George Ferman Profile picture
Ex PT // Scaling health stores // Educating people on various health-related topics ranging from nutrition all the way to hormones // Not medical advice
53 subscribers
Feb 1 17 tweets 15 min read
If you want more energy, better gut health, skin health, improved libido and so on, you must make sure that you avoid the following dietary mistakes.

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*Standard disclaimer that nothing in this thread should be used as a substitute for medical advice*

For starters, in case you are skeptical about just how much our diet matters, consider that tens of thousands (if not more) of DNA-related processes are based on nutrients.

So, when we deprive ourselves of nutrients (either by not providing enough of them OR by messing up their absorption), TENS OF THOUSANDS of DNA-related processes become dysfunctional.

That being said, now let's just right into common dietary mistakes (these might be numbered, but in the long run, all of these are equally important in my opinion).Image
Jan 31 25 tweets 15 min read
Getting sick multiple times per year?
You probably don't have to.

But in order to accomplish that, you must become aware of:
-The main functions of the immune system and the root causes that lead to their dysfunction
-Crucial lifestyle factors that can support it
-Key foods, herbs and supplements that can support it

We will cover all of these here.
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Gm, it’s George.

Inside of this thread as stated, there will be some tips and tricks that can help you battle a cold or virus more effectively, but since we can’t rely on them if we’re being honest, we will have to also understand and improve the function of your immune system overall.

This way, we will both massively lower our chances of getting sick this winter but also increase the chances of a very fast recovery in case we do get sick.

Now let’s get into it.Image
Jan 30 19 tweets 9 min read
Battling migraines is very annoying to say the least, but i'm still amazed by how many are not aware of the following list with potential causes and also tools that could help.

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Let's get right into it.

Number 1: Melatonin

People who suffer with chronic migraines often have low melatonin levels.
Jan 28 24 tweets 13 min read
Harmed bile flow can lead to a wide array of health issues such as:

-Liver damage
-Hormonal issues
-Gut issues like SIBO
-Impaired ability to detox certain xenobiotics (mycotoxins included), hormones, heavy metals etc
-Fat malabsorption and thus issues such as dry skin or even an increased risk of osteoporosis
and more.

Here are a few important things to keep in mind.
*Standard disclaimer that nothing in this thread should be used as a substitute for medical advice*

When we are referring to bile, we are referring to a green-yellow liquid that’s made out of bile salts (acids such as cholic, chenodeoxycholic, lithocholic and deoxycholic), fatty acids, lecithin, inorganic salts and water all of which give it it’s alkalinity (bile has a PH of 7 to 8).

It is produced in the hepatocytes (liver) in amounts of 600 all the way to even 1.200 ml per day (measured based on the amount that reaches the duodenum (a part of the small intestine)).Image
Jan 26 6 tweets 9 min read
Are you seeing the word leptin being thrown around but have no idea what it is?

Give me 2 minutes and i will provide you with some easily digestible and useful information about leptin 👇

Leptin is a hormone like peptide that primarily acts on the hypothalamus, brainstem, and since it's mainly produce in the adipose tissues, it's also referred to as an adipokine.

It supports fertility through LH and FSH, helps us with satiety, the delivery of macronutrients in the case of gastric leptin, lipid homeostasis, glucose homeostasis, hematopoiesis, it stimulates POMC, supports bone health, eNOS activation, it's crucial for the immune system and way more.

Other examples of adipokines include stuff such as the probably known, IL-6, retinol binding protein 4, MCP-1, adiponectin and apelin.

Leptin is also produced in the gastric mucosa and besides the adipose tissue, the leptin receptor is also expressed in the heart, CNS, skeletal muscle, lung, small intestine and the liver.

So for the most part: leptin is released from the white adipose tissue, it then goes into the bloodstream and ends up in parts such as the hypothalamus (which means that leptin crosses the blood–brain barrier).

So, stick to things such as red meat as your iron sources.

