Sue J Profile picture
Our challenge: accept reality, then never stop working to change it
Jenny Richardson Profile picture 1 subscribed
Jul 15 8 tweets 3 min read
Quote 🧵

It’s not just random luck that the Australian Olympic team athletes are protecting their health & Olympic performance with high quality respirators

It’s an evidence based, well planned strategy devised by Dr Carolyn Broderick, medical director of Aus Olympic team In Olympics Today podcast with @shanemcinnes
Dr Broderick gave insight into planned layered protections to keep Aus team safer in Paris

inc masks, social distancing, outdoor meetings/gatherings, handwashing, early testing/identification & isolating of infectious individuals There are a number of scenarios that we're definitely well prepared for. And we've put strategies in place to allow us to give the athletes a platform to perform." We know that if you get ill or have an injury, it can definitely impact performance. So we're trying to minimise the risk of these scenarios as much as we can, and control the things that we can control." We're aiming, obviously for prevention. What we learned out of Tokyo, one of the good things that came out of the pandemic is that simple techniques work well in terms of preventing illness. We had a 90% reduction in p...
Jun 20 13 tweets 9 min read
🧵 The Cleaner Air Champion Award results are in!

The Cvd conscious community nominated 111 of the most inspiring individuals & groups 💛

@CleanerAirAU members voted

And here are our inaugural Cleaner Air Champions, runners up & honourable mentions in 10 different categories Image Category 1: PH communications

Winner: Burnet Institute/Prof Brendan Crabb/Ass Prof Suman Majumdar

Runner-up: Dr Andrew Miller

HMs: Dr Noor Bari, Dr David Berger, the John Snow Project

Jun 15 5 tweets 2 min read
🧵a man of principle

Day 1 husband had huge unmitigated exposure (all day, small room) to v unwell, coughing colleague just off plane from Europe last Tues

Came home, isolated immediately & made plans to isolate down the beach away from at risk family Match stands aside from circle to stop catching alight and igniting the next match Day 3 coughing colleague tests positive, husband negative with runny nose, working from home at beach

Day 5 husband full flu symptoms and tests positive, entire family avoided exposure with precautionary protocol 😅
Apr 13 18 tweets 4 min read

Dear @TheRealPBarry & @RonniSalt

I have a story 4 you

a media story

a science story

a story about data & death, integrity & carelessness

a story with an epidemiological modelling expert who tries to warn everyone but is ignored

& an actuarial hero who saves the day The story starts with an organisation called the Aust Science Media Centre, which provides journalists with science news, complete with its own expert quotes

AMSC put out a release yesterday with news of a sig pandemic milestone: there were no Covid deaths in Aus in past week.
Apr 9 20 tweets 7 min read
A quote🧵to break any parent’s heart 💔

Imagine the suffering of a 13 yo, 8 yo, 4 yo 😳 with LC

Imagine added suffering caused by society/health sys that refuses to accept their inconvenient existence

Quotes from study on LC kids & parents’ experiences, QR code link on tiles Image A child who is suffering something that doesn’t neatly fit in existing boxes isn’t “difficult”

their condition is difficult and doctors need to rise to the challenge of addressing it

stop blaming the patient Image
Mar 29 17 tweets 4 min read
TL/DR Excerpt🧵

I can’t find @WHO or @DrTedros or @mvankerkhove posts re WHO’s significant new publication

“Indoor airborne risk assessment in context of SARS-CoV-2: description of airborne transmission mechanism & method to develop new standardised model for risk assessment” Image Foreword

“This manual leverages longstanding & new evidence based on expertise of scientists from wide variety of disciplines. It provides new, standardized & validated model for quantifying the risk of airborne transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in indoor settings”
Mar 16 59 tweets 18 min read
@TheRealPBarry Paul, have you seen the countless experts both local & international who’ve discredited this?

Here’s an official response from Prof Jeremy Nicholson

@TheRealPBarry From @PutrinoLab

Mar 15 7 tweets 3 min read
Did you know Science Media Centre provided expert reactions - inc Prof Jeremy Nicholson - to THAT study

with invitation to media to “feel free to use these quotes in yr stories”

It’s a crime that media failed to give equal time & weight to Prof Nicholson’s intelligent analysis "COVID-19 is a complex respiratory and systemic disease with multi-organ involvement producing a range of severities and secondary complications. A significant number of COVID-19 patients transition to a long-term or persistent form of the disease even after the active virus has departed from the body. This condition has been colloquially termed Long COVID. As the authors of the new paper state, this is a post- viral syndrome of the sort that has long been recognised for other viral infections including influenza. The question is 'is long COVID unique, worthy of its own name, or is it ... Professor Nicholson points out the study is merely observational

with no physiological or detailed functional follow-up data

and a lack of lab assessment of patients The new study reports a year follow-up on 5112 symptomatic adult COVID-19 patients (omicron sub- variant of the SARS CoV-2) and 995 post influenza patients from Queensland Australia. The study indicates that 3-4% of people have significant symptoms a year after either COVID-19 or influenza, hence the authors argue that they are effectively the same. Unfortunately, this question cannot be simply answered in this work. The study is observational, based on reported symptoms with no physiological or detailed functional follow-up data. Without laboratory pathophysiological assessment of individu...
Mar 7 6 tweets 2 min read
🧵Letter writing campaign ✍️ part 1

Can’t overstate importance of writing to local MP asking to advocate on yr behalf & show govt what’s important to voters

In the next post is a link to a template letter re @ColinKinner & @CovidSafetyEd’s excellent schools online course In the doc is

1stly letter template 4 yr local MP &

2ndly letter template for your state education minister/federal education minister Jason Clare

At the end of the doc there’s a list of email addresses/contact form links 4 each education minister…
Feb 29 8 tweets 2 min read
🧵 so I wrote to @Mark_Butler_MP about Novavax

Here’s what I said:

Dear Min Butler

When will we get access to Novavax XBB?

