Usually, people ask for the best doctor when they have health problems. But when it comes to knowledge the same people rely on a bunch of YouTubers with little to no expertise.
The truth is these people don't care about knowledge just as much as they care about their health.
As Pakistanis, we should think about this carefully. Why do we have a track record of turning any molehill - literally any random person- into a mountain.
This is frankly embarrassing.
A journalist abusing history & philosophy, a physicist butchering every single topic under the sun, random podcasters inviting non-experts to talk about sophisticated topics (bulldozing them as they go), a public speaker who wants an overhaul of entire Sunni legal tradition.
Enlightenment wasn't about some individuals who just woke and thought of democracy and constitutional govt out of nowhere. This book argues that it was part of centuries of psychological/cultural evolution that led to this.
But there's a huge bindsopt here.
Enlightenment was the time when NW Europe started studying & adopting foreign models of government, sciences & economics.
Chinese forms of govt (Leibnitz)
Islamic Sci. were translated and studied in the universities of Europe.
Indigenous American inspiration: freedom and equality
About a month ago, I was reading these two books together and found that on the topic of hunter-gatherers and the evolution of human societies, these books were arguing for two different points of view about human history.
Point of contention:
Henrich argues that modern states emerged from chiefdoms, and chiefdoms are based on kinship ties, and that human societies evolved from hunter-gatherers to agriculture societies and later on to empires. This is commonly accepted in anthropology.
Graeber & Wengrow intervene:
Based on their research on hunter-gatherers of the past 25,000 - 15,000 years (before and during Ice Age), hunter gatherers did not transition from hunters to agriculture or farming societies.
Europe, as a geographical category, simply replaced Latin Christendom in the 18th and 19th centuries, which was coupled with the decline of the Catholic Church and the emergence of the modern states in W. Europe. Rousseau & others were the thinkers to advocate for a united Europe
"Europe is a relatively new idea. It gradually replaced the concept of 'Christendom'... from 14 to the 18th century."
Public speakers in 🇵🇰 are generally ignorant about history, philosophy, or any complex subject.
Here, @SyedMuzammilOFL on @Mooroo4 podcast just butchers history as he goes.
This is the reason I'm teaching a free beginner-level course on global history based on good academic 📚.
The absurd ideas that "Greeks" (idk what was he referring to? Sparta, Athens, or Macedonia?) developed "critical thinking" because geographically they are open, and that Afghanistan is conservative because it is geographically landlocked is total garbage.
1. The geographical category of "Afghanistan" is a little more than 100 years old.
2. The region we call Afghanistan today has occupied the centre stage of the world for 3,000 years.
The recent & sudden reactionary struggle of Pakistani Muslims against Western ideologies is partly caused due to decades of carelessness of ulama who did not pay attention to the formulation of a rigorous intellectual Islamic education that can deal with secularism, liberalism, +
ultranationalism, etc. By failing to develop a thorough and systematic Islamic education that can deal with such ideologies, the ulama widened the gap between themselves and the general public. The latter was left at the mercy of a dogmatic, amoral, quasi-religious education, +
which did not (and still does not) inculcate Islamic ethics and the Islamic spirit within the individual.
Our education creates literal zombies whose only concern is career and money. The students are not aware of anything regarding our history, nor do they care for our future.