As you're probably able to tell, leptin is very important and the question now is how we can make sure that we are leptin sensitive instead of being leptin resistant (aka our brains do not properly respond to leptin since chronically elevated levels led to the desensitization of the hypothalamic leptin receptors) in order to avoid nasty health effects?

First of all, regarding testing, the lower limits for both men and women are 0.5ng/mL.

The upper limit for women is 15-ish and for men 12-ish (again, ng/mL).Image Now here are some suggestions none of which should be used as a substitute for medical advice.

Suggestion number 1: Maintain a healthy bodyweight.

Now, this can in fact be hard if you are leptin resistance, but if you pay attention to the other tips in this email, the process will be easier.

The reason behind this suggestion is quite simple since:

How much leptin is your blood -> How much white adipose tissue you have.

Suggestion number 2: Do not follow the wrong macronutrient split.

We know that the macronutrient split we follow affects gastric leptin secretion.

The worst possible macronutrient profile to follow is a low protein, high fat and high carb.

A non ideal one but one that won't affect leptin a lot (it will negatively affect other things though) is a high-ish fat, medium carbs and medium amounts of protein.

And a good one is a medium-high protein, medium-low carbs and medium-low fat.Image
Jan 26 21 tweets 17 min read
Lack of full spectrum sunlight will lead to insomnia, mitochondrial dysfunction (think fatigue for starters), gut issues, getting sick very often, low libido, hormonal issues and a lot more.

So let's talk about some important facts about sunlight.

Thread 🧵 Image *Standard disclaimer that nothing in this post should be used as a substitute for medical advice.

First of all light is a type of electromagnetic wave and thus, it comes in a spectrum (X-rays, radio waves and microwaves are other kinds of electromagnetic radiation).

Of course, not all wavelengths are visible and we can only see the ones between 400nm and 700nm (red light has the longest wavelength and violet light the shortest).

Some characteristics of light include:
-Wavelength (some of it is visible and the some invisible as we said)

Notes about wavelength:
1. Wavelength= distance from one crest to the next.
2. Short wavelength = lots of carried energy.
3. Long wavelength = not so much.
-Color temperature
-Lumen (lm)
-Lux (lx)

You can also partly (oversimplification) view this as photon density (a subatomic particle that some people here call stuff such as quantum unit).Image
Jan 23 19 tweets 11 min read
Let's explain some key concepts about the topic of oxidative stress that anyone can understand no matter their background.

Thread🧵 Image *Standard disclaimer that this does not constitute medical advice*

Oxidative stress is characterized by the overproduction of reactive oxygen species (ROS), which can induce mitochondrial DNA mutations, damage the mitochondrial respiratory chain, alter membrane permeability, and influence Ca2+ homeostasis and mitochondrial defense systems.

Calcium homeostasis refers to the maintenance of a constant concentration of calcium ions in the extracellular fluid. It includes all of the processes that contribute to maintaining calcium at its “set point.” Because plasma [Ca2+] rapidly equilibrates with the extracellular fluid, ECF [Ca2+] is kept constant by keeping the plasma [Ca2+] constant.Image
Jan 23 17 tweets 10 min read
Premature gray hair can be a representation of bad health.

Here are the first things you should address.
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Right now, in your hair follicles you have cells that are called melanocytes and are responsible for producing melanin and when these melanocytes lose their ability to produce these pigments effectively, our hair starts graying.

To be more specific, we have:
-Eumelanin that's responsible for dark hair and is derived from tyrosine or 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine that is oxidized into dopaquinone.
-Pheomelanin that's responsible for red/orange hair is derived when cysteine is added to dopaquinone. And if you are wondering, blonde hair have less of both.

Pretty simple.Image
Jan 20 18 tweets 29 min read
Low testosterone is an extremely common problem nowadays with consequences such as:

• Chronic fatigue
• Low libido
• Fertility issues
• Inability to put on muscle mass and lack of basic strength
• Depression
• Anxiety

Here's what you need to know.
Thread🧵 Image *Standard disclaimer that nothing in this thread should be used as a substitute for medical advice*

Now if you've been in the general health space for a long time, you've probably got tired seeing discussions around the topic of low testosterone

But most men today, even the young ones, suffer from low testosterone.

