First things first. 1. An alkane, consists of hydrogen and carbon atoms (CnH2n+2) that are arranged like a tree. 2. An alkyl group, is an alkane missing one hydrogen.
Why does this matter?
-Methane, contains 1 carbon atom and 4 hydrogen atoms (CH4).
-A methyl group, is derived from methane and contains 1 carbon atom and 3 hydrogen atoms (CH3).
This had to be mentioned for the definition of methylation, a form of alkylation where a methyl group is replacing a hydrogen atom to stick better.
Or as it is often referred to “the addition of a methyl group” (one carbon metabolism supplies methyl groups).
Now here are a few processes in which methylation plays a key role:
-Gene regulation, expression and embryonic development
-The regulation of neurotransmitters
-Energy production
-Immune responses
-Antioxidant production
-Repairing damaged cells
-Metabolizing B vitamins
-The production of phosphatidylcholine, carnitine, melatonin and creatine
Now here are some things that poor methylation can exacerbate or even cause:
-Heart disease
-Elevated levels of homocysteine
-Skin issues
-Poor cognitive function
-Autoimmune issues
-Stomach problems
-Blood clots
-Estrogen dominance
-Liver issues
So methylation is a key process that our health depends upon and poor methylation will lead to poor health.
Now how can you know if you have a methylation problem?
First of all, our genetic profile affects methylation.
Certain gene mutations for example can harm the conversion of B9.
Then we have medications such as metformin, antacids and methotrexate.
Then we have toxic burdens that include anything from alcohol, birth control pills and smoking all the way to heavy metals.
Gut issues such as SIBO that are unable to get resolved no matter what can also be a byproduct of poor methylation.
Poor nutritional habits will obviously harm methylation since things such as B2, B9, B12 and B6 all affect one carbon metabolism (which is why their mindless supplementation can also harm methylation).
Then supplementing with NAD precursors such as NAC or even B3 for months on end (once again for no reason), can result in over methylation is some people.
The lymphatic system and understanding why neglecting its importance is a one-way ticket to never solving health issues.
In just about 5 minutes you’ll get familiar with a concept that can be one of the most crucial puzzle pieces in optimizing your health.
Well first of all, remember that blood is a fluid that goes through a bunch of arteries, veins and capillaries that carry nutrients, oxygen, antibodies and in general, things that are crucial for supporting our health on a daily basis.
Now blood has 4 components for the most part: 1. The red blood cells 2. The white blood cells 3. The platelets
and 4. The plasma
If you want an overall test, a complete blood count (CBC) could be a good start since it counts all of the above
An underrated factor when it comes to hormonal issues, skin issues, digestive issues, growth, high cholesterol and a lot more.
Thread on bile🧵
Tens of thousands (if not more) of DNA-related processes are based on nutrients.
So, when we deprive ourselves of nutrients (either by not providing enough of them OR by messing up their absorption), TENS OF THOUSANDS of DNA-related processes become dysfunctional.
We have talked about how certain factors such as stress, birth control pills, the inability to inactive certain plant compounds such as phytic acid, xenoestrogens, alcohol and so on can deplete us of nutrients, but we haven't talked about how improper bile metabolism/homeostasis can have similar effects by negatively affecting our ability to absorb and digest fat properly.
Bile is a green-yellow liquid, made out of bile salts (acids such as colic, chenodeoxycholic, lithocholic and deoxycholic), fatty acids, lecithin, inorganic salts and water all of which give it it’s alkalinity (bile has a PH of 7 to 8).
It is produced in the hepatocytes (liver) in amounts of 600 all the way to even 1.200 ml per day (measured based on the amount that reaches the duodenum (a part of the small intestine)) and has great antibacterial properties especially for the small intestine (acts as bactericide) but protects us from enteric infections in general by excreting IgA (immune globulin A), is crucial for the absorption of fat soluble vitamins, byproducts of red blood cells called bilirubin, is an excretory route for lipophilic toxicants, and acts on the “surface” of lipids (triglycerides for examples) in order to emulsify them (partly why bile is responsible for the elimination of cholesterol) which is crucial step in order for pancreatic lipase to do its job properly.
Neglecting them could contribute to many health issues such as fatigue, liver problems, poor athletic performance, gut and skin issues to name a few.
Understanding the effects that all vitamins and minerals have on our bodies, is a key point in improving our health in general.
Now B vitamins are a class of water soluble vitamins and 8 in total all of which are crucial for our well being (we are no longer counting things such as choline and carnitine as B vitamins).
They are responsible for many things some of which include:
-The breakdown of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats.
-The maintenance of normal levels of homocysteine
-Antibody production
-Cell respiration
-The support of endogenous antioxidant systems
-The metabolism of pyruvate