As a DC Politico - I meet a lot of Black Republicans.
I have been friends w/ several.
They give different reasons:
1. Conservative Christian values 2. Diversity of political organization 3. Needing to be in the membership of the party of the financial power ( this is the number 1 actually) 4. Dems paternalistic approach to ethnic minorities
The first two reasons- are complete crap arguments.
The Trump of Stormy Daniels, and Christian conservatives who constantly get caught w/ not their wife- is not a sound reason
Neither diversity of political organization, If I am drinking water-Sure I may want something flavor with a flavor.
That, never means - drinking old milk or used bath water. The choices have to have value.
The most salient and enduring reason black republicans, Latino Republicans, new immigrant republicans are Republican is they see their membership as aspirational.
The party of the country club rich. The I work hard and am somebody.
The 4th reason is a BIGGER conversation.
It is the a longer conversation with racial minorities and what we want from our government and what the " Left" thinks we want and messaging of that.
In this I pick on the " Left" but the " right" has stereotypes of " welfare queen"
The conversation about the appropriate role of government is more nuanced
I am tired of reading focus group, after focus group with young Latino men and Black men offended by messaging directed to them that began w/ if you vote for us ....the government will do this for you.
That doesn't hit w/ everyone. In fact - it can be quite insulting.
I can speak about Asian men, Native men or other critical groups because despite the need for their vote- we have no focus group, polling, or survey data.
We are well beyond the time --that we rely on all these critical affinity groups for our win- and for some reason still don't understand the " needs and the why" for them.
Although I began this conversation concerning black Republicans -- this conversation is about the need to really see how base voters.
We keep going to the default machine of old elections - when we are so far way from where thing were.
A democratic win means black voters, Asian voters, Latino voters, 51% Union households, about white 50% women. and a majority college educated ppl. And in key states Native populations
A very diverse population. You cannot speak to us the same
You cannot develop messaging in " Brooklyn, NY" among people who look like the cast of Saturday Night Live" and get through to the black cannery worker in NC who voted twice for Pres Obama.
You go down there talking abt - the massive expansion of government to take care of him. And he will think you"re mocking him
He has gotten up everyday to go to work. Sometimes a second job. He owns his house, but just wants government to respond abt the brown water in the tap
My first National campaign was Al Gore, 1999/2000 and little has changed about when we will strategically go into this man neighborhood to start campaigning.
We will often start in October of the election year- although his vote has meant the difference btwn a win or loss.
We will only begin hiring people of color to outreach to these neighborhood maybe in Sept 2024
And the top positions in these national campaigns and state campaigns will look like the cast from SNL.
I don't think Republicans have a very good argument to the American people and less so to anyone of color, and new immigrant. But when we fumble the ball, constantly - we make openings for them on our incompetence when any earnest interaction saves our democracy
Lets go into communities of color- NOW!
Let's hire from those communities to make certain we have a close ear on how and what messages have salience.
We do that -we make a more powerful case.
I seldom want to criticize the Democratic Party on this forum.
Not because I don't have criticism. My list is long as someone who has been a members since 1990s
Criticizing Dems on this app- is always hijacked by the very people I think make the situation worse.
But since - we need this to work for our collective good.
Help your local party and Dems organization be better.
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Let me talk about " blind hiring" before I speak about diversity in hiring
While it has some mix outcomes on actual hiring -blind hiring consistently show women and minorities doing better in the early screens than traditional hiring that is network based
But lets be honest.
Most jobs, 70% are never even published meaning the vast majority are found and filled through recruiters, employee referrals, and other forms of networking. Source HR Online
More frequently than not, I come across American voters thinking neither President Biden or Trump will be the nominee
Surprisingly it happens even among former campaign staffers
So I am curious if there is something specific abt the process not clearly understood
A 🧵
I am going to tag some national campaign staffers to keep me on track w/ this info sharing
@reesetheone1 @RealRichWilkins @Sallying_Forth as accuracy is the most important
@reesetheone1 @RealRichWilkins @Sallying_Forth In many ways a primary campaign is one of the hardest scale
The general grants more institutional infrastructure of the full strength of the party and its supporting institutions
A candidate for the nom has to muster their forces as a standalone entity
Yesterday- younger voters of color told me why they are having problems with Pres Biden
And I was just sitting there- hating Marianne Williamson at the end of the conversation.
They blamed president Biden for the Willow Project,
Cop City in Atlanta, and a whole host of things -- that fall under either States jurisdiction or fail to understand the role of the other branches of government.
So ask are you voting for MW. Emphatically they said " NO"
However we pinpointed where some of their education came from.
Her complaints against the President are landing.
Her complaints aren't benefiting her -they see her as this limousine liberal hypocrite who is out of her league.
Political Scientist in Europe are directly attributing the win of anti -Muslim, candidate Geert Wilder.
Starbucks good profits since the " boycott"
Can now we talk about refining the message and method of communication?
Before I get accused of " respectability" politics- I want to point out there is a tactic in law- you don't ask a question you don't know the answer to.
And you don't push a political action if you can't calculate the general outcome.
If the purpose of the "protest" or "demonstration" is not in the direction of a favorable outcomes for your cause- why do it?
This is not social therapy - to make you feel good it is intention of forward action. And every energy spent should make that outcome real