I & my youngest daughter have serious underlying conditions & are both v much at risk 4 both severe acute Cvd infection phase & chronic disability of LC We’ve always stayed up to date with boosters, are both eligible now & our protection from our previous 2023 booster is now well & truly waned.

Additionally I‘ve never been infected with cvd, thanks to layers of protection such as masking in public indoor spaces and having
Jan 21 7 tweets 3 min read

Again impressed with @Hayley_Gleeson’s journalism today, excellent writer who clearly communicates complicated issues

Always impressed with experts of calibre of @CrabbBrendan @RobynSchofield3 @StuartTurville

Distilled advice into infographic tiles for easy sharing Image I am a big fan of the same outdoor riverside cafe that Robyn mentioned in the article - it is possible to socialise safely.

I am also shameless in opening windows & propping doors open anywhere I go 😊 Image
Dec 19, 2023 25 tweets 5 min read
Long 🧵realistic faith

I’ll never believe it’s useless

We may never see some small outcomes of our advocacy, the strangers we influence or better inform

If all my efforts turned out to convince one person to protect themselves & their health it’d be worth it I’ve mentioned before I spent 6 mths tearing my hair out trying to convince my vulnerable elderly parents to mask, “but no one else does”

Providing masks, modelling, explaining, lecturing, challenging, pointless … til it wasn’t

They’re the only ones masked at church now
Nov 20, 2023 11 tweets 2 min read
🧵staying safe at conference in time of “personal responsibility”

Friend’s partner required to attend conference (no online option) people flying in from all over Aus

We did brainstorming session of all layers of protection, tips, advice we could think of to keep them both safe Tips:

* get permission to take large hepa filters from home to set up in conf venue
* use portable hepa unit on lap/table in front of them
* wear well fitted, high quality respirator 100% of time
* eat meals outside without exception
* organise house to stay in rather than hotel
Nov 20, 2023 15 tweets 3 min read
🧵 14 questions for @Mark_Butler_MP ATAGI & CMO Kelly on XBB vaccine advice

1.Why are we out of step with & less protected than the rest of the world?

Are you deliberately infecting the vast majority of Australians this summer just to save money on an extra vaccine dose? 2.Are you so dazzled by the cost cutting excitement of free infection immunity that you can look past the terrible longterm health consequences of a repeated infections strategy?
Jun 5, 2023 35 tweets 12 min read
🧵 transcribed excerpts from exceptional democracy sausage podcast with @markgkenny interviewing @CrabbBrendan & the “adroit analyst of politics and policy” herself @c_s_wallace

This podcast should be obligatory listening for @AlboMP @Mark_Butler_MP & all the Premiers & CHOs Image PH abandoned Image
Jun 4, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Infographic 🧵

Inspired by @NjbBari3’s observation that masks may be more palatable now b/c it may be “acceptable to have a seasonally appropriate accessory”

Pls share pragmatic advice with friends, fam members, colleagues who may be considering returning to masking this winter Image 😷 just part of your winter wardrobe Image
May 30, 2023 10 tweets 4 min read
🧵 transcribed excerpts from excellent interview on Long Covid with @domknight & @Mon4Kooyong (ABC Sydney) yesterday

Makes a significant difference to interview quality when a journalist is well informed about Covid/long Covid & not running a minimising, disinformation line 🙏 Image Defining long Covid Image
Apr 13, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
🧵 2 weeks ago, Independent MP Dr Monique Ryan called on govt to urgently review dropping of masks in healthcare in a powerful statement to parliament

This is what she said:

“The Australian Charter of Healthcare gives all Australians the right to safe, high quality healthcare Our Nat Cab promised to protect the vulnerable from the COVID-19 pandemic. This promise has not been kept

Yesterday Sue Jennings, a constituent from Kooyong & co-founder with Amy Lewis of Cleaner Air Aus, contacted me to express her concern about removal of masks from healthcare
Apr 11, 2023 12 tweets 2 min read
🧵 8 reasons why WHO disagrees with CMO Kelly’s ludicrous maths (in its own words)

Kelly claims Aus has achieved 99.6% hybrid immunity (stack of posts already disproving this in a myriad of ways)

WHO’s published advice on immunity shows this is incorrect in 8 different ways 1. too many individual factors

“immune protection may differ by vaccine, time since vaccination/infection, variants & host-specific factors eg age & comorbidities”

Hybrid immunity can’t be a population level concept because we are all different & impacted by different factors
Apr 11, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
🧵 Hybrid immunity: an elastic, moving target🤔

A friend asked me about the conveniently malleable definition of hybrid immunity- could I find a source to show it changed?

Yes I could- I found CMO Kelly used the traditional WHO definition right up to a couple of months ago 🤨 Nov 22

CMO Paul Kelly said

“Australians' “hybrid immunity" — immunity gained from BOTH vaccinations AND previous infections — will keep MANY protected from severe disease”

Note: individual concept (many not all) & “BOTH” & “AND”…
Apr 10, 2023 12 tweets 2 min read
🧵 Did I just find a huge flaw in both the recent TSP article and CMO Kelly/dept of Health’s “facts”? 😳

Let’s pretend to be journalists (b/c they’re not doing their job anymore) & look at hybrid immunity

(Put aside for a second the value or lack thereof in hybrid immunity) WHO definition of hybrid immunity:

“Hybrid immunity is defined as the immune protection in INDIVIDUALS who have had one or more doses of a Covid-19 vaccine AND experienced at least one SARS-CoV-2 infection before or after vaccination”