Pro-Palestinian protestors just broke into Penn train station in New York and are occupying it. They’ve got a banner saying “Support Palestinian Resistance”. Not hiding it anymore.
I wonder what “Palestinian resistance” they could be referring to.
Pro-Palestinian protesters irritating Alec Baldwin is making their shenanigans all the more bizarre.
This person threatened to come down from London and cut down the ribbons for hostages I just put up in Brighton. It’s not the only threat he’s made. Is this enough for some action @metpoliceuk or the wrong kind of violent hatred?
He also threatens Jews with violence directly. @mishtal @metpoliceuk
He has threatened “rough justice” against people he doesn’t agree with politically. Anything? @metpoliceuk
The event with Latifa Abouchakra who was giddy with excitement on October 7 is still going ahead in Brighton. I wonder if the new venue @EastStreetTap is aware of her disgusting view that the murder of my husband’s relative and 1200 others was a “moment of triumph”.
Look at the shine in her eyes as she gushes about the Hamas attacks. Does @EastStreetTap agree with this?
I am not feeling the “positive energy” towards the Jewish community @EastStreetTap. There’s nothing inclusive about welcoming Latifa Abouchakra into your venue. It will harm the community and inflame division.
Looks innocent right? Just embroidery. It’s even hosted in the main library in Brighton. A veneer of legitimacy. The map is a clue. Seems the woman behind it has posted a Hamas video, said “Zionists killed the Jews in Germany” and talked about the “lie of the Holocaust”. Grim. /1
“The lie of the Holocaust, which was created by Zionism.” The lies dripping from every pore of this post are exactly how antizionism is antisemitism. Distorting the Holocaust beyond reality to blame the survivors of that horror for it is despicable. /2
Another reveal of the antisemitism at the base of this person’s antizionism is this accusation that “Zionist governments” killed Jesus. That would be the Roman rulers but she’s clearly talking about Jews. /3
The pro-Pal squatters from @Columbia today calling for the release of the “Holy Land Foundation 5” prisoners. These were men who filtered $12 million to Hamas from the US. These idiotic kids are literal terrorist supporters.
Gen Z terrorist fangirls thirsting after medieval misogynists. Hamas wannabes with delusions of theocratic Rambo. If they weren’t so deeply sinister I would laugh.
The Holy Land Foundation funnelled millions to a bunch of homophobic and misogynist psychopaths. No they will not be freeing them.…
I cannot think of another time when a British politician would try to get elected in Britain using the colours of the flag of another would-be nation. This is INSANE.
I get that some people are passionate about the Israel Gaza war but the vast majority of British ppl are focused on the cost of living crisis, the NHS etc. None of which are getting proper discussion because of an obsessed but loud minority.