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21 - history // theology // mathematics
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Feb 3 11 tweets 5 min read
Aligarh was not pro-British except for Sir Syed. It produced some of the most vocal anti-colonial figures. The Muslim League leadership were grads of Aligarh.

The Deoband became politically active in the 1920s during the Khilafat movement, which was led mostly by modernists.


Kalam and Iqbal are also modernists in their theological and political orientations.

Figures like Mahmud Hasan & Ahmed Madani of Deoband were active in the Khilafat movement & had good relationships with modernists like Azad, Shaukat Ali Muhammad Ali and even Hindu figures.

Jan 29 48 tweets 14 min read
I always respond to counter-arguments when they are backed up by academic references. That's why I have decided to respond to this brother because he made a strong case. Let's begin. Bismillah.

Image "Rulers, Religion, and Riches: Why the West Got Rich and the Middle East Did Not" by Jared Ruben: A Critique

[Rubin is an Associate Professor of Economics]

Dec 30, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Usually, people ask for the best doctor when they have health problems. But when it comes to knowledge the same people rely on a bunch of YouTubers with little to no expertise.

The truth is these people don't care about knowledge just as much as they care about their health. As Pakistanis, we should think about this carefully. Why do we have a track record of turning any molehill - literally any random person- into a mountain.

This is frankly embarrassing.
Dec 30, 2023 19 tweets 5 min read
Here are some of the best books that I read in 2023. 📚

🧵 Wael Hallaq, The Impossible State Image
Dec 28, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Enlightenment wasn't about some individuals who just woke and thought of democracy and constitutional govt out of nowhere. This book argues that it was part of centuries of psychological/cultural evolution that led to this.

But there's a huge bindsopt here.

1/ Image Enlightenment was the time when NW Europe started studying & adopting foreign models of government, sciences & economics.
Chinese forms of govt (Leibnitz)
Islamic Sci. were translated and studied in the universities of Europe.
Indigenous American inspiration: freedom and equality
Dec 23, 2023 12 tweets 4 min read
About a month ago, I was reading these two books together and found that on the topic of hunter-gatherers and the evolution of human societies, these books were arguing for two different points of view about human history.

Point of contention:

Henrich argues that modern states emerged from chiefdoms, and chiefdoms are based on kinship ties, and that human societies evolved from hunter-gatherers to agriculture societies and later on to empires. This is commonly accepted in anthropology.Image
Dec 23, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
Equality is a modern concept. The notion that all human beings regardless of the differences in their culture, tradition, religion, ethnicity, or socioeconomic factors be considered or treated the same is modern.
The right "ordering of things," to borrow a quote from Foucault,
would be to treat humans differently based on their needs. But this will be nearly impossible for any unitary modern state to cater to the different societies.

Dec 22, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
Jews under the Crescent:
- Jews enjoyed greater security in the Arab lands than Christian
- Jews had their own courts bet din and were welcomed in Muslim courts as well
- Jews "shed Aramic for Arabic" and adopted the culture of Arabs
- Jews studied philosophy & medicine with Muslims in a neutral settingImage "In economic life—especially during the first six centuries of Islam, the period known as the Golden Age—Jews exhibited substantial occupation. There was nothing in Islamic economic history comparable to the feared Jewish merchant or the despised Jewish moneylender. From its outset, Islam was favorably disposed toward profit seeking. Compared to their coreligionists in Christendom, the Jews of Islam were well integrated into the economic life of society at large."Image
Dec 19, 2023 14 tweets 5 min read
On the Category of 'Europe'

A thread:🧵 Image Europe, as a geographical category, simply replaced Latin Christendom in the 18th and 19th centuries, which was coupled with the decline of the Catholic Church and the emergence of the modern states in W. Europe. Rousseau & others were the thinkers to advocate for a united Europe Image
Oct 28, 2023 10 tweets 4 min read
How Feminism is mobilized against the 3rd world:

"Violence against women (in the West) is blamed on individual criminality rather than cultural factors in the case of white males; for minority groups, it is linked to pathological cultures."

—Grewal, Outsourcing Patriarchy, p. 7 Image Crimes against women in brown and black cultures are blamed on cultures and traditions. But crimes in the western countries are not blamed on white cultures.

Is this because black and brown cultures are inherently violent and backwards? Image
Jul 12, 2023 12 tweets 4 min read
Public speakers in 🇵🇰 are generally ignorant about history, philosophy, or any complex subject.
Here, @SyedMuzammilOFL on @Mooroo4 podcast just butchers history as he goes.