It's a true pandemic and sharing some of its root causes (and what you can do in order to effectively battle them), basic tests that someone can take, some studies, helpful foods, key nutrients, certain supplements and in general the things that are presented inside of this thread, is crucial information for a lot of people.Image
Jan 14 4 tweets 7 min read
If someone genuinely wonders about vitamin A, here we go again for one last time.

Is vitamin A a toxin? Of course not.

The simplest way one can use to understand why this statement is false is some, of the receptors that RETINOL is crucial for such as:
-Retinoid X receptor (obviously)
-Vitamin D receptor
-Farsenoid X receptor (bile related)
-Thyroid hormone receptor
and there are of course many others such as pregnane x receptor.

Retinol is also crucial for StAR and without this, we can't have healthy hormones. It also even affects our circadian rhythm, the function of T-Cells, synaptic plasticity and a lot lot more.

Our bodies cannot manufacture it and therefore it has to be included in our diet.

It is stored in the liver until required by the body and is essential for many physiological processes, including the daily replacement of skin cells and ensures that tissues such as the conjunctiva are able to produce mucus and provide a barrier to infection, sleep believe it or not, maintaining the integrity of the lining of the respiratory tract, the gut, the bladder, the inner ear and the eye.

It also helps us maintain a healthy immune system and fight infections, helps protein, calcium and iodine absorption, helps thyroid function, is crucial for fertility ,assists pregnenolone, DHEA, progesterone, testosterone, LH and FSH and helps us fight fungi. It's even crucial for detoxing BPA and of course works synergistically with other nutrients as well.…

So what's going on with vitamin A.

Number 0: A lot of people in the health space, are insane.

For example, pause for a moment and truly think the type of person who has the time and the mental dialogue to reach the the conclusion that rothchilds poison them with vitamin A (Jesus Christ)........

So some people are insane lunatics who have no friends and can't operate in the real world so as a result they turn to any weird online group.

We should never forget this when we go online.

If you are wondering if the person you are talking to is one of them, just ask him the basics of vitamin A metabolism, most have no clue and it literally takes 2 hours to understand it.

You can start diving deeper into vitamin A metabolism here:…

Number 1: Accumulation or even toxicity.

Now, i've never said that vitamin A toxicity is not a real thing.

Other ones such as iron overload exist as well and believe it or not, will ruin your health way faster than vitamin A toxicity.

But unless one had the critical thinking of a 10 year old, thought that "more = better" and was eating 200 grams of liver a day and 8 eggs cooked in 300 grams of butter or was supplementing with any of its forms, toxicity is rare.

Even if you have hemochromatosis you don't need THAT much retinol.

So do not blame a nutrient if you are consuming it in tremendous amounts.

You can even die from drinking too much water. Water.....

Number 2: People struggle with candida or some sort of acetyl aldehyde producing bacteria/fungus or heck, even things that burden the alcohol dehydrogenase in general.

Number 3: They misplace the trigger.

A lot of people for example have developed oxalate intolerances and thus, react badly when they eat high oxalate foods such as carrots, spinach or sweet potatoes that also happen to be the most common foods in beta carotene people eat.

Then others have a problem with free copper, not vitamin A.

Number 4: Some people think that accutane = vitamin A.

Yet isotretinoin metabolism basically follows: 4-hydroxylation -> 4-hydroxy-13-cis-retinoic acid -> 4-oxo-13-cis-retinoic acid.

Here's the thing now: CYP26 -> catabolism of tRA but not 13-cis RA (this is why it needs to be isomerized). So, it's not the same.

Now if you have used Accutane, you should NOT in fact gun down a lot of vitamin A until certain pathways are healed.

Number 5: Glyphosate maxing.

Chronic exposure to glyphosate will disrupt the metabolism of retinoic acid by default.

