I’ve mentioned before I spent 6 mths tearing my hair out trying to convince my vulnerable elderly parents to mask, “but no one else does”
Providing masks, modelling, explaining, lecturing, challenging, pointless … til it wasn’t
They’re the only ones masked at church now
The other day my young adult, at risk youngest daughter sighed as she put on a mask to attend a crowded outdoor market with me.
“I hate wearing a mask outside, but I’ve been making good choices for so long, it’d be stupid to stop & get infected today”
People reach out & say I was ready to give up, thanks 4 posting that infographic/quote, it helped me keep going
You never know who printed that info out & shared it, you know which person saw you masked in a healthcare setting & thought if they can do it, maybe I can too
A friend is building the single biggest piece of advocacy I can think of from the ground up from sheer force of will
She has set her sights on changing the world and her determination is breathtaking. She is a magnificent force of nature & makes me want to try harder
Good doctors are arguing with indifferent doctors, showing up despite mind bending cognitive dissonance, heartbreak and moral injury
If they can keep going on the frontlines, while I advocate from the privileged safety of home, the least I can do is stand with them steadfast
I keep going for those who can’t. Our numbers are decimated by the impacts of infection.
Watching passionate activist friends fall by the wayside is nothing short of devastating, but now I have no choice but to carry them in every single action I take
When we meet with crossbencher & they’re gobsmacked at “how reasonable” what we’re asking 4 is
Then watch in real time as their mind blown, equilibrium lost with real cost of inaction & know it’s the v 1st steps of a journey of an ally
& you do this half a dozen times, building
A warrior senator with integrity hears heartbreaking testimony from a friend in a zoom and is moved to fight the bureaucrats and CMO on the public record on the side of decency
and you see a glimmer of what could be in the long run
if you keep running
I believe this will turn. My goal is to help turn the ship sooner not later
The more voices, more advocacy, more information, more pressure
the sooner we change direction away from destruction
It’s possible that what we do changes things quicker & prevents more damage.
Keep fighting so we can look the next generation in the eye & say we never stopped trying to protect you
They alone would be enough to keep me going
I keep going 4 my youngest daughter who is at risk & trying to protect herself in a world that doesn’t care how vulnerable she is
I keep going to protect the little time my elderly mother has left
I keep going for respect for every amazing member of CAC & this community
I keep going for my other family members who are not strong enough to look at this head on because I am strong enough for all of them
They want us to give up, they want us to feel so defeated that we stop trying and let them continue to make decisions that damage and kill, unanswered, unopposed, til everyone is too impacted to oppose anything.
We stand in the way of total capitulation
They want no control group to prove our point. They want everyone impacted so they can say it was inevitable, nothing they could have done differently
It’s an act of defiance to refuse to capitulate, to show road less travelled, road well protected, road less indifferent
It feels like building a wall one tiny pebble at a time.
It is a gesture of faith.
It is a gesture of defiance.
It is a gesture of resilience.
It is a gesture of the value of life.
It not now, when?
If not me, who?
If not this, what else possibly matters?
The stakes are so impossibly high, the outcomes so profound, how can I choose anything but to keep putting one foot in front of the other?
There’s no choice, I cannot be a bystander. I cannot unknow what I know.
I will fight until I physically can no longer fight.
I will go down fighting.
I will be inconvenient.
I will be relentless.
I will hold and nurse my anger and I will bear witness to everything.
I will keep receipts.
If there’s an opportunity to hold to account in the future, I will be there with my evidence and my fury
Yes it’s exhausting and frustrating and we can’t see if our drops are extinguishing the edges of a fire, our pebbles are holding together. We go forward with faith, we go forward with humanity, we go forward with resistance
We have no reason to know we make it out unscathed
We stay on the path that gives us best chance of surviving- which includes fighting 4 better policy
We do this knowing odds are against us, but strong enough to absorb that truth & keep going
We’re in a war, not with cvd, but with those who accept death & damage 4 self-interest
The optimists will fall, the realists can prevail with heavy hearts & eyes wide open
We can be the living embodiment of that which you refuse to allow to kill you, makes you stronger.
We can continue even though we don’t know the end of the story.
The only way we influence the end of the story is to remain active protagonists
Don’t look ahead, stay in this moment, what can you do today that will add another pebble to the wall of resistance?
It’s a marathon extending beyond the horizon
Take breaks, balance with simple joys, feed your soul in any way you can so that you can stay in the fight. You can experience joy in a little life, you can find happiness & meaning amidst the devastation
You can put down the load
“You must never confuse faith that you will prevail in end—which you can never afford to lose—with discipline to confront the most brutal facts of yr current reality, whatever they might be”
James Stockdale
Our challenge: accept reality, then never stop working to change it
Show the world what new, long term survival mechanisms and adaptations look like
Have faith, confront reality, hold hands and endure
Walk through the world holding our values and purpose and grit
And then get up tomorrow and do it again - with realistic faith
We have a goal and we have obstacles and we have each other
🧵staying safe at conference in time of “personal responsibility”
Friend’s partner required to attend conference (no online option) people flying in from all over Aus
We did brainstorming session of all layers of protection, tips, advice we could think of to keep them both safe
* get permission to take large hepa filters from home to set up in conf venue
* use portable hepa unit on lap/table in front of them
* wear well fitted, high quality respirator 100% of time
* eat meals outside without exception
* organise house to stay in rather than hotel
* avoid field trip involving bus
* take co2 monitor to be informed in real time of Indoor Air Quality & assess risk
* be on lookout 4 windows/doors that can be opened to ⬆️ ventilation
* update booster beforehand
* regular nasal spray/CPC mouthwash/lozenges to suck on throughout
🧵 14 questions for @Mark_Butler_MP ATAGI & CMO Kelly on XBB vaccine advice
1.Why are we out of step with & less protected than the rest of the world?
Are you deliberately infecting the vast majority of Australians this summer just to save money on an extra vaccine dose?
2.Are you so dazzled by the cost cutting excitement of free infection immunity that you can look past the terrible longterm health consequences of a repeated infections strategy?
3.Why did you base yr bold, reassuring assertion that older vaccine formulations continue to provide strong protection against severe disease on evidence that’s now >6 mths old?
Given how much variants have evolved in meantime, yr source is as out of date as the old vaccines
🧵 transcribed excerpts from exceptional democracy sausage podcast with @markgkenny interviewing @CrabbBrendan & the “adroit analyst of politics and policy” herself @c_s_wallace
This podcast should be obligatory listening for @AlboMP@Mark_Butler_MP & all the Premiers & CHOs
PH abandoned
“Current public health policy is a steaming wreck”
🧵 transcribed excerpts from excellent interview on Long Covid with @domknight & @Mon4Kooyong (ABC Sydney) yesterday
Makes a significant difference to interview quality when a journalist is well informed about Covid/long Covid & not running a minimising, disinformation line 🙏
Defining long Covid
“The best way to prevent Long Covid is to prevent Covid”
🧵 2 weeks ago, Independent MP Dr Monique Ryan called on govt to urgently review dropping of masks in healthcare in a powerful statement to parliament
This is what she said:
“The Australian Charter of Healthcare gives all Australians the right to safe, high quality healthcare
Our Nat Cab promised to protect the vulnerable from the COVID-19 pandemic. This promise has not been kept
Yesterday Sue Jennings, a constituent from Kooyong & co-founder with Amy Lewis of Cleaner Air Aus, contacted me to express her concern about removal of masks from healthcare
There are no longer any legal requirements for healthcare workers to wear protective masks. All pandemic orders have now expired
Chronically ill, disabled and elderly Australians can avoid restaurants, shops and travel to protect themselves from Covid, but