This is the reason I'm teaching a free beginner-level course on global history based on good academic 📚. The absurd ideas that "Greeks" (idk what was he referring to? Sparta, Athens, or Macedonia?) developed "critical thinking" because geographically they are open, and that Afghanistan is conservative because it is geographically landlocked is total garbage.
Jul 7, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
The recent & sudden reactionary struggle of Pakistani Muslims against Western ideologies is partly caused due to decades of carelessness of ulama who did not pay attention to the formulation of a rigorous intellectual Islamic education that can deal with secularism, liberalism, + ultranationalism, etc. By failing to develop a thorough and systematic Islamic education that can deal with such ideologies, the ulama widened the gap between themselves and the general public. The latter was left at the mercy of a dogmatic, amoral, quasi-religious education, +
Jul 1, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
The problem with Islamic modernism is that it is just a reconstruction of Islam within the framework of Protestant Christianity.
The problem with this is that any time you subject one system to another alien system, you have to distort the former to fit within the latter system. So much so that the system loses its authenticity and its essence.

Also, contrary to popular belief, Islam got too enmeshed with modernity and adopted "too many of its trappings," as Dr Asad says, such that "Islam" as it was historically understood, lost its identity(ies).
Jun 29, 2023 19 tweets 5 min read
Secularity and Experience:🧵
Ref: Taylor, A Secular Age 📚

Secularity, as understood by Taylor, is of 3 kinds. In whatever sense or meaning secularity is defined here, it is in contrast to our past experience as human societies, where religion was of central importance. 1. In the first sense, it is in relation to the public sphere. In today's "secular age," religion has faded away from politics, economics, education, etc.
Jun 27, 2023 9 tweets 4 min read
Islam actually paved the way for scientific advancements. Here is one example of the relationship between Islam and astronomy.

Since Muslim ulema was critical of astrology due to its religious implication, it was always looked down upon. But this led to-
1/ scholars focusing on strict empirical observation and leaving behind the metaphysical and ideological baggage that a lot of people in pre-islamic times used to bring with the study of celestial bodies and stars.
Jun 27, 2023 33 tweets 9 min read
Update: 🧵

While al-Ghazālī still cannot be blamed for "establishing a thought police" in the Muslim world, for reasons I will mention below, it seems al-Ghazālī's fatwa against clandestine apostates (zanidaqa), and Muslims accused of kufr, was the ultimate stage of the legal... ...changes that were happening in Islam. It was also a major departure from the previous generations when such matters were considered to be doctrinal issues and not legal.
Jun 26, 2023 12 tweets 5 min read
What did the Muslim study in madrassa in the past?

Here is a list of 📚📚 of the Dars-e-Nizami madrassa in South Asia:

Principles of Jurisprudence-3
Mysticism-1 Let's take a look at the curricula of Persian madrassa of the 18th and 19th centuries:
Jun 26, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
[Original thread by Aria Nakissa]

Western Liberal countries use technology to create new rights and use them as a justification to maintain their dominance over the Muslim world.

In the near future, liberal countries will develop synthetic meat and then assert that eating regular meat is a violation of animal rights.
Or develop technologies that can allow a person to change sex and then assert that denying children access to them violates human rights.
Jun 25, 2023 89 tweets 17 min read
"Whose Justice? When Maturidi Meets MacIntyre" by @RamonIHarvey


1) Introduction
2) Tradition & Tradition-Constituted Enquiry
3) 6 stages of Development of Tradition
4) Truth and Rationality
5) Truth and Justification
6) Dialectical engagement b/w Traditions

7) Demonstrating Rational Superiority
8) Justice in Liberal Tradition
9) Justice in the Māturīdite Tradition
10) Conclusion
11) Questions

Jun 20, 2023 35 tweets 8 min read
Joker & The Modern dystopia: 🧵

For a long time, I have been interested in the mass psychology
of people living in the modern state.
I have written about that before and wanted to write a short thread on it here, again.

So here am I. Image Background:
The best way to convey an idea is obviously through representation, a story. I have read Kafka's "The Metamorphosis," and it does a profound job of vividly presenting the disenchanted, fragmented, and atomized life of the modern individual. Image
Jun 19, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
Thread 🧵: New books! 📚

—The Dawn of Everything, David Graeber ImageImageImageImage —David Stuttard, Parthenon: Power and Politics on the Acropolis ImageImageImageImage