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Educating about narcissistic & antisocial personality disorders; the master manipulators, pathological liars and serial cheaters; the psychopaths and sociopaths
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Nov 8, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
The conscienceless narcissistic psychopath who plays by no rules enabled by other wealthy malignant narcissists from Putin to Musk, who bragged repeatedly in July they didn't need any votes — didn't cheat, rig, or commit fraud? And then these results call for high suspicion? Trump by falsely claiming the 2020 election had been stolen and calling into question the legitimacy of our election processes, allowed him to take full advantage of our rigorous defense of that election integrity when he would have every intention of violating voting this time.
Aug 25, 2024 8 tweets 3 min read
I agree with this 🎯🧵by @noelcasler

I believe it was an orchestration and not a true attempt on Trump’s life.

The narcissistic psychopath has no conscience. He’s capable of any deviancy.

His pathology subversively, deviously and with calculation, manipulates perceptions. He manipulates same spectrum people into helping/covering for him.

His survival depends heavily on making himself the victim — the victim of persecution, misunderstanding and mistreatment — to hide his crimes and perpetrations.

Just look: Image
Jun 5, 2024 7 tweets 1 min read
It’s unbelievable that Republicans haven’t dumped Trump given the objective evidence. The only explanations are Republicans are good with criminality if it advances their agenda, they don’t believe in the rule of law which is fatal for democracy, (1/7) and like their narcissistic exploiter, Republicans can’t take responsibility or admit they were wrong.

The cabal:

Donald Trump was charged, convicted, and is awaiting sentencing.

Paul Manafort, Trump’s former campaign chairman, was charged, convicted, and sentenced to prison
May 5, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
The whole reason that Trump chose Hope Hicks, someone young and beautiful, who worked for Ivanka, and completely unqualified to be his press secretary, was because he knew he could manipulate and control her, make her subservient and loyal, a source of narcissistic supply.
No one knows Trump’s coercive power better than Donald Trump.

He told us.

“I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK?" It's, like, incredible."
May 3, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Both a victim and enabler under the coercive control of a narcissistic psychopath like Trump, Hope Hicks would cry while giving testimony under oath about his criminal activity. The narcissistic psychopath has previously psychologically manipulated and conditioned her to: 1. Not trust her own thoughts, emotions, beliefs and volition.
2. Believe he is always right.
3. Believe her identity and survival is tied to his.
4. Believe she owes him.
5. Believe she would be nothing and no one without him.
6. Any betrayal of him would lead to her demise.
Apr 17, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
“Donald Trump was, in short, a certain type of New Yorker — brash, boorish, bombastic.”

Certain type?

Oh yes let’s blame his narcissistic and psychopathic traits on New York and not his psychopathology that’s associated with exploitation/criminality.… Pathological in concert: His obsession with status and celebrity, to be seen as famous and associated with the famous, his need to be seen as an expert on every subject, his excessive need for admiration, his inability to handle any criticism, his sense of entitlement and…2/5
Apr 16, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
Trump’s spectrum of personality pathology can have a mental breakdown including a psychotic break under just the types of circumstances he faces this week. The humiliation and injury of public criticism/exposure, being unable to create his own reality, and physical exhaustion. He can’t control anything in court. Out of court he can’t control the narrative. The gag orders cut off his narcissistic smear campaigns. He’s uncontrollable and at real risk for jail time for violating the gag orders.
Apr 7, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
“Excerpts from his speeches do not do justice to Trump’s smorgasbord of vendettas, non sequiturs and comparisons to famous people”

Trump has a smorgasbord of mental pathology that leads to the disordered speech and other signs and traits of morbidity reported here. Some signs and traits come mostly from his narcissism like the celebrity name dropping and the need to be seen as superior. His vendettas and need for retribution arise from narcissistic injury while his lack of care for who he hurts or destroys from his psychopathy and sadism.
Feb 10, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
Mental healthcare professionals predicted all of Trump’s pathological traits/behaviors in 2016 in advance of his election because we were right about his narcissism and psychopathy.

The highlights:
• Pathological lying
• Discard for the rule of law and our Constitution • Violation of others and the rights of others (people, democratic institutions, countries, NATO, WHO)
• Disregard/rejection of experts
• Denial of reality
• Other blaming
• Refusal to take responsibility
• Inability to take accountability
• Hypersensitivity to criticism
Jan 18, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
When a narcissistic psychopath like Trump suffers narcissistic injury with criticism, exposure or accountability of his wrongdoing, he must strike back to soothe the injury.
The retribution always involves smearing/discrediting with narcissistic projection (the truth about him). Trump is the hoax, the scam, the fake, made up, disgusting, crazed, NUTS, broken.