Number 6: Their bile metabolism is wrecked.

This could be caused from nutrient deficiencies, liver flukes etc.

Number 7: You have people who struggle with unbound iron or even heavy metals so when they are released from the tissue and into the circulation, if the carrier proteins aren't "supported" for lack of a better term problems will happen.

Number 8: You have people with deficiencies in things such as vitamin D, vitamin E, taurine, magnesium, potassium, B2, B9 and B12.

FAD for example is crucial for retinol conversion and vitamin E is needed in order to protect it and prevent its oxidation.

Vitamin D is also EXTREMELY crucial yet most people are deficient in it.

Number 9: You have people who stare at artificial blue light all day.

Number 10: You have people with thyroid issues.
*The fact that trans retinol goes to the cell by RBP and TTR might play a part here as well.

Number 11: For whatever reason, people deep fry retinol rich foods in tallow.

I'm exaggerating to make a point here, but if you are going to consume a lot of vitamin A every day, you shouldn't really cook the shit out of it (high temp = more 13-cis-retinol).

There are more reasons you can add in this list, but these 11-12 are the most common ones.

So what should you do?
It’s pretty easy.
-Deal with your candida (or any fungal) overgrowth if you have one
-Go and measure your vitamin D levels
-Go and measure your thyroid hormones
-Consume vitamin E, C, B2 and the nutrients that were mentioned
-If you are exposing yourself to too much artificial blue light taurine
-Wear some blue light blockers
-Don't use synthetic forms
-Don't cook the crap out of retinol rich foods if you are going to consume lots of them (this is another reason why raw dairy are preferable to pasteurized dairy if one can access quality ones)
-Don't use Accutane
-Avoid glyphosate
-Don’t follow extreme approaches such as eating 200 grams of liver a day because "more=better"
-Actually get sunlight
-Block the blue light
-Eat some seafood…

Now, if you enjoyed this, make sure to leave a like and for more information tap in this post to check out the pics below.

-GeorgeImage Image
Jan 13 29 tweets 23 min read
Here's how you can cover the vast majority of your micronutrient needs through food (and a personal full week of eating example).

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*Standard disclaimer that nothing in this thread should be used as a substitute for medical advice*

First and foremost, someone might say "why shouldn't i just pop a multivitamin and call it a day?".

Great question.

The supplement market was valued at 177.50 billion dollars in 2023 and is estimate to reach almost half a trillion by 2030.

To put this into perspective that's double of what the NSAID market will do by that time.

So there are more supplements than ever available.

This is great on one hand since we can have access to better supplements as the time goes by, but it also signals that more people than ever are consuming supplements and let's face it, most supplements are crap.

For example:
-The supplement industry is not that well regulated with even large amounts of heavy metals being inside a lot of supplements
-The types of vitamins and minerals that are used in most aren't that great (think magnesium oxide, zinc oxide, pyridoxine etc)
-They treat certain vitamins such as one thing and not for the complexes that they are (think vitamin C and E for example) (*)
-Due to white labeling and so on, the fillers are more than ever
-A lot of the big brands have contaminants
-Most people are totally unaware that the subspecies in probiotics play a HUGE role for example and end up buying probiotics that do not even work (this is not a joke, most probiotic supplements are flat out scams).
Take bifidolongum for example, most people think that it's one thing and do not know the existence or differences between 1714 and SD-BB536-JP for exampleImage
Jan 9 18 tweets 14 min read
Just because someone lacks a fair amount of money, it doesn't mean that he can't get healthier.

So here's the broke man's guide towards improving his health.

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Alright, it's George. There are many free or cheap tools you can use in order to improve your health.

Here they are👇

Number 1: Realize that when it comes to food, you can cover A LOT of your nutritional needs with just:
-300 grams of quality shrimp/octopus or squid
-10 whole eggs
-200 grams of beef or lamb heart
-200 grams of raw cheese
-2 pounds of strawberries, oranges, kiwis, berries or something seasonal
-Brewer's yeast/marmite
-100 grams of beef liver
-Adding EVOO, potatoes, mushrooms and easy to digest vegetables in just one of your daily meals
-4 pounds of bone in red meat
per week
Are these the cheapest foods? No.

