As @gtconway3d says, there were two groups of people who were right on the dangers of Donald Trump in 2015/2016:
Mental healthcare professionals who understood narcissistic psychopaths/malignant narcissists.
Historians who are experts on authoritarians/strongmen/tyrants.
Why/how does a personality disorder rise to positions of power or get away with crimes for decades, when we normally associate these pathologies with significant dysfunction/failure to cope?
It’s our failure to recognize a subtype of psychopathy where narcissism predominates.
Narcissistic psychopaths need manipulative power and control over people to feed their egos and psychically survive exactly like they need oxygen to feed their cells. Indeed they lie and manipulate like they breathe.
Conscienceless, they have no anchor to reality or to telling the truth. They fabricate their reality with lies and disinformation. They don’t have the normal spectrum of human emotions nor any moral constraints so they possess an uncanny ability to read people’s motivations.
They are highly manipulative. They crave being the center of attention and adulated. They need to feel special and be seen as having special powers. They are innately masters at using rhetoric and storytelling to psychologically manipulate others to their advantage.
They have no moral restraints on exploitation as they are the only being of consequence. Their need fulfillment is their only tangible reality.
They explicitly exploit people’s insecurities, fears and anxieties and place themselves as the all-knowing fixer and savior.
Their expertise is manipulation, subversion and exploitation for power and control over people to repress their inner defectiveness of existing without a conscience. Failure to get this narcissistic supply of control for ego sustenance is a threat to their very existence.
Those restrained from their worst impulses by some degree of conscience but poor ability to critically assess, see the narcissistic psychopath as unique, exceptional, enigmatic. He becomes a solution to what ails them through narcissistic collusion, bonding over shared enemies.
Nothing binds the insecure, fearful, and anxious, a state the malignant narcissist has himself conjured into existence with rhetoric and narrative setting, like the “us versus them.”
He’s talking like Hitler, shares the same traits as Hitler and is seeking the same power and control as Hitler because they share the same conscienceless, exploitive pathology.
We must not let the pathetic nature of his narcissism minimize the dangerousness of his vindictiveness, retribution, psychopathy, sadism. His absolute proclivity is for destruction of any person/institution who tries to stop him/hold him accountable. We can’t underestimate him.
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It’s not hard to see how those drawn to conspiracy theories align with the traits of narcissism and indeed research supports this.
Narcissism involves the desire to have absolute power and control, to protect an idealized, aggrandized self based on a created, fabricated reality.
People drawn to conspiracy theories like narcissists are trying to preserve their beliefs/persona in the face of uncertainty, contradictions, threats to their control and security, and inability to control outcomes.
Common to both as a defense mechanism is the aggrandized view of oneself that needs external supply and validation, and to be regarded as having special knowledge or insight. Magical thinking and paranoid ideation are present in both.
Donald Trump has severe and dangerous mental pathology.
That speech last night represented decompensation.
That is a man with narcissistic and antisocial personality disorders decompensating under the weight and stress of exposure and legal accountability.
He is deeply injured by real world accountability. It threatens his grandiosity and belief that he is the only meaningful existence. Accountability produces narcissistic rage, bewilderment that others can force him into reality, and indignation mimicking a disciplined toddler.
That entire speech was a narcissist scorned. He is simultaneously the bully and the victim. He creates his own reality with lies and distortions to re-establish power and entitlement, to gaslight and disarm others, and portray himself as having suffered unimaginable persecution.
Let’s cut to the chase. After the narcissistic psychopath President incited 1/6, Chao resigned citing the 'traumatic,' 'avoidable' Capitol riot. Chao caused him major public narcissistic injury. She committed the biggest sin. She was disloyal. She didn’t sacrifice for him.
The narcissistic psychopath experiences Chao looking after herself as treasonous, a direct threat to the survival of his idealized self as a “competent, normal” human being. The obsessive racist attacks on Chao are his need to destroy the threat and heal his deep sense of injury.
To the outside observer Chao’s response to an immoral act by the narcissistic psychopath was normal but the narcissistic psychopath’s response to perceived disloyalty/lack of absolute fealty is one of ridiculous indignation and absurd, inappropriate deprecation and retribution.
What Trump and Musk share in their masterful ability to psychologically manipulate is driven by their pathology: malignant narcissism/narcissistic psychopathy.
Their pathology is characterized by an insatiable quest for omnipotent power and control through lies and manipulation.
The only way to mask their conscienceless, defective, compromised true being (that is incapable of humanity) is through creation of a compensatory idealized and aggrandized self. They do this with lies, disinformation, fabrication, manipulation and coercion.
They will do anything to maintain survival of their idealized self.
They are the idealized and aggrandized being of omnipotence. We are only the objects to be manipulated for survival of that idealized self. Our reality is fact-based, tangible and verifiable, their’s is not.
Sticking to a false narrative/false reality in the face of irrefutable proof against it, the narcissistic exploiter creates psychological precariousness, instability and chaos.
Making the truth and reality inconsequential leads to absolute feelings of violation, an “emotional rape” (Jackson McKenzie).