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Collection of papers, videos and images on #LongCovid
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Jun 18 5 tweets 2 min read
OECD working paper. #LongCovid prevalence is likely high across most OECD countries. 10-30% of infections, with a minimum of 39 million people who had or are currently living with #LongCovid. 🧵1/5 Chart of Long Covid rates across OECD nations representing a min of 10% to a max of 30% Costs of #LongCovid could be as high as 1.04 trillion dollars across OECD countries. In Japan, researchers identified that the productivity loss due to Covid and Long Covid was equal to $1424 per patient, compared to $606 for influenza like illness. 2/ The costs of long covid could be as high as $864 billion to $1.04 trillion USD across OECD countries
Jun 14 15 tweets 3 min read
"Yes, Everyone Really Is Sick a Lot More Often After Covid" It's not your imagination: Around the world, people really are getting sick more often than before the pandemic. From Bloomberg🧵1/15
Diseases Surge world wide post covid "At least 13 communicable diseases, from the common cold to measles and tuberculosis, are surging past their pre-pandemic levels in many regions, and often by significant margins." 2/
May 30 13 tweets 2 min read
A lookback thread on the Princess Diamond Cruise that was docked in Yokohama, Japan in Feb of 2020. Of the 3,711 people on board, 712 became infected with the virus – 567 of 2,666 passengers, and 145 of 1,045 crew, 14 deceased or 2% CFR🧵1/13 An 80-year-old passenger from Hong Kong, China, developed a cough on January 19th. He left the cruise when the ship reached Hong Kong on 25 January. 2/
Apr 23 5 tweets 2 min read
WTH, we have known that it's live virus for over three years. Zeynep needs to stop talking to Marc Veldhoen. There's literally a new paper showing viral persistence every week. Does she live under a rock? 🧵 Image In this NIH autopsy study, 10 out 11 brains 🧠had SARS-CoV-2 viral RNA. This was then cultured in a BSL3 lab, and the virus was shown to be replication competent. Daniel Chertow MD explains 📺2/
Apr 17 7 tweets 2 min read
The denial of viral persistence, the Marc Veldheon edition. Viral persistence only happens in the immunocompromised. 🧵1/7 Image Any RNA found is just 'debris' that has yet to be cleared. 2/ Image
Apr 13 5 tweets 2 min read
I lived in East Asia from 2020-2022. Images like this were everywhere, and they made masking common place there. I think I benefited greatly from this, because it has made it easier to continue masking even when I'm the only one. Photo from Thailand, Jan 2022. 🧵😷 Photo of an Asian masked news caster All over Asia you could buy a high quality mask, like a KF94, at a corner convenience store like 7/11. Most were around $1 USD. In Thailand, antigen tests were readily available for less than $1. 2/ Photo of a man in a KF94 in front of a 7/11 convenience store, with several types of masks for sale.
Feb 1 8 tweets 3 min read
In case you missed these slides from the NYT article "1,374 DAYS" by Giorgia Lupi, showing that Long Covid is an organic disease.🧶📷1/7 Various symtoms of people with Long Covid. Brain fog, headaches, chills, sore throat, joint pain, burning etc "Research has shown that the blood of healthy patients, when dyed with these fluorescent stains that target activated blood cells, ought to appear as a much quieter, mostly black screen." 2/7 Image
Dec 27, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Is the gut a reservoir for SARS-CoV-2❓ Viral RNA was found 4 months after infection. The lining of the gut turns quickly so if you are finding viral debris many months after infection, it’s coming from somewhere, possibly a reservoir. Here, Christian Gaebler MD explains 📺🧵 B cell memory continues to evolve 6 months after infection, hinting at viral persistence. This paper hit the preprint server Nov 2020.👇
“Evolution of antibody immunity to SARS-CoV-2”…
Dec 25, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Where is the reservoir? Is this similar to Ebola where the virus hides in immune privileged sites? What is failing in the immune response to prevent full clearance of viral RNA. Thoughts from Daniel Chertow MD💡📺🧵 Clip from - SARS-CoV-2 Infection and Persistence throughout the Human Body and Brain 2/
Dec 24, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
The sequencing of SARS-CoV-2 from the both lung samples doesn’t match the sequence found in the brain.🧠 This suggests viral replication and viral evolution. Listen to Daniel Chertow MD discuss 👇🧵 Does SARS-CoV-2 replicate and evolve in the body?

Right and left lung genetic sequences match at autopsy, but the sequence changed on the way to the hypothalamus and thalamus. Suggesting evolution and replication in the human body. 2/ Image
Dec 15, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
Here are the slides from yesterday's NYT that I think more people need to see. They are from the blood of a Long Hauler showing that this disease is organic. 🧶🧵1/7 Various symtoms of people with Long Covid. Brain fog, headaches, chills, sore throat, joint pain, burning etc "Research has shown that the blood of healthy patients, when dyed with these fluorescent stains that target activated blood cells, ought to appear as a much quieter, mostly black screen." 2/7 Image
Nov 26, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Diane Griffin PhD - Leading expert on RNA persistence

“We know once you are infected with DNA viruses like herpes, you are infected forever. Less is known about RNA viruses, like SARS-CoV-2, and how we recover from them." 1/6 List of RNA virus families From RNA persistence -
‘It was surprising to find this, we like everyone else believed that you get acute disease, you get sick, you live or you die. Once you recover that’s it for these types of viruses.” 2/6
Oct 7, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
On Tuberculosis -
“When a diseased person spits, coughs, sneezes or even talks, a cloud of saliva droplets fills the air. In each droplet are thousands of bacteria, coming along for the ride. 1/8 Even when a neighbor inhales this emission, the odds of the bacteria causing infection are fairly low. The relative bulk of the clouds of droplets means that most get stuck in nasal mucus or the higher respiratory tract, never making their way to the soft spot of the lungs. 2/8
Sep 6, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Patient 42 had mild cov*d, recovered and died 230 days later of unrelated causes. Their autopsy showed that they had viral RNA in 10 areas of their brain. #ViralPersistence… Patient #36 was a 6 year old child that died of a seizure disorder, but was covid positive upon hospitalization. She probably died of seizure complications unrelated to viral infection. She had viral RNA in her eyes, intestines, ovaries, CNS, heart, kidney, lungs, and thyroid.