Are they cheaper than you might expect if they are sourced properly? Yes.

P.S: If you have the space realize that growing a garden turns out to be easier than we think.Image
Jan 8 6 tweets 10 min read
1/4 A vitamin D deficiency will lead to mitochondrial dysfunction (think fatigue for starters), muscle atrophy, gut issues, getting sick very often, low libido, hormonal issues, bone problems, depression and a lot more.

But should you supplement with it? Let’s discuss👇

First things first, if you do not believe that a vitamin D deficiency can cause all of these issues, chances are that thankfully you haven't struggled with it and experienced the night and day difference that resolving it leads to.

Without enough vitamin D we can not have:
-A healthy immune system
-Healthy bones
-A healthy hormonal profile (testosterone and androgens in general, thyroid hormones, insulin, progesterone, leptin (to be fair though, since this (leptin) is related to adiponectin, this only happens when a person reaches >50ng/dl from what most research indicates) etc)
-A healthy liver
-Healthy skeletal muscles
-Healthy skin
-A healthy gut
-Detox properly
and more.

Why this is the case is not hard to understand since for example vitamin D, plays a role in dopaminergic neurogenesis and differentiation, its receptor is crucial for many things but also crucial for helping various steps during the detoxification of xenobiotics, directly influences the tight junctions (or you can reas about the vitamin D–cathelicidin pathway), stimulates the expression of insulin receptors, the CYP2R1, CYP27B1 and CYP24A1 enzymes are affected by vitamin D, affects the GH axis, obviously influences calcium handling in the Leydig cells through calbindins for example, is needed in order for the gut to make antimicrobial peptides, the VDR is essential for hair follicle homeostasis and more.

*There's a list of studies at the end*Image 2/4 But how is vitamin D even created? Is it even created, is it consumed through foods? What's going on?

One way that we posses in order to get vitamin D3 are UV-B rays that convert 7-dehydrocholesterol (as substance in the skin that's pretty close the end of the conversion of cholesterol from lanosterol and is often referred to as pro-vitamin D3) to vitamin D3.

That's kind of what happens in plants as well where UV-B rays allow ergosterol to turn into ergocalciferol aka vitamin D2.

Now if you are wondering if foods such as sun dried mushrooms are a good source of vitamin D the answer is that it depends on the state of your liver (CYP27A1) and of course, the state of your gut.

But in general, for a healthy individual, sun dried mushrooms can be a helpful additional tool during the winter.

If all these sound too mumbo jumbo here's the deal: UV-B rays hit the skin -> We get pre-vitamin D3 -> and then two hydroxylations happen, one in the liver on carbon 25 (in order to get 25-hydroxyvitamin D) and one in the kidneys on carbon 1 (in order to get 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D).

That's it.

Now before we talk about supplement we need to talk about something crucial which is that sunlight and UVB, are not just a source of vitamin D and exposure to (full spectrum) sunlight is a non negotiable for anyone who wants to be healthy.

If you check the studies at the end, some of them not only show the vast differences between supplements and sunlight as a source of vitamin D but also some benefits of sunlight that are not related to vitamin D.

So, YOU CAN NOT RELY on supplements. Forget about it. All of us need sunlight.

If you still don't believe this, you can read this:…

Important note: in case you didn't know some people say that supplemental vitamin D is rat poison.

Now do you know the amount of supplemental vitamin D that you should use in order to get the same effect?

It's over 1 MILLION IUs.

You would be dead sooner by consuming too much water.

Now does this mean that you should supplement? It depends.

Even though it takes a ridiculous dose to kill you, this does not mean that supplemental vitamin D is totally safe.

