To be an effeminate man is to be an evil man. All men have *some* effeminacy to root out. But how do you recognize it in yourself?
Look at masculine traits, then contrast.
Here are 33 proverbs:
1. The masculine man embraces responsibility. The effeminate man blames others.
2. The masculine man loves his wife. The effeminate man is jealous of his wife.
3. The masculine man does great work no matter how he feels. The effeminate man creates excuses.
4. The masculine man is disciplined. The effeminate man hopes to get lucky.
5. The masculine man is competitive. The effeminate man pretends he doesn't care.
6. The masculine man tells his children the truth. The effeminate man treats his children's feelings as more important than the truth.
7. The masculine man does not let his left hand know what his right hand is doing. The effeminate man parades his righteousness.
8. The masculine man understands masculine style. The effeminate man is pretty.
9. The masculine man asks, "How can I improve this situation?" The effeminate man asks, "What about meeeeee?"
10. The masculine man does. The effeminate man talks.
11. The masculine man is humble. The effeminate man is insecure.
12. The masculine man is intentional. The effeminate man always chooses the default.
13. The masculine man respects the strength of other men. The effeminate man is afraid of it.
14. The masculine man confronts. The effeminate man gossips.
15. The masculine man takes life seriously but never himself. The effeminate man only takes himself seriously.
16. The masculine man has responsibility thrust upon him, or he seeks it out. The effeminate man waits. And waits. And waits. And waits. Then he whines.
17. The effeminate man takes pride in his principles. The masculine man takes pride in his actions.
18. The masculine man is not afraid to fail to meet a high standard. The effeminate man ridicules the standard.
19. The masculine man waits with patience. The effeminate man waits with timidity.
20. The masculine man controls his own feelings. The effeminate man is controlled by his feelings.
21. The masculine man is resilient. The effeminate man complains.
22. The masculine man pays attention to everyone around him. The effeminate man makes sure everyone around him is paying attention.
23. The masculine man shifts his priorities. The effeminate man complains about not having enough time.
24. The masculine man controls his internal self, no matter his external circumstances. The effeminate man is defined by his external circumstances.
25. The masculine man fights because he loves people. The effeminate man fights because he loves to fight.
26. The masculine man trusts himself with power because he is humble. The effeminate trusts no one with power because he doesn't trust himself.
27. The masculine man is silent and listens. The effeminate man is silent and seething.
28. The masculine man is modest. The effeminate man is flamboyant.
29. The masculine man controls his own feelings. The effeminate man tries to control the feelings of others.
30. The masculine man seeks out adventure. The effeminate man seeks out certainty before making a decision.
31. The masculine man does the work. The effeminate man lets masculine men do all the work.
32. The masculine man admits his mistakes. The effeminate man proclaims his excuses.
33. The masculine man understands hierarchy and submission. He will gladly submit to a competent leader.
The effeminate man always rails against authority. He secretly thinks *he* should be that leader but never takes more responsibility. He always undermines those above him.
BONUS: The masculine man roots out his effeminacy, burns it with fire, and repents.
The effeminate man is proud of his effeminacy. He displays it like a trophy.
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8 questions to ask (and what to teach your daughter to ask).
1. Does he have a mission?
Does he have a plan for his life, or is he just going through the motions? A mission can change, even several times, but he should always have one.
Don't overlook someone just because he hasn't accomplished much yet. He might have just stumbled upon his mission.
But you're looking for a man who is on the way up and has some good momentum.
He'll be looking for a helpmate, even if he doesn't know it yet.
2. Is he assertive?
Does he speak in clear, direct language? You don't want a passive-aggressive man.
You want him to be able to make decisions and not defer to you all the time. The fewer "I don't knows" or "I don't cares," the better. Selecting a restaurant is a great test.
7 questions to ask to figure out if she's marriage material.
It should take you less than a year to get these answered.
1. Is she attractive?
This means attractive to *you*. Most men know within 10 seconds. Unfortunately, many men stop after this question.
2. Do you get along with her?
If, after the first few dates, you haven’t had any fun, there’s your answer. Stop wasting time.
Beyond that, create situations that simulate real life. If you get along while painting a house, and she doesn’t complain, that’s a great signal.
3. Does she have the domestic skills necessary to be a wife?
Most women today don’t have these skills, but is she willing to learn? Does she have a teachable spirit? Buy her a cookbook and see if she’ll cook something for her family.