In this NIH autopsy study, 10 out 11 brains 🧠had SARS-CoV-2 viral RNA. This was then cultured in a BL3 lab, and the virus was shown to be replication competent. Listen to Daniel Chertow MD explain👇📺
Clip from - SARS-CoV-2 Infection and Persistence throughout the Human Body and Brain
The sequencing of SARS-CoV-2 from the both lung samples doesn’t match the sequence found in the brain.🧠 This suggests viral replication and viral evolution. Listen to Daniel Chertow MD discuss 👇🧵
Does SARS-CoV-2 replicate and evolve in the body?
Right and left lung genetic sequences match at autopsy, but the sequence changed on the way to the hypothalamus and thalamus. Suggesting evolution and replication in the human body. 2/
Clip from SARS-CoV-2 Infection and Persistence throughout the Human Body and Brain 3/
Here are the slides from yesterday's NYT that I think more people need to see. They are from the blood of a Long Hauler showing that this disease is organic. 🧶🧵1/7
"Research has shown that the blood of healthy patients, when dyed with these fluorescent stains that target activated blood cells, ought to appear as a much quieter, mostly black screen." 2/7
"But the miages that Dr. VanElzakker and his team at Harvard captured of my blood show, in vivid color, activated platelets and neutrophils when they should be dormant." 3/7
Diane Griffin PhD - Leading expert on RNA persistence
“We know once you are infected with DNA viruses like herpes, you are infected forever. Less is known about RNA viruses, like SARS-CoV-2, and how we recover from them." 1/6
RNA persistence -
‘It was surprising to find this, we like everyone else believed that you get acute disease, you get sick, you live or you die. Once you recover that’s it for these types of viruses.” 2/6
“We discovered this wasn’t the case with Alphaviruses. They mainly infect neurons, and we became interested in how you recover from this without killing the neuron, making everything worse.” 3/6
On Tuberculosis -
“When a diseased person spits, coughs, sneezes or even talks, a cloud of saliva droplets fills the air. In each droplet are thousands of bacteria, coming along for the ride. 1/8
Even when a neighbor inhales this emission, the odds of the bacteria causing infection are fairly low. The relative bulk of the clouds of droplets means that most get stuck in nasal mucus or the higher respiratory tract, never making their way to the soft spot of the lungs. 2/8
But some of these droplets linger in the air, and the air evaporates the saliva. The residue, known as droplet nuclei, can continue to float in the air, ready to be drawn by some newcomer’s inhalation and small enough to be sucked deeply into the lungs. 3/8
Patient 42 had mild cov*d, recovered and died 230 days later of unrelated causes. Their autopsy showed that they had viral RNA in 10 areas of their brain. #ViralPersistence
Patient #36 was a 6 year old child that died of a seizure disorder, but was covid positive upon hospitalization. She probably died of seizure complications unrelated to viral infection. She had viral RNA in her eyes, intestines, ovaries, CNS, heart, kidney, lungs, and thyroid.
Where is the reservoir?
‘We found persistent viral RNA across many cells and tissues far across time, months post illness onset, both in immune privileged sites and not immune privileged sites. We are in uncharted territory.’ - Chertow