Of course, this is not medical advice and always listen to your doctor, but in my opinion, since most people don't get nearly enough magnesium, zinc, their diets already tax their kidneys and things of this nature, unless your levels at tremendously low (and thus we have a tail event where the potential upside makes the potential downside worth it) you shouldn't supplement with it and you should either get a vitamin D lamp or just spend time outside.Image
Jan 7 11 tweets 8 min read
From the sad event of miscarriage all the way to even low libido, eczema and hair loss, a chronic health issue might be partly caused by impaired methylation.

Here's why and everything you need to know👇
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*Standard disclaimer that nothing in this thread should be used as a substitute for medical advice*

First things first, as stated impaired methylation can lead to any health issue under the sun such as:

-Hair loss

-Histamine intolerance

-Estrogen dominance


-Heart disease


-Excessive inflammation

-Skin issues such as acne and eczema




-Poor cognitive function

-Autoimmune issues



-H. Pylori

-Blood clots


-Liver issues


It's that important for our well being.Image
Jan 6 19 tweets 17 min read
Impaired thyroid function has become a pandemic and is one of the main drivers behind symptoms such as:

• Hair loss
• Brain fog
• Low libido
• Chronic fatigue
• High LDL
• Overall hormonal imbalances
• Depression
• Gut issues

Here's what you need to know.
Thread🧵 Image *Standard disclaimer that nothing in this thread should be used as a substitute for medical advice*

I'd like to begin this by stating that i consider a healthy thyroid gland the gland of vitality since it governs our entire metabolism.

It is a 2-inch-long gland which weighs less than 1 ounce and is located in the front of the neck below the larynx.

It has two lobes, one on each side of the windpipe which leads to its “butterfly” shape.

The thyroid is one of the glands that make up the endocrine system.

The glands of the endocrine system produce and store hormones and release them into the bloodstream.

The hormones then travel through the body and direct the activity of the body’s cells.

Thyroid hormone is what regulates metabolism and without enough thyroid hormone, most of the body’s functions slow down.Image
Jan 4 15 tweets 18 min read
Over-exposure to xenoestrogens is one of the main drivers behind issues such as skin issues, infertility and overall hormonal issues all the way to Alzheimer's.

Here's what you need to know in a nutshell (the science behind them, what you need to avoid, detoxing etc).

Thread🧵 Image
*Standard disclaimer that nothing in this thread should be used as a substitute for medical advice*.

It's George.
First things first. If i came to you and injected you with a hormone, you would probably punch me.

Great. I shouldn't be able to negatively affect your hormonal profile without you being aware of this fact and giving me your consent.

But the same standard is not applied to the topic of xenoestrogens and in order to understand how bad things have gotten, it's very likely that you consume a credit card's worth of microplastics every week and have microplastics in your brain, bone marrow, lungs and in the case you are a man in your testicles as well.

*The list is of course truly endless and there's evidence that they can even exist in the placenta.

If you think that there's no way this is real, pause and think for a moment the average person's daily routine.

Most people wake up and eat some mycotoxin filled cereal sprayed with glyphosate as well, put hot coffee in a plastic cup, and proceed to put on their skin, skincare and hygiene products filled with ethanolamine compounds (cocamide DEA, MEA, TEA and others), parabens, formaldehyde-releasing preservatives, sodium laureth sulfate and other –eth compounds (possible 1,4-dioxane and ethylene oxide contamination), benzophenone etcImage
Jan 2 25 tweets 24 min read
How to get healthier in 2025.
A full in depth guide.

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It's George. Happy New Year once again.

The reason why i wrote this guide (because it's too long to be described as a thread) το kickstart 2025, is because we stopped serving a large number of people who want to improve their health.

And that’s the people who just got started in their health journey and are looking for a basic game plan they can use to start positively impacting their health.

Its content was based on the fact that no matter who you are, there are certain things everyone needs to apply in order to be very healthy throughout his life in the modern day and age.

Things, we often tend to neglect and talk about more niche topics which can be a mistake at least in my opinion.

So as you can probably tell, this thread will include many suggestions when it comes to getting healthier and you shouldn’t view it as something that you will need to implement at once.

