissuade him from wrecking a crucial EU summit on Ukraine in Brussels next week 1/
Macron has a long record of trying – & mostly failing – to charm authoritarian & populist leaders from Putin & President Xi to @realDonaldTrump & @BorisJohnson. Despite opposed views on most European subjects, Macron has maintained a polite, working relationship with Orban 2/
He will try to warn him of the dangers – for Europe and for Hungary - of wrecking a summit which is supposed to make two important decisions in favour of Ukraine. His hopes are slim but at least Orban agreed to come to a “working dinner” at the Elysée Palace 3/
The EU's geopolitical contribution to 🇺🇦 war was meant to be € & EU integration, while US would lead on the harder (military) stuff. But these 2 pillars of EU support are now unravelling ahead of Dec EU leaders meeting
What's going on? Only read if you want to be depressed 1/
The big prob with € for Ukraine is Germany's fiscal mess, following its constitutional court ruling that €bn parked in off budget vehicles - designed to circumvent strict fiscal rules - are illegal. The big prob w Ukraine's EU path is Hungary. Lets start with latter first 2/
Opening membership negotiations with Ukraine is unanimity. Senior EU officials tell me in order to lift his veto, Orban wants:
-A strategic debate over EU's approach to Ukraine;
-€bn released from Bxl (withheld due to corruption);
-Removal of @vonderleyen after EU elections 3/
Senior EU officials tell me that in principle pol decision to open accession/membership negotiations with Kyiv is now no longer likely at Dec European Council - as PM Orban is demanding not only €bn but removal of @vonderleyen as COM Pres after EU elections next year 1/
Germany's fiscal mess after last week's constitutional court ruling is also making a deal on @EU_Commission proposal to top up EU budget a lot less likely. This is turn is risking EU €50bn commitment for Ukraine to 2027. Senior officials v pessimistic, even on Ukr aid 2/
Some senior officials say EU may have to shift to keeping Ukraine afloat on a quarterly, half-yearly or annual basis. But idea of €50bn for Ukraine & nothing for EU capitals is v hard sell
One EU official says: "Where is the leadership (for a solution) going to come from?" 3/
Macron today attempted a perilous balancing act in a conflict which threatens to overturn all balance & proportion. After talks in Jslum with Israeli PM Netanyahu, Macron called for a western coalition to defeat Hamas but also a “decisive” relaunch of Palestinian peace process 1/
Macron said western countries should unite to defeat Hamas as they had Islamic State. But he said such a campaign, though “merciless” should not be “without rules” – a warning France & other western countries wd not turn a blind eye to limitless Palestinian civilian casualties 2/
Macron said Hamas was a “terrorist organisation whose objective is the complete destruction of the state of Israel… That is why France is ready to support international cooperation in the struggle against Hamas, just like the struggle against Daech (ISIS) 3/
The EU has made an utter mess of its response to the unfolding events in Israel/Gaza - so European leaders will attempt to throw their strategy forward when they convene remotely at 1730 CET this afternoon 1/
Europe's strategy will have 3 main elements: 1) Supporting Israel while urging restraint (w a much greater emphasis on restraint). Many senior voices in Bxl/EU capitals think Netanyahu's Govt is already in violation of international law & vm worry about what's about to unfold 2/
2) Regional diplomacy, w Lebanon, Egypt (on borders/refugees), Qataris (on hostages) & others. Not much hope Egypt will take a sizeable number of refugees - officials estimate 6-9 million refugees already in Egypt from Syria, Palestine, Yemen, Iraq, Sudan, East Africa & Sahel 3/