Trump is conscienceless. Deep down, repressed, he knows his true self is a defective, compromised human. He must protect his idealized self from any threat at all costs.
Dec 17, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
As @gtconway3d says, there were two groups of people who were right on the dangers of Donald Trump in 2015/2016:

Mental healthcare professionals who understood narcissistic psychopaths/malignant narcissists.

Historians who are experts on authoritarians/strongmen/tyrants. Why/how does a personality disorder rise to positions of power or get away with crimes for decades, when we normally associate these pathologies with significant dysfunction/failure to cope?
It’s our failure to recognize a subtype of psychopathy where narcissism predominates.
Jun 26, 2023 11 tweets 2 min read
It’s not hard to see how those drawn to conspiracy theories align with the traits of narcissism and indeed research supports this.

Narcissism involves the desire to have absolute power and control, to protect an idealized, aggrandized self based on a created, fabricated reality. People drawn to conspiracy theories like narcissists are trying to preserve their beliefs/persona in the face of uncertainty, contradictions, threats to their control and security, and inability to control outcomes.
Apr 5, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Donald Trump has severe and dangerous mental pathology.

That speech last night represented decompensation.

That is a man with narcissistic and antisocial personality disorders decompensating under the weight and stress of exposure and legal accountability. He is deeply injured by real world accountability. It threatens his grandiosity and belief that he is the only meaningful existence. Accountability produces narcissistic rage, bewilderment that others can force him into reality, and indignation mimicking a disciplined toddler.
Feb 14, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
This story is now told in a 3 part documentary “Stolen Youth” on Hulu.

The traits/tactics of coercive control/abuse by malignant narcissists are always the same:

• tap into insecurities, low self-esteem in the target

• love bomb: flattery, compliments, made to feel special • portray themselves as an authority and expert.

• grandiose, charismatic storytelling where the targets are “transfixed” and “enamored” by outlandish and fabricated “accomplishments.”

• portray themselves as compassionate and looking out for the target’s better interests.
Jan 26, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Let’s cut to the chase. After the narcissistic psychopath President incited 1/6, Chao resigned citing the 'traumatic,' 'avoidable' Capitol riot. Chao caused him major public narcissistic injury. She committed the biggest sin. She was disloyal. She didn’t sacrifice for him. The narcissistic psychopath experiences Chao looking after herself as treasonous, a direct threat to the survival of his idealized self as a “competent, normal” human being. The obsessive racist attacks on Chao are his need to destroy the threat and heal his deep sense of injury.
Dec 24, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
What Trump and Musk share in their masterful ability to psychologically manipulate is driven by their pathology: malignant narcissism/narcissistic psychopathy.
Their pathology is characterized by an insatiable quest for omnipotent power and control through lies and manipulation. The only way to mask their conscienceless, defective, compromised true being (that is incapable of humanity) is through creation of a compensatory idealized and aggrandized self. They do this with lies, disinformation, fabrication, manipulation and coercion.
Nov 3, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
This thread 🎯

“The ability to assert a false reality in the face of empirical evidence is itself an act of power."

This is inherent to the pathology and psychological manipulation and abuse of all narcissistic psychopath exploiters. Sticking to a false narrative/false reality in the face of irrefutable proof against it, the narcissistic exploiter creates psychological precariousness, instability and chaos.
Oct 30, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Musk is the more intelligent-sophisticated exploitive version of Trump’s malignant narcissism. They get narcissistic supply from controversy, chaos, threats, trolling, abuse, destruction violence, brutality, death. The malignant narcissist always creates conflict that further divides and alienates.

The inevitable result is desensitization with repeated trauma inflicted by the exploiters, gradually moving us further away from decency and humanity. The decent get railroaded.
Oct 13, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
This riveting documentary by .@MelissaJPeltier is beyond excellent. So well done and informative! Brilliant editing and superb input by experts,
This documentary highlights former Trump supporters and their journey through the cognitive dissonance of Trump’s narcissistic abuse. Cognitive dissonance is the psychological discomfort we feel when we hold conflicting beliefs about something simultaneously.
Jul 22, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
What Trump supporters share with Trump’s narcissism is denial, an active choice to engage in distortions of reality. Reality is abandoned as information is filtered to conform to their manipulated needs, wishes and desires. Decades of right wing propaganda has instilled entitlement and aggrieved victimhood while belittling empathy. A large portion of the population were set up for Trump’s manipulative and self serving denials of convenience.
Jun 28, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
We can point out the hypocrisy of Christian Republicans all day long but fundamental to patriarchy and white supremacy is narcissism. They have an idealized self that is infallible and beyond reproach. They inherently see themselves as superior and lack empathy. They absolutely believe in their intrinsic right to power and control over others. They determine the rules. Everyone must obey and comply.
Compromise, fairness, justice? These are not part of their emotional make up.