Confirmation that Rudy was working as a CHS for FBI & DOJ when approaching Ukrainians & Russian spies behind them.
FBI & DOJ used news articles about Rudy's activity in the warrant to collect the #receipts Rudy gathered. Didn't mention his CHS interviews!…
As I have been pointing out for several years, Rudy was a witness not a target of that investigation.
The FBI refused to provide Rudy's 302s (if they were 302s) with NY SAC William Sweeney.
Likely because sharing Rudy's status as a CHS would complicate the effort to have the NY FBI affiant sig the warrant affidavit. If the agent doesn't know Rudy's a CHS, he can't tell the court.
Remember at this time, FBI & DOJ are still hunting for a suspected Russian mole in the NY FBI office. I bet they didn't want that mole to learn that Rudy was catching his Russian employers.
While Emptywheel tries to blame this on Barr his team.
She can't understand why AG Merrick Garland's DOJ wouldn't want the NY office to have the evidence of Rudy's cooperation with the FBI & DOJ.
It's because cooperation doesn't belong in parenthesis.
The people on the left & the right both believed that FBI & DOJ were out to get Rudy.
When DOJ told us 2 1/2 years ago that Rudy wasn't a target of the investigation. He had collected the evidence that needed attorney client privilege review by a court appointed special master.
Rudy's cooperation with FBI & DOJ against Parnas & others was revealed in May of 2021 in court filings in the special master appointment case.
Of course the court appointed a former judge who as a prosecutor worked with Rudy & Trump to put mobsters away.
It is great to see people on the eve of 2024 catching up to what I found in May of 2021. Now if only they would believe what they read without applying a fake news filter to it first!
Johnny Doc, convicted on 60+ charges in racketeering trial!
Union leader whose brother helped steal 9 seats in Congress from the GOP. Let's see if they can get his brother (who received $ from these crimes) off the PA Supreme Court.
This is the 2nd of 3 trials for John Dougherty.
The first in 2021 resulted in his conviction for bribing a Philadelphia Councilman.
The 3rd trial is for extortion.
After decades of crimes, it all fell apart as the Swamp in Philly started draining!…
Engineering Major League Baseball signings, shaking down childrens' hospitals, rigging elections, .
But the Philly Democratic Party Machine just whines that they will lose the corrupt people who get rich making corrupt things happen.
One of Glencore's main competitors in the commodities trading business has been indicted in Switzerland!
Commodity traders have been the middlemen in global corruption for half a century.
This Angola case connects all the big Swamp players!
The corruption in Angola connects to Swamps in not jsut the US but the EU, Russia, former Soviet Republics, & Swamp creatures across the range of political parties.
Here's a quick recap on my questions about Trump's security clearance for nuclear weapons work.
Presidents do not get security clearances. Which means before he was POTUS, he was working for the US govt in a capacity where he had a need to know information about nuclear weapons.
Why would Donald Trump, a civilian real estate investor, have a need to know about nuclear weapons?
Because his real estate deals in the former Soviet Republics were a cover story for CIA & FBI investigations to identify nuclear weapons smuggling operations to America's enemies.
This is a bit of a trick question because there are varying levels of evidence.
For DJT we have hard evidence he started working for FBI by 1981, with less conclusive evidence of work for the FBI & CIA in the 70s.
The nuclear weapons case I will discuss started between 1999-2002.
Trump caught them all!
Since at least 1977, the FBI has surrounded their #1 asset Donald J. Trump with FBI informants to serve as a buffer between Trump & the criminals that he was catching.
The Swamp is warning everyone who tried to frame or corrupt Trump that they are on tape!
If you are unaware that Donald Trump has been an undercover FBI asset for his entire adult life, I'm not sure how that happened.
Someone in the Clinton Admin first released this memo to media to warn their Russian friends about it almost 25 years ago.…
DOJ Freedom of Information experts testified under oath that this document was illegally released by the Clinton Admin's FBI (if FBI released it) because it identified an FBI source.
I've highlighted who it named if it's not clear enough who the FBI assets are...
It looks like the Senator Menendez investigation is getting closer to one of the Clintons' largest corruption issues. But as the fake news doesn't cover their real corruption issues, most won't be able to connect the dots.
It comes down to one word: Boeing!
The superceding indictment is here:
Menendez used his position as Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee to get bribes from Egyptian agents to approve the sale of Boeing made Apache helicopters to Egypt.
Boeing then donated to his PAC to thank…
Menendez used his post as Chairman to place holds on military sales & foreign grants to pay them.
Menendez took hundreds of thousands of dollars in bribes & approved giving away $1B in taxpayer money to Egypt to pay the $1B to US defense contractors who gave him contributions.
How long until more people see that by charging all the people around Trump who tried to claim they were working for Trump they will now have to blame each other?
It's a circular firing squad as they all try to hid they conspired together to get Trump without admitting it.
Lin Wood was never on Trump's side, so he couldn't 'flip' against him. Just his coconspirators in the coup against Trump.