No, gradually try to implement these in your current lifestyle and don't try to rush the process.

Now let’s see things you can implement in order to improve your health in 2025.
Dec 20, 2024 26 tweets 16 min read
A common driver behind hair loss, skin issues such as psoriasis and vitiligo, PMS, eczema, sleep apnea, gut issues and insomnia all the way to respiratory problems, anxiety and migraines, is a histamine intolerance.

Here's what you need to know.
Thread🧵 Image *Standard disclaimer that nothing in this thread should be used as a substitute for medical advice*

First and foremost, what is histamine?

Histamine is a biogenic amine that is naturally occurring in the body and many foods.

It is synthesized by the pyridoxal phosphate-containing l-histidine decarboxylase from the amino acid histidine in mast cells, basophils, platelets, histaminergic neurons, and enterochromaffine cells.

Note: Even though histamine might be synthetized in mast cells for example, it is critical to understand that it is STORED there and it’s NOT really released without a stimuli.

This is why you will read the term “histamine liberator” later.

It was discovered in 1910 and identified as a mediator of anaphylactic reactions pretty soon after that.Image
Dec 19, 2024 20 tweets 14 min read
You can't go from bald to a full set of hair naturally no matter what anyone says, BUT if you catch hair loss early you can manage it.

Here are the very first things you must pay attention to once you notice some hair loss.

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First and foremost, losing some hair as the years go by is normal.

We can't look at 60 like we did at 25 and believe it or not this is not common sense these days and the demands to avoid any sign of "ageing" are at an all time high because anything that can cause a negative emotion, is avoided and masked like the plague.

Are you sad -> Take these pills
Got a bit of anxiety -> Take these pills
Are you tired -> Take these pills
Does your forehead have a tiny wrinkle that doesn't look good -> Inject chemicals that are neurotoxic

You get the idea.

So, some hair loss if you are older, is fine.

BUT, younger and younger people are losing their hair and in A LOT of the cases, no one in the family had a history of premature hair loss.

So, if you just recently started noticing your hair falling off a bit, immediately address these because you might as well stop it within even a couple of months compared to the daily effort you'll have to put forever if you let it get worse and worse.
Dec 17, 2024 21 tweets 15 min read
Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women.

So it's an important topic and if you have 3-5 minutes of free time i'd like to share some things with you when it comes to it.

Thread🧵 Image
*Standard disclaimer that nothing in this thread should be used as a substitute for medical advice*

It's George since this thread might attract older and thus more skeptical people i'd like to state that i am NOT an M.D, i've just been studying health topics for a long time and have friends that are in the medical fields.

And if you're totally new here and have no idea about who i am, the summary is that i studied physiotherapy, didn't like the field once i started working, got a P.T certification, started working as one and enjoyed it quite a lot and for the last 2 years i work for a specific francize of health stores (i basically find locations with my brother, find the staff, train it, open it and do a few other similar things).

Now that we got this out of the way, let's get to the main topic since it's quite important.
Dec 13, 2024 22 tweets 18 min read
If you want to experience a better mood, more energy, improved mental clarity and a healthier skin, you must pay attention to your gut health.

Here is a thread with the MOST effective steps you can take to improve the state of your gut🧵 Image *Standard disclaimer that nothing in this thread should be used as a substitute for medical advice*

When it comes to our health everything starts from and depends on the gut.

As Hippocrates famously said that: "All disease starts in the gut."
And it's more true than we'd like to think.

From low testosterone, histamine intolerance, depression, fatigue, ED and skin problems, all the way to hair loss, optimizing ones gut health is a non-negotiable step in improving any health issue that he might want to.

Our gut is connected to every single one of the organs in the human body so it's fair to say that everything is affected by a great part from it.

You know this to be true if you've ever struggled with a gut issue but in case you haven't and are skeptical about this claim, you can check out these 3 basic studies (one for the skin, one for the immune system and one for testosterone):………Image